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RELOAD! There are 6793 unanswered questions (89.8688% answered)
Q: Multiple Selection Form PHP to MYSQL

HamzaI am working on something, learning PHP and I don't know how to continue. I have form for adding costumer to a database, and I have classes (program) table where I add all classes, and from that table I get data to select box. Here is my HTML/PHP form: <form action="dodajstudenta.php" method="POST">

2 hours later…
Maybe better asked on code review. — Henry 56 secs ago
@Henry I want to explore and try by myself before ask on code review, thanks though !! — Ramana 39 secs ago
2 hours later…
@DerKommissar I see parts that look like they're for a fan and a valve, this is probably not for your garage door then?
Q: my neural network is producing the same weight matrix for every neuron

Joey MooreNo matter how many times I forward and back propagate I get a set of matrices that all have the same values. That is for a single layer, W_jk is equal to W_ik for any j or i. W_jk looks like [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

Q: How do I avoid a race condition when using AtomicInteger's get()?

Little Childpackage com.example.parkinglot; import com.example.constants.ParkingSlip; import com.example.constants.Size; import com.example.vehicle.Vehicle; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; i...

@CaptainObvious repost!!
For feedback/suggestions on working code, check out codereview.stackexchange.com. — AMC 35 secs ago
Q: Is it wise to use SemaphoreSlim to run external process in async way?

KiminuoI have the following source code which is supposed to start a process for you in an async way (i.e. letting you add a cancel token): using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ProcessAsync { class Program { static async...

@CaptainObvious And RBA.
@CaptainObvious RBA
@CaptainObvious RBA
That last one has 2 CV, 2 DV yet no comments. Not good.
If only we could force-feed the on-topic help page to new users before their first post.
Hopefully Sam's initiative will help
What's going on with this thread @Peilonrayz ?
Is that a new question posted as an answer? It's definitely not an answer.
@Mast On rev4 the OP moved the question to an answer, IDK why that question in an answer post is still around
It was a poor question to start with, but the edit history and that answer are simply confusing.
Yeah the answer should be deleted
I'd ordinarily recommend posting a new question instead, but now...
Did it anyway. We'll see.
I think the best idea would be turning it into an actual review, based on the other review.
I really don't know. It just seems like the OP is fishing for alternate solutions. As they deleted all their code in the question too. IDK the OP mostly ignored me so IDK what I can do about this
@Peilonrayz If something should be done yet you're not sure what, post it in chat or flag for moderator attention.
Messy question. Would've been easier to see what's going on if we could compare different versions with each other, like rev1 with rev6.
Compare the answer to the question.
There are probably tools for that.
We've flagged, we've voted, we've commented. What more is a user to do, eh?
What should have happened is the OP sees my comment, deletes their answer rolls back to Rev 2.
But that didn't happen so IDK. As you've said we've done everything we can now
Q: Project Euler 50: Consecutive prime sum

Arbri IbraI just finished solving Project Euler's 50th problem, but it's awfully slow. I'd like to hear your thoughts on my code's efficiency and practices. let primeNumbers = []; function isPrime(number) { // checks whether number is prime or not for(let i = 2; i <= number / 2; i++) { // stops checki...

A: amino acid data prediction

Vishesh ManglaI tried to understand the code a bit. I may be wrong. If this is right I will put more improvements. with open('seq.txt') as sequence_file: sequence_list = [ sequence.strip().upper() for sequence in sequence_file.readlines())] ##you got the amino acid list like ["

Are these types of answers ok to put?
@VisheshMangla Not really, but thanks for asking.
They are alternative implementations, not reviews of the code provided.
Each answer should at least contain an insight about the code provided or the approach provided.
Your answer is missing both.
There is also a lot of guesswork involved. If you don't understand the code and/or question, please, find a different question to review.
There are plenty of unanswered questions left.
ok, I understood.
Thanks for the guidance
6793 unanswered questions as of this morning.
that's too many in a few hours
@VisheshMangla Why do you have 2 answers on that question anyway?
@VisheshMangla In total, some of those are quite old.
I tried to convince them about pandas in the chat but they are resistant.
Ah, so it's a completely different approach. Ok, that could warrant a new answer. But make sure it's actually an answer. The alternative implementation you provided is not.
Considering the amount of guesswork in your answer, I'd recommend removing the answer. Otherwise it will involve a lot of work to clean it up.
If you see their code they are reading the .txt file and their is all that clustering of loops. I 'm not sure if they are aware of Counter
ok , I ll do it right away
done it
I see.
yes , I saw them but it's been quite a time since I used opencv or tensorflow and there are so many libraries here which I yet have to learn.
@VisheshMangla You can exclude them.
Also see this on writing answers:
Q: Checklist or general directions on how to write a good CR-ish answer

