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RELOAD! There are 2593 unanswered questions (92.8443% answered)
Q: CodeReview also as a code repository?

EkaThe main purpose of codereview.SE is for asking question and providing answers. But can we also use codereview as a code repository also because it will give more search engine visibility . I have submitted this code Fetching specific foreign exchange rates from fixer using curl and jsconcpp in C...

Q: “Hangman” game in Python

Ilia_MochalovI have been using Python 3 to learn programming, and this is a very basic task, but I want to gain good programming patterns/habits at the very beginning. import sys import random words_list = ['russia', 'china', 'usa', 'canada', 'ghana'] #pre-made list of our words to guess accepted_input = ['...

Q: How to add specific list of numbers to an array?

JackI need to add specific values to an array, those numbers are 1 to 100 except 46 to 50, 60 to 73, 91, 96 and 97. My code is as following. I would like to know if there is any better way to write this with Java7. for(int i=1;i<=100;i++){ if((i>=46 && i<=50) || (i>=60 && i<=73) || i==91 || i==96 ...

Q: "Course manager" Java program

SteelSlayerThis is my first post on StackExchange. As of right now I'm a beginner with programming and Java and I've only had a few months of practice so far. This is a project I've been working on as practice. It's essentially a basic course manager that a college professor or someone similar could use. I...

Q: How to get specific value from jsp looping table to jquery and send to servlet?

Chen YuanI have the problem when I wanted to return certain value and submit the form with these value to servlet when I clicked on the specific button in the table. For example: I want to the get the value of acc.getID = 5 when I clicked on the btnUpdAcc4 button. Below are the jsp code of displaying the ...

Q: Find out if attributes are identical

bl0bSo I have an array of active record objects. All objects have an attribute result and the value of result can be either 'failed' or 'passed'. My goal is to find out if all result attributes are identical. If not then I will have to return mixed but if they are then I return the value of the attr...

Q: Split inner url

puchuI want to split the URL into parts. Can anyone help me as i am new to this concept of splitting. http://us32931s4000d0a.s32931.us.wal-mart.com:25050/master-data/us/32931/documents/supply/C550373407 Above is the url . I want something like below - String Split1 = http; String Split2 = us; Stri...

Q: Add entities to and execute "ExecuteMultipleRequest"

tsukumogamiI have a method which takes a list of Entity objects, loop through elements in that list and add them to a "ExecuteMultipleRequest" object. After that the ExecuteMultipleRequest will be executed. However, according to Microsoft Dynamic CRM specs, I can only add at most 1000 entities to ExecuteMu...

Q: DRYing a stateless functional builder

PeteThis was just an experiment to see if it was possible to build a stateless builder in ES6. I was able to do it, but when I took it a step further I got stuck trying to DRY it out. In this case, we have a MoveableBuilder and a ParticleBuilder. A Particle is a Moveable, so the ParticleBuilder coul...

You should probably ask this on the Code Review Stack Exchange. Also, what do your acronyms mean? TLE? AC'ed? — Maybe_Factor 58 secs ago
Morning Everyone!
anyone alive?
I am looking for a method refactor
here I have two methods
@CrazyNinja hi
@Phrancis I am bit confused with Java generics
can you be able to help me to refactor my 2 methods?
Is it possible to declare 2 type parameters for a one method?
public <T extends Teacher> <M extends Lecturer> List<Student> getFollowers(T[] teachers, M[] lecturers){...
found it
Honestly I don't know much about generics
public <T extends Teacher, M extends Lecturer>
Apparently this was censored by Go Comics yesterday:
@CrazyNinja Almost exactly like C#, sorta.
Though, C# would be:
public List<Student> GetFollowers<TTeacher, TLecturer>(TTeacher[] teachers, TLecturer[] lecturers) : where TTeacher : Teacher, TLecturer : Lecturer
Let me check it for sure.
No, that colon between ) : where doesn't belong.
	public List<Student> GetFollowers<TTeacher, TLecturer>(TTeacher[] teachers, TLecturer lecturers)
		where TTeacher : Teacher
		where TLecturer : Lecturer
That's what it is.
I need to practice generics more.
That was brutal.
Q: "Moving gradient"-animation with CSS-keyframes and Sass

mizechI've made this animation using Sass and CSS-keyframes. I'm bit worried about my usage of position relative / absolute. Can one expect that it works in all browser reliable? Or to I have to expect things like a offsets? Moreover: Is there a way to improve it somehow? It doesn't run smoothly. P...

