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REFRESH! There are 6163 unanswered questions (92.0621 answered)
6 hours later…
Q: Two body collision written in sfml

ResfeThis program shows two object that can be controlled with arrow keys, Its 569 lines. I have a 8 core cpu and this simple program takes around ~30 of my CPU, i don't understand if SFML is causing this or if something is wrong in my code. Code can it be that i am declaring same variables in a while...

2 hours later…
@Mast Yeah. I guess I'm one of those. Congrats @pacmaninbw
Anyone know if Lamplighter is still alive and kicking?
How's the site doing these days?
1 hour later…
Q: Code Feedback Request: SwiftUI Image Search App Using Pixabay API

user3580937Body: Hi Stack Overflow Community, I recently completed a home assignment for an iOS development position, but unfortunately, I did not pass. I'm confident that my implementation meets the given specifications, and I would appreciate your feedback on my code to understand where I might have gone ...

@Kaz Welcome back.
I don't recall anyone by the name of Lamplighter.
We have a lampshade, Lampard, thelamp, LampPost, Shadylamp and Mecury Lamp though.
Perhaps you mean glampert?
Haven't seen them this year.
@Harith highlight.js does, apparently. I've tried it on your post and the result is far from spectacular.
@Mast Okay, that looks horrible. I've opened an issue about digit separators on their github repository albeit. I also see "map" being highlighted as a keyword or type in my post, and that also looks to be a bug to me.
@Harith I hope it's simply a bug in the repo that can be fixed. Once it has been fixed, please let me know and I'll bugger a dev about updates.
It very much depends on how you view Renderer. Is it a property of this object? Since you don't pass it in as a method parameter I would assume it is, in which case you do change the state of this object, meaning the function should not be const IMHO. However,t hat IMHO part is a problem. It's an opinion-based question. That's reason to close this question. It is better to put this on a different Stack Exchange site like Code Review or Software EngineeringHomer512 6 secs ago
@Mast Oh. You know what. Now that I think about it. I'm pretty sure I know them from The Workspace not Code Review ^^
@Mast Isn't glampert a moderator on another site?
@pacmaninbw No.
You may have them confused with Glorfindel.
@Mast yep
Who currently has 8 diamonds or so.
@Mast More confusion to me. :-)
9 even.
There are a couple of recurring guests who mod on other sites.
@Kaz Thanks. Nice to see you again.
mickmackusa used to mod Joomla. Maarten Bodewes is a mod on crypto. Donald.McLean mods Music Fans.
@Mast Glad to hear the Donald McLean is still around somewhere.
2 hours later…
After your refactoring you can post your code at the sister site Code Review to get some more input, if you want. — Leviathan 23 secs ago
If this is working code that you think could be improved (and you can provide some context as to what it's supposed to be doing), see Code Review. — jonrsharpe 55 secs ago
If your code is working as is and doesn't have an problems then your questions is off-topic. Consider asking on codereview.stackexchange.comDarkBee 38 secs ago
fyi opinion-based / discussion-based questions are off-topic here, as are code reviews. For specific code feedback, you can post to Code ReviewDavid Makogon 39 secs ago
Q: API Generator for Python

Hernandez Sinsel Jesus EmmanueI'm currently working on my titulation project in software engineering, and i want to get some feedback from real developers of how useful this project can be in the real life. the project is two modules, one is the http server which i created from zero using the sockets library and it has suppor...

I think you have the wrong stack exchange site. I believe you want code review. codereview.stackexchange.comBryan Dellinger 8 secs ago
If something with the posted code doesn't behave how you expect, please edit your post to say what that is. See How to Ask and making a minimal reproducible example. If you're looking for a code review, this isn't the place for it as it's too opinionated, see Bryan's link. — gunr2171 28 secs ago
2 hours later…
This type of question is more suited for codereview.stackexchange.comaynber 11 secs ago
Thanks alot. I am gonna ask in codereview.stackexchange.com — Wissam Altanokhi 34 secs ago
Note that before asking on Code Review SE, you will also want to read the Code-Review help site, especially its How to Ask link. — Hovercraft Full Of Eels 51 secs ago
1 hour later…
If posting on Code Review site, delete this Question here. — Basil Bourque 40 secs ago
1 hour later…

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