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RELOAD! There are 6786 unanswered questions (89.8704% answered)
Q: Algorithm to find path between nodes

IvenBachFirst time working with any type of graph traversal. The algorithm determines whether a path exists between two nodes using breadth first searching (BFS). The BFS method has a tuple return type indicating whether a match has been found along with length between the two nodes. I implemented it thi...

2 hours later…
Q: Computing the sentiment score of a sentence

kely789456123I wrote a script to compute the polarity of sentences. The script is based on this : The lexicon based approach assigns a sentiment tags to words in a text based on dictionaries (list in my case) of positive and negative words. A sentiment score is then calculated for each document as: (number o...

Q: Correct way of checking inactivity with Periodic Tasks in Java

user706071I want to create a simple HealthCheck service. The first approach is to create a task and cancel the previous task if the system is active and then reschedule new task. The second approach is to create a periodic task and regularly check the last active time. Which one is better? Also recommendat...

Q: Reshape sentence "Arabic"

Loka96I'm having a problem in Java code I use, First let me explain what it does, 1-This code is meant to connect Arabic letter together for projects that doesn't support Arabic letters. 2-What I mean by doesn't support, my project does print Arabic but in another form like this "ا ل س ل ا م" so this c...

Q: (Socket.io) How should I optimize number of Namespaces?

MeganI am planning on using socket.io to create an online app that allows users to chat via video, and saves each video call/session in a database. (Audio for each of these sessions will be separately available to download as well.) Because there could be multiple video calls/sessions happening at onc...

Q: Moving an array item to another index in C

user226717I am trying to make a function to move an item in an array from one position to another, and shift all the other items to fill the gap. Here's what I have so far: void MoveItemInList(unsigned Index, unsigned NewIndex) { register const unsigned char Temp = List[Index]; if (Index < NewIndex...

1 hour later…
@RMunroe back in those days, my phone's grandpa used to cross mountains and oceans to connect to the internet..
it's so easy for the millennial phones
@DerKommissar Shiny
Q: JavaScript -- Convert decimal to another base

S0AndS0Source code is maintained on GitHub and may be cloned via... mkdir -vp ~/git/hub/javascript-utilities cd ~/git/hub/javascript-utilities git clone [email protected]:javascript-utilities/decimal-to-base.git ... and a Live demo is hosted thanks to GitHub Pages. The build target is ECMAScript version...

@CaptainObvious WHY on earth did that get an upvote...
No bloody code.
Q: Reviewer needs all the code to review the architecture of the application, but I can’t insert it completely

MironI asked a question. I cannot separate it on independed questions, because the components are forming whole architecture(I think, that context is important here). But someone sayed(see second comment), that I need to insert code into the question(only this code can be reviewed, he said), but I can...

This is a question for codereviewCid 21 secs ago
Q: A mathematical expression parser with custom data structures

Amal Dev HariI recently wrote a mathematical expression parser in C++. The software can read valid mathematical expressions and evaluate them. An example of an expression the code can parse is (sin(pi)*e^(-3)). I would love to receive constructive feedbacks if possible for the code for compiler optimizations,...

This question may be better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comkai 32 secs ago
Q: Best way of processing data in DataFrame

user1316642I'm looking for advice on how to improve this program and use pandas more effectively. I have a data set of orders from a market. Each order is for a type_id representing a good, is either a buy or sell order, and has a price and volume. I want to process the market data, and create a DataFrame t...

1 hour later…
Q: efficient regexp match in Pandas

shamalaiaIs there a more efficient way to do the following? Basically, I am creating a NAME column in a dataframe and set its value based on substrings contained in another column: import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame([['www.pandas.org','low'], ['www.python.org','high']], columns=['URL','speed']) pr...

