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@VinceScalia I don't think so, it is a good solution, even if that is not the specific one desired. I added one with the Screw modifier. See if that one makes them any happier . . .
A: Create curved meshes without using Paths?

NoviceInDisguiseYou can use the Screw modifier. For this all you need to do is make a two dimensional profile of the circular object you want to make: You can then add the modifier: Your mesh will now look like this: You can change the radius by simply moving the vertices (in Edit mode) farther from the o...

@David I have a bad habit of using the materials to hide bad meshes or the fact that important details are missing. I am trying to be a little more professional on this one.
@NoviceInDisguise I can never get the screw mod to work, it just screws stuff.
Any ways to kick up the answer ratio? Recently we have been doing a good job at that, but we need to keep it going. Some sort of answer that can have several solutions . . .
@NoviceInDisguise I think modeling questions are the best for multiple answers. Anything trick you think people could answer in your project?
@GiantCowFilms Not yet. I'll let you know when I do though!
@NoviceInDisguise Yes, I'm trying to come up with one....
Do we have one on modelling something like a spring?
@NoviceInDisguise Let me look
@GiantCowFilms Nevermind . . .
Q: Model a simple 3D spiral shape?

KeavonI need to model a simple spiral shape. I imagine the best way to do this is with curves, but I am unsure how to create a perfect spiral shape with curves. What's the best/easiest way to make a spiral tube?

Any answers to add though.
It has 3 answers at least, I'll check if I can find another way . . .
I think they covered all the bases . . .
@NoviceInDisguise I agree
Have to think some more . . .
BTW, I am thinking of buying myself an orchestra. Whatcha think?
@NoviceInDisguise .... I wouldn't have a clue, but I'm sure you'll have fun.
XD Just wondering . . .
Also, that message was pretty funny.... 'What you been up to' .... 'Oh, I just bought myself an orchestra'
@NoviceInDisguise Did you see the Black Magic Design bought the company that makes fusion, and are now giving it away, with only a few not-key features ripped: blackmagicdesign.com/products/fusion
Wait, what?!
@NoviceInDisguise Fusion is like NUKE & AE, composting software.
But for FREE!! WAHOO!
@NoviceInDisguise ikr, I'm going to give it a try soon.... if the playback is faster the AE I'll have a party
The website is cool too . . .
@NoviceInDisguise Very well done
That is what you can do with lots of good photos....
The code shouldn't be to hard though.
Not really. Some heavy CSS work I imagine.
@NoviceInDisguise Yes... heavy | lots of time, but not to hard. Its not like its adaptive or anything.
Now that would be hard to do!
@NoviceInDisguise I've done adaptive sites before.... you've got to design around multiple sizes at the same time.
It is a pain. My site sort of does it, but not really. The menu hides buttons at certain sizes, and the info boxes slide down, but that is pretty much it.
The ones I did weren't exactly polished (No js though); but yes... I rarely see a site the scales elegantly.
It is an art in and of itself, it really has to be designed that way from the ground up.
@GiantCowFilms You know anything about baking?
Q: Not allowing me to bake AO in different layers?

Knuckles209cpI am baking ambient occlusion to my mesh , But when i move it to a different layer it says "No image found to bake on" , But when i move it back to the first layer it bakes as it should , is this a bug or is there a work around?

@NoviceInDisguise I do that, but still get it wrong.... I made the mistake of putting images inline with text, meaning the text has to scale neatly (Which is hard then it should be). I also run out of space in the nav bar every time.
@NoviceInDisguise Not much...
That makes it harder . . .
Have to go eat dinner.
Hi @David !
14 hours later…
@NoviceInDisguise I've finally manged to be first to some answers:
A: Understanding colliders

GiantCowFilmsThe easiest way to do this is simple to create an invisible box, parent your objects to it, and then remove your objects from the physics simulation. The box will then do the collisions on their behalf. Steps: Remove you meshes from the phsical simulation Parent your mesh to you box Make ...

A: Premade Materials in Blender render?

GiantCowFilmsNo, there are no templates so to speak. You can create or buy your own templates though, and bring them into your project using blender append functionality. The blender foundation announced a project to improve this system. To create your own template library, open new blender file (you won't w...

Good for you! I have been out all morning
@NoviceInDisguise I'll have to go & do work soon, then you can have them all to your self
By the way, if you though the fusion website was cool, look at this one, so slick: evodesk.com
That's pretty cool!
@iKlsR how do you delete an answer that's been accepted? My answer is wrong here: blender.stackexchange.com/questions/23139/…
If they accepted it must have solved the issue, I think you are OK unless you get some more feedback from them
@NoviceInDisguise That happens when I get on the stackexchange before having coffeee...
@NoviceInDisguise so imagination?
@VinceScalia Wrong chat room I think?
@NoviceInDisguise oh yeah. switching.
Ok saw it! sounds good.
Awesome. We have 3 votes now!
I don't no python, any idea why this is failing, I don't see anything in the console:
import bpy


