@Mithrandir probably right about the share link, I just got it on meta and did not do anything. Got to be the link Get X number of views, through the link on a post posted in the bash.
@NogShine I'd like to know the answer to that question too. I deleted many comments, reviewed a lot of suggested edits and edited a lot of old posts. No luck yet
I see that there are already users wearing the Gonna Find Out hat, despite the vote limit. How do they bypass this? Accepts votes? Vote on Meta, too (gives you another 40 votes to cast)?
The description for the Gonna Find Out hat is:
cast 150 votes on questions or answers
I've come across a few users with Gonna Find Out hats. Since Winter Bash has only been on for 3 days and is a limit of 40 Q & A votes per day, how is this possible?
I hit the rep cap from upvotes alone, and earned Propel Thyself (I went +15 over from an accept). It has nothing to do with edits, I have not done any today. I can't think of anything else which could have triggered it.
from all the very different conditions people have gotten the propeller hat, something like 5 view through a share link would do it. Could it be the same trigger as Amped Up from 2016?
@CalebKleveter This can't be the trigger, on the leaderboard for meta there are hat bearers with only six hats (including the propeller). There is also no gap in the hat number (yet)
Itd be nice to have access to hat info with queries. That way we could find a user with the minimal actions taken to get hat. But thatd make it too easy.
There's a user on linguist.se with that hat: He commented a lot, got (only 1) upvote on some comments, probably voted up some comments of other users, moved a comment discussion to chat, not much more. The posts and comments weren't particularly old, and the user is still "new" according to SE standards.
I don't follow how you are supposed to get Rubber Ducky. None of the Ask Question pages I view have a Discard button. I seem to remember one being there in the past, but not any more.
I don't think it has anything to do with answers, someone else posted and deleted a comment on a post with no answers at all. I think it has to do with deleting a comment within a certain time frame of posting it.
@RitaGeraghty I noticed you asked about the hats. Well its all part of the winter bash. The winter bash is an event the SE runs where we collect hats for doing normal actions across the sites. You can find the answer to the Retro Fan hat here
After I opted-in to Winterbash on one site (Ask Different) I was not automatically opted-in on Stackoverflow or Meta Stack Exchange.
Are you supposed to be opted-in/out on all sites automatically and this is a bug or is this not a feature yet?
I raised a VLQ flag on this question.
It is marked disputed. How and why will that ever happen? Is that because the moderator(s) did not agree with it? If so, shouldn't it have been declined instead?
When I earned my other hats (Team Player, Top(bar) Hat, and Peacekeeper), I had the option of adjusting the rotation angle and size before wearing them. When I just earned IDENTIFICATION DIVISION, it happened to be a good size and orientation, but I couldn't adjust it at all. Bug, or WAD?
@NogShine Also, bumping old question on the home page of a not so active site as other issues. I know, I have been asked to not edit more than 5 old question a day on IPS...
I just realized one of the questions I answered on MSE can get me Red Baron. It just lacks 10 question upvotes and 2 answer upvotes :) That would be a challenge
@Noon Yes. Happened with me once in the past when I was trying for copy editor. Those were legitimate edits though. The reason generally said is it prevents users from reading new active posts.
A challenge: If you guys answer this (currently -6) question - meta.stackexchange.com/questions/320012/… - and later it reaches +3 (not including your vote), and your answer gets +5, you'll get Red Baron hat.