@CaptainObvious Have we become more hostile or something, cause that doesn't deserve -3/+1 without any comments or close votes.
@Peilonrayz it reads like they have a problem in the code.
Also there's no specific question, just "my code does this."
@ankii Could you elaborate on that, in what way does it sound like there is a problem with the code?
okay I think I rushed over it
it's at -3/+3 though
Hmm, that's vexing. There's clearly an issue with the wording but we can't figure out what it is :(
@Feeds @Peilonrayz Don't we have a "what if my code is too big" canonical answer somewhere to make that a duplicate of?
@Peilonrayz Rev 1 was VLQ.
@Mast Possibly, I don't recall there being one that's great.
@Mast It was at 0/-1 at rev 1
Q: Validating a name with C#, ASP.NET Core 3.1 and Regex

MF1010This class validates that a name contains only letters and optionally spaces, hyphens and apostrophes. public class NameAttribute : ValidationAttribute { protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext) { if (value == null) return Vali...

If you need hints on cleaning up this code, perhaps try Code Review. — chtz 59 secs ago
@ankii @Peilonrayz That is not the original title of the question and the comments were deleted after the title changed. I didn't close vote, but I did originally down vote, however I changed that to up vote when they changed the title.
@pacmaninbw Did you post the "I didn't downvote but looks like you have a bad title"?
Q: C# how to allow embedded image HtmlSanitizer

JitenderIn the below code is there any way to keep the embedded image src like data:image/gif;base64, data:image/png;base64 and data:image/jpeg;base64. I don't want to keep data:text/html;base64 in img src static void Main(string[] args) { var htmlContent = @" ...

I even suggested an improved title.
which they kind of used
@Peilonrayz ^^
In the future can you please say "I'm downvoting" rather than "I didn't downvote but" so when the user that edits the title (me) can ping you to remove the downvote.
Rather than just cleaning up a comment that is no longer needed
He did ping me when he changed the title, and that is when I changed my vote, that was at least 10 hours ago.
I was not one of the down votes you encountered there
Are we talking about the same question?
We are
@pacmaninbw Ah, ok
Wow, a lot of bad answers from new contributors this morning.
@Peilonrayz I have a bad feeling about a first post you edited this morning codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/244484/…
@Mast Getting there
It looks fishy, but all low LOC C questions do to me. Also if the edit goes under meh, it took like 2 minutes :)
And it's gone...
I think it was the same person that got deleted several times this week, but the question was worded better than before.
Oh, you may have a point there. I kinda forgot about that XD
mumble mumble people are strange mumble mumble
@Vogel612 Are you now singing 60's songs from the Doors?
yea, I literally gave myself that earworm
Yeah, it's running through my head now also.
Q: i need help to solve my pic code

Hisham Ramadanhello guys i'm trying to code a project which is about sensing current by ACS758 100Amp current sensor and for a various ranges i want to control 4 relays and i need help to fix my code pls const float factor=0.02; const unsigned short vcc = 5.00; unsigned int voltage_res; float voltage ; float...

Q: C programme returning wrong value

Shout SeliI'm new in programming. I'm trying to determine the type of angle formed from the three int values I declared. The programme is working well but it keeps printing numbers below the returned string when I run it. The is my code below. Thanks! #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdlib.h> ...

Q: Multiple Reader Single Writer mutex like class

Thinkal VBI am trying to make a std::mutex like class using c++ synchronisation primitives. How can I make it faster or improve this - also please point out any errors in the program, Thanks. mrsw_lock.h #ifndef MRSW_LOCK_H #define MRSW_LOCK_H #include <mutex> #include <atomic> class MRSWlock { std:...

@CaptainObvious Wow, off-topic first posts in a row.
Q: What changes to make in code writing habits?

user13630431I am starting with Java and at the beginning I would like someone to catch what mistakes I make. I would like my code to look its best and I want to learn good Java writing habits. Could anyone explain to me where I am making mistakes or what I should do differently for this purpose? My prog...

Q: Group Header and Details with Valid and Invalid Data C#

user1987750 FirstColumn | DateColumn | DataColumn CH |10/28/2019 | Header CH |10/28/2019 | 123-10-234-3333 CH |10/28/2019 | Header CH |10/28/2019 | 133-11-334-4444 CH |10/28/2019 | 345-12-332-2233 CH |10/28...

