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@X-27 will you be on in about 30 mins?
@X-27 needs work
perhaps, working on the drone right now
@X-27 can i see prgress?
@X-27 Oh, yeah
I forgot about that one...
@ARadish soon :)
@X-27 @gandalf3 @NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ should the game be 2D or 3D? you guys get the final vote.
It's your game
@ARadish 3D flight sims are fun, but harder to use. I'd say go with 2D
(the winning games of BGMC 18 and 19 were both 2D)
at least, the camera was locked on one axis.
and should the bird have to be held in the air by pressing the space multiple times to make it flap, or should he hover?
@gandalf3 how's yours coming?
Not much to see yet
Still working out the flight dynamics
As soon as they work I'll upload a gif :)
making the drone's AI is going to be the hardest
im going on
@ARadish the 2.5D suggestion would add a ton of depth to the art
If it is purely 2D then make it retro
seriously ugly still
much better in motion
The final Boss should be a Suzanne airship!
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ i think i'll do 2.5D/
Hey @ARadish, could you make something similar to this with your tablet?
I'd be willing to pay $10-20 if you have PayPal
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ i can make something awesomer. gratis. bro
can you find ref images of the original icons?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ does it need to be tablet or can i hand-draw?
Either is awesome :D
@ARadish Sure, although a quick google search pulls them up :)
yeah, i can switch pc's and grab them, one sec
anyother ones?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ so you want them just like that?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ how bout music instead?
deal ;)
@ARadish I need Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube
You can use a little artistic license
alpha mapped?
and what quality?
like resolution
My drone AI doesn't stink too bad!
Ugh! What is that smell????
@ARadish I'd like alpha, and 1024x1024 would be nice. I think 512x512 would work though.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ each?
or as one collage?
Let me do some quick calcs before i go giving a random high res . . .
@X-27 snif-snif "smells like some bad drone AI!"
256x256 per each would be plenty according to my calculations.
If you want to draw it on a single collage, I can split them
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ ok
@ARadish it isn't too bad! it can fly to the player, and circle around it while hovering.
Better than i could get . . .
although work is making me feel the need to learn Python even more now
not a letter of python.
If it can be done with logic, it can be done with logic, and should be done with logic
my point is, if you can get it to work, make it work!
the edit spoiled it a little
@X-27 yeah
here is a preview of the game
(you may have seen the tank before, but I assure you, it has been extensively reworked, and is essentially original now)
well, the mesh itself, the physics, the firing mechanics, the firing graphics,and sounds have been reworked.
what did I keep? the tracks and the bottom mesh esentilly.
I like BGE VFXs
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ would that be acceptable?
@X-27 lol
@x-27 I just got a second golden keepa. 2 in the same day, just like last time. I'm keeping track of the days now. I wonder how often they'll spawn? I put him on the farm.
they aren't as neat as your refs. :/
but i think they are pretty good
They are better than mine would be :)
alpha mapped and 256^2 just as ordered
They are just what I needed :D
hey, i really need that music this time around ok?
@ThomBlairIII wow.
just wow.
yeah, I know
@ThomBlairIII i've only found one once.
it was my second day in the game.
@ARadish wow!
i didn't know better, i killed it
Oh bummer
3 hours later…
user image
The movements are jerky because I'm using the keyboard to control things atm (I can see why they don't use binary control surfaces on real planes..)
The cool part is that it's actually simulating the aerodynamics of each object (albeit in a very approximated way). In other words, the same code used to simulate the wings is also simulating the propeller
You'll also notice the left turn after starting the engine. That's due to prop torque, a real thing that happens on real planes :D
5 hours later…
So uuuuuuh What do you do when your Blender, when you want to get an image strip, tries to get them from your empty CD drive, and won't let you go anywhere else?
1 hour later…
@gandalf3 That looks awesome!
1 hour later…
@gandalf3 Cool!
That is really cool!
