Conversation started Jun 19, 2016 at 3:28.
Jun 19, 2016 03:28
does anyone know where NID went? he hasn't been on SE for 5 days, but he has logged on to steam consistently. He hadn't played anything though, nor has he responded to my message.
@X-27 maybe he had real life to do.
like i did for the past week
@X-27 maybe he moved
and has no internet
maybe he is camping. ,and one of his siblings is playing with his computer
@ARadish you missed the part about him logging onto (but not using) steam
@ARadish could be
but why would one of his siblings open steam but not play anything?
the list of recently played shows the most recent activity on the 11th.
maybe he is a ghost, and can only click the mouse button once a day because of a curse from some other ghost
maybe he is a normal person, and being stalked by an online fan who wants to talk to him about nominal objectives
@ARadish that would be awful. I'd get an emulator so you could use a keyboard input to control the mouse
maybe he is a dinosaur, and his arms can only reach the space key and the left mouse button, but not move the mouse, because it is glued to his stomach
Jun 19, 2016 03:33
oh dear.
maybe he is an organ donor, and has parted with a generous portion of his liver; and he cannot play a game, but to re-live the glory days, he gazes longingly upon the steam home screen.
maybe he drank some of that awful meth-soda, and cannot function until he completely clears his system
@ARadish I don't know if your getting more realistic, or if I'm getting more tired.
because that one almost seemed possible.
maybe he is an organ donor ghost dinosaur on meth, and he is camping, but he is so out of it because of kidney surgery and hard drugs that he decided to move somewhere where there is no wifi, so his siblings play with his computer, but they are also dinosaurs, and one of them has the mouse glued to his stomach, so he can only reach the left mouse button, while NiD took the key-board with him to his new home.
or maybe he just had real life to do.
Conversation ended Jun 19, 2016 at 3:37.