Ryan Donovan on June 25, 2020
If you put a textbox on the Internet, someone will put spam in it. If you put a textbox on a site that gets millions of hits a day, lots of someones will put lots of spam in it. So Stack Exchange uses multiple layers to block all the spam coming in.
I'd start by not storing the "x" after the number. Then you'd just split each line on the space and using int.Parse on the first item to get a numeric value. But you really need to include your code and if it's working then this might be off topic and codereview.stackexchange.com might be a better fit if you're asking for a review of your existing working code. — juharr 12 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Not even close.
This seems like a better fit for codereview.stackexchange.commlibby 26 secs ago
Q: Would implementing workers/threads in my NodeJS App benefit?

CurtisOkay so I'm writing a NodeJS Express API around 1 function for a client however for my standards I'd believe it's not wrote 'the best' but it does the job, however I am being asked to add a bulk import method, so since the request would potentially take 10-15 seconds to complete anyway, could I s...

"Please optimize this code" is not really a good Stack Overflow candidate question -- it's more a Code Review item. SO is for narrow, specific questions with canonical answers. — Charles Duffy 10 secs ago
Q: Randomly generating invoice IDs

PrometheusAs more fully detailed in my question here, I'm in the process of starting a small, local business and wanted to avoid showing sequential invoice IDs to clients, and instead generate completely random ones. Thanks to the advice in the comments to that question, I decided to eliminate the risk of ...

@Feeds nice
@CaptainObvious User named Thinkal VB asked a question in C++, I was thinking of adding a comment stop thinking in VB.
@pacmaninbw I had a similar sentiment when I saw this post about c code by a user with name NodeJS
@pacmaninbw If the code shows they're thinking VB as well, that could be the start of an answer.
oh I guess you got the bounty on that one
I should have scrolled down before sending that message
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Only half the bounty, and even though it is the only answer with an up vote, no acceptance.
@pacmaninbw its a shame when OPs do that...
err... don't do everything they can...
I did wonder about the username on that one.
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Somehow I don't think they were satisfied with the review, and I really dug into that one.
I don't mean I dug into the poster, I went through the code in an intense manner to earn the bounty.
Spent 3 hours reviewing it.
The 3.5 year old zombie by that user is now a wounded gazelle, waiting for a headshot
Does it work? Are you having a specific problem? Stack Overflow is for specific questions, not code review. — Daniel Mann 51 secs ago
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ shot
Q: LeetCode 1293: Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination

EmmaI'm posting my code for a LeetCode problem copied here. If you have time and would like to review, please do so. Thank you! Problem Given a m * n grid, where each cell is either 0 (empty) or 1 (obstacle). In one step, you can move up, down, left or right from and to an empty cell. Return the mi...

