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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@NoviceInDisguise I see you're rendering Gleb style ice....
@NoviceInDisguise What exactly is wrong?
@NoviceInDisguise No that is a very strange thing.... composting, maybe?
Looks like a glare node to me
Set to ghosts
New Age of Ultron trailer Drops everything and runs to youtube
@NoviceInDisguise Do you have square samples enabled?
@VinceScalia Huh?
The render doesn't complete, but only for higher sample levels
@VinceScalia No
At 50 samples, 100% res it rendered perfectly. At 500 samples, 100% res it rendered only a few tiles, like shown.
@gandalf3 Exactly, and by design. The issue is the stalling render, which only stalls at high sample levels.
@GiantCowFilms Yes, thought I'd give the ice thing a shot and see what I could come up with. Nothing advanced yet.
@NoviceInDisguise Ice is cool (pun there)! :D
:D I agree!
I made an alternative ice castle for frozen once, I found ice so much fun to work with!
@NoviceInDisguise Sounds like a bug
Same bug as this
Q: Cycles render stops part way on CPU

bozz mozzI am trying to render a simple kitchen scene. I already had one full render (without issues). Now I made some adjustments and want to render again. However, on GPU I get the infamous "cuda out of memory" error message. On CPU, the render stalls at 8/135 tiles. I have attached a picture for refere...

Oh great . . . I wonder how I can fix it? It worked fine at 1k samples before . . .
Looks like it MIGHT be the GPU/CPU overheating? Not sure yet.
Usually bugs are fixed by reporting them
Well, I cracked the window and let some -10* air in, and tried to keep it cool It rendered properly at 200 samples. Very odd . . . maybe it is overheating after all.
The final result for now . . .
I am not happy with the ice shader yet. Needs some roughness, maybe snow on top. Who knows . . .
Made some edits, and now the issue is back again XD
This is going to get annoying . . .
An now that I disabled modifiers, it worked again . . . I also clamped the max bounces really low.
Hmm . . . 1,008,000 verts with modifiers. I wonder if that might be an issue . . .
Trying a render at 307k verts . . .
I wonder.. @NoviceInDisguise do you have square samples enabled?
Q: Cycles Not Rendering Specified Samples

BinaryGreenI set my render to sample 800 samples. When I look in the corner while rendering it only says 510 and has LOTS of pixelation. I've never had this problem before.

Maybe that question isn't as related as I thought
No squared samples . . .
oh okay
I am honestly completely baffled at the cause.
2 hours later…
I have just decided to let that scene be, I'm not sure what was up with it. I am working on something else that might possibly be really cool when I am done instead.
4 hours later…
@NoviceInDisguise How did you create this?
4 hours later…
The ice? I sculpted with Dynotopo, made some particle systems of bubbles, made a base ice material, and did some basic lighting.
3 hours later…
Wait, we can export HDR images?! That is way cool!
@gandalf3 clicking sort by date doesn't work?
@VinceScalia It doesn't set it to a default, I misread that question too . . .
@NoviceInDisguise just read your comment, and wanted to warn you, I'm writing an answer too.
@David I am done already anyways, but thanks for the warning!
I saw, some things will be duplicated, but I think you may be surprised as well.
I think maybe . . .
1 hour later…
@NoviceInDisguise here it is blender.stackexchange.com/a/23190/2217 (took me longer then I thought it would to find all the information)
Wow! That is in depth!
2 hours later…
@someonewithpc are you here?
@VinceScalia No :P
@someonewithpc oh. too bad.
@VinceScalia What's up?
Have you ever used the compiler, I'm trying to learn it.
@someonewithpc The ceiling.
@VinceScalia Which compiler? For what?
blender image compiler.
@VinceScalia Touchè
trying to make lens flare
@VinceScalia Compositor?
@someonewithpc OH yeah!
That's how new I am ^^
hehe compositer.
@VinceScalia There's a lens flare node...
I can't get it to work though.
it turns my image black
@VinceScalia Post your setup, please?
@someonewithpc don't laugh if I really failed super bad, ok?
@VinceScalia I would do such a thing! I'm no expert either
@someonewithpc I didn't even know what it was yesterday, and today I called it the compiler. :(
@VinceScalia That's another thing entirely! Sun Beams is for doing "God Rays"
@someonewithpc yeah well I get no effect either way.
I can't figure anything out but distort
You want a Filter>Glare, with mode set to Ghosts
@someonewithpc no change
@VinceScalia You're suposed to have a bright area in your image first; That's what makes it in the real world - bright lights
Add an emision shader to the cube
@someonewithpc Thanks!
@VinceScalia Also, try using the Viewer node
@someonewithpc ?
Check Backdrop, though
Yeah, I remember the shortcut too!
@VinceScalia To view the composited image, in the background of the nodes
@NoviceInDisguise ?
Ctrl+Shift Click on the node
The viewer node
I had forgotten the shortcut and had to ask very recently . . .
@NoviceInDisguise Oh
@NoviceInDisguise Ask me
@NoviceInDisguise I get nothing.
looks the same.
doesn't show up in background.
@VinceScalia Check Backdrop
Next to Use Nodes
@someonewithpc whaza?
@someonewithpc Oh! ok!.
now I can see.
@GiantCowFilms they're teaching me not to be an ignorant ape.
@someonewithpc Python is simple until you start trying to add brackets were they should be :P.
@GiantCowFilms It does have a strange syntax
@VinceScalia I'm not sure intelligent apes are a good thing though.
@GiantCowFilms how do I use the normal node?
@VinceScalia Set it to Ghosts, to get a Lens Flare
@someonewithpc it is.
g2g sr7y... bbl
@VinceScalia ... That is correct, sir................... :/
@someonewithpc if I turn up iterations it's brighter.
@VinceScalia It should; It calculates it another time, and adds it to the image
screens it
The more variation there is, the more detail there is in the ghosts flare
I think
@NoviceInDisguise variation? is that a set property?
@VinceScalia Color variation
No, in your render image ^^
@someonewithpc uh yeah, but this is just the default cube, so it's kinda colorless.
An that is why the flare is kind of blah . . .
@VinceScalia That was just a tip.... It just doesn't apply in this specific case
@someonewithpc Oh ok. thanks.
I gtg now. thanks for the help everyone!
Oh darn . . . just crashed my GPU and Blender XD
Trying to render . . . not sure why.
@VinceScalia My Ghosts node result with a more detailed scene:
@VinceScalia A brightened version ^^
@NoviceInDisguise That's slightly over the top
@someonewithpc Just to show how detailed it is, the actual image isn't even in the mix ;-)
BTW, what is a layer in this context:
Q: How can I name a layer?