Perhaps, it would be more appropriate to ask at Code Review for enhancing a working code. — Wiktor Stribiżew 12 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Aditya Cherla on question by Aditya Cherla: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/136165/revisions
@Duga seems ok, no answer invalidated
monking @Vogel612
Monking @all
Q: Simple Version of Bunco Game

user302686Any idea to write this code (fixable part) smarter? Note: Arrays, pointers, global value are not allowed to use. The game is played with 6 rounds. At the beginning, each player rolls one dice, with the highest roll going first. On their turns, players roll three dice in order to earn points. Du...

Q: Java Number formatting

Sam OrozcoI have written a string number formatter. I would like to know if this can be improved and any suggestions with how it's done. The purpose of this function is to convert a double that has been converted to a string, using String.valueOf to a accounting style formatted number. /** * this ...

Q: Implementation of a generic Stack in C++

MantrackerI've implemented a generic Stack in C++. I would like a code review in regards to my code, especially on whether or not my implementation satisfy the following 4 points: My Stack class guarantees Strong Exception Safety, using the copy and swap idiom The container still works if T passed in is ...

okay it's official.
Programming contest sites suck
Monking @Mast
@Vogel612 Contests? Yea. I usually stick to challenges. I'm not interested whether someone else can do it faster.
it's not about that ...
it's about the fact that they usually make specifications incomplete and if you submit your code they don't even tell you wtf you're doing wrong
it just says "Incorrect output"
if only to mess with you
Q: Merge sorting a singly-linked list in Java - follow-up

coderoddeIn this iteration, I incorporated all but one points made by forsvarir in the previous iteration. Now my code looks like this: LinkedListNode.java: package net.coderodde.fun; /** * This class implements a node in a singly-linked list. * * @param <E> the type of the datum hold by this node. ...

@Vogel612 In that case you may be interested in CodinGame. They allow you to run individual test cases to see what you screwed up and what works as intended.
oh I know that one. I dislike their UI though...
generally online IDEs are often ... mediocre at best
Yup. Develop on your own machine and test it in their IDE.
@Vogel612 hey! looks like you are more familiar here than Java room :)
@CrazyNinja sure...
Me being here most of the time is one of the reasons I resigned as RO for Java
I'm now getting used to CR from SO :D
the other being the fact that nothing interesting happened in the Java room
Ohh, so, what's happening interesting here, though
most people are just waking up, so nothing at the moment
usually there are lots of interesting discussions about reviewing code, best practices, new technologies or, well, last night we had a lot of s***posting
aside from that: when there's messages they're not purely about cats
but there are occasionally messages that are purely about cats.
we're also a political bunch, so we have a side room created solely for discussing politics but it is basically a room for anything overtly off-topic for 2nd monitor
@Vogel612 hahah..... <thumbs up>
So, am I welcome here? :D
and there are other rooms that splinter off for various factions/projects. for example there's a room for the cardshifter project
@CrazyNinja everyone is welcome in CR unless we have a good reason to make them, well, not welcome
well... okay
@CrazyNinja you should take that as a yes.
I don't understand why you shouldn't be :)
Monking @Dex'ter
Q: when delete record keep copy of the record in another table

samerI am using below trigger to keep a copy of the delete record from table Orders_Details in table Orders_Details_Deleted is there any better way ? CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER TRG_Record_Deleted BEFORE DELETE ON Orders_Details FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO Orders_Details_Deleted S...

