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RELOAD! There are 5167 unanswered questions (90.0081% answered)
Q: Poker dealer hold'em

paparazzoThis represents a dealer (server) for Texan Hole'em. This is not a full hold'em game but it is working code for what it does. It shuffles, deals the hole cards, board, and collect blinds. It does not yet support real betting nor award the pot. It just fakes a pot. Real betting gets complex. It...

Q: Returning the prime factors of a number

BenzI am trying to create a function prime-factors that returns the prime factors of a number. To do so, I created is-prime function, and prime-factors-helper that will do a recursive check of the prime factors. (defun is-prime (n &optional (d (- n 1))) (if (/= n 1) (or (= d 1) (and (/=...

Q: Passing on the mod hat

janosIt's that time of the year again!... Elections! Wait, what? It's not a regular thing around here? Maybe it should be! With Mat and 200_success stepping down, elections should be coming soon (in 3-6 weeks?). It seems the perfect time(*) to offer my diamond up for grabs now, to give you, dear comm...

@Feeds Two hours ago? Better late than never.
Hi SueSiv, welcome to StackOverflow! I think the first part of your question ("could someone check through my code and tell me if my design for a digital watch looks ok structurally") would do better on the code review stack exchange. — Erty Seidohl 39 secs ago
@Jamal Dang, that's weird, I'd be curious to see why the RSS feed post was so delayed
@CaptainObvious I don't remember if a stack overflow error on big use cases is acceptable or considered broken...?
A: Is stack overflow on-topic for Code Review?

202_acceptedTo an extent, yes. In this particular case, no. I don't see a problem with allowing questions that have Stack Overflow Exceptions, provided the code works acceptably on a smaller input set. If we were to eliminate questions with SOE, then by all rights we should eliminate time-limit-exceeded que...

Looks fine then
possible answer invalidation by rishijd on question by rishijd: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/189838/revisions
@Teja this section is meant to unbug an issue from your program, to request another strategies perhaps codereview is your destination. (just iterating what I'm been told) — Abra001 17 secs ago
@Duga it's fine
@Duga That's a lot of processing to solve such a simple problem...
This would be a good fit for Code Review, since the code works fine with smaller inputs but times out on large ones. If you post it there, add the tag time-limit-expiredPhrancis 50 secs ago
posted on March 19, 2018 by fatihkoc

I am pretty new to python as a front end dev and i loved it! So i started to build a tool fetching facebook places api and there is api rate limit 200 requests/per hour and even i set long delays, i get an error of "(#613) Calls to this api have exceeded the rate limit." I dont know where to optimize it but i need you to take a look at my code as a better pythonist

Q: Invoice Calculator Averages

Marsha I am a newbie, so, nice to meet you! I am in a Java 1 course in college and we have this invoice application. I have written the code, and I can get it to do everything EXCEPT give me the the average invoice amount, and the average discount amount. This is supposed to show if the user enters "n"....

@CaptainObvious Broken, easy fix, left a comment
possible answer invalidation by Mathieu Guindon on question by paparazzo: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/189899/revisions
Q: How to generate non-repeating random word from an array?

user164616How to make the program generate 5 non-repeating random words from the array (without using array list)? Thank you! `public static void main(String[] args) { String[] solo = {"mom", "hello", "dad", "hope", "love"}; Random rand = new Random(); String word; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ...

1 hour later…
@Duga Oh, good, it's over 90 again.
Is there a search query that only shows question that have at least one answer, where the highest answer has 0 or less points?
Like /unanswered, but only showing questions that have at least one answer.
SO is not the best place to ask for a code review — Stultuske 7 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code ReviewJim Garrison 1 min ago
Q: Mazerunner: (hopefully with x, y, z axis but baby steps so just x, y for now) and print out it's "version" of the maze when it's completed

globalcooldowngrid = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2]] def search(x, y): if grid[x][y] == 2: print('found at %d, %d' % (x,y)) return True elif grid[x][y] == 1:...

