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Pretty much the same idea behind fixed-width arrays on embedded systems.
I find it amusing that SciFi & Fantasy and Movies & TV both refer to each other as "The Other Site"
Ah yes, rivalry between SE sites.
@Mast As I understand it, this is a huge reasons why Arrays (in general) are so much faster. Yes, they're being read straight from memory, but more so, an array is laid out in fixed intervals. So you know instantly where an element is stored in memory simply by knowing which indexes you're trying to access.
in VBA Rubberducking, 1 min ago, by Comintern
Q: Best practices for being a StackOverflow jerk?

Alan CasallasI'm new to StackOverflow and have been told by my colleagues that the users of this site are "mean" and "jerks", especially to new users. Since I would like to properly integrate myself into this community, what are some good practices to correctly be a jerk on StackOverflow?

Yup, if you want the 24th element, you know each element is 8 big and the first element is at location X, it's easy to see where the start and end of your target element is.
@Hosch250 lol. Deleted?
@Hosch250 I upvoted lol
Flagged, downvoted and left a condescending comment... — Zak 44 secs ago
@syb0rg Me too.
SQL tables are really just massive arrays
@Hosch250 Can anyone see the score count on MSO? It must be +25/-23 or something.
I can see vote count.
Ah, yea, thought the views were higher.
I can too
@Phrancis Is this why anything over 8k characters gets a pointer in SQL? Because it's too big for a memory block.
@Zak Yep
@Zak he asked for a description, not a presentation... — bwoebi 27 secs ago
Aw, the score is plummeting
@Zak lol, I've seen embedded real-time operating systems smaller than 8k characters.
@Mast If there is a C API: github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi
If the code works, this one is for codereview — Luis Masuelli 38 secs ago
@bwoebi Some people prefer examples ^^ — Zak 47 secs ago
@Mast I honestly have no idea how some people get to the point of storing things that big in a database
Case in point:
apparently downvoting peoples posts is a way of being a jerk, but you must first earn 125 rep, so head over to SO Docs. — Kevin B 28 secs ago
2 GB for one single file/field is massive
@syb0rg Looks like an interesting project, but they don't support Windows/Mac AFAIK. They got some Windows functions, but more like an appetizer.
> There is no commitment to support Windows. The Windows port of Kaldi is targeted at experienced developers who want to program their own apps using the kaldi libraries and are able to do the troubleshooting on their own.
@Mat'sMug HELP!!!
> Please Submit Supervisor Evaluation ASAP (by Aug. 1) or K grade will be recorded
That's the long-winded version of // Here be dragons
Also no CMakeLists giving the same sort of pain that sphinxbase and pocketsphinx give
IMO, you're better off fixing the current thing than starting a new mess.
You got it working on Mac, right? And next to working on Windows.
There's just some portability problems.
Those can be fixed, one way or another.
Whoops, that was for my internship.
Hello all
Hello @Sherlock9
@Mast Yes, but it's like patching a ship with a bunch of holes. Only with duct tape. While on the water.
At what point do you dock the ship and just start building a new one?
I've seen ships made out of duct-tape float through heavy weather.
Make it work first, make it pretty later.
@Sherlock9 Hello
There's no holes in your ship. You just need an experienced, patient captain or it won't go anywhere.
The ship itself is good.
Now make it easier to handle.
@Mat'sMug I emailed you the evaluation report.
What you're doing is not easy, otherwise it would've been done all over the place already.
You got quite a hefty set of restrictions.
I'm going to have to write my reflective paper in the remaining hours of my internship--I have to get that in by August 1st as well.
A few of the PPCG people were thinking of making a coding-related podcast and I thought you guys might also be interested
Link is here
in The Nineteenth Byte, 4 hours ago, by mınxomaτ
@Everyone: Please visit http://git.io/podprop if you're interested in being a part of a PPCG/coding related podcast.
That professor of mine didn't tell me there was any time limit until just now...
@Mast I'm just worried that the "making it work for now" will be left as a permanent solution later
@Sherlock9 That sounds pretty nifty, I would definitively listen to it
@Sherlock9 Interesting...
@Sherlock9 What are the topics going to be?
> The topics must all be related to developing, implementing or organizing code or coding-related projects. These topics can be questions or statements (even quotes) that are discussed, but can also include "tales" (akin to TDWTF or CFH).
@syb0rg I realize that. But 'making it work for now' is better than 'perhaps making it work in the far future'.
You're almost done with the base. Once it works as intended, it's going to be much easier to debug the workings and the installation.
@mınxomaτ Broad.
That's what we're still deciding. There's also the matter of who might be on. If any of you can help by contributing topics or joining in, that would be great
@Mast The Windows build is still very much in need of work, seen by you trying to build it just today
@syb0rg You had it working correctly on Mac though, right?
@Mast Yup
@Sherlock9 The more specific topics are defined by the pool of people left after eliminating unqualified "applicants" (i.e. people who'd like to join).
And the reason it doesn't work on Windows is because of linking problems and/or environment variables/registry.
The core is sound.
Can someone with enough SO rep take a screenshot of Best practices for being a StackOverflow jerk?
On top of that, who's to say you're not going to encounter the same problems with other cores?
I figured we'd look for people who might have interesting coding projects, stories, or other paraphernalia to talk about, and go from there
Perhaps it's my instructions that need improving, rather than code for the Windows side of things
@Sherlock9 If you'd like to make a nicely formatted message about the podcast idea(s) I'd be happy to pin it for you
@syb0rg You got it to run. So if you can tell others how to get it to work as well, you're pretty much there.
possible answer invalidation by Lasoloz on question by Lasoloz: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/136232/revisions
@Mast I'll just uninstall all the build tools I used, and then document what I have to do to get it to run again
@Phrancis I'll try to paraphrase the GitHub post @mınxomaτ made. Thanks :D
@Duga Handled
@Sherlock9 @mınxomaτ What are we summarizing? I like writing challenges like this
@Sherlock9 Still include the link though, because the discussion is in the gist.
@syb0rg Make sure you make a list of the usual suspects before un-installing them :-)
@syb0rg The podcast idea here
@syb0rg Never*
This question is probably a better fit on codereview.stackexchange.comdave 9 secs ago
* you can start from scratch under certain circumstances, but only if the thing is literally so small that you can sit down and have the entire thing re-coded in a single session.
@Zak Haven't heard the word "Netscape" in a long time. I used to like that browser, sort of.
@Phrancis I'm young enough that, to me, it's always been a page in a history book.
Any last minute edit to make?
> All new source code! As if source code rusted.