@gandalf3 oh wow.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ That Snow is AmAzInG!!!!
@gandalf3 I'm going to have a hard time topping that!
did you seriously put a reflection and bump map on your uv tile floor?
I'm making the breathtaking explosions that will make my game fun.
BGE fire isn't necessarily hard once you know what your doing, but it certainly isn't easy.
ohh yah!! burn!!!
the game play of this will stink, but the graphics? Awesome.
the level 1 noob drone only takes one shot, and is super easy to take down.
What I lack in gameplay, I make up for in awesome effects.
oh yah, the theme is flight
do flying bullet shells count?
Give the tank wings!
I like shell ejecting animations, they look soo cool
giving the drone firing capabilities. let the combat begin!
Image not found
@X-27 hows that
sunglasses should also be against the rules.
yes. lol
that is amazing picture
I can almost picture you doing that :)
i've done it with just the smoking sign, but my dogs are too big to pick up like that, i don't have a real camera, and who bans ice-cream?
@ARadish crazy government officials who think it is bad for small people.
i'm not small
this game might just be fun.
How goes it today?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ @ARadish @TARDISMaker @gandalf3 @GiantCowFilms @anyoneelsewhowouldcare That is the firing mechanics so far. I sped up the firerate for awesomeness, the tank is not that overpowered.
@X-27 Cool!
Maybe a LOT of drones?
Start it a little easier probably :P
yah, the first level will be just a few drones, and slow firerate
perhaps as the levels get harder, and the drones get more armor, the tank will fire faster.
Sweet! I haven't gotten into BGE myself. I should, but I need to start learning python probably.
that there was 100% logic.
you don't need python to make cool stuff.
(yah, the drone's bullets are placeholders, they will look wwaaayyy better)
boom boom boooom!
Fire V.S. Ice - a typical theme.
@gandalf3 why couldn't you have picked that?
I used to think, build the mechanics, worry about pretty later. that is the best possible midset to lose interest in your project.
now, I make the graphics awesome along with the mechanics, and it is way funner to build.
this thing is coming along nicely!
went from 2.41 MB to 24MB after packing the textures
and sounds
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ @ARadish @TARDISMaker @gandalf3 want to play the preview?
(preview = what I have so far)
if pasteall would wake up...
my new title is: Agents of the Arctic Air
or just, Agents of the Arctic
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I need a good title for my WIP thread
any ideas?
Arctic Drones is good
because it incorporates the snow theme, and the flight theme.
(I'm not going to be much help)
I can see that... :)
that post is now +11!!! ::D
@X-27 the drones don't fly
@ARadish what do you mean they don't fly?
they just sit there
they should fly
do they move at all?
\i take pic
wip thread
sorry, this library comp is hard to use
that is soo wierd!
if you get close enough, do they fire at you?
@X-27 they fire, but not at me
You installed Blender on a library computer? Or you have the most awesomest library ever!
its like they aren't tracking to you, and aren't moving
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ his library has a 3D Printer!
Second option obviously
it probably is one of the most awesome filled libraries EVER!
I hope this doesn't turn out like BGMC 18 did, where the only people from this site who could get it to work was me and @Gwenn
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ most awesomest library ever. :D
i'm home now
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ it really is the best
I can walk to a library . . . in that the school lets people sign out books from it's library. The next nearest library just has books as well and is 10-15 miles further
I guess living in a city has it's pluses as well
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ it does. :P
i can walk there
i can go to Five-Guys on the way there
thats usually what i do
. . .
I don't even know if there is one in the entire state
yeah, and it's the perfect distance, so just as i get into the parking lot for the library, i'm done with my food.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ lol really?
remind me never to move there
Our libraries are awesome. This is literally no book they wont be able to get for you. They will even go to the trouble of borrowing a book from another library system if they need to.
@ARadish Yep, just checked D:
@GiantCowFilms Awesome!
when searching for a place to relocate:

-1: Does it have cheap housing?

-2: Does it have job opportunities?

-3: can i walk in case i don't have gas?

-4: is there Five-Guys within walking distance?
I do have two within 50 miles . . . you can walk that far . . .
@GiantCowFilms interlibrary loan is cool
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ XD
@GiantCowFilms but it takes forever
No, it doesn't
ours does.
"Be back next week"
"Where are you going?"
"To get a burger"
it streams trough a 3rd party site
I don't actually know how long it takes, but I renumber it being fairly quick.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ lol
called "globalCAT"
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ worth...
it really is
I had it once, it was good
@GiantCowFilms that's not standard?
@GiantCowFilms does your library have blender?
I don't even have to ask some one to do that
They've got an entire electronic system for that
@TARDISMaker he's talking between a different library corporation
@TARDISMaker We do too
a nice one, that even loans you e-books.
like if Pikes Peak Library District borrowed a book from Kansas Library Distrct
Yeah, ours can do that...
Although I don't know how to...
@TARDISMaker could be. Our library system likes to brag it keeps winning best in country awards, so I presumed it does something special.
@ARadish Well, in michigan most of the libraries are unified into one system
@GiantCowFilms Ah, okay
@GiantCowFilms my library is better
Probably wins awards for most tax payer dollars spent doing totally unnecessary renovations.
@ARadish Wait, I don't think I quite got that when I wrote my comment right after it
You're meaning that they'll get them from different states, right?
@ARadish Why?
@TARDISMaker Yeah
@GiantCowFilms Cause it has a 3D printer
ours will borrow from out of state university libraries
@TARDISMaker :O?
@GiantCowFilms you realize i can find your library district w. that info, right?
@GiantCowFilms Okay
@GiantCowFilms and blender installed on all computers
@TARDISMaker 21 3D printers
not 1
@ARadish that out does ours now
Who pays for the plastic though?
@GiantCowFilms me
who-ever prints
@ARadish Wow
@GiantCowFilms do you live in Ferguson?
@gandalf3 What is that
@ARadish lol, no
@GiantCowFilms ok lol
12 hours ago, by gandalf3
user image
@GiantCowFilms it's his airplane testing
Is that in the BGE?
@GiantCowFilms yes
did @gandalf3 write the fight dynamics code?
@GiantCowFilms yes
Wowza, I'm impressed!
@GiantCowFilms yes
@GiantCowFilms Galdalf smart.
1 hour later…
@X-27 Nah, that's just the default specular that comes with a BI material. The "bump map" is just from enabling "normal" influence for the UV grid texture (in addition to color)
Because why not
@gandalf3 because it is a placeholder plane and doesn't need it?
It look pwetty.. I need pwetty pwictures to survwive..
It is Wednesday again, which means it is time for another Blogrant: noviceindisguise.blogspot.com
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ my life has no balance
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ and i wouldn't call a part time job "making a living"
have you tried living on it?
it's next to impossible
boom booom BOOM BOOM BOOM
I actually have 2 part time jobs :)
and if a not balanced life works for you, that in and of itself is a sort of balance IMO
that is a WWAAAYY overpowered tank
@ARadish You totally can.
should the fireballs' explosions also do damage?
@Gwenn i'm talking $50 a week, which is what i made before i got fired
@X-27 this looks like a scarrier radish-zombies
@ARadish Ohh! you got fired? What did you do?
were you using your, "it isn't illegal if you don't get caught" mindset?
@X-27 thats a pretty insensitive question
@X-27 no
@ARadish Oh, I am making a clear $20 per hour profit :P
I can log as many as 30 hours per week too
so more than part-time
Well, they don't have to pay benefits
A full time job is usually around 40 hours per week
But yes, it is pretty close
YAAY I'mmna show off just a little bit! I got my second animation ever done! :P And I like how it came out!
am I inturrupting?
Nope :)
We are used to it in chat anyways ;)
haha :P
Wow, nice @X-27! The explosions are awesome :D
@BookWyrm17 liked, haven't watched yet.
@BookWyrm17 that there is a few drones exploding at once.
@X-27 You can interpret "flight" however you want ;)
@BookWyrm17 Liked, but isn't loading? Is it done processing?
@gandalf3 He incorporated drones so he is all set :)
it should be....
hahah drones for flight :P Smoooth
Well, I just watched it again to make sure, and it seems to be working...
Your other vids work, so maybe there is something internal going on
weird.... :/ Man I was so happy to finally have this up and then this happens...
It will probably load later
I'll let you know
I hope so... Thanks! AHHHH I'm excited WOO Finally :P
So, @X​‑27 , how long does it take you to get all of that going? This is for the new BGE contest, right?
@BookWyrm17 Cute :)
Did you see it?!
Its not working for my dads beefy computer either, so I'm hoping it just needs to proccess a bit more or something...
Don't worry about it yet
Good plan. Stay calm, staaay caaalm...
@BookWyrm17 Yeah, it worked just fine.
@Gwenn, well, thats a nice kinda weird. What do you think?
I liked it.
The animation was simple, but it was enough to make me chuckle.
Yaaay, I dun gud :)
lol, it worked for me now too
YAY looks like it was just a little delay or something :D
@BookWyrm17 That is Funny!!!!!
@X-27 come on creativerse?
@ARadish hold on...

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