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should we do a Frequent asked question page?
@cegaton (Response to your comment) Yeah, I understand what you mean. I was merely pointing out that the old FAQ page is different from what you're talking about.
@cegaton But here's my question: Why do we need it to be a page on the Blender.SE website. It's not really a resource for general users of the site, it's a resource for regular, high-rep users who want to check if something has been canonically answered already.
@cegaton Why not just make a Google Doc and link to it in this chatroom's description? There may very well be good reasons, but what are they?
Why don't we hold the SE staff hostage until the write a good search engine, so we can just search to see if its a duplicate!
@Gwenn As the site grows I find harder to reference those duplicate questions. Sometimes I know that a question has been answered before but navigating the search takes a while...
@GiantCowFilms LOL, The search engine is indeed crappy. If someone misspelled a word you'll never find the answer.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I am getting impatient. Would you hint the time that R31 might possibly get released?
@cegaton Or if they used a different term!
@cegaton here is a wonderful start to our FAQ
Here is a good start for an FAQ. "Ugly black artifacts on my model!" - Z fighting. "I can see through my model!" - Normals. "Cross hair thing keeps moving and I can't select anything" - Right click noob. "I keep pressing 'p' and I can't start my game" your in blender internal or cycles. change to the BGE. "My render is all black" - add a lamp. "Buy overpriced sneakers" - flag as spam. "I have no idea what to ask, but I have a problem" - you certainly do. "How do I make my model look as cool as gandalf's test scenes?" - add a Suzanne and be Gandalf.Χ-27 1 min ago
@cegaton I agree that we need such a resource. My question is whether that resource has to be official? Can't we (the regular users) just cobble up something of our own in a Google Doc unofficially?
I just did! right there! problem solved!
@Gwenn Why not just a (really long) meta answer
that way we get to take advantage of the SE editing perms system
@GiantCowFilms Or that.
@Χ-27 Also: "My objects are black/grey!" - You're using Cycles materials in BI or vice versa
that too
Please edit your propopsals here:meta.blender.stackexchange.com/a/1068/1853
Dang it @X-27 stop making so many edits while I'mtrying to edit that same post!
lol, sorry
I'm putting how to fix all the common problems there
But not fixing the spelling...
this is worse than conflicting git commits.
@X-27 You may now resume.
@Gwenn I'm terrible at typing....
@cegaton There is a spelling check her.
Which normals question should we link to? my answer to (two of them actually) don't stink too bad.
@Gwenn "There is a spelling check her."
don't you mean spelling checker?
Spelling chequer.
A: Seeing through objects in Game engine

Χ-27Your problem is very simple to fix. your normals are reversed. You can easily see which faces are pointing inward by enabling Backface Culling. This enables you to see though the back of faces like you do when you press P. You could also enter edit mode on that object, and enable the normals ...

@Gwenn she won't talk to me no more...
@iKlsR I know. we have LOTS of them.
Feel free to edit in more questions and quality answers: meta.blender.stackexchange.com/a/1068/1853
Should we create a room
@cegaton it is a good idea, we might even be able to combine it with a "best of list"
I like how Meet the Pros silently died :3
@klsr what happened to that anyway?
@Χ-27 well I was the one "in charge" kinda
I have a bit going on now
work etc
stabbing people
@Χ-27 Soon, there were a few issues that needed to be fixed
only one bit going on?
other stuff
@cegaton my only question is what will it be used for? If nothing more then a place to quickly find links to close other new question as a dup of.
if you can list 6 more things your busy with, you'll have a byte going on.
@Χ-27 01
@David that seems like a valid use for one.
@David finding dupes for one, maybe refering new users...
@iKlsR no, it goes, 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100, 0101, 0110, 0111, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, 1111
I don't think that's the place to refer new users.
@Χ-27 stabbing intensifies
Ow! Ow! Ow!~
i go to the park and shove old people
but the chicken was juicy
lol don't do that in Texas, you'd get shot.
@Gwenn that's why I think it should be used as the resrources page (and with links going back and forth on both...)
@iKlsR um... does that mean that chicken being juicy contradicts shoving old people?
@iKlsR somehow I find that possibly believable.
what is the best z-fighting one to link to?
this one actually isn't closed as a duplicate
Q: Overlapping faces in mirror modifier causing z-fighting

835I am using the Mirror Modifier to try to make a cinder block mesh. It is composed of some curves converted to meshes and some manually assembled faces. It appears to be having trouble with overlapping faces, although I cannot see a reason for that to be happening. I have tried extruding the face...

