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like "are you able?"
That's spanish
But yes
It's spelled 'pode'
am i allowed to start a sentence with that? or are there other agreement rules?
(You can)
that sounds funny if you read it like english
That's legs, right
that is a non-word that rhymes with roads
Or something similar?
i don think i've heard it
. . .
But it's an egg thing
@someonewithpc sometimes i hate your linguist ways.
@ARadish But you said it was very hard to make you hate people! D:
@someonewithpc did i say i hate you?
Ok, fine...
Pode [stop extrapolating the things i say]?
@someonewithpc how do i say things i write in brackets?
Pode parar de extrapolar as coisas que eu digo?
@ARadish Was on it alread ;)
@someonewithpc parar?
Personal infinitive form
so then "you stop"?
@ARadish Doesn't translate nicely
as coisas is "the things?"
But "can you stop" is "podes parar"
@ARadish Yes
podes parar
do i need the ¿ like in spanish or no?
No such thing in portuguese
got it
what does the "eu"mean?
@hghjgjh hí
@someonewithpc does it sound like "ew?"
@hghjgjh Hallo
@ARadish No
. . .
Let's see...
@ARadish Different language! What were you expecting
[how do i say ] this [in protuguese?]
Como digo 'isto' em Português?
@ARadish Kinda like ɛ-oo
so i don need to say "Como eu digo"
@someonewithpc ok
Where ɛ is the e in bed
@ARadish That means "Like I say"
bed from what part of the nation? because people say that middle "e" so many different ways
Unless you're brazillian, where the verb and subject can be reversed
@ARadish England.
I don't know!
@someonewithpc so really softish. got it
@ARadish I don't know what you mean by that, but sure...
A chat is really not the best way to explain pronunciation in a different language
@someonewithpc the pronunciation of vowels is really different based on where you live/.
Especially when I don't know IPA
@someonewithpc wanna set up a voice chat?
@ARadish Yeah
@ARadish Not now...
It's 2318
como digo "the time is" em portuguêse?
@someonewithpc oh
@ARadish Depends
why are u still up?
@ARadish Not that late
I was up much later yesterday
did you finish your APC then?
@ARadish "O tempo é" " São [time] horas"
@ARadish My what?
I was working, actually
!!!where do you work?
@someonewithpc O tempo é 1620
@ARadish São as 16 (dezaseis) e 20 (vinte)
@ARadish Hotel wedding thing
oh waow. dats complicated
@someonewithpc thats pretty cool
what do people serve at wedding in portugal?
It's an hotel and a restaurant and a big room for events and things
@ARadish Really? Manny a things! Like everywhere else
And it probably varies by region
como [you do last night?]
But in this specific place it's pretty much always "bacalhau cremoso" and "posta à mirandesa"
Which I guess translates to "creamy cod" which is salted cod and potatoes and thing in an oven
And steak
@someonewithpc i almost guessed creamy fishl. i feel so damn smart
In a partcular way of cooking and type of meat
@someonewithpc like salisbury style/.
@ARadish Nice
[you do]?
@ARadish No
@ARadish ?
how do i say that?
como digo "you do" em portuguêse?
gotta memorise that one...
best phrase to learn in any language
@ARadish Português
@ARadish You don't
What is that in response to?
@someonewithpc it's not
@someonewithpc it's grilled...
@ARadish Well then, context?
what did you do last night?
@ARadish Que fizeste ontem à noite?
Que (what) fizeste (did you do, sort of) ontem à noite (last night)? (?)
@someonewithpc is there a more literal translation of fizeste?
@ARadish It's the past perfect form of to do (fazer) for the 2nd person singular (you, tu)
Hi all!
@X-27 Yes indeed, I tested it a while back
is yes still sí
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ hi!
@ARadish No, it's "sim"
I was off the grid for a week

Conspiracy theories: Volume 1

19 hours ago, 9 minutes total – 21 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 19 hours ago by ARadish