Q: Optimize Algorithm

Vivek KalyanaranganHere is the problem I am working on - There is N x N field on which missiles are being bombarded. Initially, all the cells in this field have 0 value. There will be M missiles bombarded on this field. ith missile will have power Pi and it will affect all the cells in region with (Ai,Bi...

Q: Try send message on email using Outlook

HelloWorldI'm wrote a method that tries to send message on emails, but i have some concerns about HTMLBody. Please make a review about this method. CODE: public class Ticket { private readonly string _currentProject; private readonly DateTime _creationDate; private readonly string _userName; ...

Q: Using await to break long-running processes

K48I have a Node.js app / Web API that runs on an Azure app service with a single CPU. One of the functions needs to run for a long time, perhaps tens of seconds, while the server should continue to process other requests, i.e. the function should not be blocking. My idea is to use await new Promi...

When you have achieved a somewhat satisfactory state with your program, feel free to head over to Code Review and post the code there with an explanation of what it does. It seems you are using outdated resources to learn Perl, and there is a lot you could improve. We'll give you valuable input over there. — simbabque 14 secs ago
If it works but you'd like your code to be reviewed, I think the best choice is to post this question on Code Review3Dos 46 secs ago
Q: onChange vs onKeyPress for input in React

MrJalapenoSo I have an input form, and when you press enter I want it to call a function. I was wondering what "the right" way of doing this is. Right now I have an input looking like this: <input type="text" placeholder="Enter key words" value={this.state.value} onChange={this.handleC...

2 hours later…
Q: Converting an Array to a String Inside a Class Method

wolfenstein11xThe following code is JUST THE BEGINNING OF a problem I am trying to solve. I cannot pass the rspec tests because it is returning my answer as an array, not a string. Here is my code: class Book def title @title end def title=(title) @title = title.split(" ") ...

Q: Eliminate function inside another function?

JeffCI am looking for suggestions on how to make this cleaner. I have written a method inside this method called doSave() which calls a service to save a line item of a PO as they type. The performance of this is not very good and I find it dirty. How can I make this better/cleaner? async saveField(f...

Q: Using react with requirejs

Pankaj JainI have a index.php file with <!--Bootstrap scripts--> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/popper.js/1.14.1/umd/popper.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twi...

@Vogel612 Damn that's pretty sick. I wonder why it's not added to the share, edit, delete area of a question...
Q: Three Haskell functions to show filtered results from a list of films

Matt KentI'm currently working on a simple command line application in Haskell and I have three functions that are quite repetitive. The three functions: getAllFilmsByDirector :: [Film] -> String -> String getAllFilmsByDirector filmsDb directorName = unlines [name ++ ", " ++ director ++ ", " ++ show ye...

@200_success, @janos, @MathieuGuindon I didn't thought that going skiing over the weekend will result in 3 mods to step down. If I knew this I wouldn't have gone. Sad, really sad. Well I wish you all the best and hope you will still be arround here. You all did a great job ! @janos I hope you will run again. @MathieuGuindon its nice to see your real self instead of a mug ;-)
@Heslacher lol, of course it's all your fault thanks!
It's supposed to be an exciting occasion. It's only sad if nobody steps up to fill the role.
^^ that, x100 ^^
I hope enough people will step up but not me. In the last few months I seldom did more than say monking. Lots of work to do...
It was rather quiet the last few weeks here, yeah.
@MathieuGuindon I hope it isn't my fault ;-) btw. my legs and arms are hurting badly from 3 days skiing. I am just not that young anymore.
@Peilonrayz Maybe it's not optimized very well? A visible link could maybe lead to too much load. But I have no idea why, to be honest.
Q: C# Security Module for generating secure hashes

Bailey MillerAny pointers on the level of security this hashing function perform at? I have never had to really write my own modules for security before. public static class Hashing { public static int SaltSize = 32; public static string HashPassword(string passwordToHash, byte[] salt, int numberOf...

Q: How To Insert "Red Ball Pen" into a string variable from a text file using array of structures using C++

AndyIt is for a stationery store inventory program using C++. The program is to read a text file and store the data from the text file into an array of structures. The problem comes in when my string variable has spaces . How do I use the >> operator in reading each line in my text file and for it to...

