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@ARadish I got the body, you got the minds
@BlenderWarrior bro, my body isn't bad either, we can have two bodies, and both of my minds.
Tiff for Tiffany
@BlenderWarrior Image format
@GiantCowFilms I know, I was "joking" around..
@GiantCowFilms OH NO, YOU SAID CHUG!!!!
This is a PG-13 room after all
That's profane!
@Gwenn everyone hiiiiiide!!!
/me hide
:P lol
@Gwenn No, used as a joke in a kids movie
@Gwenn Well, since your offended, I deleted the message
@BlenderWarrior we should use my body.
@GiantCowFilms good thing was joking
@ARadish The radish body is the best body of them all
@BlenderWarrior well said /me golf clap
@GiantCowFilms I'm joking around, as you are (probably) perfectly aware.
Oh really!?!!
I never noticed
jokes are these amazing things, you learn about them later in life when you are grown. <jK>
hey look
@GiantCowFilms I'm offended by this comment to Radish
Radish = Awesome!
@BlenderWarrior use your body to defend my immaculate one!!
warrior slave: attack!
@ARadish Again, I delete the message instead of starting an argument
/me (use: Radish body == 'Attack'.use)
@GiantCowFilms wait what??? no, you'll ruin my manicure!
Does @Wanda talk?
@GiantCowFilms i didn't start any arguments, it was you boss
9001 This Message Is OVER 9000!
^^one star please?
@BlenderWarrior sometimes, and spams (can't use word) videos
@ARadish Whispers, is she a kid?
-1 This message somehow got negative stars?
no. he is probably a middle age man
2 thats how many stars I rated this room on yelp
one star please
Ban @cow
#MakeTheRenderfarmGreatAgain #Renderfarm2016
@iKlsR screams at you He's just a kind cow.
We can build a wall around the pastures to keep the cows in!
I am renaming myself..
I'll be RenderfarmHerder
I saw millions of cows crying while I ate this double beef cheeseburger.
@iKlsR lol
@iKlsR Delicous
The room was on a high note about 30 min ago
@GiantCowFilms Every thing has a climax!
@iKlsR HEY! don't put any donald trump in here//
@BlenderWarrior I thought we were discussing jokes
@iKlsR lol
He isn't well liked here... shoot I'd rather have another Lincoln
I'm not from the states. Anyone with half a brain can see that the man is an idiot.
His campaign is like one of those jokes you let run and then you can't control it.
Lol. good luck tho.
What? Teenager repellent is apparently a thing.
The Mosquito or Mosquito alarm is an electronic device used to deter loitering by young people by emitting sound at high frequency, in some versions so it can only be heard by younger people. The devices have attracted controversy on the basis of human rights and discrimination concerns. The device is marketed as a safety and security tool for preventing youths from congregating in specific areas. As such, it is promoted to reduce anti-social behaviour such as loitering, graffiti, vandalism, drug use, drug distribution, and violence. In the UK, over 3,000 have been sold, mainly for use outside...
@iKlsR Indeed ^ and logic tells me, he'll create another Econimical break down says Tuvok from Star Trek
@Gwenn What the cow is this?
@Wanda I need help..
@gandalf3 I have run out of disk space, complete :O
Oh wait, I have a portable HDD I can use temporarely
@GiantCowFilms How much space can your machine hold?
3 1/2 TB
I have another 2 TB drive, but has been giving issues and is currently not working.
@GiantCowFilms Dude, mines can hold 475 TB
@BlenderWarrior Are you sure that is terabytes?
@GiantCowFilms Yeah, ordered it from Amazon like 4 weeks ago why?
At the largest size available on the market, it would take 60 harddrives.
That is half a petabyte
Ah... that's cool but yes, mines can hold 475 TB, I barely delete anything is how much space I have
I have multiple versions of blender, Java IDE's, Software stuff that I just download, a bunch of games I don't ven play..
Are you sure you have 475 TB
you would practically have to have an entire server rack
are you sure its not GB
I do have servers lol
My dad has 2x as many as I do because he works at a job that requires them..
I have 7 and one I am renting
I still don't believe you have 475 TB that would costs thousands of dollars to buy
@GiantCowFilms That;s because your missing the point of this $
@BlenderWarrior what?
@gandalf3 deleted some data, back under way
/cow needs a new hard drive, or to fix the issue with his 2TB drive
@gandalf3 A quick game of chess while I wait?
how about in a few minutes?