@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Really?
@ARadish How do you do that?!
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ You're back!
Still had water. Took a military based Cyberspace course, so no electronics of any sort were permitted
So yeah
@someonewithpc how do i do what?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Ah, okay
@ARadish Bookmark conversations
room>create new bookmark
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Was it worth it?
of course it wasn't
@someonewithpc I think so
@ARadish Where's that?
@someonewithpc illinois
I like being disconnected now and again. And I love travelling. The only bad part is it was in Texas in June . . . so blisteringly hot.
Is that where you are?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ and fricking humid
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I do too
no need to drink water when you can breathe air, thatś what i always say
It's always really nice to get away from the internet
@ARadish lol
Such a useful tool, but sometimes you just need a break
@someonewithpc no, iḿ in manitou right now
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Absolutely
It ends up getting overused when you have it everyday
Going through my spam folder . . . my first "help me get my money into the US" scam email
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ :D
i love spam
Starts with "Dear beloved, . . ." XD
@ARadish The brand?
the city...
iḿ wearing leviś tho, if u were wondering
and an RVCA shirt...
@ARadish what are you doing in manitou? Or is that classified?
@someonewithpc Are you on ubuntu?
@TARDISMaker Yes
@TARDISMaker Why?
It was in the link
(You read it from the link?)
@someonewithpc yah
But I had thought that you would have been on something a bit more complex
@TARDISMaker I know
@TARDISMaker Well, I'm on xubuntu
Oh, okay
But no, not that complex
For some reason I have a feeling that that fits you better than Unity...
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ :P
I plan to try Arch when I'm done with my exams, though
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I might as well be...
@TARDISMaker Good :P
I remember way too much about people... :P
Is that because Unity looks terrible?
I am still getting good at Ubuntu . . . arch is a bit further down the line I think
@ARadish Yeah, why is that funny?
@someonewithpc I wouldn't say terrible... but I just see you using more traditional tools
@someonewithpc did i say it was funny?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ :D
@TARDISMaker I am the same way, I have a fairly photographic/audiographic memory
Pode parar de extrapolar as coisas que eu digo?
I want Arch right now
Arch seems nice
Except for the fixing everything part
@ARadish Well, NID "laughed"
@TARDISMaker I probably do too, so don't worry
@someonewithpc lol, I'm mister LOL
@someonewithpc then respond to NiD
@someonewithpc you are giving me too many opportunities to use my new sentence.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Not really like that... I just will notice things like what car people drive in, or exchanges that happened months ago that I wasn't a part of.
Things that have absolutely nothing to do with me
@TARDISMaker what car do i drive? without looking up
well most of what happens concerning other people in my near vicinity has nothing to do with me :P
@ARadish Hipstermobile 2000™
@ARadish You drive a Lincoln
If BA is correct
he denied that before
@TARDISMaker nope. bro, you think i can afford a lincoln?
@TARDISMaker oh, lol\
I have no idea
I don't pay attention to lincolns
They seem boring
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Yeah
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ nope
Old ones are nice, new ones are not so much
still haven't guessed
@TARDISMaker Traditional? Like a.. bow and a Forge hammer? :P
@someonewithpc Yeah :P
Traditional isn't the right word...
@TARDISMaker That's the fun part! :P
@someonewithpc :P
Well, you do learn a ton while doing it...
That's definitely a plus...
@TARDISMaker I know what you mean
@ARadish Good! Practice is good. BTW, you could, more idiomatically, say "Podes parar de extrapolar o que eu digo?" which would translate as "Can you stop extrapolating what I say?"
@someonewithpc ok, so i don't need "the things" since that is so crazy long
@ARadish a bicycle
@someonewithpc nope
well. sometimes.
but i asked what car
i only rode my bike this week because i was out of gas
That was the joke :)
@TARDISMaker nope
opel? wtf/
oh. idon't think those are in merica
What's wrong with opel? My dad had two of those (different models and at separate times)
i've posted a pic
@someonewithpc never seen one...
@ARadish wait, really? Well they're cheap-ish German cars
BMW is the biggest german car here
@someonewithpc yes. io googled it
(not the one I had; not even a little bit)
@someonewithpc do i seem rich to you?
@ARadish Those are cheap
Like, 12000 new
yeah. since when is 12000 cheap?
and no, mercs aren't 12000 new
@ARadish For a new car?
@ARadish not even close
I was talking opel
@someonewithpc 12k what?
Well, euros
@someonewithpc oh
Actually, that model is more upper class
How much Is a cheap car, then?
BTW, Lincoln isn't a thing over here either, I don't think
And the first model google suggested is insignia, which is also the most popular Opel model
@someonewithpc No car is cheap new
@someonewithpc $300 used
I can get a good used car for 5-6k
Ok, fair
a few hundred for a beater
@ARadish You could have bought my last Opel, then!
Opel Astra, 23 years old, diesel
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Is the beater what you use to get a better car? :P
no, it's what you use when you can't even afford gas on a normal day
no, it is an old car that has had the **** beat out of it
i'm lucky to ahve the car i do, and i love it
@ARadish yeah, pretty much
How much Is gas over there?
2-3 dollars a gallon
depends on local taxes
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ And that's the 'US liquid gallon' as opposed to the Imperial one?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ that's really cheap!
@someonewithpc compared to a lot of places, yes
We get it at 1,50 is a liter!
actually a lot lower than it was last year, almost hit 5 bucks a gallon
It's ridiculous
Warning: I might start spamming chat with images that I took
Depends on how they turned out
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Fun part is that upwards to 0.60 cents are taxes
Theres gasoline and...?
What's the other type called?
A lot of Volkswagen cars use diesel
Isn't that the same?
I always get them confused...
In Portuguese there are three words for the two types
Q: What are the differences between diesel and unleaded gasoline?

MalachiI am curious about the flammability of diesel fuel and its properties, as I don't deal with it on a regular basis (at all). In particular, I want to know how the fuel works when powering a diesel engine. Things I know about gasoline engines: Compresses gasoline and air Ignites compressed gas...

That's not the point
we also have ethanol
@someonewithpc ok, what is?
It's just that we have "gasolina" and "gasóleo"
@ARadish Yes, a great small-engine gumification fuel
@someonewithpc ah
And then "diesel", which is synonym with (i had to Google this) "gasóleo"
And I can never remember which one it's synonymous with
@ARadish And liquid propane
Or no?
@someonewithpc diesel is the one they use in big trucks... and gas is what is used in most average cars
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ ?
@someonewithpc as a car fuel? no
@someonewithpc ethanol destroys small engines
@ARadish actually, yes
not normally?
@ARadish Not over here; there's about an even distribution of each fuel type among cars
I know of a few corporations that use it exclusively for company operation
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ liquid propane as car fuel?
that is extremely inefficient
It's really cheap
ah, thought he said nat gas
@someonewithpc not for the efficiency
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ might be the same thing..?
it was a while ago that I talked with the mechanics about it . . . I can't remember
C3H8 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O

you can see that needs 5 times the amount of oxygen for combustion as gas
and the energy produced is still about 1/3 as much
@ARadish Why isn't it efficient? It's cheaper, less polutent and has a bigger mileage
not only that, but it needs to be pressurized the entire time to maintain liquidity
@someonewithpc less pollutants you mean?
Yeah, stupid auto correct
@ARadish ok, but we're taking normal cars here, not racecars
I want to add that the 1,5 €/liter is for gasoline, while diesel is around 1,20
Diesel cars are more expensive, but they have cheaper gas, so people prefer them, over here
And Spain. And probably the rest of Europe
Any way, I gtg

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