It's friday and my team-colleague will have a 2 week vacation so I'll also do his job
Where did my 'Improve Edit' button go?
I could've sworn there were 2 more buttons...
there was
approve and edit
was one of them
And 'Reject and edit'
The original question went RBA, this might have something to do with it.
Still, I call bug.
2 words, code review se site :) — Marko Mackic 20 secs ago
@MarkoMackic this isn't a request for code review. — Andy Turner 57 secs ago
the air con in the office is playing hell with my sinuses
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Admin panel, secure login
@Duga that's four words ...
@MarkoMackic There's a lot of things in real life that could be called "a code review". Only a small subset of them are On-Topic for Code Review. Specifically, the 3 major rules for CR are: The code already works as intended. The OP wrote the code (or, at least owns and understands it). The OP is looking for general non-specific feedback on any aspect of the code. Here, it would be Off-Topic because the OP is asking us to explain their code to them, which is Off-Topic. — Zak 10 secs ago
@Zak good comment @Duga
Q: C++ Trace debug

JeanPhiHi I created following small Cpp Hpp files to trace and analyze timing performances: https://github.com/2BlackCoffees/TraceDebug I would be happy to get some feedback about how to improve C++11, performance and readability. The results that I get out of the traces can be very easily analyzed w...

  const stringy = JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t')
my variable names are truly something
Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
Exception Details:
    de/vogel612/helper/ui/jfx/JFXProjectController.createTableColumn()Ljavafx/scene/control/TableColumn; @12: invokedynamic
    Type 'javafx/scene/control/TableColumn' (current frame, stack[1]) is not assignable to 'de/vogel612/helper/ui/jfx/JFXProjectController'
I don't even... huh? how????
Monking @zyabin101
This is a list of articles that are themselves lists of articles that are also lists on the English Wikipedia. In other words, each of the articles linked here is an index to multiple lists on a topic. Some of the linked articles are themselves lists of lists of lists. == General reference == Lists of academic journals Lists of important publications in science == Culture and the arts == === Literature === Lists of books Lists of 100 best books Lists of banned books Lists of The New York Times Fiction Best Sellers Lists of The New York Times Non-Fiction Best Sellers Publishers Weekly ...
@Vogel612 You're trying to put something in a place that doesn't like how you try to put it there.
@Mast lol
12:29 here.
Q: Heapsort implementation in C++14

all3foxPlease review the following implementation of heapsort and pay attention to the following: Have I correctly chosen the names InputIt and BidirIt for my iterators? Is there a way to make the initialise iterator and then advance it pattern occupy one line instead of two? Is the it != ix - 1 compa...

@Mast yea ... no
actually I'm not ... I'm actually trying to create a TableColumnValueFactory in a TableView inside a TableView
and if I do that as an inner class, that exception shows up
if I don't do it as an inner class it doesn't ...
also I somehow am able to render my laptop unusable with one single key combination. god knows which one it is, but it stops making sense after that ...
<3 Node + Mac. I've managed to bash togehter a really simple server app that retrieves job history for servers in a config file in an hour
This'll really help.. there are some 20 servers and we usually have to check them by hand each morning
Now the only thing to do is to work out how to do paging on the result of sp_help_jobhistory so I don't end up overwhelming the server
Q: The most effective way to build this query URL?

chaoraceI'm working on a webapp in ScalaJS and want to create a query url for requesting some JSON. Right now I'm using a method called urlBuilder to take the query options from an Options case class and return a String that represents a usable query URL. The urlBuilder method, despite my best efforts, ...

Your question belong to CodeReview. — Orel Eraki 44 secs ago
All your question belong to us
Q: Streamlining button creation and Handlers

indofraiserThe code below works but I can not help thinking it's to 'clunky' and could be so much tidier! It's the first time I've really used AddHandler so go gentle... Create button(s) and handler(s) (Limited to 3 for example) Public Sub AddChartRow(ByVal button As String, ByVal id As String, ByVal hig...

