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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Offer has expired. I'm off back to work.
Well you all sure had an eventful day in the chat!
Yeah, it was... Interesting...
I read it all... took a while.
And dedication
now to respond to my pings:
@TARDISMaker um, I think I'll agree with you, but no veto power.
@David :(
@GiantCowFilms I'm open to hear what you have in mind. (but I'll warn you that starting with a message like the one I'm replying to does not help your cause.)
@ARadish Sure. what do you want it to say? I'll just surrounded it in something like "User requested to be annotated, here is what they wanted to tell all future mods:''insert quote here"."
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ what did you want me to see here?
@animaacija's plight :P
It is resolved now
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ ok, that is what I gathered.
just double checking.
@GiantCowFilms before you go off and spend a lot of time making chat rules, please hear my thoughts on the whole idea of chat rules.
First off, this room is quite clean. (not just by internet standards, go to any other SE chat room). Sure things may head south a bit every once in so often, but that is almost expected. The "regulars" here have come to know each other, you included, and have made what SE calls "a room culture." Our room culture here is different then any other room. It reflects the site, blender, and each user's feelings and thoughts. You (understandably) don't like profanity, so we keep it out of this room.
ARadish does not like guns. Some of us agreed to disagree, and (with the exception of X-27) don't talk about it. We all hold strong feelings on certain things, that is what makes us who we are, and when we come together, even over the internet with its very limited means of communication in text, we all can still get along - in spite of our differences.
Thank you @David, you worded it a little better than we could have.
About stricter "control" or rules governing this room. In principal I'm against the idea. Sure we can link to a doc that lays out in general terms that we expect people to be nice, keep it kid friendly etc. But when ever you start trying to ban certain things (like the word that came up today) you wander down a never ending road.
so tomorrow if @X-27 offends us with (yet another) "NUKE THE WORLD" post we add "nukes" to the bad word list. Where do we ever draw a line and say, that is always blocked, or just use our common sense and room culture, and keep away from particular topics / words.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I wasn't done yet :)
@David Are you now?
@X-27 sorry for using you as an example, twice.
I'm wanting to make a "Davids Wisdom" Bookmark for you all to star :P
@TARDISMaker for now, until I think of more to write.
@David I like being made an example of!
@X-27 quite possibly the only one here.
Game of chess, anyone?
@X-27 Rematch?
@David lol
@David Depends what for, i generally have a thick skin as a whole
@David The issues is mainly that other mods who address flags want to see a written rule set, otherwise they use their judgment, which can come from a different room culture.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ That guy woke up one morning and said to himself, yes, I do infact have nothing good to do today.
or several days for over a week
I saw a really bad accident on the freeway today
They were nearly done cleaning up so I didn't see all the cars.
@GiantCowFilms I know. that is one of the thinks mods have to be very careful of when addressing chat flags outside of their rooms. (which also makes a case for not flagging stuff unless it is really bad.)
But there was one hot hatchback that everything after the front doors had been pushed into the front cabin. The car was literally half its original length. I hope everyone made it out okay D:
@David I should have used the 10k user flag
@David This user is protected by the gods: hands off
@GiantCowFilms probably not. (I have very mixed feelings about thoes)
I love them
@ARadish for real? please something a bit, well more normal.
In my opinion any message with the right key words is instantly worth removing
why do children like animated movies better than ones with real people?
@David don't you think you're asking a bit much for me?
btw thats "User" not "Udder"
@ARadish "don't you think you're asking a bit much for me?" I have to put my name on it saying I marked this.
@David /??
I shot a new HDR today. Title: Cloudy Skies - Duck Poo Lawn. I will never be able to get my shoes clean after that.
@GiantCowFilms yes, "strip" and "club" are the two worst words in the dictionary. <jk>
@GiantCowFilms lol gross
tell us when you post
@ARadish as part of the annotation it will have my name on it, as the guy who marked it.
Hold your horses, I haven't even counted how many HDRs are in the baglog for processing
@David oh
@GiantCowFilms process them!
i'm tired of the old baseball park one that i keep re-using
@ARadish PS annotations, are associated with negative things.
@David sure, thats fine
@ARadish Working on it
@GiantCowFilms work faster slave!
@GiantCowFilms but what is someone has to say "man i'm trying to tie this rubber strip around the bottom of my baseball bat so i'm not as tempted to use it as a club."
that would immediately get deleted
for containing the keywords
@David what did you think of my pic?
@ARadish Keywords in the context of the message.
@ARadish I love the arm
If I was ina better mood I would have starred it
Importing photo 217 of 1040
....so how much to 8TB drives cost again?
@X-27 Nice!!!
Game of chess, anyone?