@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ I did that once. I got the answer "that's totally unPythonic" because I used a paradigm that's not commonly used in Python (but with some of the new PEPs will be). And followed patterns used in Python's stdlib...
I know our queues can be a tad slow at times, but I just got an accepted suggested edit 25 days after I suggested it... Wow
@Peilonrayz I meant that the OP didn't appear to award the bounty... though maybe the OP didn't like the advice... though I see five users upvoted pacmaninbws's answer...
@CaptainObvious >:( pacmaninbw, now Duga's gunna moan!
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Yes I didn't award the bounty or accept
@pacmaninbw did the OP respond at all?
Gave me half the bounty, and I think I got one up vote at the same time.
Half the bounty is automatic AFAIK you can't manually award half
Other than that, no.
The OP is much more active on SO.
@Peilonrayz did you make the edit, I thought you were past the rep point where your edits were automatically approved.
Yes I'm past here. But this was on a different SE site
@Peilonrayz Why is Duga going to groan, I don't see an edit there.
Never mind, now I do.
I'm somewhat surprised she hasn't yet. Maybe block quoting code blocks is fine?
@Mast I just jumped past you in the all time rep category.
Code and applications that I have working for 2 years is finally moving into integrated user testing. Yeah!
If your code is functional, and speed is the only issue, then your question belongs in Code Review instead. — braX 32 secs ago
Sounds like you're looking for a Code Review. — Fred Larson 59 secs ago
@cdleary Yup, it's been revised a bit over the years but currently says "Limiting the [...] width makes it possible to have several files open side-by-side, and works well when using code review tools that present the two versions in adjacent columns.The default wrapping in most tools disrupts the visual structure of the code, making it more difficult to understand. [...] Some web based tools may not offer dynamic line wrapping at all." — wjandrea 26 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because it belongs to the code review site - not to here. — Roy2012 31 secs ago
inline is not obsolete, the compiler might choose to ignore it though. I still think it's best suited for codereview, since there's nothing functionally wrong with your code — deW1 just now
I’m voting to close this question because it belongs on Code Review. — Barry just now
If your code works as intended, then this question is more suitable for CodeReviewtrincot 55 secs ago
@trincot when suggesting users post on CR it would be great if there was also a suggestion like "Please read the relevant help center pages like 'What topics can I ask about here?' and 'How do I ask a good question?". In the current form the code above would likely be closed as off-topic because it is missing context. — Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ 51 secs ago
@Duga I don't get it, marks the answer as accepted. Post question about it on SO.
@CaptainObvious Sometimes it doesn't pay to answer a question, 2 up votes and 2 down votes.
IDK 31 rep is pretty good
True, not ready to delete it yet.
Tbf she did post it on SO but it's now deleted
Same question?
Pretty much. The biggest change was the addition of the following. "I have been told that inline keyword is obsolete. Given that, am I using the other static and const keywords correctly? What else might not be right in these solutions?"
Fair, I don't see that she has an account on SO.
I posted 2 relevant links to SO questions in the comments.
She's hidden all of her accounts.
@Peilonrayz I think you did that too, right?
Yeah, some SO mod was saying some mean things
Anybody had to deal with spyr03 before?
@Peilonrayz thanks for the edit.
@pacmaninbw No problem, makes a few of the comments "no longer needed"
So I should delete my defensive comments?
I see you have already taken care of that. ;)
For working programs (a hard requirement) then post on the code review SE for code reviews. It's not on topic on Stack Overflow. — Some programmer dude 33 secs ago
I flagged 4 cause they were at a level I understand, and 2 were auto deleted by the system. As for the rest IDK
How can I look at the comment history on a question?
I’m voting to close this question because it belongs on Code Review. — Andrew Henle 55 secs ago
If a comment is deleted only mods can see them.
I presume this is to prevent flame wars continuing after a mod has wiped it out
Also, please read What topics can I ask about here?. Try asking this on Code Review — user 31 secs ago
@pacmaninbw About time ;-)
Good job, congrats.
Q: Compare folders and find common files

user10191234I found this Powershell command useful in comparing folders and find common and different files. Since I really like C and C++, I've decided to create a program to do that. It will get all files in 2 folders given as arguments, will store them in an std::map,is that the correct container? After, ...

@Peilonrayz and probably also to shield users from abusive content. For posts it's hidden behind that click through thing, for comments that would not really be implementable
@Vogel612 By that you mean the "this was marked as {spam/RAA}" on deleted posts. Yeah you have a point there
Also, Code Review Stack Exchange may be more suitable for this question. — Weather Vane 16 secs ago
@pm100 Ah, I get it and agree that when you have some sort of interface where the type and its size are separated - )(/& may happen. It's best to keep that kind of logic in a closely guarded place that gets code reviewed a lot if anyone wants to tamper with it. A small template like Nathan suggested could be a start. — Ted Lyngmo 50 secs ago
Welcome @LeandroLescano
@user okey, I am not aware of code review community, is it part of this StackExchange ? — Abhishek Sengupta 5 secs ago
Yes. Here's the link: codereview.stackexchange.comuser 8 secs ago
Q: SwiftUI Dot indicator

fewlinesofcodeI want to understand if i got the concept correctly. I should start work from ViewState (Reference type object holding the state of a view). Here it is called PageIndicatorVM. It is bad-to-impossible to have any internal state in a View No logic in the View or so they say. Yet here and there in ...

Q: Performance challenge: Box operations (HackerRank) (C, Python)

JaafarbRecently I've been doing some challenges on HackerRank and came across this one. First, I tried with Python, and then C. Both of my codes failed due to timeout restrictions. It would be very helpful, if someone can tell me what can be improved in (one of) my codes (performance-wise). Thank you. C...

