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@David Ok. Normally I don't micro manage comments but if it's outdated no need to keep it.
@iKlsR how are you doing?
@NoviceInDisguise blender.stackexchange.com/a/23211/2217 do you think he will still have questions about how to animate the rotation?
@stacker hey, not bad.
@iKlsR same here
@David I don't think so ;-)
we will see
He shouldn't, lets put it that way :-P
@iKlsR Do we accept hardware questions?
@NoviceInDisguise it is kind of like user blender.stackexchange.com/users/9718/beavoru, who asks a lot of questions on whatever he is working on. Only this guy does not know the SE system, or blender.
@iKlsR A beginner tutorial question was rejected within minutes
@David Exactly
@stacker were you talking about this question blender.stackexchange.com/q/23208/2217?
O, I did not reject it.
but how it that a "beginner tutorial question"?
@stacker No, that reminds me. We need a close reason for hardware.
A: What questions should be definitely off-topic?

iKlsRPer suggestions and discussions, those that should definitely be off-topic are: 1. Requests for tutorials and lengthy HOW-TO's1 Can anyone make a tutorial on doing X? How can I animate a short film in Blender? 2. Package or software comparison questions Which is better for doing X, Max or ...

Too clearify this the beginner questions is: blender.stackexchange.com/questions/23205/blender-documentation (rejected)
@stacker ok, now I'm with you. was lost in the questions, that got posted here.
It was deleted for a reason, and explained in the comments . . .
I would prefer to accept hardware questions in a limited (tdb) range.
@iKlsR I dont think you ever responded to my tag idea.
@stacker I agree, I do not think hardware should be flat out rejected.
I'd say we shouldn't just close any question with the word 'hardware' or 'gpu' in it, but rather based on what the question is about. e.g. "Is this GPU better than this GPU?" is more about hardware/GPUs than blender. However "Why is this GPU better for cycles than this GPU?" seems more about blender.
Though it's still a fine line
@gandalf3 I agree
@David Do you have a suggestion? I'm thinking about a resource question which is maintained as hardware develops. Perhaps with a timeline so users could see what performance gain they could expect on investing for a new GC
@stacker something along the lines of what gandalf3 so eloquently just wrote.
i'm on library computer. it has chrome :)
@David I think we should know the minimum req.s for blender and post them in a question, then whenever someone asks about hardware we can refer them there.
Q: What should our custom off-topic close reasons be?

iKlsRCustom close reasons have been live for a while now. We currently have 2 of the (3) given in use but a recent surge in questions being closed has prompted the need for a few more that are more tailored to address specific questions/close reasons instead of writing up why it is off-topic everytime...

