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my knitting creation here: meta.stackexchange.com/a/320791/253077 :)
2 hours later…
Oh yey, meta.stackexchange.com/questions/320761/… has been deleted, i flagged it saying i wanna delete it, and thanks to Journeyman Geek to delete my question, so back to 276 rep on MSE
@U9-Forward oh yeah, that one had a lot, like really a lot of downvotes :)
@alecxe Yes, i was stupid then...
Don't vote just because I want a hat, but more feedback of any kind would be appreciated here: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/378197/…
@AlexanderO'Mara what ya mean, what should i add? :-)
One other thing, it might be a good place to post a semi-controversial answer if you haven't yet.
@AlexanderO'Mara Kinda don't understand what ya mean...
Ya know, the hat.
@AlexanderO'Mara Freehand Circle , right?
Sun Wukong
@AlexanderO'Mara I earned that hat already...
@AlexanderO'Mara Oh you meant you, well, i only can do one vote, which i've done already.
I meant for other people in the chat, who haven't gotten it yet.
@AlexanderO'Mara Like...
@AlexanderO'Mara Man.. deleted my answer to meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/378197/…
Someone should knit a Rainbow Dash on that cloud.
@b_jonas What's a Rainbow Dash?
@U9-Forward She's a main character from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the animated show from 2011
Or maybe 2010, I'm not sure.
@b_jonas Oh, got it.
The coolest character from the show too.
Damm.. i think this year i can't get Freehand circle hat, my closest is only: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/378160/…
And she sometimes takes a nap on a cloud too.
Does anyone know the 2018 version of this meta.stackexchange.com/questions/304500/…?
@b_jonas A super quick effort to show what a non-tweaked result would look like:
Wait, you can just upload arbitrary pictures?
@Rob Yeah. The shape came out more or less good, but you'll probably have to adjust the colors more than that, and perhaps choose a different image.
@AlexanderO'Mara Yes.
@b_jonas Well I feel silly making that Batman logo by hand.
And to get a good result, you need to do a lot of hand-drawing to make it look well.
@AlexanderO'Mara Nah, since it's in such low resolution, you will have to do hand drawing anyway to make it look better.
Yeah, probably.
You can upload a picture as a starting point, but it won't automatically look nice.
@AlexanderO'Mara yes. the image just has to be exactly 1190x442.
@b_jonas True dat
It might be worth to create the picture in an external image editor though, using the palette and resolution the knitter uses, and then upload that (by first rescaling to the image size the webpage expects).
Because, you know, the drawing gadget isn't ideal.
@AlexanderO'Mara Batman logo:
PS @AlexanderO'Mara I've seen you everywhere. You super active. very impressive. How much of that is just for hats?
I guess a lot of it is for hats. Having a tough time with some of them.
Still not sure why I didn't get 007 today.
had to be a comment.
ask a mod to look at it.
Make comment, delete comment.
pretty sure there will be a comment on the Q
happened to me too many times in yars past.
I don't remember one, but I guess it's possible. Either that or it needs to be done in a certain time frame.
no time frame.
just the longer the harder, because comments
Can you get it from older posts?
yes you can. age of the question does not matter.
so long as the Q never had a comment
I think I had an old answer seem to meet that criteria today, but it's possible it also had deleted comments somewhere.
no, the answer has to be from within the WB, just the question age does not matter
Must never have had comments is a pretty annoying parameter.
it is hard because so many times I get "thanks" or something else from the OP (who does not accept it...)
Yeah, or someone will post some other superfluous comment somewhere.
@AlexanderO'Mara yeh there are a few that are too high on the annoying scale for me to bother with this year. :/
plus the voting on BSE has been terrible. Not counting my latest (on a HNQ) I have had a total of 3 votes on 9 answers during the WB. :( that is demotivating.
/*end rant*/
I'm pretty sure someone voted to keep me from getting a hat recently.
yah seeing the complete lack of voting on my posts this year, I'm now convinced that last year when I could NOT get the explorer hat, someone was UVing my answers.
"sportsmanship" :(