The idea that new code is better than old is patently absurd. Old code has been used. It has been tested. Lots of bugs have been found, and they've been fixed. There's nothing wrong with it. It doesn't acquire bugs just by sitting around on your hard drive.
@syb0rg Looks good to me
I have to keep reminding myself of that one whenever I want to rip everything out and start over.
@Phrancis I always question myself and comma usage
Commas are difficult
@Zak That article ages surprisingly well
@syb0rg If I were you I wouldn't trust us with an alliance like this
@quartata I'm the one that started the rivalry between our sites ;)
Hide your code, the golfers are here!
@Phrancis I've read his entire blog from beginning to end. Almost all of it is as relevant today as it was a decade ago.
A: The Many Memes of PPCG

DoorknobMeme: Code Review Originator: unclear / syb0rg? Cultural Height: up to CR's graduation :( Background: Ever since around March of 2014, Programming Puzzles & Code Golf and Code Review have had a friendly rivalry of who could graduate first (which has expanded to become a friendly rivalry in gen...

@Zak You mean, almost two decades ago?
@syb0rg Interesting bit of history there
@Phrancis Oh yeah. It is about 2 decades ago now ^^
> Thursday, April 06, 2000
@Phrancis Damn. That's old.
Q: How can I make this Angular template more DRY?

Jason SwettI'm ashamed to ask such an elementary question but I tried to DRY up this template a couple ways and couldn't come up with anything I was satisfied with. Can you help? %ul.dropdown-menu(aria-labelledby="single-button" role="menu" uib-dropdown-menu) %li(role="menuitem") %a(href="/lega...

I guess it's about 4 years short of 2 decades
Still, it's been a while
Suggest posting a simplified working version on codereview.stackexchange.com and ask for optimization review. — chux 43 secs ago
Black background/dark theme Stack Overflow, nice
So much chat, who is responsible?
8 mins ago, by Phrancis
Hide your code, the golfers are here!
@Phrancis Ooh, where do I get that?
I dunno
Ask @Doorknob
Actually, I kinda want it too, so I'll ask
in The Nineteenth Byte, 27 secs ago, by Doorknob
@Phrancis I wrote it! It's fairly comprehensive; it covers all SE sites, chat (http://i.imgur.com/AAMzzYV.png), and some other stuff. I'm working on polishing it up and then I'll probably post it on meta or something, but for now it's in my dotfiles repo
@N3buchadnezzar What did I just watch
A news report from the projects. It has spawned many, many memes.
@Phrancis Like this one on UI. Absolutely timeless advice.
> Thus, the cardinal axiom of all user interface design:

A user interface is well-designed when the program behaves exactly how the user thought it would.