@200_success What feels sad is that, for most of us who joined just a bit before or after the graduation, the mod team was like a model figure. And we’re not used to it changing.
This is a great candidate for Code Review (note that their question format is slightly different, so be sure to read their Tour and How to Ask pages). — msanford 50 secs ago
How long would you have wanted it to last?
10 more years ;-)
And who was just complaining about getting old?
@200_success From my perspective site activity is low as of late. Compare last quarter stats with the same from two years ago... Seems like everyone's busy of late
@Zeta Fair point. If it's just for 10K's I don't think that many would use it from a small pool anyway.
An alternative view is that elections and new leadership would help prevent stagnation.
I don't say it's a bad thing
@Peilonrayz 1+ change: 1700 vs 1270. That's a loss of ~400 active accounts.
It's just… well, this felt reassuring ^^
@Zeta Not just that, the rep went from 10k to 2k for the highest. All I mean is I think there's a problem. I don't know what it is, or how to 'fix' it however... :(
As far as I’m concerned, I got from 0 child two years ago to 2 in a couple days… This slows down the activity a bit.
I don't think there is necessarily a problem that need fixing, CR is a great learning experience and a great community
@MathiasEttinger twins! congrats!
mine are turning 6 in 6-8 weeks :)
It's just that people have their priorities moving
@MathieuGuindon lol, didn't thought it could be interpreted that way.
Got 1 in the meantime
And the second at the end of the month
ah, I see lol
well, congrats anyway!
@Peilonrayz Maybe some community events? Or new users?
Q: Possibly refactoring script into functions

Tom N.I have a portion of a script here, and the whole script works just fine. However, I feel like it's inefficient and may work better in a class/function format. This is a script scheduled to run every night and go between databases to select records, compare them, pull data based on comparisons an...

Hm. The 200+ total reputation users count stayed the same. So in the last two years no permanent new users joined the site?
Oh, wait. Both tables are exactly the same.
@Zeta 200+ got from 131 to 205
Oh, nevermind
@MathiasEttinger Total reputation, not reputation change.
I wasn't looking at totals
No problem.
Hey, you know how we used to do community challenges?
I wonder if we could host a king-of-the-hill challenge?
Basically, everyone posts their code for review, and when we run the challenge, the winner gets a bounty (I'm willing to provide that part).
Probably a bit more of a PPCG thing.
@Hosch250 We did something similar last year, the CODEREVIEW challenge.
@Zeta Right. And nobody posted.
I think there was one participant? The "create your own programming language" was probably too much.
I knew they wouldn't. Building a language is just too hard.
So, let's host a CODEREVIEW with chess or something.
There were monthly challenges IIRC.
We need to bring those back.
FWIW "challenges" started out as , with the idea being you have the weekend to build a quick solution for a small problem, e.g. tic-tac-toe, or rock-paper-scissors, or evaluating a poker hand, whatever.
Chalenges are great and everything, but as far as I really wanted to do one of those, I usually drop the idea by lack of time
@MathieuGuindon Those short challenges are already handled by sites like Codewars, Codingame or others. It would be great if their users would know about CR.
Then again, given the usual quality of the solutions I'm not sure about that…
Well, I'm going to finish my checkers website and set my game controller up as a KOTH for PPCG (I need the rep for bounties--they have some awesome stuff over there).
Then I'll see about hosting some sort of a challenge over here.
Remember, on CR, it's not so much winning that counts, it's the participation.
Q: ASP.NET Identity 2.0 UserManager alongside of UnitOfWork

Marek CzaplickiI was wondering whether it is a good aproach to have Identity 2.0 UserManager next to UnitOfWork pattern? I am using UserManager only in login and register as it gives freedom of not taking care of password hashing (also provides options to email user etc.) and user-to-role management. Although f...