Vogel612This question is intended to be the counterpart of Checklist for how to write a good Code Review question. Getting started with Code Review: New users often seem to have problems to understand, what exactly is expected from a CR-Answer. Many come from Stack Overflow, others maybe from Software En...

wow, so many users are answering each second
@Mast I was going to do that but the "and there are so many libraries ..." highlighted that Django, flask, etc. are probably problematic too
I have used django only
I asked on IRC Kiwi Node python and they said there is no advantage of one over the other, it's a matter of choice only.
What are you comparing?
django, flask, pyramid
@Peilonrayz Those can all be excluded one-by-one, I think the link illustrates how that could be done. I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader.
@VisheshMangla Well what they said is clearly wrong. However if you have to ask that as a question, then their answer is correct for your needs.
Django is much bigger IIRC.
Too big for some.
ORM-included and all.
Yep, but only few people respond -> FunkyBob , GinFoyou and moldy
Yeah Django is huge. Pyramid's front page explains why it's better than Django for some in that regard.
it does but when I started to learn web , I didn't even hear about pyramid. It was said django for big projects and flask for small apps.
How did you add the comment? In a Code Review? If in a code review, do you add the comment in VS or in web portal? — Cece Dong - MSFT 17 secs ago
Q: Java Temperature Converter

RootI have made a program that converts Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celsius. How is my code? import java.util.Scanner; public class TemperatureConversion { public static void main(String[] args) { double fahrenheit, celsius; Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); ...

@Duga False positive
@Duga False positive
Q: Calculate rolling mean and std over a pandas dataframe

ConnieI am traying to calculate the rolling mean and std of a pandas dataframe. So far I'm here: phi = pd.DataFrame(data=phi) #mean and std ## This could be a function... #for each window, get the mean and std of previous M frames #M = 40 p1_mean = phi.iloc[0].rolling(40, min_periods=1).mean() p2_mean...

Q: Several simple calculators on one page

Sr. SchneiderFor my students (I am an Austrian math teacher) I would like to provide some simple online calculators on my blog. Let's say there are two pages on my website("Circle" and "Cube") and on every page I want to have about 10 different calculators. Here is an example of one page with two calculators:...

Q: Point of `See reduced ads` badge when most people use adblock

Vishesh ManglaWhat is the point of getting a See reduced ads badge when almost everyone uses Adblock Plus or Ublock? StackExchange never asks anyone allowance to show ads or anything.

@Mast There are a few brake rotors, an air compressor motor, a wheel bearing and axle from a Buick, a box of casters...
@Feeds Wrong site.
@DerKommissar What's that blue/black thing next to the pink scoop can then, a bearing?
To the right is a motor, but to the left?
@Mast Yeah, left to right: stack of rotors, wheel bearing + hub + part of an axle (the blue thing is an ABS sensor), pink bucket has some smaller parts in it (bolts, etc), the motor, then a box of casters.
I don't see a question. All I see is a copy of the assignment along with some source code. If you want help with a problem, you are going to need to write out a description of the problem meaning what behavior you are seeing versus what behavior you are expecting. And you need to ask a specific, concrete question. If you need to have this source code reviewed by someone else, this is not the forum to do that. See codereview.meta.stackexchange.com/q/5777/103133Richard Chambers 22 secs ago
codereview.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/10510/… Hello, Mast, I have deleted the post but the post that you referred specifically referred to meta but I wanted an answer to what's the point of the 200 rep badge.
Correction : Hello, Mast, I have deleted the post but the post that you referred specifically referred to meta but I 'm not seeing any ads on code review too.
@VisheshMangla That wasn't your question.
> What is the point of getting a See reduced ads badge when almost everyone uses Adblock Plus or Ublock? StackExchange never asks anyone allowance to show ads or anything.
Hmm I might have again worded it incorrectly
"What's the point" is explicitly answered on MSE.
It was, yes.
No part of that question was specific to Code Review.
If you're not seeing any ads on CR, that's not really a question either. Do you want to see ads?
no no its fine
no ads plz
Are you wondering why you're not seeing ads?
I was wondering what's the point of 200 badge since I m 197
2 mins ago, by Mast
"What's the point" is explicitly answered on MSE.
If you're seeing no ads already, perhaps your browser already takes care of it.
Or your network provider.
Yes, I m using adblock.
That's it.
Not everyone is using an adblocker.
@Feeds @VisheshMangla You should have been able to derive the answer from the question alone. The key words being "almost everyone uses ..."
Q: Anymore features to this calculator in C