... I just .. I don't even ....
uncommenting the marked code blows everything up somehow
but when I debug into the startup logic I don't even get to that point :/
uncomment it, but comment the parts of the function inside
then try again with just super.updateItem
Maybe your debugger is lying =)
just having that declared as a inner class blows it all up
of note: that's a nested inner class
Make a new explicit subclass and new that
if that blows up, someone is using evil reflection hax somewhere
(and you must club them)
possible answer invalidation by jlvaquero on question by jlvaquero: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/136182/revisions
@Pimgd JavaFX is one single huge evil reflection hack
@Duga not sure if this is a problem :/
It looks wrong
Also, the previous edits...
moving the goalposts by a ton?
or... not?
I have no idea ...
Q: Constructor and Destructor possible errors

Mihaela95I have the code below, which uses both new and malloc to allocate memory. I think this is not exactly right, but what could be the exact issues that arise ? #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Test { public: int *i; Test() { i =new int; } ...

@N3buchadnezzar are you around ? ^^
one minute to formulate the question :P
possible answer invalidation by Jose the hose on question by Jose the hose: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/136161/revisions
let's suppose we have this
there might be any arrangements of data in a variable (e.g: SOME_VARIABLE = COL5 or SOME_VARIABLE = SYSAUTO$some_manual_variable)
@Duga invalidates a comment, but otherwise...
What method would you use to parse the data (regex , string manipulation) to be able to store all the data and play with it so that later you can add it in another file ?
@Pimgd Comments are expendable second-rate citizens.
Monking @skiwi
@Dex'ter probBLY class
Yup, basically a struct with built-in functions. That's a class.
Q: Refactoring Large Class Code Behind

KiquenetI have big class in ASP.NET WebForms (legacy). I use VS 2012. I would like Refactoring Large Class Code Behind. I want to evaluate Conditions and execute Actions - Commands like: Create in AD Delete in AD Enable in CRM DesEnable in CRM (Delete in CRM) Delete Licenses CRM...

Q: Efficient visualization of large number of particles using openGL

nluigiI have been looking into using some software to perform industrial-scale DEM simulations. These type of simulations will require millions of particles to be simulated. Currently, the software I would like to use has some notable performance issues when visualizing the results during the simulat...

hrngh ... JavaFX is being a jerk ....
@Vogel612 Of course, but why?
because I'm old-style and I hate mixing presentation concerns with my model classes
and JavaFX integration for editable POJOs is ... horrendous without mixing concerns
End result: me writing a metric ton of code for things that could be properly integrated by a nice frameworik if only mixing concerns were frowned upon globally
Don't pick JavaFX then /s
I guess that'snot really your choice though
So far I think all GUI frameworks suck though, just some suck a bit less than others
@skiwi sure I'd love to make this in swing??? no... Manually in OpenGL???? even worse
swing sucks because magic numbers and java 1.2 compliance and API (like... without enums)
Well yea... you're right on that, Swing allows you to be more flexible though, not saying it's a good alternative though
OpenGL sucks because it's overpowered as hack for this, but needs even more manual work
What are you trying to make?
also Swing only makes it blatantly obvious I actually do have to write all the wiring myself
@skiwi I'm just extending my RESX-Editor to allow for Project-like structures
Hmm sounds like JavaFX or WPF are perfect fits for such kind of project
it's just that JavaFX is being an annoyance about it
> "Oh you want to do proper DI? NO YOU WON'T!!!"
> "Oh you want to separate presentation from data? NO YOU DON'T!!!"
> "Oh you want to avoid mad reflection hacks? NO YOU DON'T!!!!"
My experience with GUI work is that I stopped doing GUI work
@skiwi I'd like that ... JavaFX is just being such a pain
You are using JavaFX 8 I hope though?
WPF was really awesome compared to that because they didn't require that you use their wtf Observable API
@skiwi 'course. Else I'd have given up already
Are you having a concrete issue right now though? Perhaps I can help
@skiwi meh. I kinda worked around it. I'll need to fix up the layout a bit and bind an event listener...
and if you find all those QAs funny, I assure you that's how broken this mess actually is.
I don't have that horrible experiences with JavaFX yet, but for me it's just a pain to get the thing do exactly what I want
but first... walking the dog. BBIAB :)
Q: Inheritance calls and object issues

daniel9525I have the code below and I would like to know what could be the possible issues with it...I think that in the end when the vector is created...Could you please help ? #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Animal { public: void Eat(); void Sleep(); }; class...