Q: Optimization of algorithm performance

DavidI wrote the following code. A user in STACKOVERFLOW website recommended me to write my code here in order to be reviewed for optimization. How could I optimize it? Could I have this code in a pro and better form and performance? import numpy as np import emcee import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fro...

sorry I had to post this..... maybe I missed an inside joke though?
My last mug had an unfortunate accident... :(
I will have to read the other posts after work
forgot to tell you guys. I finally got a job
@Malachi Awesome!
I am a QA Engineer, currently working on a test automation suite to learn the business better.
@Malachi Selenium FTW!
I wish
they have a lot of stuff already done in the VB flavor area
I gotta quite putting VB on my resume, it keeps getting me jobs working with VB
@Malachi Hey, it depends how you frame it.
I was joking...lol
SilkTest can also use C# and Java, depending on how you use it.
needs 2 more votes:
Hey! Welcome to Meta.CR! The "intrusion" is more than welcome IMO - back in the pre-graduation days of CR we even ran "contests" on meta to boost meta activity and community building: the winning ad would get to be posted on other sites' community-ads post, like you just did. — Mathieu Guindon ♦ 2 mins ago
but I am using the VB Flavor.
@MathiasEttinger Congrats!
so who is left as Mods then?
@Malachi Simon and Jamal.
@Malachi Jamal and Simon remain, whether Janos returns is in your hands.
They have both announced they are not stepping down.
Jamal has been with us since the beginning, I like that. Simon has been here for a while as well!
I may or may not run, depending on how active I am until the election.
@Malachi That's actually why 200 is leaving. He doesn't want to be with us forever. He says we need to learn to get along without him (not a direct quote).
someone star my Jamalizing link, so Jamal sees it later....lol
@MathieuGuindon Could try to rein it back to something simple like that I guess...
the idea was that you could whip it up in 2-3 hours, put it up for review, and then review the other submissions
then it went from weekly to monthly
and complexity increased accordingly
Q: Different approach to wave array?

Anirudh ThatipelliGiven an array of integers, sort the array into a wave like array and return it, In other words, arrange the elements into a sequence such that a1 >= a2 <= a3 >= a4 <= a5..... Example Given [1, 2, 3, 4] One possible answer : [2, 1, 4, 3] Another possible answer : [4, 1, 3, 2] NOTE : If there ...

@MathieuGuindon I guess this was the problem... I wasn't that active in Meta when they came about. I guess a 2-3 hour challenges in a month would be good fun. Even more so if we extended the time for entries to 'win'
it was really more of a coordinated "let's all solve the same problem in whatever language we feel comfortable with (or not), and put them all up for review over the weekend"
we never cared for "winning"
That makes sense, I guess we could make a little meta to find out what we actually want them to be. I liked them, I just don't have the time to enter some times.
Nov 30 '13 at 0:52, by rolfl
OK, weekend challenge.... we all solve the Rock Paper Scissors Lizzard Spock problem with our 'favourite' language, and we all have to post a question here with our solution to be reviewed.
^ that's how it started
Welcome to StackOverflow :-) While StackOverflow is for questions about specific programming problems/algorithms and how to solve them, the CodeReview community is for running code and how to make it shorter/better. Please consider to ask your question there :-) — Philipp Maurer 49 secs ago
@MathieuGuindon my First post of that run --> codereview.stackexchange.com/q/36482/18427
Q: Improving performance of fitting data

DavidI wrote the following code. A user in STACKOVERFLOW website recommended me to write my code here in order to be reviewed for optimization. How could I optimize it? Could I have this code in a pro and better form and performance? EXPLANATION: This code calculate multiplication of three matrix in ...

turned into like 3+ posts if I remember right
says there are 5 linked posts
we definitely need someone from Canada to run for moderator.
cryptostreamDecr.CopyTo(fsDecrypted) should work just as well, and be a bit cleaner from a code review perspective. — bartonjs 17 secs ago
@CaptainObvious user created a second account
@CaptainObvious and posted the same as this
#(@($*@# SE!!!
> This question does not have an upvoted or accepted answer
I can't dupe-close it...
@Hosch250 ^^
one more vote and it will close.
not sure why you can't dupe close... but we can vote for that reason....
maybe a custom reason, huh @Hosch250
@Malachi duplicate VTC need questions with answers (or questions from the same user, IIRC) but none apply here
Q: aspiring coder looking for place to begin

user164664so as I said in title, I'm an aspiring coder, and I have questions as to how to start a project for an RPG. first of all, what coding language would be best. and once you answer that, how do I add graphics, and how do I add save data.do you have any suggestions for me?