SOFTwAREI am new to C programming, previously studied python. Below is my year one project in C. I am feeling that that program lacks features and functions that is typically found in a calculator. my project name is 'Advanced calculator'. Am planning to insert the sineh, tanh and cosh into it, but what ...

Q: Smart Tic Tac Toe, a reinforcement learning approach

bullseyeI'm currently familiarizing myself with reinforcement learning basics and for convenience purposes (instead of manually entering coordinates in the terminal), I created a very simple UI for testing trained agents and play games against them. You can experiment and play around with it using differ...

@Duga Good recommendation
@CaptainObvious Renamed post.
Probably went overkill with the description edit…
@Mast and @Peilonrayz Not everyone is using an adblocker was the required answer. I though everyone uses adblock. But I just remembered that mobile doesn't allow adblock.
@zdim Hey zdim! Look at here :) — Emma 26 secs ago
Medi Madelen Gwosdz on June 29, 2020
A question on Stack Overflow’s Software Engineering site caught our attention recently. It tries to come to terms with the impact of scrum on developers’ ability to do a great job. The claim is a bold one: Scrum is turning good developers into average ones. Could that be true?
@VisheshMangla Right
@Duga False positive
Y'all have no idea how much floor space this cleaned in my garage
One tiny shelf unit? We have a larger version of that and a 4x8 hanging shelf. monsterrax.com/product/4x8-overhead-garage-storage-rack
I have a workbench with two shelves above it that are full, this was all stuff I had laying on the floor around my garage. I don't have a huge need for shelf-space, fortunately.
I actually thought about an overhead unit, but there's no real space in my garage for it :(
@Zeta Nice edit
Q: wrote a blackjack game with card visuals to practice OOP (python)

Zach Sonnenblickgithub: BlackJack game click here import random import collections import time import os import visuals """ BLACKJACK GAME: visuals file imported: numerous pretty ways to display cards """ def clear(): os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear') def validate_answer(question, choices):...

Hi, I suddenly got an outburst of +1210 reps, obviously it's good but I 'm curious to know what good I have done so that I can keep it up.
@VisheshMangla This is the site association bonus
When you get 200 reputation on a site you get 100 on every other site.
ohh, that's great
Oh, it's 1 time only btw
so much in comparison to the ads medal
np, it's good, I m stuck on SO from months with 11 reps and <= 0 on all posts
Now I can go and ask in chat what is the problem with the questions
Otherwise you could get 17600 rep on every site from very little effort
yeah it unlocks comments right away on other sites! that's when HNQ becomes fun ;)
@DerKommissar About 2 square yards.
@VisheshMangla Even on desktop not everyone runs one.
Q: Unity's SerializedProperty, DRY, and nested types

S. BudaThe question title sounds a little broad, but it all comes to a pretty simple cycle of things that feels like I'm solving issues in the wrong way. I'm working on a unity editor plugin that has to deal with a Serialized object, currently building a PropertyDrawer. Here is a simplified version of m...