for sel in bpy.context.selected_objects:
sel.hide_render = True
(There is an indent)
@NoviceInDisguise A few more answers today, and I might make 200 :D
You are almost to 4k too!
@NoviceInDisguise any idea why the script wont work...
I don't do Python either :-P
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "\Text", line 3, in <module>
File "path to blender \blender-2.72b-windows64\2.72\scr
ipts\modules\bpy\ops.py", line 188, in __call__
ret = op_call(self.idname_py(), None, kw)
RuntimeError: Operator bpy.ops.object.hide_view_clear.poll() failed, context is
Error: Python script fail, look in the console for now...
@David How did you find that
this is what the console spits out. note I changed the path part
@David where is this console
you are running on windows, right?
Oh I found it
but do not click on the windows X for close on the console that will close all of blender.
^^ I have done that before . . . what a way to ruin a day XD
@NoviceInDisguise anther reason that Ctrl S should be very regular.
^^ Excellent advice for every user of a computer
but yet, we all still loose stuff
@GiantCowFilms I could of answered that
I can't find some files for weeks afterwards . . . I save them in the wrong directory or something stupid like that XD
@David Any idea how to fix the script, I want to do the same thing as Alt-H
@GiantCowFilms well if I tell you, you will post it as an answer. :) No, I do not know, at least without looking in to it.
@David Okay, I don't know how to handel hidden objects...
Why do you need to use a script?
he wants another answer
@GiantCowFilms BTW, Handel was a Baroque composer.
@David I want to improve the answer
No script answer for me :/
Same here, i need to learn Python . . .
Q: Imagination - Challenge #4

NoviceInDisguiseContest: Imagination This is your opportunity to depart from reality a little. The goal of this competition is to spark your imagination and creativity, and to be a fun departure from more 'serious' works. Objective: Create an imaginary world using non-photorealistic rendering techniques You ...

creativeshrimp.com/create-realistic-ice-lighting-book-02.html great read (or watch the video if you like it that way) on lighting and materials for ice.
2 hours later…
@David Saw that yesterday... amazing
Q: Combine rendering from more than one cameras

JianNiussay, I have about 4 cameras with 4 different positions but all of them have the orientation to the center. Is it possible to render all of them at once and the render result is the combined image of all of the camera. (Like film taken from different cameras and the result is the combined image fr...

