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RELOAD! There are 7577 unanswered questions (89.4352% answered)
4 hours later…
Q: Concurrency: Server that deduplicates 9-digit numbers from multiple clients and writes them to a log

ProgrammingHandymanProblem Statement: Write a server (“Application”) in Java that opens a socket and restricts input to at most 5 concurrent clients. Clients will connect to the Application and write any number of 9 digit numbers, and then close the connection. The Application must write a de-duplicated list of the...

2 hours later…
Q: Simple NAPI wrapper around self written C++ msgpack, horrible performance

t348575I have written a relatively small msgpack implementation in C++, with performance that is not too bad, so I decided to write a NAPI wrapper around it, but the performance is just horrible. I am guessing this is because I'm having to find the type of everything before being able to pack it, and th...

Sure there is certainly some optimization that could be done. If he’s seeking that kind of assistance it would probably be better off in Code Review though. — K.Dᴀᴠɪs 57 secs ago
2 hours later…
Q: refactoring code from syncronous to asyncronous flow

Cristian FlórezWhat I have I have to take code that was build for web with react and adapt it to react native.. One of the biggest problems is, web storage(localStorage) works synchronously, while react-native storage implementations works asynchronously AsyncStorage. So all code that run/use web storage must n...

You should limit your question to one question. The question "Is it the best way to reverse the relationship?" is better suited for Code Review. The question " How can I replicate this in another language" is too broad. You should be specific about the target language and show your work and where you are stuck. The question about time complexity would be OK. — trincot 32 secs ago
Q: readable validation with python regex and simple logic

Jon GreyI have come with such a code for checking IP addresses. But would like to know how clean and good it is from 1 to 10. What I care about are readability and simplicity. Please give me any feedback. Should I go here with unittests? import re import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) ...

2 hours later…
This seems off-topic on this site. You might try asking on CodeReview.stackexchange but please read their help pages about how to write a question that is acceptable on that site before asking there. — AdrianHHH 17 secs ago
A data grid doesn't know how to update a database. You need something that uses its datasource to save the changes. Maybe something like thisCrowcoder 14 secs ago
Q: Learning Java: Celcius to Fahrenheit Conversion

Jim Diroff IIThis is a short Celcius to Fahrenheit conversion calculator that calculates the average of all entries before exiting. This program performs exactly to the required specification. I have some concern about the cleanliness of the multiple variable declaration and initialization to 0 in a single li...

Q: Hashmap implementation in C++

Joshua GoegeI have been asked to implement HASHMAP in C++ in a job interview (home assignment). I have written the code , can you pls review it , especially exception point of view . block.h #ifndef BLOCK_H #define BLOCK_H #include <deque> #include <map> #include <mutex> #include <iostream> #include <memory>...

It seems more appropriate to post this question Code Review than on Stack Overflow. — Andreas Wenzel 30 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Linny on question by Jon Grey: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/260761/revisions
@che10: "Also, what do you think about the 2nd approach of clearing out ViewModels." -- it would not pass a code review on my team. It makes some underlying assumptions about the implementation of the viewmodel system, and those assumptions can change with any given release of those libraries. — CommonsWare 22 secs ago
It seems more appropriate to post this question on Code Review than on Stack Overflow, unless the focus of your question is not supposed to be on your code, but rather on which algorithm to use. — Andreas Wenzel 11 secs ago
Q: Restoration on a Java Object

erospublic Entity restoreEntity(Entity entity, Restore restoation) { JSONObject restoration = JSONObject(restoration.getValues()); JSONObject mVars = restoration.getJSONObject("m_vars"); enttity.getSteps().forEach(s -> { s.getDeeds().forEach(d -> { String id = d.getId(); ...

Q: Read Data from a serial port and write to influxdb

HaWeI have a energy meter which sends the kWh count periodically every few seconds via a serial port. To store this data I write the counter value and the calculated average power of the last 10s in a influxdb measurment. To calculate the power i use a loop that compares the current counter value wit...

It looks like what you want is a code review, try codereview.stackexchange.com instead. — Joakim Danielson 13 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: How this swift function can be more simplified?

Sah SahI made a function in which 17 players are counting to number N. Function as a parameter takes a number N and returns which player is going to say N. If current number is divisible by 9 the counting order is reversed, and if current number is divisible by 17 the next player is skipped. I made this...

Q: java integration test wait for websocket message and verify content

LezardI am following some java training where I am asked to write a websocket server which accepts orders to be placed and matched with previous orders. The matching engine is unit tested separately. There should be integration tests which check the server accepts messages and send replies. Below is an...

1 hour later…
Q: Multiple HTTP requests with threading and queues

ProtractorNewbieIm working on a I/O bounds application where I want to learn how to use threading property as well as queues to minimize the CPU usage as well as RAM resources. My plan was to use threading queues to do it and this is what I have done so far # System modules import time from queue import Queue fr...

Q: Are nested calls to `asyncio.gather()` dangerous?

Vikas PrasadI wrote this ~100 line script recently, where I tried out Python's asyncio library. When it comes to asynchronous programming in Python, I just have 2 days of experience. I spent the last two days reading about it for the first time. Based on all my readings and understanding, I think, there is n...

I’m voting to close this question because this is asking for a feview of code which is better on Code Review — mmmmmm just now
Q: C# Coffee Machine

LearnerI saw this post and tried to do my attempt. This is the requirement of task: Design a coffee machine which makes different beverages based on set ingredients. The initialization of the recipes for each drink should be hard-coded, although it should be relatively easy to add new drinks. The machi...

2 hours later…
Q: Object(reference variables) naming conventions in Java

Hasindu Dahanayake"Variable names should be short yet meaningful. The choice of a variable name should be mnemonic- that is, designed to indicate to the casual observer the intent of its use. One-character variable names should be avoided except for temporary "throwaway" variables. Common names for temporary varia...

1 hour later…
@CaptainObvious wildly off-topic
Q: Android APP class serialization in JAVA

JimmyHuI am attempting to build an Android APP with the custom serializable class User. The public method Save is to save class instance information and the public method Load is to load saved information from the specified file. The experimental implementation Project name: UserClassSerialization Use...

possible answer invalidation by Jim Diroff II on question by Jim Diroff II: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/260764/revisions
Q: producer-consumer Pipeline problem implementation in asyncio

etyzzI wrote this code to make a non-blocking manager along with pipeline operations using asyncio, my main concern is to catch received items producer, and when the received operation is complete. I want to return all together and merged if keys matches, however, I have a doubt where should I have to...

2 hours later…
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by nat643: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/234402/revisions
Adding one more thing, SO is a site for programming issues, and you explicitly mention refactoring, meaning you have working code. If you need general application design advice, there's Software Engineering. For refactoring advice about a specific piece of code, there's Code Review. — El_Vanja 10 secs ago
@Duga No problem.

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