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I wouldn’t worry @JBis citing and selecting information to contribute here under a sharing license is what we do
That’s not necessarily how it works, @ankii sometimes a flag will get written to a SQLite database, so even if you delete all the files, there’s still a record. That’s just one method. But in all seriousness, if the program works for you, you should comply with the license terms
2 hours later…
@Allan I was trying out Bbedit when I saw its mention in @bmike 's answer.. I saw that most essential things were marked with star, thus premium. It then becomes a slightly better version of TextEdit with so much cognitive load to understand shortcuts etc
so chuck it
@bmike another app I'm using for this semester (hint: I need to use windows) gives 15 days for an email.. so I just enter a new randomly generated email every 15 days. It doesnt even verify
wine gets buggy at times, so I thought better run a 4 gig software in a proper environment
Oh BTW Danil is back ..! I saw his profile recently
The good stuff is always premium, @ankii. If you want a really good editor that’s cross platform (Mac, Windows, FreeBSD, and Linux) try VSCode. It’s free from Microsoft with direct tie ins to GitHub. All features are free for people like you and me, but they make their money on GitHub premium. I dumped Komodo edit for it
@Allan oh I just went lazy to mention that I use it! :)
Vscode for python, Xcode for the main C/cpp/obj-c etc
I also gave pycharm a go, for python, but found myself looking up basic stuff
a software not being helpful enough for migration, and not keeping its features in alignment with the rest of the OS is the biggest barrier
vsc is very similar to Xcode in basic things like find, switch windows, split view.. at the same time different and streamlined enough in things like git, extensions
they really have a good UI team.
4 hours later…
Hi Dear Daniil, I leave whole my Ask Different reps as bounty to you.
@AmerllicA you need to invite him here 🙃 pinging won’t help I guess
1 hour later…
@AmerllicA Thank you so much :)
You're welcome @DaniilManokhin, I do not assign the bounty and let the system do it on the 7 days later. It could be better for you.
Thanks dear @ankii

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