@ARadish "Wow Vincent! i love your picture!". :)
ok really, I thought it was funny. what program did you draw it in?
I'm betting krita
@x-27 @NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ @TARDISMaker @ARadish We finally got a golden keepa!
@Gwenn Don't you dare start that practicing to get better thing
@GiantCowFilms Nobody's playing with me anyway. But I have done 270 of the opening practice. :P
@GiantCowFilms Want to play a game?
@Gwenn Woah
@Gwenn No, I have to go in two min, does tomorrow work?
@GiantCowFilms Probably.
If we catch each other at the right time.
If you give me a time or two, the catching becomes more probable
mornings are best
I probably won't be awake and functional until noon, and thereafter I'll have a bunch of little 20-30 minute breaks from working on my remodeling project.
So I'll just hope I catch you.
@David blender
give a whole new meaning to colorful stackexchangia.. hehe
2 hours later…
@ARadish here
Translated docs
4 hours later…
Omg, my eye's burn!!
Freaking eye's are so red and swell, I think the'll burst, jeexe I only tried to stay up till 6 AM.. it's been a day
Freaking ee's might fall out ight naw
My head feels so nauzzy, I can;t freking THINK..
Sleep is important
1 hour later…
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ , no, I need to push hardea
omg, brb
3 hours later…
@ThomBlairIII Awesome!
@Gwenn I'll play with you sometime
@ThomBlairIII Where Did You Get Him!?!?!?!?
When, How???
That stinks, does this mean that the next time one will spawn will be in another week? I wanted one.
@ARadish wow. I'm impressed, and surprised. I have only ever seen two other people who use blender as a 2D painting app.
this will be awesome.
he should only be fed his favorite food. ever.
@David "Nuke The World!!!!!"
@X-27 should I "lol" to that?
If that phrase is offensive, should we ban the word, "nuke," the word "the" or the word "world"?
(because I'm not)
@TARDISMaker @ThomBlairIII @NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ WWWAAAAAAAAA!!!! I want a golden keepa tooooooooo :-( :-(
@X-27 really? you mass pinged a message of "WWWAAAAAAAAA!!!! I want a golden keepa tooooooooo :-( :-("
yah, I did.
no, no I didn't
a mass ping would look like this
@David @NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ @......
you stopped me mid-message...
@X-27 good. mass pings should only be used for important things.
not fun, harmless spam?
look I'm just trying to have there be less reasons for mods to have to come in here.
@David So... you don't want to come here? :P
@someonewithpc dont take it like that. (what else would I rather do then sit here and chat with a bunch of half crazy ranting lunatics. no offense meant) I meant other mods, folks like ArtOfCode, and Doorknob that were here yesterday.
so we are now, "half crazy ranting lunatics"
pretty good description actually....
@X-27 lol
NID style.
@David They were?
@someonewithpc OO, you missed all the "fun" yesterday?
@someonewithpc Because @ARadish said the word "stripclub"
@David Apparently...
@TARDISMaker Ohh... So very much offensive
@someonewithpc chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/28046950#28046950 read my messages below that.
@someonewithpc Exactly
who keeps staring that top one? it is rather fitting for this room though.
Hang on. I saw a suitable comic (need to find it)
@David "Than" :P
@someonewithpc that was more fitting then I had imagined it could be.
When I saw it, I knew I had to link to it
@David Can you edit it so it pings GFC?
@someonewithpc sure, or we could just ping @GiantCowFilms and tell him to read the comic above.
Nah, that'd be easier
The computer analysis on lichess is awsome. I have discovered an unintentional pattern in my approach, I lose badly until I'm nearly 100% dead, and then swoop in for the kill. In very few games Have I not had a force mate sequence at some point after I have hit rock bottom. Weather I win or not depends on weather I can see the sequence.
@David What dat for?
15 mins ago, by someonewithpc
user image
@GiantCowFilms @someonewithpc wanted you to read the comic he posted.
I saw it, and I have nothing to say
other then the fact I cannot express how I feel about it.
Then, please, don't go saying it's offensive
It's one thing that you got offended, but that doesn't mean everyone else will
Why SE put no offensive material in its rules is a question I will never get the answer too. I'm sick and tired of this debate as to what offensive is
As far as this room goes, I think we should have a new, much easier to keep standard.
This room is meant to be support to the main site
What would that be?
@GiantCowFilms No. It's a place where we hang out
at any given moment, this room should be presentable to any outside who drops in, including someone as easily offended as myself
Of course we can be talking about normal things....
but it should look somewhat professional.
@GiantCowFilms not entirely. it is an extension of it, the two coexist together and sever two different functions.
