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Any updates on Clean-Up Duty?
Has nobody found anything?
@David: Will do - if I remember!
It's a (recursive) secret
oh, a new secret hat
What is it?
Eliza Doolots
Q: What is a "new contributor" for Winter Bash purposes?

Pieter GeerkensWhat is the combination of rep and timeline used to determine "new contributor" status? Also, for sites with scaled-down rep requirements for badges, are those rep rep requirements scaled down the same way? I'm interested in acquiring this hat, and wondering what sites I am eligible to try for ...

the cake hat.
I will add the hat to the 2018 hat post.
Oh, someone already did it.
Not another!!!
I thought that Clean-Up Duty was it, but no.
Of course another had to come along.
no way! you still have the special "vote on the day" hats.
Any idea's how he got it?
@David Good point.
Do you think that is what this one is?
The hat was taken from @Catija post here
Though I don't think they used here trigger suggestion;
> Earn 200 reputation on each of your top six sites during Winter Bash.
@WELZ is Glorfindel the only one with it?
Otherwise he'd have it on 6 sites (unless it's a caching issue) Chess is a smaller site, but idk about SO
@David nope
@David I'm not sure, but all of them are his "top 6 sites so far"
That could just be the trigger.
Also in the top 6
jeez, they weren't gonna make this easy
multiple sites and, I guess, reputation points?
Maybe it just means earn 200 rep on any 6 sites...
They got the hat on Puzzling, but never got 200 points: puzzling.stackexchange.com/users/11110/…
@AlexanderO'Mara doesn't need to be in one day
I think it might be "Earn 200 reputation on each of your top six sites during Winter Bash."
I seems unfair, as I am on 2 sites and only am active on one.
@EthanK one of them got it on a non top 6 site, it could just be on 6 sites period.
But it still might be.
it's likely 200, yeah, cause I have 150ish on a few sites this WB and no hat
Okay, so "Earn 200 reputation on six sites during Winter Bash."
Possible, not confirmed though,
Now, someone has to test it. :)
This will be hard for them.
I can't test it. I only am on two sites.
I guess I can confirm it soon if it's 200 or not
wonder if the site association bonus counts here or not
if it really is six sites that is another I will not be getting.
Are you that close to getting it?!?
@David lol
I'm skeptical though. if it was juwst 200 rep on 6 sites would we not of seen that already? and why now two people get it at the same time? Would be very strange if they both just happened to get 200 on six sites at the same time.
I'm thinking more of a time/ day biased thing.
but don't know.
Can one get "It's a Me" on one's own post?
@PieterGeerkens I do not think so.
@David 200 rep is a lot to get on six different sites.
I struggle with the 150 on three.
can you get waffles on your own questoin?
@Riker Yes.
@Riker yes
@Riker yes
3 "yes"s, lol
200 rep on three sites is more plausible.
also do deleted comments count? (as long as they were made during wintebash)
@Riker no idea, but I doubt it
I don't know. You can try...
hm ok
If a comment is deleted, is it gone, or can mods see it?
If they can't, deleted comments don't count.
If they can, deleted comments do count.
mods can see it
@EthanK we see all we know all...

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