beavoruCan I name the layers with customized names, or something like that? If not, is it possible to add different colors to every single box?

@NoviceInDisguise I know... That why I said "slightly"
@NoviceInDisguise Scene?
I'm not sure . . . I can't imagine why anybody would want to name the layers of a scene . . .
@NoviceInDisguise Because that's how it works in every other software!
I still don't get why . . . you can't even see the names!
@NoviceInDisguise The question implies a way to see them...
Do you know Python?
import bpy

def unhide():
for obj in bpy.data.objects:
obj.hide_render = obj.hide

Why does that not work
Well... That defeats that...
You need to have def unhide(self):, then it works. — BlendingJake 2 mins ago
There's the answer...
Is this question off-topic?
Q: Blender Documentation

CristoforoI am a beginner in Blender 3D, but I can already appreciate the power of this app. I downloaded this book --> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c1/BlenderDocumentation.pdf However, I am encountering a lot of problems because my version 2.72b and most of what I am reading refers t...

@NoviceInDisguise I think so, but he wouldn't feel welcome, and might quit, if we close it 5 minutes after it was asked
True that . . .
Unless nothing pops up, in which case, close it
@NoviceInDisguise Do you get this:
Q: Mesh Array Modifier with Fit Curve modifier strings objects through center, not origin

JimonmarsI am using Array modified and Fit Curve modifier to place multiple meshes on a bezier curve. Unfortunately, blender is passing the curve through the centers of the generated objects, and I need the objects to be placed so that the curve passes through the origin, not center. Is there a way to d...

Sounds like he needs a follow path constraint or some such thing.
My render layers are not working, only the first renders . . . I think everything is set up correctly too.
It renders transparently, while the first renders perfectly.
There are objects in those layers.
@NoviceInDisguise so the more detailed the scene, the cooler looking the flair? or did you use some settings I hav'nt discovered yet.?
Just more detail :)
@NoviceInDisguise more detail to what? the entire scene? what are you calling detail?
Any color variation at all. The higher the resolution, more variation, the better.
@NoviceInDisguise I see. so that was just a colorful scene with high samples?
or is there a glare rez?
That is all I did, the color balance is because I brightened it so you could see it really well.
o. color balance. thanks!
My render layer is rendering 100% transparent, any ideas why?
@NoviceInDisguise What's in it?
@gandalf3 My camera, lighting (lamps, HDR), and the meshes I want to render.
What kinds materials have the meshes got?
@gandalf3 Some, yes
Also some glass, and diffuse. The exact same materials that are present in the first render layer.
Hm.. Could you upload the file?
@gandalf3 Should we accept hardware questions like blender.stackexchange.com/questions/23207/…
It seem okay to me, but idk
@gandalf3 I'd rather not, it is almost 4MB
4MB is small..
You could delete all the unrelated stuff
OK . . . here goes.
I literally deleted everything, added two cubes and a lamp, and had the same issue
Uploading . . .
@gandalf3 Here it is
@gandalf3 I found the issue
What is it?
I excluded the layer . . . such a Doh! moment right now . . .
My eyes completely tricked me that time
? I disabled all exclude layers, and it's still not working for me
The enabled layer was wrong too . . .
I've set both enabled layers to the only layers with objects one them
Still not working??
And exclude?
And checked the checkbox for rendering?
As a matter of fact I've made RearForeground identical to Foreground, however RearForeground is still transparent
@NoviceInDisguise No excluding, disabled all exclude layers
@NoviceInDisguise It was checked
oh wait
Now they are both transparent
At least that makes some sense..
If I make all layers enabled, it works
But if I only enable the layers with objects, it doesn't
oh wait
I'm an idiot
Never mind :P
I think I did the same thing you did lol
Exactly what happened to me XD
@iKlsR do you know why, or how my comment and the authors comment were deleted from this question?
@David I removed them as they were no longer relevant.
He had updated the image.
First I edited the post. Second I thought it would be good to leave them there because others might read it. (that was not the first time I have commented on text in images)
@David You said in the comments that it is best not to have text on images. There were no images with text on them in the post so why keep it there?
only for future readers not accustomed to the SE system (like this guy) who may not know that about the images.
@David that won't help anyone and that is the only person I've ever seen do that. If anything it will only the reader as you are talking about something that was changed.
@iKlsR can you message this user he has posted three questions on the same thing today, and if you look at the edits he has made he puts in comments about others answers. blender.stackexchange.com/questions/23208/… blender.stackexchange.com/questions/23199/…
Comments that don't pertain to the question should be deleted anyway.
He edited after my answer saying he knew how to use the Rotate node XD
I already deleted one and done.
If he persists, will give him some time to cool off. Not sure what he is up to.
ok, thank you. And I don't mind having my comment deleted, it was just a surprise (but like I said I definitely have seen other posts with the text in the image).
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