@x-27 I just got a second golden keepa. 2 in the same day, just like last time. I'm keeping track of the days now. I wonder how often they'll spawn? I put him on the farm.
The movements are jerky because I'm using the keyboard to control things atm (I can see why they don't use binary control surfaces on real planes..)
The cool part is that it's actually simulating the aerodynamics of each object (albeit in a very approximated way). In other words, the same code used to simulate the wings is also simulating the propeller
You'll also notice the left turn after starting the engine. That's due to prop torque, a real thing that happens on real planes :D
So uuuuuuh What do you do when your Blender, when you want to get an image strip, tries to get them from your empty CD drive, and won't let you go anywhere else?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ @ARadish @TARDISMaker @gandalf3 @GiantCowFilms @anyoneelsewhowouldcare That is the firing mechanics so far. I sped up the firerate for awesomeness, the tank is not that overpowered.
I can walk to a library . . . in that the school lets people sign out books from it's library. The next nearest library just has books as well and is 10-15 miles further
Our libraries are awesome. This is literally no book they wont be able to get for you. They will even go to the trouble of borrowing a book from another library system if they need to.
@X-27 Nah, that's just the default specular that comes with a BI material. The "bump map" is just from enabling "normal" influence for the UV grid texture (in addition to color)