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RELOAD! There are 6372 unanswered questions (90.1041% answered)
This likely belongs on Code Review Stack Exchange. In any case, there isn't enough here for us to actually run the code. — AMC 54 secs ago
Stackoverflow is not a forum to satisfy curiosity for other solutions. It's a forum for specific programming problems. What topic can I ask about here?.. As you seem to have solved your problem. with nice simple function inside parse_args.sh, your question seems better suited for example for codereview.stackexchange rather then here. — KamilCuk 21 secs ago
The code does not actually work, so this is not for Code Review. — Stuart 32 secs ago
Q: capturing counts of open items between dates

born_nakedDB version is: Oracle 12c. Restricted to the use of inline PL/SQL. The end goal here is to get a count of open items by day, inclusive of created date, exclusive of the end date. The data structure is approximately: | id | open_date | close_date | |----|------------|------------| | a | 01/...

Q: Episode 1: Mastering code and Testing it

exSnakeOnce upon a time there was a noob developer who learned it all by himself because he grew up in a nation far behind in IT. I've tried to learn C# for about 5 years, without any improvement over the last two. Then i decided to use you! StackExchange community. Every time i try to write code i wi...

Q: "Rock, Paper, Scissors +" in F#

KroltanDuring a discussion in a development chat, a user suggested to another (in the context of C# originally), UserA: Challenge: Create an implementation of RPS, and then show how it can be extended to include an unlockable option Bomb (blows up paper and rock, but scissors cuts the fuse - basical...

1 hour later…
Q: Gomoku board in JavaScript

Green BallThis is my code for gomoku. I made it with javascript and html. I think the checkWinner function can be improved or make shorter. Also the functions should be re-organized? Here is the code. Javascript: var turn = 0; var width = 15; var height = 15; var gameOver = false; var board = Array(width...

2 hours later…
Q: Finding empty folder with result in table

user217728I am beginner of java. I want to add table output. Folder list and output result. How can i do that? import java.io.File; public class CheckEmptyDirectory { public static void main(String[] args) { String str[] = {"\\Directory1", "\\Directory2",... }; for (int i=0; i<str.length;i++) {...

1 hour later…
Q: Simple sorting algorithm speed

Matthew LozoyaI was working on an assignment in my Python class to sort 10 numbers but I wanted to be able to sort any set of numbers be it large or small. The assignment didn't really cover any sorting algorithms other than bubble sort so I started working and decided to just do something simple find the smal...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it should be migrated to codereview.stackexchange.comNicktar 16 secs ago
Not convinced that's the correct place. Do you actually want a code review? (Do you know what a code review is?) — Stephen C just now
That is true. And the fact that it won't compile means it is not a candidate for code review. — Stephen C 45 secs ago
If the code works this is better suited for the codereview stackexchange. — Ingo Bürk 1 min ago
@toto thank you bro.i will delete it after moving question in codereview — hosein in jast 31 secs ago
Please show some effort and try out your desired features / refactoring yourself. If you have troubles doing so, you can come back and ask for specific (!) questions. This platform is not suitable for code review - for the last case use codereview.stackexchange.comNeo 18 secs ago
Q: anything to replace with preg_match?speed up and refactor the code

hosein in jasti have this code for validate address from input and its a sample address 2 جنت آباد جنوبی- پایین میدان چهارباغ-ساختمان سبز- پلاک 148- واحد in this case my output is جنت آباد جنوبی میدان چهارباغ ساختمان سبز im just need to speed up it public function validateMethod1($address) { ...

Q: Sequential learning function running slowly

Muhamad Ihsanul QamilI make this Sequential Learning function but its run so slow, I'm new in python so do you know why this is run slowly and how to improve it? def Seqlearn(y, dfhessian, gamma, eps, c, itermaxsvr): # 𝐸𝑖 = 𝑦𝑖 − (α_i^* − a_i) * Rij d=len(dfhessian.index) # d=391 a = [[0] * d] a_s = [[0] * d]...

possible answer invalidation by Migats21 on question by Migats21: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/236568/revisions
Q: Is there a better way to assign constructor parameter in Typescript?

BobbyI have a class with a various set of optional parameters when instantiated. I would like to be sure that the user input ONLY the available parameters option, and also add a default value if nothing is passed. I come with this export enum HexagoneType { POINTY, FLAT } export interface Hexag...