Q: Remove duplicates from array of non-equatable objects

LinusGeffarthI have an array of non-Equatable objects. I want to remove all the duplicates from the array. class SomeObject { // non-equatable var index: Int! init(_ index: Int) { self.index = index } } var data: [SomeObject] = [SomeObject(0), SomeObject(1), SomeObject(1), SomeObject(2), SomeObject(...

Q: Implementing RecordSet-like class in C#

Jonathan WoodFrom the outset, let me state that I'm working with some older technology. I'd rather use Entity Framework, but I have to use what the client is using if I want to get paid. I am converting some old VB6/VBA code to C#. The VB code relies on RecordSet, which allow you to browse results of a query...

Welcome to CR! Pick a language - any language - and learn enough of it to implement something that works. Once you have that, this community will help you learn the quirks of whatever language you picked, and help you pick up and master programming concepts like abstraction, encapsulation, and everything you need to write clean, maintainable, flexible, professional code. — Mathieu Guindon ♦ 19 secs ago
Nicely done Mug.
@CaptainObvious Example code.
@Mast rolled back that JS question - the changes were a little too different
@SimonForsberg What, Janos is stepping down as well?
Q: Passing on the mod hat

janosIt's that time of the year again!... Elections! Wait, what? It's not a regular thing around here? Maybe it should be! With Mat and 200_success stepping down, elections should be coming soon (in 6-8 weeks?). It seems the perfect time(*) to offer my diamond up for grabs now, to give you, dear comm...

@SamOnela Thanks to the hook I knew what question you meant, thanks for the heads up.
@Mast In a way.
@Mast Yes, although he might participate in the re-election and might get elected again, I don't know his exact plans :)
Q: rust huffman encoding

user673679An implementation of huffman encoding / decoding as a learning excercise. Since I'm still new to Rust, so any tips about making things more natural for the language are appreciated. mod huff { use std::boxed::Box; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::...

@SimonForsberg Yes, the meta question does leave that somewhat open.
With 3 slots open, it's even more important the right people step up.
We already have 2 potential candidates--janos and rolfl.
not sure @rolfl will run though
That's why I said "potential".
I guess this is the moment to announce what I figured out yesterday.
I'll run for moderator during the next election.
@MathieuGuindon Thank you!
how many Moderators do we need this election? same number, 3 needing to be elected?
@Malachi Nobody knows.
Probably not even SE.
@Hosch250 Hopefully they'll figure it out within 6-8 weeks.
who all said they are running, so far?
@Mast I'm surprised but happy you're putting yourself forward. Best of luck mate
@Mast I knew you would.
@Malachi janos basically said he was in his resignation.
lol @MathieuGuindon
Mar 15 at 19:09, by Vogel612
Nov 29 '16 at 20:39, by Mat's Mug
I pulled a prank on my girlfriend. I said "I resigned". We're buying a house, just got the financing approved. Her face went white. Then I said "as a moderator on Code Review". She hit me. I guess I earned it. but yeah, ..I need to slow down SE activity and focus on my dayjob and my family.
maybe I (seriously) run this time around....let me think on that one for a day or two
Rolfl, and Janos are pretty much shoe ins
@Malachi Nominations haven't started yet, so you got at least a week to figure it out :-)
if someone else nominates me I would say yes for sure...lol
Q: Solve a modificationexception

Niklas RosencrantzI was given a problem where a Java program crashes 50 % of the time. It included this part for (Object o : l) { for (Object o2 : l) { if (!o.equals(o2) && distance(o, o2) <= 1) { l.remove(o); } } And the exception was a ConcurrentModificationException. So I ...