Here are a few partial compilations already in existence:
Q: Canonical posts for hardware questions?

gandalf3As stated in Answering vague support questions (once)?, we should consider having some "canonical posts" for some hardware posts. Some examples of topics which might benefit from a canonical post: Problems enabling GPU for cycles: We get a large number of questions asking about enabling cycles...

Q: Helpful post reference index

PGmathThis is a place to keep track of and categorize good questions or answers which may be helpful to refer to at a later time, a kind of general Blender reference index. If you find a post which you think belongs here feel free to add it to the corresponding answer. Please keep a few things in min...

Q: Beginner's Reference

JNFUpdate: Since this post is less likely to be seen by visitors to the site and is technically not what meta is for (we were working on the kinks at the time), there is now a community maintained wiki post on the main site listing many resources for blender. If you want to contribute to this, add ...

Actually, that second one is pretty close to what @cegaton is talking about.
It could use some more expansion though.
Hey if anybody wants to get a RARE and ELUSIVE meta close review, I just marked @cegaton's Q as a duplicate. See if you can snag one before a mod comes by.
You are also totally allowed to disagree with me.
I like @cegaton's question. I just think that we should concentrate efforts, since that other question at least claims to be pretty much what we're looking for.
@Gwenn no harm done, this is the nature of the SE. By the way I could not find the proposed duplicate post by a simple search.... :)
@cegaton I found it in the 'Related' posts on the side of the page. :P
Spelling Czech Ur
I feel clever, but I shouldn't. :P
I'd ping X-27 and Iklsr with this, but I'm sure they've seen it already: "there are 10 types of people -- those that understand binary, and those that don't"
So, I'll just say it to the paint on the walls.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ can report my joke to the Creativerse devs, as he is prone to do.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I've come to the conclusion you are the quantum leak in everything that ever happens to my secrets XD
YOU are the one who causes paranoia in all people through you uncanny ability to tweet to devs
just kidding
@ThomBlairIII My favorite joke about number systems is mixing up Christmas and Halloween, because OCT 31 == DEC 25
@Gwenn ok, I'm prepared to laugh, but it's caught on my lack of comprehension
...like, it's JUST about to laugh, but can't quite get there yet
is this an octonian/decimal joke?
octal/decimal, yeah.
What's "octonian"?
octonian is a type of number that only relates to different dimensions, as far as I can tell
quaternions, octonians
Uh no it's simpler than that.
They are too complex for me to explain...
I had a friend try to explain it to me once
I know about quaternions. I am a math major.
Oh, then you should love octonians
However accidental that major is/was in the first place.
The guy who told me about them said the guy who discovered octonians was walking along under a bridge and suddenly he figured them out and scratched their structure onto the bridge supports with a rock
They are very complex
They do not commute or whatever the proper math-thing is
Yeah don't hurt yourself.
The guy who told me about them was a super genius in math, at least as far as I could tell
@Gwenn yeah, thanks...no kidding
I sprained my brain once during math...I don't want to do that again
Took weeks to recover
Did you look up octonians?
People don't realize how easy it is to actually "burn out" your brain. Pretty much the equivalent.
Yeah but I'm tired so I'm not even bothering to read it, I'm just leaving it open for tomorrow.
@Mahesh I can't help but say hi! since I know Maha Ishvara in sanskrit
@Gwenn k
Hi! I can assure you, to the best of my knowledge, and am reasonably sure that I'm not the god of destruction.
Oh, well, that's ok, we can still be friends! :)
Most people are unaware of their true nature anyway
You could have been adopted, though, and nobody told you?
Maybe it's like puberty?
Ok, I'll stop, but I like Shiva
And Sanskrit
and Vedic studies
And that weird Phita medicine stuff
Or whatever it is
Yeah, Ayur-Veda...that's sanskrit for "Science of Life"
or "Knowledge of Life"
@Mahesh So, what are you up to?
Are you so sure?
He tried to convince us that isn't what he does
One of my favorite Vedic rap songs
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ That's some pretty sound reasoning, can't argue with it. :D
What does it mean?
@Mahesh lol
Actually, it's the only vedic rap song I know of
I've dropped by SE chat after ages. I do it once in a while.
I have had to tone it back
@Mahesh Cool, me too
I'm back after a few years
Having a job changes one's perspective on time management a bit