@AlexanderO'Mara how did you manage to get Rep Hunter?
I'm very close to giving up on that one too.
@David Posting a ton of answer on SO in a day.
no kidding! just looked 19 in one day!
While also trying to grind out 1200 rep, which people thought at the time.
that's out of my league.
I think this will be the first WB since 2015 where all the triggers were not found.
@David I second that!
3 hours later…
I have 8 hats that i didn't earn yet, not including secret hats, 2 or 3 that's impossible for me...
I hope i can get Pizza hat this year... and Freehand circle... and Silencium, then i could be one of the first place users.
Guys, what's the theory of Eliza Doolots hat?
I'd guess something like 200+ on 3-4+ sites, collectively totally some large number like 1000.
Actually, one site is enough for Doolots, if you have gained lots of rep on that site during WB. The actual numbers are hard to tell, but if you look at the top monthly users on SO, you'll see many of them have Doolots.
@Eran How much rep?
One site is looking possible for me :-)
Probably over 1500, but less than 2000. I'm not sure
@Eran Really, wow, i think i can earn that.
@Eran Earned 962 so far since Winter Bash has started, if add my MSE account, it is: 1238, and my IPS: 1338, pretty close.
Looking at the monthly reputation league on SO, Eric Lippert on 32nd place has Doolots but Darin Dimitrov on 33rd place doesn't have it. They both got 3670+ rep since the start of the month (not including today), but you have to deduct the rep they got before WB started (Dec 1 though Dec 11) to get a sense of the rep required for Doolots. I think that in order to combine multiple sites, each site must have at least 200 rep gain.
@Eran I started to count at December 12th, that is how i get my numbers.
Otherwise it is 1,596
@Eran Well, can i include MSE?
@U9-Forward yes. For me it was SO+MSE+ELL
@Eran Does Association Bonus count?
If it does, i'll be happy :-)
@U9-Forward nope
@Eran Okay then, i'll try my best :D
Good luck!
@Eran I realized i am same as you, forth place on Winter Bash Stackoverflow, see: winterbash2018.stackexchange.com/leaderboard/stackoverflow.com
@Eran I have to stop doing my computer now, it's almost seven PM for me here, bye bye :-)
5 hours later…
@AlexanderO'Mara I had an idea for the contest on Bricks that could have easily beat your entry. Instead of re-creating a scene from a holiday song, just re-create the song. Lego has a lot of different motor types, and each makes a different tone when running. (And different amounts of wear on each one will have the same effect). I had everything set up perfectly, but could NOT get a decent audio sample for each motor - so you'll probably be winning.
(It turns out a baseplate makes a pretty good sound board)
@ArtOfCode knitting userscript still has bug; clicking "Start Knitting" does nothing on Chrome...
I don't like my hats.
@Rob thanks, that was exciting to say the least. How does that work actually? Buzzers in the drives?
@Nick That's the sound that floppy disk drives make when they seek track to track. The other buzzing is from the dot-matrix printer. Those dinosaurs became extinct (you probably could still buy them) a while back.
@Rob i was alive in 99 to see bunch of those actually
oh hey somebody other than me also listens to floppy music...
@Rob Oh I've seen that, and many other floppotron covers XD
wait... he didn't credit Sammy1Am... >_>
1 hour later…
@EriktheOutgolfer [status-norepro], make sure you're on the latest version
> Google Chrome is up to date
Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)
should be 0.2.1
userscript version, not Chrome version (though that needs to be reasonably up to date too)
yep, 0.2.1
I just installed it today, btw
other scripts?
AF, Glor's Hide Ads, ROT13 (by Alconja of Puzzling.SE), SIM
that is, these are the enabled ones that are also running on the same page
AF may be the issue, disable and try again
failing that disable all the others and try again
alright, I excluded winterbash2018.stackexchange.com from AF
yep, looks like it's working now
thanks :)
@ArtOfCode btw, updating Chrome is one of the first checks I do when something seems buggy
Q: Make a "gif" knitting

Sweet_CherryHow do all of you make a gif knit with the winter bash knitting website? I saw a couple of gifs from this question here And I thought maybe I could make mine into one. But I'm not too sure how?

5 hours later…

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