@Malachi Dangerous.
I won't be running unless the election doesn't take place for a month and I manage to get 1k rep in that month.
@Mast what do you mean?
I was joking...lol
I would be the oldest CR member running for election, I think. (CR member Age)
@Malachi Appears you've been a member a full year longer than Monkey.
that monkey is probably smarter than all of us though.
that just sounds funny.
I like Rolfl though
Yeah, rolfl is sharp.
And having a cutting-edge job tends to help keep you sharp :)
@Malachi hey you're almost as old as my kids!
guess what I am having for lunch
PB&J with Honey
@Malachi cookie crisp?
all good answers
do you still play that cookie clicker game?
lol. I had to stop
I probably still have the save files though
been playing STronghold Kingdoms on Computer and Toy wars Army Men on my cell phone. and another game that my wife plays
Q: pythonic way to handle alternative sets of parameters

Kami KazeI am new to python so tips to any part of the code are welcome. My main problem is how to "overload" the function properly. Is this how supposed to be done with parameters that gets passed exculsivly? It is intended that only Bytes, Words or a DWord will get passed in the corresponding parameter...

possible answer invalidation by Jonathan Wood on question by Jonathan Wood: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/189942/revisions
@Duga Rolled back.
@Hosch250 @Malachi Oh we know. We've just informed a CM that we want 3 slots this election.
who would you like to see run, @SimonForsberg?
@Malachi ♪ everybo-dy, hep, everybo-dy, hep, hep, everybo-dy ♪
see if the SE system could handle that kind of dataset! I like it!
@Malachi As many as possible of course. Who would I like to see get elected however, is a separate question ;)
well they can't get elected if they don't run
so I figured I would ask that question first.
True that.
Q: Optimize the file content comparison

irs102infoProgram to compare if files within two directories are having same content I followed the approach of getting the list of files under two directories recursively and store it in different list with it is canonical path. Then using two loops, compared the each file line by line. Below is my code...

(and no, I don't know, yet).
I don't like this VB, I can't use Append
FWIW no pressure, but SE got onto Amazon Prime and 6-8 weeks may turn out to be much faster this time around :)
:o HTC Vive Pro is announced
A' is amazing sometimes... crazy how fast they can deliver.
I am going to run out of stars soon
I can feel it
@rolfl You have some days to decide :)
If you are a genius then maybe you can figure out when the election will start ;)
I won't be running for mod, not now I have Factorio
@SimonForsberg IIRC, elections always are announced on thursdays, or something.
Let me dig up the details....
@rolfl That's not being a genius...
@skiwi There are Factorio mods you know ;) mods.factorio.com/mods/zomis
@SimonForsberg But do I need them? :)
/me is no genius
when you use a using on a stream does it flush before it closes when losing scope? @MathieuGuindon (VB)
@rolfl You're not on IRC :P
@Malachi in a Using block? yes
@Malachi In C++, it is not guaranteed to.
Many of these languages follow C++'s behavior.
@rolfl Use the Uniform Resource...
I gotta figure out how old the VB I am using here is... older version of SilkTest I know
@Malachi FWIW there's nothing wrong with being fully explicit about it either.
@Malachi The compiler version should be in the project file (ALT-Enter on the VB Project "folder" in VS).
Under Build, Advanced, or something like that.
no VS with this
I am using the SilkTest Workbench
Well, that's bizarre they need to let that info leak pre-announcement, @SimonForsberg
I figure it would be an easy thing to coordinate with the meta post.... which I guess must be happening "real soon now" too.
a lot of fancy things I don't have with it, but there are some nice things, if I could remember what they were I would tell you
@rolfl we're the leaky ones
Well, at least it says 3, and not more ;-)
Ohh, election on April 2!
@rolfl Keep your eyes open. My guess is it will be posted on that specific time, but what day? ;)
probably April 1st
I'm formally announcing I will not run, unless we don't get 4 candidates and the election is about to be called off.
Meh, I figure this whole thing is just a ruse to get chat active again ;0
@rolfl a ruse to get chat and the whole site hyped-up again, yes.
I've been away from this chatroom for so long..
and you too!
This might help a bit too:
Q: Should we bring back the fun?

