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ThePianoGuys have 4 MILLION subscribers on YouTube!!
@NoviceInDisguise Yes
I have 9 billion :P
I assume there are a handful of fake accounts
...But 8 billion are real
'cause there are 8 billion people to subscribe to me, tottaly
The fact that a large portion of the earth doesn't even have internet, and that there aren't that many in the world . . .
As I said, a handful of fake accounts
The 7 billion people on earth is a government conspiracy, designed by Elvis Presly
@GiantCowFilms Wow!
Yeaaaah . . . a big handful
How did you do that?
@TARDISMaker F12 ...then you just edit the number
"YouTube has more than 1 billion users"
@NoviceInDisguise What!
@NoviceInDisguise 50% of them are direct relations to Taylor swift
yeah, that many accounts
@GiantCowFilms lol
@NoviceInDisguise Because nobody has two accounts
I have seven I think
@NoviceInDisguise Little does she know it but nobody but her relatives watch her little music videos
@NoviceInDisguise 'bout right
so lets do some hard math
@GiantCowFilms XD
@GiantCowFilms Just like me :)
Some say that if there were a person behind every google plus account, there would be as much as facebook
also they'd have a userbase at all
I have quite a few G+ pages :P
I have many
I have two
Google +
The social network made out of all those people who never ever show up to the party
aka people like me
The social network where everyone has booked a table but nobody shows up
Google +
What is google trying to add to itself now?
Google +, The user base is on the otherside of the plus
"" << that part
Google + was suppsed to be called Google + Users, but they never could find the other half
What more can they add?
They own the internet
Google + the only thing worse then my Google + jokes
@GiantCowFilms lol
3 mins ago, by GiantCowFilms
Google + was suppsed to be called Google + Users, but they never could find the other half
I though that was the best
Yeah, I'm still reading them
I have to recover before starting the next
@NoviceInDisguise It made you laugh that hard
Not quite, but they are good
mostly cause they are true :P
I didn't know people other then Google+ users find my jokes funny
Well i am a G+ user
@NoviceInDisguise Wait, but you have substance and flesh
I'm a banshee
Didn't you know that?
@NoviceInDisguise Really, whats it like there? I heard that trolls live there....
That is what 99% of people say to me when I come back from a trip to africa
THey actually prefer the plentiful grazing on the plains of Youtube
@NoviceInDisguise 'Cause there is prey there
Some of those comment strings go over 200 replies XD
I've always wanted to try being a troll for a day...
I heard the police have a program like that, where kids can be with a cop for a day....
...why don't internet trolls do the same?
Make a fake account called "Mr.Nasty Troll"
Wait, how about:
I didn't get to see the joke :(
I Have serious issues and no Job
"Yeah, I'm Seven"
@NoviceInDisguise XD
"I get bullied in preschool sometimes"
@NoviceInDisguise Really? I thought you where older!
^^that would be better
So that is how old @NoviceInDisguise is
Yeah, sorry
All this time I've been pretending to be ancient
@NoviceInDisguise Really? Seemed to me like you where pretending to be 8
I wonder why this got a DV
Q: Import LDraw models?

posfan12What's the best way to import LDraw models into Blender? http://ldraw.org Thanks!

It's not an amazing question, but I don't see how it's a bad one
Because he didn't make it long enough for the people with bad judgement not to bother to read it.
It is short, but it would be hard to make it longer without fluff :P
@NoviceInDisguise Yes, I like concise questions
Hence the joke
@GiantCowFilms aka you DVed it
@TARDISMaker no
I would never do anything stupid, ever. . . . . . .
Ummm sure
Staying up late doesn't qualify?
@NoviceInDisguise Yes
@NoviceInDisguise Its not that late
Speaking of which . . . cya all later
@GiantCowFilms only 9 for you I guess
I gotta get up at five tomorrow :P
@NoviceInDisguise Your in the eastern time zone, right?
So it's 10 where you live
Just like it is for me
@NoviceInDisguise Or 8 or 7....
SLC (@RadishoftheOpera 's ) guess would make it 8
Laravel docs are really good compared to blender....
but still a might incomplete :/
as in I spent two hours because they couldn't be bothered to add another sentence
Hi everyone
@Qwertie Hi
You've been here before, right?
Long time ago
Its been about a year since I was here regularly
Okay, so I probably just remember seeing you on meta then
possibly on one of the older topics
I haven't been using blender as much as I used to
Seems like every time I open blender I need to reinstall my nvidea drivers 5 times :/
Does openCL work on nvidia GPUs?
@Qwertie What operating system are you on?
@Qwertie I think it does
Ubuntu but I just got it working
Q: How to make OpenCL work on 14.10 + Nvidia 331.89 drivers?

