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@IgorTatarnikov Please do add so many new tags. If you have a question that does not fit anything else, go ahead. But adding all of those new tags was not needed. Tags like "welding" and "multiple" are not good tags. Read How do I correctly tag my questions?
Thanks @Gonzou, I was kind of annoyed that he came in 41mins after me, and got more UVs (before you UVed mine) and accepted.
@catlover2 good edit!
@David I think if you've ilustrated your answer with gif earlier than him, you would surely got your answer accepted.
Hello everyone :)
I visited this room recently to ask what is the best soft to record gifs. GiantCowFilms recommended me a Licecap and it works very well. Now I have another question. What kind of keyboard button presses recorder gandalf3 uses (like in here: http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/35591/how-could-i-create-a-3-dimensional-scribble-or-doodle/35596#35596)?
The cool thing is it displays every keyboard and mouse buttons presses (Screencast Keys addon doesn't do such things). Thanks for answer :).
@Gonzou I'm not sure exactly what it's called, but I remember using it a while ago
It might be linux only, but I'm not sure.
@gandalf3 ? ^^
@Gonzou I use "key-mon"
Though in my own personal opinion I don't like it very much
@gandalf3 Yeah, it looks like it's from the Windows XP era
It's not very modern looking
It's themable, but all the themes that come with it all look like that :P
Can't find any alternatives.. Someday maybe I'll write one which works the way I want it too :P
@gandalf3 Would be interesting to see if anyone could come up with a nice theme for it
@gandalf3 That would be good
I wonder if the screencast keys addon could be brought over to be just a simple python script
Yeah.. There are other things which I don't like though. Such as the fact that keys are only displayed for a second, unlike the way screencast keys did it
And then modified a bit to add the extra functionality
@TARDISMaker That's an interesting idea
I was thinking of something like screencast keys, but outside of blender
downloads source code
methinks all the drawing code will have to be changed
@Gonzou I use keycastow
@gandalf3 Yeah, I think Blender has custom OpenGL commands for python
There aren't a ton of open source screencasting things for linux :/
@David looks cool
@gandalf3 Yeah
@gandalf3 what else is on linux, but open source?
I don't think it's really needed by very many people though
No.. which is probably why
@David Linux doesn't have to be entirely open source
...That's not to say it shouldn't be :P
Companies can give you the binaries, just like on windows
@Gonzou the default fount and them is not great, but after tweeking, it works well. Only down side is it screws up Shift NumPad keys.
@gandalf3 Depends
I wouldn't ask something like NUKE to be open source
@TARDISMaker I know, but it is more then any other os
@TARDISMaker Whos asking anyone to be open source?
@David That is definately true
@gandalf3 huh?
@David \o/
@David conversation == confused
@David a lot of options there. I'll give it a try
2 mins ago, by gandalf3
...That's not to say it shouldn't be :P
@gandalf3 me too
@TARDISMaker Since when does nuke == linux!??
@gandalf3 You can get NUKE on Linux!
Davinci Resolve also
I'm lost. Somebody ping me when the chat makes sense.
I think I see.
I was just trying to point out the closed source stuff that's available on Linux
I interpreted "linux" literally (i.e. the kernel)
So I thought you were saying linux (the OS) should be close source
No, I would never want to suggest that
@David You can come back now (I think)
Pizza (no he can't)
@gandalf3 thanks.
@TARDISMaker I just had pizza, so you can keep yours
... now I'm hungry
@David Okay, sounds good
@gandalf3 I havent found a way to send pizza through the chat yet.
otherwise I would give you a piece
@David How much more do you need before you can solve the equation?
@David Perhaps there's a hidden feature in the mod settings.. clicks a few random buttons
I might be able to help out with my non existent calculus skills.
@TARDISMaker A new disk drive, mine stoped working after about 4 slices.
@David You do need a new disk drive!
It was the blue ray, wasn't it?
@TARDISMaker yes you know those things that people use to put CD and DVDs in.
@TARDISMaker no, was pizza in the blue ray spec?
@David No, that's one of the features they got rid of from normal CD, DVD drives
They used to be able to scan a substance if it was thin enough
And then 3D print it
Everybody should watch this tutorial (only 6 mins). I even left a comment saying how much I liked it.
@David It was very good
It was a bit dull to listen to though

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