PeilonrayzSince we've not had any fun in a little while, I thought maybe it'd be a good idea to 'bring back' the fun. In the past this has been in the form of Winterbash, community challenges, best of Code Reviews, and a couple other things. I'm unsure what we as a community want to do, and so I think it'...

@rolfl Well, it's working :p
Look at this chat being active all of a sudden.
I may not have been too active, but I've always been lurking
@skiwi Haven't we all.
@Mast Unfortunately, no.
@skiwi me too
Q: Should we bring back the fun?

PeilonrayzSince we've not had any fun in a little while, I thought maybe it'd be a good idea to 'bring back' the fun. In the past this has been in the form of Winterbash, community challenges, best of Code Reviews, and a couple other things. I'm unsure what we as a community want to do, and so I think it'...

A: Should we bring back the fun?

Mathieu GuindonZombie Hunting Season The old memes pretty much all happened during the Great Revival, during which we equated unanswered questions with zombies, and votes/answers with ammunition. The site currently has ~10% unanswered questions, which means a population of ~5K zombies; how about reopening zom...

had to :)
Well, I'm slowly catching up on a bunch of name changes from various folk.... Loki had me most confused....
@rolfl LokiAstari?
Yeah, go look for him on our site ;-)
I think he's now Martin? Not sure about that, though.
Yup, that's right.... I just assumed his name was Loki Astari....
This may be better asked on Code Review. — Jeff Zeitlin 55 secs ago
Loki Astari is from some Myth or something, right?
holy Carp, he is everywhere. 2 google pages worth so far
Thor's serilizer
he has been known by that name for a long time it seems by a Google search
@Malachi Thor's half brother.
I think I like that name better.
Loki is a myth / marvel character but Astari I don't know if is the "last name" of Loki or not
@Malachi Commented his old version yesterday. It's still up for review.
I strongly doubt that Loki would name something after Thor. Unless it was to ingratiate himself for some nefarious scheme. — Konrad Rudolph Apr 24 '12 at 12:41
Astari might be derived from Astar, which is one of the ways of writing Attar, a mythical deity.
I'm going to have to learn that song "Thor and Dr. Jones" ♫
possible answer invalidation by Nkosi on question by Marek Czaplicki: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/189934/revisions
@Malachi Nordic mythology I guess
@MathieuGuindon Don't ever forget to ping me if your in Quebec to thank you with a beer or something of your choosing :)
@MathieuGuindon There are potential 381 insta-kill Zombies
And it's a valid offer for any CR person visiting Quebec city :)
(Sorry for the bad SQL, though)
@Marc-Andre does Shawinigan count?
@Zeta My latest hobby--screwing with recaptcha.
@Zeta Put it up for review ^^
@MathieuGuindon Yeah I live in Quebec city so a bit too far :(
It accepted 1200 instead of 1700 this time :joy:
@Hosch250 Yeah, it also screws with uMatrix, that's why I usually log in :/.
This one appears to be screwing with itself just fine...
@Marc-Andre I'm in St-Eustache/Montreal, so I figured I could give you a ping when I'm near Trois-Rivieres & meet you halfway there :)
@Mast LOL.
@Zeta What's uMatrix?
@MathieuGuindon Oh yeah might not be a bad idea ! Could be a good opportunity to have small "escapade" with the family :)
otherwise, I'll definitely ping you if I'm around Quebec city, but that doesn't happen nearly as often
@Hosch250 Browser extension, similar to "uBlock Origin" and NoScript. Blocks external resources by default and XHR requests. Can be set-up per site, domain and so on.
Hah, it's getting lively in here. Just like old times.
^ love it!
Try them out yourself and if they don't work, post a new question detailing what's wrong. We usually don't have the context to run it for you nor have the capacity to do so. There is the Code Review site to ask for reviews. — akarnokd 26 secs ago
Do you work in Montreal? @MathieuGuindon
@Hosch250 How do you know?
@Hosch250 Sneaky.
Meta is silent, I expected an announcement by a CM with the creation of the election page I guess.
The meta page and chat room can come later.
hey that page doesn't officially exist yet! :)
Talking about finding pages...
My brother guessed the URL for the admin pages on two birding sites.
They didn't have any permissions set.
Everyone wants to know if we teach hacking 101 in homeschool now.
@Mast Done
Q: A wounded Zombie finder, or: how to find the almost dead undead?

