I have just recently picked up coding and am trying to improve my coding. I've written this bit of code to create a little adventure world. I haven't completed the code, everything runs how I want it too but I'm aware this code isn't efficient. I would like some advice and some help on how I woul...
Having problems with some Visual Basic for school. can someone overlook the code? Also the tax is 1.35% of the property’s assessed value, which will be entered by the user.
Imports System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnStart_Click(sender As Object,...
Given a file or directory, create an iterator that returns the non-empty words from the file or from all files in the directory.
class WordIterable:
def __init__(self, path: str):
root = Path(path)
self._walker: Optional[Iterator[Path]] = None
if root.is_dir():
lst = [y for y in range(1000)]
for i in range(0,len(lst)): #i = 1 and i is traversal
print("iterate - " + str(i))
for j in range(i,0,-1): #divisor range
if j != 1 and j < lst[i] and lst[i]%j == 0:
if j in lst:
lst[i] = 0
Thanks for your answer @MarkTolonen. I'm trying to store related information about a not-extendible set of values, and python enums seem perfect for that. I do get your point - feel free to comment on my actual use case — ElRudi17 secs ago
I'm using python Enum to define the physical units in which a value is expressed.
Eventually, I want to add them as an attribute to my pandas.Series and pandas.DataFrame instances, so that this information does not need to be stored in the variable name or in comments in the code. Also, it allows...
Introduction to the problem
Hey everyone,
I have started working as an intern, and my first project is to come up with an implementation of company names matching. Customers send a form with the manufacturers that they want to get their products from, and as the Manufacturers are many, we need a ...
Hi There, We have been struggling to get clarity from the DBA as to the nature of the crashes, and so the cursor setting recommendation has been borne from a code review. An example of — Steve54 secs ago
I want to include a new method in which I can catch all fired Submits.
This is the previous state.
public static TMessage AssertSubmitAndRemoveFromQueue<TMessage>(this SagaMockContext context)
where TMessage : MessageBase
var mock = context.GetMock<MessageSubmitMock>();
I'm doing the following exercise from PPP - Bjarne Stroustrup, Chapter 19, ex.10.
Implement a simple unique_ptr supporting only a constructor, destructor,->, * and release(). In particular, don't try to implement an assignment or a copy constructor
Here's what I've done so far, for which I'd li...
I'm trying to create a trivia game for 2 players. However, I've no idea how to let them roll the dice again after they finished 1 round of the game.
Does anyone have some suggestions?
Here is the game rule:
Both of them will roll the dice and the one who has higher score will play first. Then th...
Dumbserver, or the simplest workable HTTP server. It is supposed to operate in the 'traditional' way, that is, mapping paths in requests to the directory structure.
Why did I write it: I needed a simple development server for a website I'm trying to make. Instead of using Express or something lik...
@L3n Where do you create your A and B dependencies? Where do you create your factory? Where do you bootstrap your entire application?
@L3n As a complicated example, you can check how I initialize dependencies here: github.com/Zomis/Games/blob/main/games-server/src/main/kotlin/… . Everything that is needed is somehow passed into other classes. Passing both the A and B dependencies to the factory would make sense if that's all that's needed to create the other commands.
However, I would also like to ask how/when/where these commands are used? Are they created and used at the same time, or are they created much much earlier than being used? Or what happens? My impression is that it's some kind of console commands, i.e. write something in stdin and it gets interpreted as a command which is then executed?
I'm a new DS student, and I get the basic concept of Standardisation, whilst I was learning we used StandardScaler in some algorithms, and not in others on the same dataset, and I'm still confused as where and to use it.
I have other categorical features selected for the classifiers. Could you p...
I want some opinion about my code that placed store and update in laravel 8 form request
make function is for storing the data and the update function is for updating the data
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use App\Models\Admin;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
class AdminReques...
I implemented a solution for the problem below, but its performance is not good.
I know I can find the solution online, I'm trying to understand what is causing the bad performance in my code
You have an undirected, connected graph of n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1. You are given an arr...
I have an use case where I want to see how many slots have been used for a date in a restaurant. The slot can be deducted based either number of diners or per booking.
Also I have to cater a case where a booking is made for multiple dates and then i have to consider those dates as well when check...
I have a button btnSearch and the event handler btnSearch_Click inside my asp.net web application.
(certain variables/controls have been renamed to generic variables)
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string log, tow, vin;
n1 = txtNum1.Text;
n2 = txtNum2.Tex...
I just saw a link at the end of this answer to a list of words, which I hadn't seen before. I wasn't familiar with the domain so I checked out the main page - it has some great animated gifs
This question is an improvement of this one here: Implementing a unique_ptr - PPP Stroustrup exercise
Here's my new code, following the suggestions by @JDługosz.
I agree with the fact that T* operator is much better than T *operator, but the code formatter of VSCode does this automatically, I'll...
I have been trying to implement a version of the Maybe functor in Typescript. I'm looking for feedback on whether I can improve the type safety of my implementation. I'm not particularly happy that types like Just<void> or Nothing<number> are not ruled out by the type-system, but I can't see any ...
If you are looking for suggestions to improve working code, try codereview.stackexchange.com. — chepner53 secs ago
@CodeMaster If there's nothing wrong with you're code and you're just looking for a code review, then codereview.stackexchange.com is the site to go to (as long as you follow their rules). — Random Davis12 secs ago