@David I don't think crude jokes need to be an extension of our site
@GiantCowFilms I said nothing about them.
The point of SE was the un-internet characteristically high level of professionalism.
My point is we should hold this too a higher level, inorder to server our purpose as an extension onto blender.stackexchange
@GiantCowFilms I don't think we should
"A place to talk while we wait for our renders to finish."
Is not that same as:
"A place to ask serious questions"
@GiantCowFilms that is ok, a higher standard is good. @someonewithpc I disagree we can just hang out and chill, and not be rude or crude while doing so.
@someonewithpc I think that needs a slight modification
A place for everyone to talk while we wait for our renders
@GiantCowFilms Which is?
everyone implies we will not make remarks that offend and chase people away
However "stripclub" will never got on a bad list. It could be used like "stripmall."
Not in that context.
Can I know the context?
I'm just going back to the heart of the problem yesterday.
Besides..... I don't see how hard it is to avoid questionable words like that, just to keep the piece
@someonewithpc No, explaining it would break the rules
and most of the evidence is deleted
@GiantCowFilms The ones no one has agreed with yet? Or the ones that I haven't seen?
I dont want to rub you the wrong way, but I saw (almost) nothing wrong with what was said yesterday.
If was not a member of this room (and knew those remarks were rare occasions), and entered at that second, I would never have come back.
@GiantCowFilms ok, so you dont want to joke about stripclubs. I get it. I for one will not mention it here.
@David you just mentioned it....
throws hands in the air
@GiantCowFilms hold on
I need to finish what I'm saying. (and I will use it once more here)
[the word] will suffice
How does that help?
however "stripclubs" as a word, and can not be banned. It is possible that the word could be used in a way that is perfectly ok. Say we were talking about how to stop a [you know] from coming in to town.
how does fuzzing out a swearword on TV help. it does.
@GiantCowFilms ...
Does not
may I ask why are you so focused on [that word]?
I would like to know too
@David I have never seen that word used in a non-offensive context.
there have been other discussions here that some could consider worse.
@David Not that word
its the fork problem
@GiantCowFilms ?
@David Maybe not a list of band words, but banned intents
WHAT??? this whole time I thought you were stuck on the "stripclub" remark. Was that not the problem?
@someonewithpc You don't know the (other) background I cannot explain
@David That remark was innapropriate
So I'm supposed to not give my opinion
In the end I want no more inappropriate remarks.
Because I "can't" know the context
@GiantCowFilms I gathered that much, but are/were you caught up on it or the fork thing?
@someonewithpc just search fork in this room you will get the idea.
@someonewithpc Dunno what to do......
@David All of it!
It should never have happed
and when it does happen and the mods pick on me that the issue
@GiantCowFilms their reaction to the "stripclub" remark does not surprise me. ask @gandalf3 and @iKlsR I doubt they would of thought it was a bad thing to say there.
@David do you know the full context of the remark
@GiantCowFilms I sure do
Did you see the message that Radishes message was in response too
Do you see the context of the word
yes and I did not think the image was that bad.
he posted a picture of a object he was working on. its not like it was a nude picture, it was a mesh nothing more.
@David No, I wasn't that bothered (it just would have been nice in that case to put a click link so there isn't any auto display.
@GiantCowFilms sure. that's no big deal you asked him to, but it blew up from there.
@David The Radish's remark caused "the explosion"
I think I just saw a star burn out.
@David Mis-click
We can resolves this a couple of ways:
1) A new stricter set of enforce rules
@GiantCowFilms Not knowing the context, I'll assume it wasn't what he intended
@GiantCowFilms I know, like I said you dont want jokes like that. To me it is not a big deal. This whole thing could of been nothing more then "ARadish that bothered me please dont joke in that manor" then there never would of been mods and every thing that transpired.
2) I mute ARadish, but that is a little mean and upsets him. (And doesn't fix the room professionalism problem. (The last time I did that was simply to try and force him into compliance)
3) Cow moves out, into his own room, or just out.
(the status quo is NOT an option)
@David He wouldn't listen.
@someonewithpc You'd think he'd know by know.
@GiantCowFilms ok so even if he would not listen when a friend asks him to not do X, why should a "rule" stop him from doing it?
@GiantCowFilms It's hard to have to comply to rules you don't agree with
And much harder if you don't agree with them
And even harder if they're not even enforced
What's going on here
@David Exactly
@iKlsR A debacle
@iKlsR more discussion from yesterdays event
@David The rule would stop him since he'd get muted/banned if he repeatedly disobeys.
Why should a rule be put there to stop him. To make this room a better place for everyone
I personally don't believe any chat rules are necessary, as long as anyone isn't doing anything illegal, spamming or verbally abusing anyone I trust we can stomach whatever is being posted.