Q: I made a Tic Tac Toe game in C language

Rad120I made this Tic Tac Toe game using the c programming language, it works but I thinks it could be better. I added the options to select to play alone or between two players, and let the player select if he uses 'X' or 'O'. Please check it if you can, and give your opinion! Thanks. (I apologize for...

Instead of group.OrderBy(item => item.GetSomeValue(group)), you could do the same thing again: group.GroupBy(item => item.GetSomeValue(group)).SelectMany(subgroup => subgroup.OrderBy(item => item.GetAnotherValue(subgroup))). That's getting pretty hard to read though, and at that point I'd recommend posting your GetSomeValue method here or on CodeReview to see if it could be simplified — Andrew Williamson 35 secs ago
@BigBen In my code review question, TinMan says "I like to add references to my ListObjects as properties of their worksheets.". And provides an example of a function: i.stack.imgur.com/BKAbg.png. I don't really understand how that function works (I've asked for clarification), but I wonder if it has something to do with assigning the CodeName in a single place. Again, I'm just a novice.User1973 7 secs ago
Q: A word generator meant to be piped to hashcat/jrt which would then use amplificators (rules)

YvainThis piece of code does a linear generation with two 'tweaks': 1: it sets a global loop as an index to reference variables that are holding values that need to be exclusive to that value of loop. These variable are those using pointers and double pointers. That way we can play on the loop value ...

Q: How to avoid using exec() and eval() in Python

Jan PislI wrote a script to execute a service on the Forestry TEP platform via its REST API. This service has certain input parameters, some of them are numerical values, other strings or files. The current workflow is: 1.There is a configuration file that has options for file and literal inputs. Each op...

Q: TypeScript: Object Duplication impact on performance

MayorMontyFor a library I am working on, I have created a class WatchableCollection which will monitor an endpoint of an API for updates and issue events (WatchableCollection extends EventEmitter). The constructor of WatchableCollection takes an initial set of values to store and an async function to check...

@Peilonrayz @Mast How can I list all the functions / methods in a class?
You can list all attributes with dir
Then you just have to filter probably with isinstance(obj, type.FunctionType)
That worked
Well, dir did
Eh, it's types.FunctionType. To get the actual method you can use getattr(obj, key)
That's OK, I only needed to get a list once
Appreciate it though :)
No problem. It's just cause you're currently getting all attributes ;)
	# 'ID', 'OSType', 'UUID', 'UUIDString', 'XMLDesc',
	# 'abortJob', 'addIOThread', 'attachDevice', 'attachDeviceFlags', 'autostart', 'blkioParameters', 'blockCommit',
	# 'blockCopy', 'blockInfo', 'blockIoTune', 'blockJobAbort', 'blockJobInfo', 'blockJobSetSpeed', 'blockPeek',
	# 'blockPull', 'blockRebase', 'blockResize', 'blockStats', 'blockStatsFlags', 'c_pointer', 'connect', 'controlInfo',
	# 'coreDump', 'coreDumpWithFormat', 'create', 'createWithFiles', 'createWithFlags', 'delIOThread', 'destroy',
Are you using it to find what the object can do? Because if you are you may want to use help instead. help(foo).
My CLI version only had ID, name and state.
@Peilonrayz Yeah, but I only needed a list of things on it
I'll play to figure the rest out :D
Ah, if anything catches your fancy you can then do help(foo.name) ;)
possible answer invalidation by Yvain on question by Yvain: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/244525/revisions
@Duga Can a C++ person give that a one over?
Self answer and it's fixing a bug so it's not AI. Just want to know if I should retract my CV
How can I format a number to 1 decimal?
Q: Using locals in Forth to avoid stack manipulation

pmgI'm doing Project Euler problems as a learning platform for Forth. Problem 8 (*) involves a 1000-long string, which I entered directly in the source code. My code is : e008-multNdigits ( a n -- p ) 1 swap 0 do swap dup i + c@ [char] 0 - rot * loop nip ; : euler008 0 13 locals| length max...

