What is Ambient Occlusion and what are some of it's uses? I see it is used in creating what might be called "shadow catchers" in the following node tree setup:
> Ambient occlusion is an approximation of global illumination that emulates the complex interactions between the diffuse inter-reflections of objects. While not physically accurate (for that use full global illumination)
For one, you can use bevelling.
Forgetting to bevel or chamfer edges is one of the most common errors
committed by beginning 3D artists. There are almost no razor sharp
edges in nature, and even most man-made objects have a slight
roundness where two opposing surfaces meet. Beveling hel...
guess what? speaking of Obama, when I was doing genealogy research on our family, I found out that Obama is actually related to me: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10202117619203317&set=a.4310100432050.2179842.1273030005&type=3&theater
well, yeah, it's like TOTALLY a very distant relationship, but technically he's still related. then again, you and I are probably as related as he and I are...
I was stunned to discover that any white person from europe has Charlemagne as a direct ancestor, as well as Cleopatra, according to National Geographic.
I just didn't understand what exactly "nuked" would mean for an answer
the I'm learning more and more is about all the new info you both are putting up about AO
btw, I just posted a new question.... http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/7819/what-is-the-logic-to-having-an-axis-labeled-z-and-also-having-z-refer-to-distanc
What is the logic to having an axis labeled Z and also having Z refer to distance from the camera? It seems like an easy way to confuse people. Is this due to the conjunction of two different lexicons, one from geometry where they have a Z axis and one from photography?
here's another one that's been bugging me: http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/7821/is-there-a-way-to-stop-blender-from-performing-an-action-once-started
For example, sometimes I accidentally switch to Material view for objects instead of Textured and since my computer is very slow, it takes WAY too long until I can do anything again. So, I'd like to be able to hit a key and have Blender stop trying to display Material view.
I've been working with bge and specifically the KX_Camera class to check if points are within the viewing frustum, but even when points are clearly in the camera frustum, it returns false. I'm aware of the issue where the projection matrix of the KX_Camera object are not updated on the first logi...
I'd like to have a node like the Frame node but one that can have lots of text, not just a header. I've looked and it looks like there isn't any such capability so far, so I was wondering how easy it would be for someone to create a custom Comment node as an add-on or script (I don't know the dif...
I've found some neat combinations of nodes to create certain effects, so I'd like to make them a group and then have that node available on my list of available nodes, even when I reload the startup file. How would I do that?
I've seen scripts I'd like to use, but I'm unfamiliar with making system files like the .blend file visible in OS X and then editing them. So, is there an easy way to install them manually?
Even more ideally, is it easy for anyone else to make an addon for installing scripts? It seems like some...
Had Blender 2.66 (with cycles) installed in /opt/blender. Removed the installation. Installed using apt-get install blender.
The widgets are missing:
I tried using other Blender builds. They all are missing the widgets.
Running Xubuntu Linux 12.04.
$ uname ...
I have created a cape and pinned the vertices I wanted to stay stationery however when I go to animate it they unpin and repel themselves from the armor they are supposed to be near. I turned down the repel and collision distance down as far as possible and it still occurs. Any ideas?
oh well. their documentation assumes I know what I'm doing with python, but alas...
@gandalf3 @iKlsr I'm trying to install PyOpenGL on my Mac but their install instructions assume I know how to use python, which I don't. Do you have any idea how to do this:
Most users of PyOpenGL should use pip to install PyOpenGL automatically. It can be installed either to the system Python or a Virtualenv: $ pip install PyOpenGL PyOpenGL_accelerate
I was trying to texture a car, but then I realized that some faces dont have their UV map applied.
I cant really explain what's happening. It looks like that there are two kinds of groups; when I select the entire model and apply a UV Map to it only one of the groups of faces actually uses it. Th...
In blender you can use shift when moving something, this will reduce the amount it is moved giving you finer control. Is there a way to make the shift drag slower than it already is?
@charlesL @iKlsr thanks for the tips on installing pip...I think I actually managed to install it somehow by following a tutorial on the net somewhere, but when I was installing some of the dependencies, I saw a bunch of "warning" messages, but it still installed. What does that mean? How would I know if it's properly installed?
I haven't watched the videos yet you made... Oh yeah, the first one is good too, but I started with the 2nd one so I did them backwards. you like the first one?
I thought you would...did you like it? I sure did, but maybe it's not so needed for more experienced blender users http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/7825/is-there-a-way-to-make-comments-in-the-node-editor