Trying to get a hardware template approved so no more long typing.
@iKlsR exactly. someone could update it with each new release.
@David This has been discussed from the beginning of time, it's too hard too support these.
There can be so many things wrong on the users end.
Which is why we have several canonical posts and point users to the forums.
ok so they are off topic. But what about posts like this or this where we know the answer.
@David We are smart enough to differentiate questions with definitive answers I would think in most cases.
@David I would think the second question should be the one closed.
But for the majority, it's just guesswork, check this and that.
ok so hardware is off topic, if there is not a hard answer.
that works for me
@David define "hard"
If you can't answer with FACTS then no
If the answer has maybe or check this or tick that then It's probably OT
@iKlsR metal as in CPU,GPU and OS ;-)
@stacker get out!
that is not what I ment, but it is funny
@iKlsR now can we go back to this?
17 mins ago, by David
@iKlsR I dont think you ever responded to my tag idea.
@David Oh, forgot, what about it exactly
Isn't that basically
I see it is really hard too define the limits of scope, when I tried to compile on windows I failed and knew someone here knows how to do it. When I spend some money for a new graphics card and it was a flop someone knew it.
I think there should be a difference between question about things such as the knife tool and just modeling.
@David If it's prefixed with an existing general tag name, probably not a good idea.
@David What do you use the knife tool to do? Or what process is it used in?
2 days ago, by David
I know you are against it, but how about a tag, simaler to what we have for selection tools.
@stacker We won't abandon them completely but keep in mind we are a Q&A site, not a discussion forum with countless back and forth to resolve issues.
@David is good, @gandalf3 argued long and hard for that one. You select in all areas of Blender, it's not confined to the viewport, how many areas do you use the knife tool or the spin tool?
@iKlsR I was active for a couple of years on SO I know this, just trying to find a possible solution, like canonical resource question, or at least tag-wiki.
@stacker We have canon Qs
@stacker Can always create new ones as well
@gandalf3 all modeling
@iKlsR This try was closed blender.stackexchange.com/questions/14757/… and therefore no longer maintained.
@stacker that looks ok to me
I can reopen and make entire post wiki
IMO it would be good at this point to start allowing some more specific modeling related tags
that is my point, way should every question that can fall under modeling, go in to a modeling tag? Is it not a better thing to break up this category.
has over 700 questions
@David @gandalf3 and I spent weeks arguing this
Yes, but that was a while ago now
modeling is our second biggest tag at 771.
I don't know what made him see the light eventually, but he did
who see what light?
IIRC at the time we decided not yet
@gandalf3 yep
But we appear to have about 30 knife questions alone, which is more than a good bunch of our other tags
@David on second thought it might not be too bad to break up the modeling tag
is it really best that any question about any part of modeling is dumped it to that large 771 pile of questions?
The thing is, these modeling-tools questions will be accompanied by modeling.
@David search is pretty good
@iKlsR so, rendering is used along side cycles or BI
might not be clearly distinct enough from
@David isn't rendering a general thing, there are theoretical questions for rendering
while cycles and bi are rather specific
so not in all cases
I'd say is about workflow, techniques, and is about technical aspects like how to do something specific (e.g. 90° joint), how a tool works, etc.
@iKlsR exactly, modeling is general, and there are many parts of modeling that are rather specific.
BI is a discontinued model
@gandalf3 When you're modelling, you use modelling tools; and vice versa - it's redundant
1 min ago, by gandalf3
I'd say is about workflow, techniques, and is about technical aspects like how to do something specific (e.g. 90° joint), how a tool works, etc.
However I do think that this is too subtle
@David Find something that stands out more then
@gandalf3 I highly doubt a new person to the site would realize the difference
@gandalf3 What are the tools? I would vote for different operator tags while the site grows.
I only brought up modeling-tools because iklsr is against tool specific tags, like knife
@stacker It becomes too narrow
@gandalf3 we talked about this for hours
so after knife
we have spin
then bevel
I'd say we should make tags based on what questions are being asked
@iKlsR Katana
then dozens of useless micro tags
If there are tons of questions for each of those micro tags, then they aren't micro tags
52 secs ago, by someonewithpc
@stacker It becomes too narrow
not so fast.
@gandalf3 has a point, we have over 30 knife tool questions, why not look at a tag in that perspective.
@iKlsR only 15 or 20
@stacker I got more like 60
42 secs ago, by gandalf3
@iKlsR http://blender.stackexchange.com/search?q=bevel+is%3Aquestion
@gandalf3 half of those are fluff
@David I like the idea
@iKlsR 30 then, but I'm not sure what you mean by "fluff"
@gandalf3 different modifier tags? besides knife operator`?
I would suggest to try a tag on the highest scoring ones
@David So say we introduce tools, it will also become a general tag soon
yes, there would be no limit, the user base will drive the tags, if everybody asks about some obscure feature then it is no longer obscure.
@gandalf3 as in bevel is mentioned but the Q is not necessarily about beveling
I think is too much like
@gandalf3 ^^
and once it does it will be redundant
7 mins ago, by someonewithpc
@gandalf3 When you're modelling, you use modelling tools; and vice versa - it's redundant
@gandalf3 alright, so just drop the modeling-tools idea
Reason why we never did break up is there's no good clean way to separate the content
@iKlsR True, not everything in a quick search is applicable for a tag
in favor of more specific tags.
If you can figure out that, then great
But it gives an idea
@stacker we had an array tag...
what did we say
and what should I say
@stacker You have to at least limit by only questions
You know what
I think it might not be such a bad idea to break up modifiers
Yes, ok my bad
I mean we have a limited amount.
Not sure how tho
@iKlsR this is interesting, you were dead set against it last time the three of use talked.
We need a SQL expert
To write us up some query so we can see what modifiers are most mentioned in titles and whatnot
@David which was when exactly?
Some rough estimations should do it, maybe a count of 100 would qualify for a more detailed tag.
@iKlsR It will take me a bit to go back in the chat to find it.
We only have 140 tags. For comparison, GD has 420
@iKlsR management tactics?
@gandalf3 gd is a graduated site with at least 3 - 4 times our traffic
also GD isn't one software
@iKlsR As we started they had 20k views/day and were still in beta
@David My main concern is redundancy
@iKlsR But it's one of the newest graduated sites, and it's about the closest to us I could find
@iKlsR If we end up with tags that are total duplicates, the system has ways to merge them
But I think a little redundancy is good, e.g. and
There's a sort of hierarchy to it
@gandalf3 there will always be special cases we can't help
After a an detailed discussion, shouldn't we define a question for meta.
@stacker I don't think it does; try another language :P
@stacker it works, but I dont think we are dont yet.
gtg o/
That could work
@iKlsR I think this is the discussion that I was talking about
Q: Can we change the close message of the "bug report" close reason?

gandalf3 This question appears to be off-topic because it is a bug report and not an actual question. These should be reported to Blender's tracker instead. Emphasis mine We usually close questions which were asked buggy behavior as bug reports, regardless of whether or not the question was not phra...

Damn more dead links.
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