@Mast I understand your point that what we think is not always True. I will keep that in mind asking questions.
@pacmaninbw Sounds about right.
Half a car space?
Totally unrelatedly: Thunderbird will natively support OpenPGP, it seems
@VisheshMangla what mobile is that ?
isn't ublock origin available for mobile firefox ?
@pacmaninbw Yeah that feels right. I freed up most of the floor around all three walls (not door) of my garage.
I actually installed ublock just a few days ago when I formattted my pc.
I havnt tried it on mobile yet.
@Vogel612 last time I downloaded it, couldn't bear its UI (macOS here). But since I use for my spam collector email, I'm keeping it
@Mast Yep...I have 6 computers, 2 phones, and a tablet, only two of the computers run adblock (Opera on my work PC and personal laptop), the rest don't have adblock enabled at all.
@ankii well, it's better than gmail, that's for sure
and it allows me to deal with multiple accounts pretty seamlessly
@Vogel612 I just use the macOS Mail app, it works surprisingly well (for multiple accounts as well).
I use Firefox mostly and block adds, MS edge and Chrome don't.
@Vogel612 I loved Edison mail till they went "let's copy gmail UI"
so native email is the best!
@DerKommissar sorry my internet needs a kick.
Speaking of I found a new house I want but the internet there is mediocre, at best.
@pacmaninbw I'm the same. Adblock destroys some sites, so I need a backup browser.
I went at this length: georgegarside.com/blog/macos/… to use uBO and now I'm not updating to Catalina since Safari doesn't support such "invasive" extensions
lol, what a suprise
@ankii IIRC the newer Safari is building a lot of that stuff into itself, though.
For like 5 years Safari got no real updates, now it looks like Apple is actually updating the desktop version again
@DerKommissar but uBO went like.. "meh.. too much work for a tiny userbase. Just tell them to use Firefox or chrome or brave."
@ankii I suppose, I have Chrome and Brave installed, but I can't stand Google anything anymore because they put so much spyware in that crap.
@DerKommissar You can use ungoogled Chromium if you still want to Chrome experience sans Google.
@Zeta brave is almost that
I tried it for the ad money.. but it wasn't too much so I deleted it.
Brave isn't bad, but none of the non-Apple browsers have the right gesture support.
yeah, we're stuck in an ecosystem. Too lazy to move out of our comfort zones
That's the thing, I'm used to how my gestures and shortcuts work.
If a browser really wants to captivate me, it needs to have a "use the default Safari shortcuts and gestures" option.
And on Windows every browser sucks
I'm fine with FF on Windows :(
@DerKommissar I deleted the jetbrains python editor and eclipse for the same reason.. Give me Xcode like shortcuts and a bit smaller menus!
in Ask Different Chat, Feb 18 at 5:11, by ankii
a software not being helpful enough for migration, and not keeping its features in alignment with the rest of the OS is the biggest barrier
I never used Xcode fortunately, I use all of JB's tools because the experience is consistent across OS'
@Zeta I use ff for youtube and IMDb :) like a treat at the end of the day!
Try codereview.stackexchange.com for this type of question. — Louis Cloete 53 secs ago
@ankii Just use Emacs. That way your editor is definitely in alignment with your OS.
I use nano when I'm SSH'd into servers. ;)
@Zeta I've stuck with sublime for quick scripting now
Both fine choices.
@DerKommissar Did you change the default configuration?
You may want to post this on Code ReviewAleks G 54 secs ago
I'm using the .ssh/config trick you showed me thoguh
@DerKommissar who're you replying to, there ?
Duga ? ;)
Dinner time!
Q: How do I rewrite the program below without a loop?

Ekram Towsifx = np.zeros(1024) for i in range(0, 1024): x[i] = a * data[i]+ b * x[(i-1)%1024] + c * x[(i-2)%1024] A, B, and C are normal scalar values. Data and x are just numpy arrays the size of 1024. Data has numbers in every element but x starts of with all zeros in each element then they get replac...

Q: LeetCode 1032: Stream of Characters

EmmaI'm posting my code for a LeetCode problem copied here. If you have time and would like to review, please do so. Thank you! Problem Implement the StreamChecker class as follows: StreamChecker(words): Constructor, init the data structure with the given words. query(letter): returns true if and on...

