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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@GiantCowFilms Okay, i repromise, but you have to tell me what "Vulgar" is to you, because replying to a post with a question involving the ordinary noun "strip-club" didn't seem vulgar to me
@BlenderWarrior relay for life?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ @ThomBlairIII @X-27 i may have trashed my mine while i was out of it last night. :/
@David where do i sign?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ yeah.. it's screwed, but pretty.
like a paintball game happened
did you see it? lol
umm... i'll take one when i fix it tomorrow
btw, leaving a game open over night is a great way to let steam think your logging tons of hours. lol
@GiantCowFilms i'm sorry, but when was this? because i missed it.
I've been doing that ;) How else would i get 540 hours of game time in a few weeks?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ !!!540?
i have 25 now i think
255 in the past 2 weeks
I leave it running most of the time
that kinda terrible and funny at the same time
I bet under 1/5 is real playing the game
@GiantCowFilms i really am not trying to be mean, but you are.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ lol
still 108 hours is a lot
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ of total
That was over a month and a quarter, a good 6+ weeks
@GiantCowFilms i thought you hated me for saying d***
it's the same
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ oh
@GiantCowFilms i will conform to your rules if you tell me them. I don't care if your rules are secret, and it goes against your moral codes to say them out loud, but you simply cannot expect me to follow unstated, obscure rules. I'm very sorry, I’d like to help, but i can't until you give me some guidelines more clearly. My suggestion: since everyone else here saw no problem with [the-word], it is you over-reacting.
I don't mean this in a cruel way, but you need experience before you judge people or flip out like that. talk to your parents or something if your unsure whether or not what i say/said was bad, since i think you may be adding some context from your own brain and imagining that it is what i am talking about. i.e. the dictator cow incident.
and insisting on your way and insisting that "that is what [i] really meant" honestly is disrespectful to me and the rest of the people in the room.
just as most things said can be seen as innocent, also most things said can be seen as vulgar if you're looking for a reason to be mad at someone. you find what you look for, there is nothing else for it. So if you stop actively looking for reasons to hate me, you may find that i'm actually a nice, mostly-likeable guy and i have rough spots, but so do you.
@someonewithpc posted a great comic earlier: if you think it's offensive, that does not mean it was wrong, it just mean that you were offended. (tautology there) If everyone thinks it's offensive, then it's offensive.
I have said some offensive things in the past, but since i promised, i don't think i have said anything that was offensive. I've been very careful with what i say, to make it family friendly.
@ARadish I still have no clue of the context where this happened :(
@GiantCowFilms like i said, i've been wrong in the past, but i honest-to-goodness still believe i did nothing wrong.
But don't tell me GFC'd be offended
There already
Not again..!
@someonewithpc did you catch my message?
@David Yep
Trying to learn to type (again)
Touch type, that is
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ There are several "everybody get along" potions, in fact, though they are hardly magical. Just send everybody a bottle of the stuff they put in tranquilizer darts.
@Gwenn And, somehow, get them to drink it?
@someonewithpc Well, that's always the trick with potions, now isn't it? :P
@someonewithpc Put it in eggnog.
@Gwenn *googles*
But it's not Christmas..?
And that's a reason to not drink eggnog because...?
I will drink eggnog anytime and anywhere.
I've never had it, so...
You haven't had eggnog before?
Is it good?
@Gwenn Nah
It's very good.
Seems to be an America-only thing
Very sweet.
Didn't realize it was American.
If you get a chance you should try some.
@Gwenn Sure
But, at least here, it is only really available during November and December.
Doubt it will happen in the near future
@Gwenn Do you want to play Go?
Or Arimaa
(Still haven't played that one, though)
I haven't played Go in a long time, but I would love to pick it back up.
I'm not in the mood right at the moment though.
I really need to stop procrastinating and get some work done.
@someonewithpc Are you going to still be on later?
It's 11pm
Oh. Right. :P
Wait.. is it am or pm?
Silly people with normal sleep schedule.
It's 2300
@Gwenn Ikr
PM, definitely, unless you're in Samoa or something.
@Gwenn Chess?
@Gwenn That's just confusing... Just say 23:13 instead
@GiantCowFilms As I was saying, in a bit. I need to actually do something first.
@Gwenn Okey Dokey
@someonewithpc Hey, I didn't design the system.
But I do try to undermine it by giving people the temperature in milliRankine.
@Gwenn Never even heard of that
@someonewithpc Rankine is to Fahrenheit what Kelvin is to Celsius.
So, it's just shifted so all temperatures are positive?
The way to get people annoyed about using the Imperial measurement system is to be really hardcore about using the Imperial measurement system.
Ok, what's the factor?
@Gwenn lol
Rankine (/ˈræŋkɪn/) is a thermodynamic temperature based on an absolute scale named after the Glasgow University engineer and physicist William John Macquorn Rankine, who proposed it in 1859. (The Kelvin scale was first proposed in 1848.) The symbol for degrees Rankine is °R (or °Ra if necessary to distinguish it from the Rømer and Réaumur scales). By analogy with kelvin, some authors call the unit rankine, omitting the degree symbol. Zero on both the Kelvin and Rankine scales is absolute zero, but the Rankine degree is defined as equal to one degree Fahrenheit, rather than the one degree Celsius...
R = F + 459.67
...And now I'm going to go do work.
Tip: set the notification sound to "when mentioned"
Who took the link I posted?
Their gone anyway
@GiantCowFilms can i have response?
@GiantCowFilms Are you still here?
I'm in a game, be back in a moment
@Gwenn ask him if he muted me
@GiantCowFilms seriously, i can't do what you want unless you talk with me
@GiantCowFilms @ARadish has asked me to ask you if you have muted him.
@GiantCowFilms He follows this up by saying that he can't do what you want unless you talk with him.
Whatever that means--I missed that whole discussion.
@Gwenn he''s mad at me because of a misunderstanding
[Busy Play a Tough Game of Chess]
@GiantCowFilms answer the question please

(whispers so that I don't disturb the cow) Good luck.
‮okay @GiantCowFilms can you listen to me if i talk backwards?
‮@Gwenn hi.. @someonewithpc taught me this trick
@Gwenn This guy rolled me over, completely
@GiantCowFilms may you answer my question
@ARadish That's a cool trick.
i feel like i'm invisible
I have never seen such well protected pieces
@GiantCowFilms please talk to me. :*(
@Gwenn our Game? lichess.org/O2ZwWWzn
@ARadish Don't worry
am i muted
I was just busy with chess. I will talk when the chess is over
@ARadish nope
@GiantCowFilms then why are you ignoring me?
Not to worry at all, no hard feelings
@ARadish I'm trying to multi task, and ran out of threads
now I have to go back to chess
you could have responded to let me know... but okay, i'll wait. im gonna leave soon, talk tomorrow
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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