I smell a duplicate
couldn't find it though
I need 2 UVs to get my first 200 hint hint
@GiantCowFilms actually gonna enter the contest this time? :)
@VinceScalia No, sheepish look, I've got to finish both the planet game and my train render.... I feel bad not having ever entered, but with an event & everything this weakened, I doubt I have time. Maybe something simple though...
Put your train in.
@VinceScalia LOL
Its still missing wheels.
And that would be cheating...
@GiantCowFilms only put in what you make after the contest started.
ie, the wheels.
@VinceScalia 2 votes... please ;D I get a badge...
@VinceScalia LOL
@GiantCowFilms Where would I find one?
@someonewithpc My page
@GiantCowFilms got it?
Also, I answered nearly everything today :P
200 Rep today, with 20 earned through extortion :P!!!! But hey 182 isn't bad, And maybe I'll score a real 20 later...
@GiantCowFilms Done
@GiantCowFilms You could return the favor :P
@GiantCowFilms Haha! seriously though, enter your wheels in a whacko environment. just make them cool.
@someonewithpc LOL
hint hint
@someonewithpc LOL
@someonewithpc Ehem. we're waiting
That would be serial voting or what-not
@GiantCowFilms Found the duplicate! close now!
@VinceScalia Shh.. Don't tell nobody! Wait, that's a double negative; crap!
@someonewithpc wants to tell you something!
I didn't do it! ;P
@someonewithpc favorite hot-dog company?
@VinceScalia Wasn't a dup of that question.
Very differnt
I agree, although the same techniques might apply, the questions are very different.
ohhh. i'll take off my close vote.
There. no harm done.
@NoviceInDisguise How would one do that then?
@VinceScalia ?
@VinceScalia How would I do what?
I forgot the shortcut to add a viewer node in the compositor . . .
Duh . . . thanks!
@NoviceInDisguise combine the renders into one shot.
@NoviceInDisguise Ctrl Shift Click
@VinceScalia I'm not sure what he means actually, I may, in-fact have a workaround solution.
I just noticed that In the time I got 4k rep, @gandalf3 got 9k.... wow we got a vote for ever one I did, and some more.
1 hour later…
@NoviceInDisguise, mr. node-master. can you help me with glare?
@VinceScalia What type?
@NoviceInDisguise From sunlight. On trees mostly.
What have you done so far?
@NoviceInDisguise Absolutely nothing, I don't know how.
@VinceScalia Depends on what you want. Lens flair? Starburst?
Volumetric rays?
@gandalf3 Light passing through dust and what-not
You could render them with volumetrics, and/or use the sun beams node
Exactly. @gandalf3 Still looking for a solution to your question . . . looks like there will be some code editing
@gandalf3 I don't even know what that means.
Sorry, but I'm REAlly new.
Do you know what the compositor is?
@NoviceInDisguise Uh. blank face
Oh . . .
Well, you could do in post processing, after the image is rendered (essentially just a 2D image filter)
@NoviceInDisguise I said I'm pretty new.
@gandalf3 like gimp?
Yes, but in blender with nodes
@gandalf3 so... how?
Or you could do it by actually simulating the way light bounces off the dust in the air etc.
But it'll be slower and noisier
@gandalf3 sounds like it would tak a looooooooong time.
How to get to the compositor (easy, right?)
Depends on your hardware of course :P
@NoviceInDisguise Okay, got he compositer. now, what does it do?
@gandalf3 Got pretty boss hardware, just sounds like it would be hard to create.
Composites things, via nodes. Similar to materials, sort of. But with images.
@NoviceInDisguise I'm lost.
So I oopen an image, and theeen.
Just look around, you will get the hang of it.
@NoviceInDisguise How do I add nodes to an image?
Shift+A opens the add node menu, drag to the sockets.
You might want to spend some time learning the compositor . . .
@NoviceInDisguise Ohhhkay. theres no normal socket on the render layers like in this image. i.sstatic.net/Nhnz0.png
@GiantCowFilms Hope this works for you blender.stackexchange.com/questions/21398/…
@VinceScalia You have to add that render pass . . .
@NoviceInDisguise Render pass?
Sorry if I'm being obnoxious, but this is really confusing.
@VinceScalia Does that help?
It's kinda old, but it might still be useful for starting out: blenderguru.com/tutorials/introduction-to-the-compositor
@NoviceInDisguise uhhh. yes! thankyou!
@gandalf3 Yay! thanks! sorry for being annoying and all.
@gandalf3 I think it will take some behind the scenes excavation to find an answer to your question, and somebody good at Python . . .
No problem, you're not annoying ;)
I tried also to get a quick solution to gandalf3s question, but I ended up with a default scene with file manger open and 'Back to previous' only close Blender.
lol :P
Unfortunately it seems that press Ctrl O for e.g. doesn't use the default filemanager settings from the startup .blend..
But it seems scriptable with blender.stackexchange.com/questions/2747/… and the stuff 'show source' load into the text-editor. Personally I would press thousands time the sort button before migrating a script each month.
Hm.. I feel like I've pressed the button about a thousand times already :P
Maybe I'll write a script to migrate the script
@gandalf3 Please make the script an addon I could use it
INVOKE_DEFAULT is somehow calling FILE_SORT_ALPHA . . . if you know where, changing to FILE_SORT_TIME would work, correct?
Seriously, it is probably a property which can be set on startup
You think so?
That'd be cool!
I could give it another try in ~20h. gtg
I gtg too . . .
@stacker I haven't got a script..
@stacker Can't wait to see what you come up with ;)
@cegaton You can't delete an answer once it is accepted.
Q: How to link to a specific answer?

PGmathHow can I link to a specific answer on a question, such that when the link is followed it scrolls down to the answer? I have seen this done and know how to do it for comments (simply click on the date posted) but have not figured out how for an answer.

A: Transparent laser focus

gandalf3BI: BI does have volumetric rendering, so you could you could use two Spot lamps with Halo enabled to get this effect: ShiftA>Add > Lamp > Spot Select the spot lamp and duplicate it with AltD to duplicate linked. This way all settings will be mirrored between each Linked Duplicate. Rotate the...

@gandalf3 This is kinda what I'm going for. how to do this in cycles? ^^
Q: How to make sunbeams in blender?

EvilAsuratosI was working on a something and I thought, wouldn't sunbeams look great with this. So I searched in google and everywhere but didn't find any answer. So my question is how to make sunbeams in blender?

Q: Correct way to render crepuscular rays in cycles?

gandalf3While trying to use the new cycles volumetric rending features to create crepuscular rays (with the intention of updating my answer here), I have found this to be a little trickier than I anticipated. When I create a basic setup with a spot lamp (sun lamps don't seem to work, not sure if that ...

Q: Using volumetrics in 2.71 I have to have the light strength super high

yodamonI have to have a spot lamp strength VERY VERY high to have these light rays come through 300000.0 and look good. Sounds crazy doesn't it. Maybe it doesn't matter but it doesn't feel right. Will I start to have problems if add other elements? Lamp Size: .2 Lamp Strength: 300000.0 World Volume...

@VinceScalia ^^
Q: Holographic lighting in Cycles

VladimirIs it possible to create a holographic lighting in cycles? This is possible In the Blender Internal render engine, but I'm not going for linking lamps. Here is what I mean (the light that is holding the sphere inside it) -

@VinceScalia I wrote an answer on that, it was one of my first: blender.stackexchange.com/questions/12218/…
@stacker Okay, let me try
Rendering with a GPU, this keeps happening:
Any ideas why?

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