I tried to get back into it, but can't quite manage yet
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ No kidding
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ "Om Namah Shivaya" just means "Praise to Shiva"
I tried learning Blender long ago. Guess I didn't put in enough efforts or I am not of the artistic persuasion, but it was short lived and didn't turn out well.
I just clicked rejoin favorite rooms and ended up here. :D
@Mahesh Yeah, blender's learning curve is similar to a vertical wall
@Mahesh ah
@ThomBlairIII I can probably scale it if not for the gravitational field of my laziness.
yeah, we need some of DARPA's gecko skin gloves
"Gotta Have It"™
Geckskin was developed as part of the Z-Man project: darpa.mil/program/z-man
Can you imagine wall running with GeckSkin shoes?
I played "Prince of Persia" and he could wall run for like 30 ft...so I got interested in seeing if anybody really could wall run
That's the video I came up with
If you had a gyroscope/gyroscopes to stabilize you, and geckskin shoes, I wonder if you could really run straight up a wall???
could a gyroscope pushing you in the opposite direction of gravity counter it enough to allow you to run upwards?
I assume not, otherwise somebody would have done it by now
A gyroscope doesn't actually push you in any direction.
ooooh I've always loved the idea of Gecko shoes/gloves :D I think I would probably want to use something other than actual gecko skin though, cause thats not much skin for a lot of room, and a looot of geckoes you would need to kill. And they are cute.
Once in class we had an assignment to make an advertisement for a unique project, and Gecko Gloves were mine :P
Yeah, thankfully, they bred mutant geckos that are 2000lbs each and not cute
now I'm confused
read a little fartehr
To put it simply, a gyroscope is lazy and resists rotation, very much like mass is lazy and resists change in motion.
is Geckskin a thing here
is it part of a game
@BookWyrm17 geckskin is real
oh waaait I see
I remember that from something
@Mahesh yeah, I figured I had it all wrong
it isn't as efficient as actual Geckos
but its a lot closer
I've read that a dime sized piece of actual Gecko feet stuff would be able to hold a large child :P
So gloves would be overkill
still a good idea
I should look that up agian
just to make sure. :P
before you actually support a large child with it?
heheh yeah
I did a lot of research for that project
the little hairs that hold them up are like, micrometers thick or something :P
hmmm.. looks like most of the issues would come from your hands not being big enough
I wonder if they have little tanks with geckskin treads for urban missions?
so you would most likley rip a chunk from the wall before you actually started being able to climb
looks like the one they actually accomplished it with was a bit bigger than a hand
so you could probably fix the problem with more of a froggy-looking glove
rather than just sticking the hair stuff on a normal glove
speaking of urban military missions, did you see some guy attached a chainsaw to a drone??
 oooh yeah thats insane :D
that was weird
@ThomBlairIII I have to see that XD
Perfect for some day when there's a zombie apocolype
kill zombies from the comfort of your home :D
Maybe NOAA will add likelihood of "Zombie Apocolypse" to their 7-day forcasts
If we petition them
It could fit right in
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ we've already gotten more than 3 inches of snow today. :P
that'd be funny :D I bet most of the time it would simply be 0%, until one day it has like 23% and people start wondering whats going on
@BookWyrm17 yeah
I love snow :D
It'll be gone in a few hours though when the storm stops I bet
@BookWyrm17 snow is awesome
but it's the wet messy kind that is no fun to drive in
so i walked to work
aw, thats no fun :/
I love walking in the snow
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ the storm is supposed to go till later tomorrow
@BookWyrm17 it actually was awesome
and guess what everyone
I used to go out in the snow in my jeans. :P Now I live in florida, and I just have to hope I'll be able to do that next time I get to see snow again
waht what tell usss
it was awesome
today is a good day so far.
all i have to do, is study for finals. and like, hang out with myself and stuff.
Wednesday is payday for me. Odd having it in the middle of the week, but whatever
makes me wish I had a payday :P
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ mines every other friday. :D
@BookWyrm17 payday should be like a legit american holiday
where everyone celebrates and splurges on food they can't afford
:D How exaaactly would that work?
Like, once a year, everyone gets enough money
A weekly/bi-weekly holiday! Yes!
XD yes
for everything they did
and then they gotta be smart for a whole year
rather than a week :P