@Duga Nah
possible answer invalidation by Migats21 on question by Migats21: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/236568/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Aryan Beezadhur on question by Aryan Beezadhur: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/236527/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Migats21 on question by Migats21: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/236568/revisions
Q: Swapping of element with its neighboring element (Python)

Javed I.Does this code seems good or it can be improve (without any library)? Elements swapping of a list with its neighboring element alist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] lenofalist = len(alist) index = 0 temp = 0 while index < lenofalist: temp = alist[index+1] alist[index+1] = alist[ind...

Q: Find product defects in a photograph

MustafaI have been trying to find defects (brown/copper parts) on this sample using PyQt, OpenCV and Python: And I can find defects, too. My problem is, I have nobody to ask, get feedback etc. I need some feedback about my code. Of course, I don't want someone to review my code line-by-line, but even...

Q: Comparing performance between thread, task, parallel

Steve NgaiI wrote some function to compare the duration taken for 1000 loops. Just wondering if the comparison is right? For the thread, I want to set to maximum 3 thread. Thread is core, right? Task took the longest time which seems not correct. using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; ...

possible answer invalidation by edwin on question by edwin: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/236575/revisions
Q: Javacript/jQuery animation makes text appear/disappear as if typed

Aryan BeezadhurOn Eric Amodio's website and the JS.ORG website, there is a nice javascript animation which makes text appear/disappear as if it is being typed. I tried to replicate something similar but far more basic on JSFiddle. In my experiment, the words Code review appear typed, are hidden by toggle(200), ...

Q: The Dark Dungeon: Narrative game for Python

destoralaterThis is a project I've been working on and it's my first so please feel free to just copy this into python and give this a try. Below you'll find the main code and a small bit on rules and how to play, Enjoy! If you have any queries about the game or any other games that are soon to be released l...

Maybe this would be more appropriate over at codereview.stackexchange.com — Lino just now
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's not on-topic for SO. It might be on-topic for codereview.stackexchange.com, but read their help first to be sure. — T.J. Crowder 55 secs ago
Q: How can I properly handle backend service events in SignalR?

Markus DeibelI have some doubts with the following code that implements a SignalR endpoint that receives and sends messages. Basically the ISendValuesService produces new values and raises a NewValueRegistered event whenever it does. Upon this event the SignalR hub sends a message to all connected clients th...

Q: Passing PHP $variable to PHP-Curl array

Duke_Si1verI would like to pass some simple PHP variables (such as $name1 and $email1) to the following cURL block (PHP-Curl) CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS =>"{\n\"email\": \"[email protected]\",\n\"name\": \"Percy Jack\",}" Basically replace: [email protected] with $email1 Percy Jack with $name1 ...

Q: Golang homework interview challenge for Storj

Samuel Hawksby-RobinsonLast December I interviewed with Storj and was unsuccessful after my code challenge. Storj were good enough to pay me for the time it took to complete the challenge, but have refused to give any kind of feedback as to where or why my submission was not up to their standards. The repo for this co...

Q: Validator service for uploaded files

JessGabrielI am trying to write an abstraction layer to validate uploaded files on the project. There will be one factory who will handle to build the constraints One another service to validate uploaded files using the builded constraint from the factory namespace Infrastructure\Service\Asset; /** * Cr...

Q: Filtering product ids

BiancaAs regarding the following question I have completed the code as below. But I am curious about other effective solutions. I am also curious about if there is any solution that could be applicable by using java stream API. It is not mandatory to keep records at int[][] matrix. Any data structure...

Q: SVR prediction program run slow need a long time to finish

Muhmad Ihsanul QamilMy code run slowly, I code this by my self following equation in journal. I need to make it faster because I will use this SVR function 1600 time for evaluation using SVR. If I use this code I will running for a couple days or even a week for one time run. Help me please. I'm beginner in python (...

Q: Comparing version numbers with JavaScript

AndrewL64I have written a function that compares two version number strings (e.g. 1.2.0 and 1.2.2) and return 1 if the first string is greater, -1 if the second string is greater and 0 if the strings are equal for a code challenge that I'm attempting. Also, it's guaranteed that both strings contain an eq...

Q: Unit-test a function with multiple dependencies (google cloud storage) in Go

simsiI am new to go and have written a function to download a model from a google cloud bucket. It has a lot of dependencies (gcloud, ioutil, http). How can I improve the function and how can I test this function? Should I mock utils.ConnectBucket, bucket.Object().NewReader, ioutil.ReadAll and http.De...

Q: Loop to insert rows to tables across multiple sheets in Excel

M BI'm working on a loop to go through a series of worksheets in my workbook and add a row (or two) to the table on that worksheet if the date associated with that worksheet is the same or after the selected date. I made a table with the sheet names, dates, and table names that the code could loop t...