ZetaThe Zombies are on their way to eat our statistics. Fortunately, we have a way to get rid of them: our votes. However, we need to find them first. The /unanswered section is too large and contains many strong enemies were we have to write a review first. But the StackExchange Data Explorer can sn...

@Mast Have patience.
@SamOnela Nah, that was my fault. I edited at the same tame as yuri. I should get rid of the mistake though.
provide code and this sounds like more code review than a problem — dave 22 secs ago
@Peilonrayz Concerning Factorio: are Factorio blueprint programs considered on-topic?
Without the code, CR can't help you, and in any case this is way too broad for SO. Please read How to Ask, and make sure you read the Guide to CR for SO users if you're unfamiliar with CR's rulebook. Good luck! — Mathieu Guindon 25 secs ago
@Zeta I think that's really worthy of a meta question. I'd like to say yeah. Something like a splitter is defiantly an algorithm IMO, and they can be improved. But I don't think every blueprint can and will be on-topic
@Peilonrayz Defiantly an algorithm? Might be after the meta discussion.
@Zeta I've been wondering the same thing :)
@Peilonrayz Something I wonder is: Can it be considered code?
@SimonForsberg That's what I'm wondering too. There are games like TIS-100, Shenzen I/O, MRHD or Human Resource Machine, which essentially ask you to write code in a assembly-lite language. Those questions are on-topic on Arqade, of course, but that doesn't necessarily make them off-topic for CR, does it?
@Hosch250 I wanted to know how to make a 1 -> 7:3:4 splitter a little while ago. IMO the pipes I wrote defiantly count as an algorithm. as IIRC I used two RNG cyclers.
@Zeta Certainly doesn't automatically make them off-topic here. Although I wonder: Is Blueprint-review on-topic there?
@SimonForsberg I'd like to think so... But IDK
Q: How to Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number between 1 and 5 and prints the number in words?

musaWrite a program that prompts the user to enter a number between 1 and 5 and prints the number in words. For instance, if 1 is the input, the output should be One. If the user enters a different number than 1 to 5 the program should display the message: Entry is out of range. Provide the code that...

@Peilonrayz Defiantly? :)
@Hosch250 Oh, yeah... I don't actually know how to spell the word I mean atm... haha
Definitely, probably.
@SimonForsberg A delicate domain determined to distinct the definite from the defiant.
Welcome @drawde83.
@Zeta What's a blueprint program exactly?
@skiwi To be honest, I didn't give it too much thought. I'm not sure whether you can store conditions in a blueprint in Factorio, but let's say your blueprint is a station that automatically unloads a completely unsorted train and sorts it manually (no robots).
@Zeta Hmm, doesn't seem like it would be on-topic here to me.. It's code review, not program review
Good point.
Despite that, it would still be interesting to see
I don't know if someone said it, but even if I'm sad for mods leaving, I must say I enjoyed quite a lot the title you've come up with! It's in the spirit of Code Review and having good titles :)
@skiwi Depends on your definition of code I guess... You could class as subset of Conway's game of life as 'code', since you can program a computer in it... But you wouldn't class a single dot in it as 'code'.
@Peilonrayz And indeed, some people have.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions seeking critique of working should be asked on our sister site Code Review. — Miles Budnek 36 secs ago
Caveat: if you don't know whether the code works as intended, it's not ready for Code Review. Test it, make the necessary changes, then put it up for review. — Mathieu Guindon 17 secs ago
Q: Break recursive function unsorted singly linked list c#

jayI'm trying to make a function that returns the Item at the Kth to last element of an unsorted singly linked list using recursion. I'm wondering if there is any way to break this recursion when I find the answer. public static object ReturnKthToLastElementRecursive(int k, Node currentNode) { ...

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