@BookWyrm17 yeah, it's like labor day, but with cold hard cash involved
@ARadish That happens to a degree already ;)
@ARadish Not a promise to pay at some point
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ kinda
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ goes to work, checks folder... >IOU<
kills self
lol i remember for the longest time i thought "metaballs" were "meatballs"
and then when i realized.i was like... derp feel stupid now
2 hours later…
challenge of the day: make a rhombic hexecontahedron
i think i know how
it will be awesome
Be sure to share
@ARadish You can get a big head start by using extra objects
You can get a rhombic triacontahedron that way
@someonewithpc i don't think it would help.; lol
maybe starting from an icosphere is what i was thinking
@ARadish The wiki page say that a rhombic hexacontahedron is a stellation of a rhombic tricontahedron
Not sure what that means, exactly, but still :P
@x-27 do beeswax give extra queen bees??
ok, beeswax doesn't give queen bees
maybe queen bees give extra queen bees??
@x-27 well, it doesn't seem you can get extra queen bees either
Not like I needed any more
I just harvested my entire wax orchard and got 40 queens and
600 wax
now I'm going to see how many queens that is compared to how many I had "planted" originally
ok, I had 91 hives originally and got 40 queens out of them, so 51 short
ok math people, I'm going to try to figure out the percentage now
wish me luck
I think it's 43.9% queen bee return
@gwenn is that right?
@x-27 we could put that percentage on the wiki
ooo wow
I feel a bit lame now
I wish I could totally freak out and get math all in one shot, just like totally understand it all so I could play with it all day
but alas, no, I have no brain power devoted to math
@gwenn @ARadish @someonewithpc if you like math and 3D printing and x-ahedrons and coding, you might like Paul Nylander's website: bugman123.com/Math/index.html
@ThomBlairIII Immediately, it looks horrible :P
@someonewithpc no, not his site, the artwork
The content does look cool, though
@ThomBlairIII Oh, ok
btw, the picture here is my own room:
my old room, before we moved
Man, I liked that room
my Dad and I built it together when I moved in with my parents
We added it on to their house
but, we didn't have almost any internet there, so at least that got upgraded
I think they just had gerbils doing a hand off like a bucket brigade of data packets in place of the internet connection
@someonewithpc don't you like his artwork?
he programmed it all
I just said the site looked bad
I wish my brain could program like that
the animations of math look so cool
@someonewithpc @aradish ok, when was the last time you said, "but this one was my favorite because the small gears emphasize the shape of a truncated rhombic triacontahedron"?
... never..?
when he was describing his 242 gear sphere
@someonewithpc yeah, me either, but it sounds like Radish's earlier comment
@ARadish when someone says derp, me always think of rob schneider:
@ThomBlairIII it isn't built by me, but you like nice looking stuff?
@Χ-27 yes, generally
@Gwenn @Gwenn He replied! :) He said that "Alamy Stock Photography" is the place to sell images. And he prints and frames some for facebook customers at Red Zone Art
@BookWyrm17 ?
@Gwenn wanted to know where he could sell his nature photos, cause he likes to take them, but he also needs to make a profit.
:P So I asked a friend
@BookWyrm17 Oh okay, cause I also have photos I am be able to seel
Well, check those out then :)
I thought shutter stock would be the way to go. I meant that is the first place i'd look.
Well, he sold em for a living, I believe, and thats what he did
(Does anyone know of a smiley you can make that looks like it is smiling with its eyes closed?)
he's pretty old too, so I hope he knows what he is doing :D Check it out though, and tell me how it goes!
@ThomBlairIII whut
@ARadish yeah, nothing says derp like that
I'm not sure how to derp harder than that
(This is probably old news... idk)
Old news :P
@someonewithpc icosphere is the way to go, recording the process
Do post it here
oh . wow this is more conusing than i thought. :P
gonna do some trig...
@someonewithpc That's what happens when I stop paying attention to Blendernation :P
@TARDISMaker I mean that @gandalf3 had already linked to it
Speak of the devil :P
@someonewithpc having some trouble witha calculation...
@someonewithpc Oh... Huh... Did it end up getting starred?
I don't remember seeing anything like that...
(I really can't be bothered reading through 100's of messages to get caught up)
@TARDISMaker Probably..?
@TARDISMaker Yeah, probably not worth it...
@someonewithpc Weird...
I have a feeling like it wasn't, or at least it wasn't titled in a way that made me want to read it...
I think it was a link to the GSoC for Blender
Yeah, I remember seeing that

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