Q: refactoring controller node js

Ilia AptsiauriI would like to refactor two of the controllers in the application, as both of them use the same functionality and therefore code is repeated. This is the approach I decided to use. Base - controller module.exports.getPlayer = (req, res) => { const playerSession = req.playerSession; ret...

@Quill async/await just landed in V8
and by just landed i mean landed a few months ago in may
It'll be released to Chrome Sep 6th with flag and Node v7 in October
Which will be awesome, because once it goes from behind a flag that means that Chrome, Edge and Firefox all support async/await natively
So in 2 years?
2 months more like ^^
edge already supports async/await
firefox is in development
it's done in v8, just not in stable channel
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code ReviewYuval Itzchakov 1 min ago
Edge is more on the edge than Chrome and Firefox?
Q: constant sized circular (ring) buffer

Olzhas ZhumabekI've implemented constant sized circular buffer. It provides push and pop operations, along with modern emplace. It is also optimized for destruction of trvially destructible types. I didn't include iterators since it would be strange to have one pair of begin and end for input iterators and oth...

@skiwi No, Edge simply gets people over the edge.
Greetings, Programs.
IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!
Greetings, Friday!
Is @Malachi, here?
@skiwi Chromium actually adhere to their dev schedules.... unlike Java
@DanPantry :o pretty
@Mast i actually think once extensions land in Edge it might be a good web browser.
@Quill You should see the code I've worked on today, it's very pretty ^^
and because none of it is work specific I could github it! yay open source
@skiwi good ol guv'ment
maybe if the government weren't acting like embarrassing parents.... :p
Q: Constructors and Destructors calling within inheritance

radu2000I have the following piece of code. What could be the problem with inside the code ? I think it is because the vector takes on position %2 objects of type dog and then it applies the method from cat. Do you think this is right ? #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using names...

Q: JavaScript modular framework for a large web-site

Yeldar KurmangaliyevIn my ASP.NET MVC project I simply inserted <script></script> into my views - it caused code duplications and spaghetti code. Now, I have decided to switch to modular JS and have implemented the following mechanism: ALL actions are only executed through the framework and its modules - whet...

> I simply inserted <script></script> into my views
Sounds like the plot to a horror movie
@Donald.McLean Greetings, Tron!
@s952163 In its' current form, this might get closed on Code Review for "Asking us to change what your function does". It would be much better asked (on CR) as "Here is my code, how could it be done better?" — Zak 14 secs ago
Hey @Pimgd
looking for minireview...
  if(result.message !== "")
      self.saveable = false;
      self.saveable = true;
is it worth putting self.saveable = result.message === "" before the if statement instead
Nah, less readable IMO
Sean seems to have posted an answer (30 mins ago) to a question that says it was closed an hour ago. Anybody ever seen that before? codereview.stackexchange.com/a/136299/4203
@Pimgd I think so
Close x 2?
Does not work with meta.codereview.stackexchange.com. No irony intended. — BusyAnt 58 secs ago
Q: Submitting an answer to a closed question

Josh CrozierRecently, (on meta), I was able to answer this question 30 seconds after it was closed. Close time: 2013-12-05 02:37:22Z Answered at: 2013-12-05 02:37:52Z This is fine. It is not a bug, rather it is status-bydesign as pointed out here. While answering the question, there seems to be an inter...

basically: SE sucks at state validation.
Why bother checking if you can post an answer?
It's some kind of grace period, there is a post around somewhere that explains it
Yeah well there is no grace period
Q: ASP.NET WebAPI `In` Validation Attribute

MisiuI've created custom validation attribute that will be used to validate model. It allows me to specify values that are valid for specific field. Here is my code: public sealed class InAttribute : ValidationAttribute { private const string DefaultErrorMessage = "{1} is invalid value for {0}.";...