as in float(1)?
Not sure what you mean by decimal, I'm assuming floating point number
So like 1.0, even if it's 1.05
You could go the JS way and use 1/1 instead ;) #ReadabilityNumber1
Is there a better version of this: vms = [map_vm(vm) for vm in data[0]]?
I’m voting to close this question because it is off-topic here for being opinion-based. But, it would be on-topic at code review. — Ruzihm 17 secs ago
Depends, map is holy war territory. Because comprehensions replace map and filter. But you can probably do vms = map(map_vm, data[0])
This is better for Code Review since you haven't indicated that doesn't work. Review notes, for example: == true is redundant, and x == false can be reduced to !x. Internalize the concept of evaluation. agarrar.CanShoot is already a boolean, you don't need to compare to true. isReloading is already boolean, so you if you want "is not reloading", use !isReloading ("not is reloading" -- you'll soon get used to how that sounds). — madreflection 9 secs ago
@Peilonrayz ^^^
Nice, are you using f'{usage:.1}/{total:.1}G' for the mem if it's defined?
Oh, what're you using?
Ehh you don't want to know
Changed it, but this is the current: memory = mem(mem_total, 1) + ' ' + str(round((mem_total - mem_avail) / mem_total * 100, 2)) + '%'
I'm really confused, because that looks like it's making a % rather than a fraction
I changed it lol
I broke something
memory = f'{mem(mem_total, 1)} {((mem_total - mem_avail) / mem_total * 100):.1}%'
Not work
I get 2.0G 1e+01%
{mem(mem_total, 1)} {((mem_total - mem_avail) / mem_total):.1%} or {mem(mem_total, 1)} {((mem_total - mem_avail) / mem_total * 100):.1f}% should work
I find it
memory = f'{mem(mem_total, 1)} {((mem_total - mem_avail) / mem_total * 100):.0f}%'
That's what I went with
I'm picky here but "the closest words" is not a straighforward concept and you have to define a metric to measure the distance between each word and the centroids. If you use the euclidian norm, I would suggest that you can either simply calculate the distance between all words and centroids if your dataset and number of centroids is not too big and performance is not an issue, or use something like scipy.spatial.distance (here's some code using it in a similar case: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/28207/…). — The Half-Blood Prince 19 secs ago
Q: Get future events from Pinnacle API

Konstantin KostanzhogloMy program makes API requests to Pinnacle Sports to retrieve future events and saves them to the database. Questions: Do I manage the database resources correctly? It takes about 3 seconds to check whether there are duplicate entries so that apparently it is very inefficient. The previous approa...

This question is better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comSmarticles101 15 secs ago
Welcome to Stack Overflow! @ when suggesting users post on CR it would be great if there was also a suggestion like "Please read the relevant help center pages like 'What topics can I ask about here?' and 'How do I ask a good question?". In the current form the code above would likely be closed as off-topic because there isn't much of a description of what it does. — Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ 5 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because it belongs on code review. — John3136 22 secs ago
This may not be the best place for this type of question. If it gets closed—and it very well might—I'd recommend looking at Code Review Stack Exchange which is specifically for evaluating existing code that otherwise works. Of course, they have their own rules, so you'll want to read them before posting to make sure you're positing a question that will provide useful answers. — Jeremy Caney 16 secs ago
As an aside, this may not be the best place for this type of question. If it gets closed—and it very well might—I'd recommend looking at Code Review Stack Exchange which is specifically for evaluating existing code that otherwise works. Of course, they have their own rules, so you'll want to read them before posting to make sure you're positing a question that will provide useful answers. — Jeremy Caney 5 secs ago
Q: GenBank to FASTA format using regular expressions without biopython

Ethan Hetrickdef genbank_to_fasta(): file = input(r'Input the path to your file: ') with open(f'{file}') as f: gb = f.readlines() locus = re.search('NC_\d+\.\d+', gb[3]).group() region = re.search('(\d+)?\.+(\d+)', gb[2]) definition = re.search('\w.+', gb[1][10:]).group...

Q: Looking for a better way to clear fields in child components

Nate ThompsonHOW IT WORKS - When you update a field, all of the fields after it are cleared. (It must work this way to ensure the user fills it out in order. Also a field depends on the value in the previous field) Each child component has a useEffect which should reset the field if the parent tells it to do ...

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