Q: test if key-value pair existed in nestedObject in typescript

jacobcan118trying to write a function to check if nestedObject contains the key-value pair matched as parameter as following. one issue I do not really know how to handle is, if key-value cannt find, I would like to return as false, now it returns undefined eq: const obj ={ "a":{ "b":{ "c1":[

You may want to post this on Code ReviewAleks G 27 secs ago
@DerKommissar Do you have syntax highlighting in nano on your servers?
Yeah, it was there by default
Ah, great.
@DerKommissar By the way, your code does not follow PEP8
Which code? The one in nano?
Yeah, that one. Looks like either 8 spaces or a tab for indentation
@DerKommissar You can configure that in your IDE.
Yeah @Peilonrayz complained about mentioned it when I posted my question lmao
@DerKommissar You did what now?
Are you mad?
A: How to make the tab character 4 spaces instead of 8 spaces in nano?

Sven RojekIf you use nano with a language like python (as in your example) it's also a good idea to convert tabs to spaces. Edit your ~/.nanorc file (or create it) and add: set tabsize 4 set tabstospaces If you already got a file with tabs and want to convert them to spaces i recommend the expandcomman...

@Mast That is, in fact, unrelated.
@DerKommissar My home-office is a mess, I believe you.
Welp need to go to the hardware store and get a crimper
Maybe, maybe I can just solder it instead
@Peilonrayz I use tabs too
@skiwi I think we all know you use tabs ;)
> List all 2801 tabs
Firefox is like crashing less and less every year with more tabs open
^ I think that sums up my feelings about using tabs in Python.
possible answer invalidation by pacmaninbw on question by Node.JS: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/244639/revisions
@skiwi You just had to bring that up again, didn't you.
@Peilonrayz I meant that for you.
@skiwi lol
Q: Set Matrix Zeroes Performance in JavaScript

myTest532 myTest532I built the Set Matrix Zeroes algorithm in JavaScript. I have a lot of loops in my code, so was wondering if there is a better way to implement this algorithm. Given a m x n matrix, if an element is 0, set its entire row and column to 0. Do it in-place. I loop the matrix and when I find a 0, I se...

Q: Incrementing Values inside an if statement

Erick SantanderI found out that I can increase the value of a variable inside an if statement like so: int maxValue = 100; for(int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) { if((nTotal += (nrCopies)) > maxValue) break; } This works, and I became acostumed to do this, but I want to know if it is a good practice to do...

@skiwi You have a yearly RAM upgrade?
@Duga Good recommendation. Bad wording.
You're right though. Firefox was already stable with many tabs years ago, but unless there's a bad site between them it's even better now.
@Mast not an answer flag pending.
@CaptainObvious Can someone check this for MRC
@Peilonrayz Absolutely, VTC'd and commented.
@Mast How didn't I see your quote... Thanks
@Peilonrayz Because I left it after you posted about the question in chat.
I just type bloody fast.
Well on it's way.
@Peilonrayz now has 3 VTC
@skiwi You probably answered this already a thousand times, but why do you have 2801 tabs open?
It seems someone's brining the lol - autostar meme back ;)
@Zeta Same reason I have, my computer's memory is better than my own.
@Peilonrayz Obviously not me.
@Mast That's definitely a reason to save the history, but why keep the tabs open?
@Zeta No, history saves everything, including a lot of clutter.
Only the relevant stuff stays open as a tab.
What's this "save history"?
If your code works, this question is better suited to codereview.stackexchange.comTenfour04 34 secs ago
But how long is it relevant?
Duga stop interrupting.
Relevance is relative.
@pacmaninbw Until it's no longer a tab ;)
My my, recursion.
@Mast ^^
@Duga Looks fine, bad wording.
On my team, we take the extreme position that if std::move is used on something, treat it as if the rvalue reference was exploited. Even in situations that you know the rvalue was not exploited, such as in this case. (But in this case, it'd get dinged in the code review for being a purposeless no-op.) — Eljay 50 secs ago
@Peilonrayz Actually on second look it looks like it's MRC
@Tenfour04 This looks like it's missing review context. Whilst the OP probably could transform their question to be on-topic on Code Review the current version would not fly there. In the future please link to the help center. — Peilonrayz 7 secs ago
@Duga False positive
Yes, but it does contain the words code review in it.
That's what makes it a positive
Q: Scroll-able Input Fields - almost working

Wes TomerI am trying to create a GUI to enter data that I will use in another program I coded. I'm new to Tkinter, and I keep getting confused about the grid layout & how to create parent/child relationships. I know what I'm aiming for, but it's hard to get there: This is the code I have so far that isn'...