Q: Project Euler #2: Even Fibonacci numbers

Wintro Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be: \$1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89...\$ By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed \$N\$, find the ...

A: Implementation of a generic Stack in C++

Pimgdtesting if I can answer closed questionstesting if I can answer closed questionstesting if I can answer closed questionstesting if I can answer closed questionstesting if I can answer closed questions

@skiwi There is no grace period.
Also, I'll be deleting that answer in about 2-3 minutes, (because it is spam)
so look at it now?
@forsvarir see message =)
@Pimgd thanks 4 hours grace is a lot longer than I was expecting.
@Pimgd How did you add an answer?
mad hacker skills, ofc
alright, deleting it now
For reference later.
Anyway, ... and I don't recommend you do this, because it's obviously not intended,
here's how to do this:
soz, meant "within"
anyway, you go to another question which is opened, copy the answer-form from there,
go to the closed question, edit the answers section to include the answer form, change the submit point to target the new question... and then answer the question as normal
So yeah, no server side validation.
There's a delay of a few minutes in which people can post answers to closed questions to avoid interfering with people with slow connections and shit
which is what allows you to still send in submissions
"few minutes" turns out to be "quite long"
Well, I'm surprised that hasn't been exploited as much
I've seen it mentioned to be up to 30 minutes
ah, this was brought up already
You have 4 hours to post an answer like that, so... yeah...
It's possible, but don't abuse it
the only reason I could see that you'd use it is if the closing was really controversial and you didn't give a crap and just wanted to get the rep from having the only answer on a popular (but closed) question
So some kind of grace period...
any situation in which you'd use it "with good reason" has other problems going on that need fixing
and if you're gonna do so, don't fuck it up
Q: Find largest sublist by particular criteria

limskyI'm struggling with quite interesting assignment and looking for advise. The case is to find the largest sublist from the given set of pairs. First elements from these pairs should be in ascending order and second ones - in descending. For example for {{1,3},{3,1},{2,0},{4,4},{5,3},{6,2}} answ...

Q: creating string from char

radu2000The following code should create a string from char, but it seems not to be working. Where do you think the problem lays ? I have tried to change the declaration of p, but no change. Any ideas ? #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void InitString(char *destination) { d...

sorry for the rough language but I have been watching this interesting video
In this form, this question suits Code Review much better. Please consider editing your question so it matches How to Ask and Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. — xenteros 35 secs ago
Maybe I should get back to work instead of trying to play with breaking SE
oh right!
wait, crap, @skiwi says it's better to do it and @syb0rg says not to do it
I'mma go with this
  var hasMessage = result.message !== "";
  self.saveable = !hasMessage;
Mm, I like that too
You could do as @skiwi recommended if you add in a comment
To me it wasn't as clear the connection between result.message and self.savable
I meant it's not worth it, must've replied to the wrong thing
=D kidding
Q: Method that checks "x" and "o"

Anton NSo I'm trying to create a method which counts X's and O's, and if there is equal number of them it returns 'true'. If there is no x's or o's it returns true. Here is my code: def XO(str) #checks for str which has no X's or O's if (str.count('o') or str.count('O') == 0) && (str.count('x...

hrngh... that took wayy too long..
@Vogel612 what is it
Today's XKCD: linguistics jokes again
I don't really like it
@Pimgd An overview of Translation Projects
@Pimgd Maybe I'm a-typical of most XKCD readers, but I consider any comic that requires a trip to explainXKCD a failure, and this one doubly so because even after "getting it", still not funny.
I got it straight away, and it was not funny
lol, I wrote git tag help to get help because I didn't remember how to create a tag. Now I have a tag named "help".

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