Oh yey, meta.stackexchange.com/questions/320761/… has been deleted, i flagged it saying i wanna delete it, and thanks to Journeyman Geek to delete my question, so back to 276 rep on MSE
It might be worth to create the picture in an external image editor though, using the palette and resolution the knitter uses, and then upload that (by first rescaling to the image size the webpage expects).
Because, you know, the drawing gadget isn't ideal.
@AlexanderO'Mara yeh there are a few that are too high on the annoying scale for me to bother with this year. :/
plus the voting on BSE has been terrible. Not counting my latest (on a HNQ) I have had a total of 3 votes on 9 answers during the WB. :( that is demotivating.
yah seeing the complete lack of voting on my posts this year, I'm now convinced that last year when I could NOT get the explorer hat, someone was UVing my answers.
"sportsmanship" :(
@AlexanderO'Mara how did you manage to get Rep Hunter?
Actually, one site is enough for Doolots, if you have gained lots of rep on that site during WB. The actual numbers are hard to tell, but if you look at the top monthly users on SO, you'll see many of them have Doolots.
Looking at the monthly reputation league on SO, Eric Lippert on 32nd place has Doolots but Darin Dimitrov on 33rd place doesn't have it. They both got 3670+ rep since the start of the month (not including today), but you have to deduct the rep they got before WB started (Dec 1 though Dec 11) to get a sense of the rep required for Doolots. I think that in order to combine multiple sites, each site must have at least 200 rep gain.
@AlexanderO'Mara I had an idea for the contest on Bricks that could have easily beat your entry. Instead of re-creating a scene from a holiday song, just re-create the song. Lego has a lot of different motor types, and each makes a different tone when running. (And different amounts of wear on each one will have the same effect). I had everything set up perfectly, but could NOT get a decent audio sample for each motor - so you'll probably be winning.
(It turns out a baseplate makes a pretty good sound board)
@Nick That's the sound that floppy disk drives make when they seek track to track. The other buzzing is from the dot-matrix printer. Those dinosaurs became extinct (you probably could still buy them) a while back.
How do all of you make a gif knit with the winter bash knitting website?
I saw a couple of gifs from this question
And I thought maybe I could make mine into one. But I'm not too sure how?