user105939Proprietary drivers 331.89 do not give me OpenCL. (tried both tested/updates) for a while I had version 304.123 that worked - except I wanted the current drivers, and now are unable to downgrade. Anyway - I could downgrade by workaround, but I wish 331.89 worked. I used "darktable -d opencl"...

@Qwertie Ah, okay
You've just given up on getting the NVIDIA drivers to work?
I will try that later but I wanted to test openCL
Looks like openCL is having problems with my materials
@Qwertie :(
This is with openCL
And this is cpu
Big difference
Doing Andrews Cloud tutorial?
I started it months ago but im finishing now
@Qwertie Have you seen this?
A: Enabling GPU rendering for Cycles?

gandalf3Ensure GPU Support Currently cycles supports CUDA (Nvidia) devices and has experimental support for OpenCL devices as of 2.75 (added in B7f447). If you are using an AMD/ATI graphics card, see the OpenCL section below. CUDA/Nvidia Cycles only supports CUDA GPUs with a CUDA compute ability of 2....

I have the propitiatory drivers picked but im not using the latest ppa
@Qwertie Is that purposeful, or the issue?
I shouldnt need to but im going to try the newer drivers now
@RadishoftheOpera ^^
Going to try to get that into Blender
Legos are a bit of a pain to model....
@GiantCowFilms Using an addon
I installed the PPA but its the same version as I already have
I'm doing it both for fun, and for this question
Q: Import LDraw models?

posfan12What's the best way to import LDraw models into Blender? http://ldraw.org Thanks!