@GiantCowFilms who?
what did this person post?
Take one guess
@iKlsR Exactly
@iKlsR You don't hang here much
@iKlsR The radish
@GiantCowFilms Trust me, I'm always here I just don't have time to read the nonsense that is posted 24/7
Is that what everyone is getting upset about?
@iKlsR well it morphed form that
Only @GiantCowFilms is
Bottom line is behaviors that make this room unsuitable for everyone shouldn't be tolerated.
You guys can override me, I am powerless.
It's a public room, if something upsets you flag it
We won't override anyone but it seems you are in the minority here
@GiantCowFilms So you can't do Blender here? That's not suitable for everyone :P
@iKlsR THAT is how this place should be run
@someonewithpc eye roll
@iKlsR yes that is what @GiantCowFilms started from, but it got worse when the mods came here and basically told him he was wrong to flag that.
Use the blue flag
Flag it, hide it, ignore the person if they persist but I don't believe we should try to conform because of something that personally upsets you.
@David Ohh? They did?
See, I still don't know the propper context
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Sorry, that was my mistake
If everyone were in agreement then probably but I don't see an issue here, sorry.
@David @iKlsR I gave three plans for moving forward. You guys are in charge, you pick
@GiantCowFilms What are they?
11 mins ago, by GiantCowFilms
1) A new stricter set of enforce rules
10 mins ago, by GiantCowFilms
2) I mute ARadish, but that is a little mean and upsets him. (And doesn't fix the room professionalism problem. (The last time I did that was simply to try and force him into compliance)
10 mins ago, by GiantCowFilms
3) Cow moves out, into his own room, or just out.
I think @GiantCowFilms that the best idea is to communicate according to your personal convictions, and show your disagreement via the blue flag method. I have seen nothing as bad as you will hear everyday on the job
#3 That's what Thom did, that sounds fair.
@iKlsR Really?
He said he liked to rant and people weren't being friendly towards him.
The downside with #3 is nobody will visit me D:
That is your choice though, do you want to be lonely or to put up with how people communicate here?
Hmm, I can't find the room, probably deleted.
@iKlsR you can see deleted
@GiantCowFilms ignore the person, I don't see any wrongdoing here but I don't believe in limiting anyone, we're here to relax.
You can ignore the person or ask them to not do whatever they do when you're around, either goes i guess.
Okay, @ARadish, There are two options moving forwards. you re-promise not to be offensive, or you get ignored by the cow, and possibly chase the cow out.
sigh I wish there was a magical "everybody get along" potion . . .
Lets go to a happier subject: who wants to play a (not rated) game of chess with me? :D
@ARadish I would strongly recommend you to try to conform with GCF's preferences.
@David, I have improved significantly since you last played with me
@GiantCowFilms (may I have the last word on this?)
@GiantCowFilms I gotta practice a bit more before I let you beat me again ;)
not the chess thing
@David Now you make me sound like a control freek who wants my own way exactly. Please do not I do infact tollerate what I see as borderline and wish this didn't happen.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Practice with me
I'm not as sharp this morning
@David sure
You may only get cowed into submission.
@David do you want to battle me with chess?
@GiantCowFilms I also dont want to be reading/hearing swearing. Yet I dont say anything when somebody else posts one. I just move on to the next message. (it is quite common even in SE chat.)
@David I cannot bear to do that. That is my personality, I will try though. There have been days where I have skipped making a remark
@GiantCowFilms sigh, ok but only if it is not a short timer.
@David Its 16 min
quite alot of time
ok is the link above the one?
that was fun
and I played rather badly in part of that
I made one super uber dumb move to make up for it
When I took that pawn with my rook
Don't sacrifice pieces unless you're sure your going to get a check mate (or cause more damage to the apponent
yeh, but my knight move was quite dumb. still dont know what I was thinking
@David It would be interesting to play from the point before my dumb move.
1 hour later…
@BlenderWarrior I am tired too now ...
@GiantCowFilms I was kind of scared with that statement for a second...
Until I saw the parentheses.
@TARDISMaker what?
@GiantCowFilms Don't sacrifice pieces unless you're sure you'll get a checkmate
Ah yeah
Do you want to play chess?
@GiantCowFilms I would, but I'm leaving for youth group in about ten minutes
So I'd rather not commit to a game
Later though
Timer, 4 min per side?
(probably tomorrow)
@GiantCowFilms No...
Three min per side?
That will take you less than five minutes
30 seconds per side
This can work
(had that pre-typed :P)
@GiantCowFilms I guess...
Be fast about setting it up though
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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