Q: Speed up: Load CSV then return list of rows

RaphaelI have the following working code that reads a csv file with two columns by ~500 rows, then return a list of lists for both columns and convert the values to float. I'm reading around 200k files per test case, so a total of ~5M .csv files. It's taking around 1,5 min to read 200k and to return th...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review. — Ian Kemp 45 secs ago
Q: Refactoring code to Kotlin pairs and zipped lists

MsCr3oleI am new to Kotlin and am trying to learn and understand this development. So I am trying to understand how would I refactor the below code to do the following : 1. get rid of the reference to answerList and change processAnswerButtonClick to take an index 2. toggle answer.isSelected = !origIs...

Please include the code as text in the question. That way it shows up in search, and other members seeking to help you, can copy and edit the code to their needs. (This specific question could have been better suited for the codereview site.) Take into consideration: stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-examplebad_coder 32 secs ago
That's not a question for codereview, I'm just asking how to have an integer step on SciPy's minimizer function... — Rémy 26 secs ago
Am I on the right path? Maybe ? Are you looking for a code review or help to solve a problem ? — Nicolas 23 secs ago
Q: How i display result in a text box

Sachithra Udayangahow to get this result to a text box named "txtBx3" int val4; // int val5; val4 = int.Parse(txtLeaves.Text); if (val4 > 24)

possible answer invalidation by Bianca on question by Bianca: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/236645/revisions
Q: Online Reader Object Oriented Design

BiancaI have designed and Online Reader System. You can find the classes below. I would be appreciated for the valuable reviews. Especially considering; Multi-threading / SOLID principles / Design patterns Book.java package OOPDesign.onlineBookReaderSystem; import java.util.ArrayList; public a...

Q: JavaScript AVL Tree

Evan BechtolI have been working through Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition, and have implemented an AVL tree through prototypal inheritance. The code presented here does work as expected based on the tests that I currently have. What I am looking for Review of overall implementation in terms of effici...

1 hour later…
Q: Typescript decorator for both sync and async functions

PhiGoal: a decorator that calls the wrapped function and catches any errors, including any errors that might occur by awaiting the result. Must be synchronous to wrap sync functions, and also handle awaiting async function results. export function NoThrow(_target: any, key: any, descriptor: Proper...

1 hour later…
Q: Linear Regression Class in Python

Doğukan ÖzdemirI have recently been brushing up on my statistics and calculus and wanted to implement Linear Regression, the code will be for a calculus/statistics library I am working on (I know there are libraries for this but I am trying improve my both coding and math skills). The following code works as i...

Q: Mars Rover Python exercise

statsgirl123I have given the Mars Rover challenge a go in Python. I am still relatively new to Python so know this is a bit basic - but I wondered if I could get some general feedback on my code for best coding practice? class MarsRover(): RIGHT_ROTATE = { 'N':'E', 'E':'S', ...

1 hour later…
Q: Python linter vs PEP8

Canadian LukeI am working on a Nagios Scraper in Python3. I have Github set to automatically run checks (i.e. Python Linter) to make sure the code is good. It is currently failing that check, although the code works. When I check with a PEP8 checker online, I am getting constant warnings about `line break be...

possible answer invalidation by statsgirl123 on question by statsgirl123: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/236669/revisions
1 hour later…
@RbMm Did this title say code review? I appreciate your feedback but honestly was just curious about the problem itself. I am copying it because I need the 1-byte character format for later use. Yes I'm not checking if the filename is longer than 1024(!) characters because I don't initially go for perfect code quality when using an API I haven't used before. I already said I was taking another look at the implementation, but thank you. — soomi 52 secs ago
Q: Express error if agency not found middleware

mrmadhatIn an api I'm building, I have multiple routes that require an agency to exist before any action is performed on the requested agency. To avoid repetition I've written some middleware to check that the agency does indeed exist before continuing (and throws if it does not). The code I have work...

Q: Simple definite integral calculator

Simple coderI made this code to compute definite integrals in processing. It works by getting the rectangle between the maximum value between the previous function value and the current function value, and then I calculate the area by multiplying the maximum value described before and the step. And finally, ...

In any case, this question doesn't really have a distinct, objectively answerable problem. You're essentially asking for advice on best practices, which will generally be subjective. This question would be better suited for CodeReview. StackOverflow is more suited for asking about how to implement the specific approach you've selected. — B. Fleming 18 secs ago
I'm aware of your intent, no worries. I'm only suggesting that the most appropriate course of action is to discuss best practices on CodeReview and then, once you've determined which approach you wish to implement, discuss the implementation details here. This ensures that the scope of your questions fall within the site guidelines. — B. Fleming 50 secs ago

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