Having a broken control key that get stuck in down position has taught me an unbelievable number of shortcuts.
yikes, yet another eventful day in the farm.
@X-27 your star hack from this morning caught on quick!
@everbody here user Wanda can not respond to any of your pings. That user is suspended from all chats for a long time to come.
@RubberDuck and @DJanssens what brings the CR crew here?
@David Something about us liking "spam stars". =)
so I saw.
I have no idea. You know that feeling when you keep pressing links in youtube videos? :D
lol, the power of a link...
Must fight the urge to press it
@DJanssens and I did not even post a link.
For a second I thought I would end up on some weird site by following that link ;)
@Gwenn No, it has two
I need to register staokexchange.com, then I can post fake chat links and people will click
What site is this room for anyway?
@DJanssens you would, that place is crazy! :)
@RubberDuck you'd never guess.
(still white) :(
@David Blender? Is this a graphics site of some kind?
Sort of, 3D renders
So you guys are the nemesis of 3ds max i presume?
Other way around
exactly >:)
@RubberDuck kind of. blender is a 3D creation suit.
They are our nemesis
Oh. Gotcha. That's pretty cool. I'm not much at graphics. Im really good at CRUD though. =;)-
@GiantCowFilms (we are WAY better)
ha ha ha
really three? wow, must of been something I said.
You guys are hobbyists, or have a job in 3D modeling?
If I may ask :)
hobbyists, most of the people in this room are high school aged.
(the sane ones are the ones who aren't), exception @iKlsR, but then, well, @iKlsR.
I see. Cool.
@DJanssens there are some of both in here. I'm just a hobbyist.
@David who works professionally, in this room?
@GiantCowFilms NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ comes to mind, but there are others.
I guess so, although that was one job (and I wouldn't tell us what it was, hurt face)
@gandalf3 chess?
@GiantCowFilms I did it...
@David chess?
@gandalf3 Coping Tiffs into bracket folders. on bracket 14 of 50.
@GiantCowFilms I joined the game.
@Gwenn Okay
I just got back
@GiantCowFilms chess?
Are you still going to be here a bit later
I will play you after Gwenn
@GiantCowFilms what
@GiantCowFilms is that like a Peter File?
@Malachi that remark is lost on me
you don't watch The IT Crowd?
@gandalf3 Chess?
note the english word in that link!
ooh a tram
the way they say things in Britain, if you say Peter File with their fun accent it sounds like peta file
@Malachi Still not getting it
petabyte sounds like peta file
@GiantCowFilms give me a second
this is the end of the episode. you really gotta watch the whole thing....it's hilarious
@Malachi Hi, never seen you here before?
lol, someone been posting about you guys in The 2nd Monitor, so I figured I would come check it out
Lol, haha yeah well we typically develop stuff here lol
every now and again I download blender and install it, but then never get to actually using it, and then I uninstall it to make room or speed up my machine or whatever
Yeah, the best installation for me is a ".zip". Just download and extract, no need to wait for the install to finish for 5 hours lol
What is the 2nd monitor?
Code Review Chatroom

 The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about codereview.stackexchange.com - Welcom...
@Malachi Hm, it's familiar. I was about to load up this GoDot Game Engine and run up a simple game.
@Malachi Blender, is good open source software but you might want to practice, practice, practice lol. It's not very user friendly but it is worth the time if your not looking to spend up to 5 grand on real deal modelling software.
I have a Game that I am working on (going on year 4....lol) that I eventually want to take from 2D to 3D
@Malachi Ah, really? What programming language does it run off on?
Oh.. yeah, I work with Java, Python and C#
Yeah, i've learned Python from my Father, Java I am currently taking classes for and C# I am learning the hard way.
I better get back to schoolwork though. I have been procrastinating all weekend, I have like 4 hours to get this assignment in....lol it's SQL though shouldn't take me too long
@BlenderWarrior nice. C# shouldn't be too hard if you know Java already
@Malachi I just realized that fact not too long ago.
@gandalf3 Processing your HDR, now onto the stitch phase
Those look like good clouds?
hmm, I just realized I had 3 review tabs open.
@gandalf3 Do some tripod legs at the bottom of the image bother you?
@David that's nothin
@GiantCowFilms yeah, those look nice
I can get rid of them, but that will take mroe time
@GiantCowFilms if they are in the way I can fix them too
They probably wont be though
@gandalf3 but three of the exact same page?