@Zeta Because I open more than I close on average
@Mast Hmm it only uses 3.5 GB
@CaptainObvious OP edited it to move the concern away from being broken. IDK
I’m voting to close this question because this question belongs on another site Code Review in the Stack Exchange network. — AndrewL64 48 secs ago
@Duga false positive
@CaptainObvious Almost on-topic then.
@Peilonrayz That's obviously cheating. VTC'd.
@πάνταῥεῖ Isn't that a suggestion to post on CR, so a true positive?
If you're looking for reviews aimed at improving working code, I'd suggest posting to Code Review. StackExchange helps fix broken code, it doesn't offer open-ended rewrites of working code. — ShadowRanger 35 secs ago
@skiwi Plenty left.
I'm assuming you're on 16 or more, total.
@Peilonrayz Ah, sorry. I was under the impression that @duga's warnings work the other way round (detecting misleading proposals to migrate to CR).
@Mast Consecutively read that as VTD :/
@Peilonrayz Nono, VTCed.
You know, like a verb.
I was about to say post a comment in disagreement, thankfully the quadruple check made me read it right...
I'm still going to post a comment in disagreement - I've VTLO. But I'm not going to fight over this hill :)
@Peilonrayz Why though?
It's a feature request.
RBA with 4 CV.
@Mast IMO it's not a feature request, it's just some code with a bug. I assume the OP wants a review of the rest now.
Probs should just ask the OP if that is the case
Oh it's RBA
@Peilonrayz A known, breaking bug.
Like I've had known bugs in my posts. (which is allowed) If I hadn't known the rules I'd have asked to fix them. If I were told "yeah we don't fix bugs" then I'd have gone "oh ok, can I get a review of the rest then?"
Maybe I'm drawing parallels.
This was not a little bug here. If you look at the picture, the code is not finished. The UI lay-out is borked and unfinished.
Wrong website. Check out SE Code review. — Sagar Pandya 1 min ago
I'm not trying to pick a fight though. And it's gone.
@Mast Oh yeah. Yeah that's true, I failed to notice that.
I’m voting to close this question because this is a code review. — Sagar Pandya 46 secs ago
I thought it was just about the scroll bar, which is vastly different than what it is about.
@πάνταῥεῖ You'd be right, and I understand you. I personally use "false positive" only if it not a suggestion to migrate to CR. But yours makes sense
@Peilonrayz Do such comments have influence at the bot in a way, or are those only for other users reviewing in the 2nd Monitor?
@πάνταῥεῖ Just for users
What's wrong with it? It's a very large function and we can't test whether it works. What do you mean "improve it"? Make it shorter? Improve the indentation? Make it more efficient? Fix it because it stopped working? Refactor it into a short collection of functions? Turn it into a locally installable package? Make the variable names better? Convert it to tidyverse syntax? Add namespace specifiers where external functions are used? Add comments to explain what it's doing? Remove unnecessary comments? Include a documenting Roxygen header? Please be specific. SO isn't a code review service. — Allan Cameron 1 min ago
@Duga You should have seen the code I reviewed this morning, 356 lines of code all in main in a c program.
Q: Curve-fitting with LMFIT

VinzentI am using LMFIT to fit the transfer function of a large impedance network to measured data, this involves some ~20 parameters and ~40 lines of (naively implemented) computations. there are a lot of computations that go into computing this transfer function, and many of those do not need to be re...

Q: Part 2: Send HTTP request for each row in Excel table

User1973This script was previously reviewed here: Send HTTP request for each row in Excel table (Part 1) I've made the changes that were suggested in the Code Review answers as well as added a few of my own. The code is quite a bit different now. Are there any more improvements that should be made? Des...

@pacmaninbw lol, I'm surprised that's 'very large'. Maybe the "1 LOC or u noob" culture is too prevalent there.
1 line of code is a bit small for a single function in C, here is the question codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/244710/….
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