@Qwertie What graphics card do you have?
Do tell me when you have an answer!
gtx 770
@GiantCowFilms For the question? I've done it before
In my stopmotion days
like two years ago
@TARDISMaker How did you do it
All my import attempts failed miserably
@GiantCowFilms There's an addon
I need to find it again, but I've done stuff with it before
Laravel's creater, Taylor Otwell, must have the world record for speed slamming pull requests
@TARDISMaker Tell me now! :D :D :D :D :D
@GiantCowFilms NO! I'm going to make you wait a day, and then you'll be in more of a mood to vote up my answer :)
You'd probably find it if you googled it though
cya later :D
You should be able to figure out the rest
That's the only thing that worked for me when I was running Mint
I think I might need to install the nvidia-cuda-toolkit package
@Qwertie Oh, yes!
I forgot that
That's probably why I never got it to work :)
I always forget how I got it to work last time :P
Man, and I wrote the Debian section, which included that :)
The package is downloading at 60Kbit/s :/
This is going to take a while
@Qwertie Yeah
That's always fun
I'm going to bed, let me know if you get it to work
Ok cya
@TARDISMaker yep, it works now
8 hours later…
@Qwertie Good
2 hours later…
@GiantCowFilms my new best guess is OK City.
@TARDISMaker thats awesome
did you see season 8 came out on netflix?
@TARDISMaker Thanks
1 hour later…
@RadishoftheOpera Tornadoes! Sharknados!
1 hour later…
hey guys
I cant manage to set up an always sensor to trigger a controller only once and not each frame.
4 hours later…
@RadishoftheOpera I actually don't have netflix, but I was told about it by a friend
I did see season 8 though
I had my Grandma record it for me, and then I would watch it a few days afterwards.
@TARDISMaker do you know about bge?
@Jonathan Hi :)
@Jonathan No really, sorry
hi ^^
ok np thanks anways :D
@Jonathan @X-27 and @RadishoftheOpera are the guys who know it best here
ok I'll talk to them if I see them around
yeah, don't ask me to help, I'll probably just get you into trouble :P
@NoviceInDisguise hehe np dude ^^
@Jonathan Yeah, if you need help, you can always just ping the before your question
Artistically or ideologically I might be able to help, but the mechanics I'm only meh at
@TARDISMaker what do you mean by that?
@NoviceInDisguise I like to share any kind of bge knowledge lol
@Jonathan this is a ping
Just type an @ symbol, and then start to type the person you're trying to contact's name, and it will pop up
You just click on that, and then it will ping them
It will then give them a notification
Try it by pinging me
i.e. "@x-27 How do I ______"
Make sure you word it in a difficult way so that we can all laugh when he replies with something that makes no sense
THat was a good podcast, listened to it a couple days ago
@NoviceInDisguise I didn't know it was out then!
I haven't finished it yet
August 13th
I went out to the woodward cruise so I started it before I left, so I haven't had a chance to finish it yet
Car Show?
@TARDISMaker I went to an EAA fly in today with the CAP
lots of cool aircraft, some old cars and bikes, all sorts of stuff
@NoviceInDisguise Except bigger
If it is a place you show cars, it is a car show
And takes up a decent portion of the road woodward
There are lots of separate car shows along it, and it goes through a few different cities
It's apparently the biggest outdoor car event in the world
Quite likely
@TARDISMaker @Alright didnt know its name.
@Jonathan @RadishoftheOpera has arrived! I heard a distressing noob sound, and I’m here to help!
@RadishoftheOpera hi there! this might have been the sound of one of my noobish farts
@RadishoftheOpera May I ask you for the sharing of your most precious knowledge then?
@Jonathan sure thing, what the problem?
@RadishoftheOpera I try to make a script for a character to be in idle animation then switch to run animation when pressing W then return into idle when not. It seems quite complicated. I have the armature with a python controller always activated. Then there is the 2 actuators for the run and idle animations set.
@RadishoftheOpera then in the code it activates the run if wkey is pressed and else the idle but if you start it, it will first loop the idle then when pressing w switch into run and when releasing it freeze frame and after that no more animations.
@RadishoftheOpera where you able to finish your game?
What do you all think of my photorealistic charicter. I've been working on it all day
THE DETAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What part is it?
I really like that addon ^^
I've been playing with it, and it's really easy to get good camera moves
@TARDISMaker ikr
@TARDISMaker Its the entire thing :P
@GiantCowFilms How can it be? It's cut off!
@GiantCowFilms cool shape pattern how did you make it?
@Jonathan Displace modifier
I was actually making this reef rock here:
@RadishoftheOpera Nvm I found it out already. Didnt set the action layer.
@GiantCowFilms So did you sculpt the basics or just displacement?
I made it custom because I wanted to fine tune the shape for the composition of the final frame
@TARDISMaker nope, and i'm going to have to go here in a while, oh well, yet another failed BGMC.
@RadishoftheOpera do you maybe know how to change game object properties in code?
@RadishoftheOpera l know how to acces the property sensor and how to get a list with all game properties of an object
@RadishoftheOpera but not how to get a property as an object
@Jonathan you should start searching through the site, and also start asking questions on it if you don't get your question answered
These are things that I would vote for, and I'm sure lots of other people would also
@TARDISMaker I'll try it.
@Jonathan i don't pyhton well, but i think its object.Properties() or something like that
@GiantCowFilms Displacements are overlapping in one spot showing reversed normals
@RadishoftheOpera it seems to me that you can just change the game properties on an object with a properties actuator, same old story
@NoviceInDisguise Yah
its not close enough to the camera to bother about that
and there is a pretty sweet cycles fix anyway
Yep, cut the backfacing ones
Death to back faces

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