@David I regularly end up with 4-5 renderfarms
I have had over 15 youtube tabs open before
Of the same video?
eagerly waiting a big number
and about 5-6 renderfarms in one window.
@gandalf3 homepage
@GiantCowFilms 15 of the same page?
huh. I never really go to the front page..
@David yeah
@GiantCowFilms I currently have 5 windows
but I just recently cleaned up so only one has any renderfarms
@GiantCowFilms thats dumb. why would you ever end up like that?
I currently have three windows, due to a restart yesturday
I have gotten some many windows before that the list of them, in text, reached past the top of my monitor
I never hit the close button
@GiantCowFilms why? you must have tooooooo much memory, if you can care free waste windows and tabs.
I have 32 Gigabytes
but sounds like you waste it.
mm.. I have 16 and regularly come uncomfortably close to an OOM killer rampage
Usually blender is the victim :P
I can easily max out my memory, but I have a small fraction of what you guys got.
how much?
you dont want to know
256 MB?
(or you could email me more)
More or less than a raspberry pi? :P
@gandalf3 I'm ruining vista, that would crash it!
4gb on this one
"ruining vista". yes.
yes that would crash it XD
@David That's better than my old machine; 3GB
Yes, 3
It was weird
@gandalf3 quite mathematically, an odd number.
That is extremely true
An all-round odd number.
@gandalf3 Do you want the HDR in full 16k res, or is 8k enough?
@David Not always
I have used over 26 gigabytes at one time one program doing actual work.
@gandalf3 Ping ping!
Okay, you are getting the full 16k...
2 hours later…
@GiantCowFilms Thanks Mr. Oversized Bovine :)
@GiantCowFilms Wow
Whoa that's high resolution
@GiantCowFilms You are officially the Keeper of Sky-Photons of the Knights of Suzanne :D
Here, please accept a Gold Suzoon
user image
1 hour later…
@gandalf3 I need help with Godot, you there?
@BlenderWarrior yes
What's up?
7 hours later…
@gandalf3 That is cool!
@gandalf3 Having tried the make a suzzane coin before, how did you do that? a bunch of Boolean modifiers?
@gandalf3 Yeah, I just have my subscriptions page open...
@GiantCowFilms Maybe later
Okay, all though I probably won't be available until much later
1 hour later…
@GiantCowFilms im thinking it was a render, and then displacement
That'd ALOT of polygons to get the text that sharp
@GiantCowFilms that is your fault^^
What? I don't see any significance?
@GiantCowFilms that was the day you got me so frustrated.
and i completely messed up my mine
I don't see whats to be faulted
@ARadish Whats wrong with it?
@GiantCowFilms t's destroyed and colorful and gross!!!
Do you really get that upset?
@GiantCowFilms i got pretty upset
and then a drank a little and then destroyed my mine.
and then the program was running all night
Look here, its nothing personal, relax. Your on slated for dinner on friday
@gandalf3 could you render a front face of that so i could make a game coin textured like that
@gandalf3 I think you need to open a blend swap account to put all your cool Suzzane based models, the rigged Suzanne and now the Gold Suzoon Coin.
2 hours later…
@GiantCowFilms i heartily agree
@GiantCowFilms Nah, everything intersects shamefully
To weld the stuff together I think I'd do some kind of dyntopo+shrinkwrap hack
@ARadish It already is double-sided
@ARadish Oddly enough, that's what I made it for o.o
Now a blend-coin.
@gandalf3 I am quite eager to see what you render with the HDRI. Beats me what use it even has. I shot it mostly for variety (and the fact that I was there).
thats one of the best one in a whil
@TARDISMaker @x-27 @NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ @ARadish Here is my most recent map:
@x-27 @TARDISMaker @NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ @ARadish Guys, I had this idea: if we want recipes we don't have, we could start a thread on the Creativerse forum asking if anybody has an extra blueprint/recipe for something.
In exchange, we could offer to work in the other person's world, maybe mining or taming animals, etc.
@X-27 I was thinking you might be able to find a recipe for a blue bed that way
We could trade our extra recipes like that for ones we wanted.
They could set a temporary password for us to enter, trade & work, etc, then change it back once we leave.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Do you think that is a good idea?
Maybe Creativerse could have some kind of inter-world "visa" for players wanting to come in and trade items, like recipes, tamed pets, ores, etc.
I started this thread: In-Game Cross-World Trading

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