All the other rules of good UI design are just corollaries.
So, I just got £200
Q: How to create multiline strings for sql queries that are readable and maintainable and fast?

JimI have some SQL commands that I am trying to figure out the best way to have them in code so that: 1) They are very readable 2) They would be easy to update 3) They won't be performance overhead due to many string construction. I have something like the following that did not turn out too good...

because our American admins just called in asking for a username and password they forgot to ask for yesterday
Which I can't provide them with for security reasons.
Why does this happen every single time I am on call :(
@DanPantry disconnect your phone, problem solved
I can't, it's the on-call phone
not my personal one
that'd be like the police station cutting their phones to cut crime
Enhancement to working code may better be considered at Code Review. — pnuts 43 secs ago
Like optimus prime took a bite out of crime.
@DanPantry It would work right? At least from their POV
@StephenCleary Sorry, I wasn't familiar with CodeReview. Are you saying that 'SendRequest()' should be asynchronous instead of execute? — Svet Angelov 25 secs ago
@N3buchadnezzar Optimus crime
@muddyfish lol
@skiwi Opium prime?
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Archiving an SQL table of sessions and statistics
Huh, striked 44 is not the same as 44.
44 44
@N3buchadnezzar It is on answers codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/82343/32686
That's a lot o'+1s
@muddyfish you could use Mathjax magic, I guess
Why when someone pings me it sounds in a single chat room and not the one I got pinged in?
@BernardMeurer Hello!
@syb0rg Wazap
@muddyfish No, idea.
@muddyfish Chat pings seem a bit weird like that. I turned the sounds off a long time ago.
@BernardMeurer Fixing broken code
@syb0rg Khronos is badass by the way, nice work on that
@BernardMeurer Well thank you! :)
I need help learning x86 assembly
can someone learn it and transfer me the knowledge?
Assemble the troops men!
@Phrancis I keep them on so I can get to them whilst Im doing something else
@syb0rg :)
@muddyfish SE mobile app does a better job at this, IMHO :)
@BernardMeurer C is portable assembler, why not just learn that? ;)
@syb0rg You can't write a bootloader in C
Q: is Re-encoding ansi colors for Ncurses necessary?

ThorSummonerThere is a program named watch provided by procps-ng/procps, It displays using the Ncurses library. Recently this program can optionally render ANSI color codes, however it doesn't supply the original ANSI codes back to the terminal [emulator], it appears to parse the original ANSI code, and map ...

because the CPU starts in Real Mode and so on
@BernardMeurer That is a very good reason to not use C
@Phrancis But the mobile app just doesn't work!
gotta use teh assemblz
@CaptainObvious Die
anyone available for teaching MIPS assembly? I want to romhack some N64 games
@syb0rg Yeah, the whole point is writing my own bootloader :p
here we go with stackexchange hot potato again, go ahead and close it, I dont need to know — ThorSummoner 26 secs ago
@BernardMeurer I had a good book I was reading about this back in the day... forgot about it tho
Like, everything about it
I'm reading the Art of Assembly
@muddyfish Works fine for me, and I'm using an old outdated iPhone 4
it's good, but it starts with this HLA bullcrap
@Phrancis Ok it works but it has a worse UI than the web version and it's slower
@muddyfish I only use it for the push notifications :D
@BernardMeurer Ew
@BernardMeurer Wow, haven't seen this ugly of a website in a long time
I mean, there is a bloody High Level Assembly already dude, IT'S CALLED C
C stands for control
++ for infinite scrolling HTML table
lysander.org, someone I knew made it like 12 years ago? They were 6
@muddyfish OH LAWD HAV MERCY
@muddyfish MY EYES
@syb0rg Probably doesn't even have CSS
I actually think the HLA one is worse
it's so ugly
	<style type="text/css">
body {
	background-color: #1800B0;
.sectionheader strong {
	color: #FFF;
.WhiteTitleText {
	color: #FFF;
That's not how you CSS
It's literally just iframes
The HLA site has an HTML table inside an HTML table
@Phrancis That's some technique right there
	<td width="222">&nbsp;</td>
	<td width="287">&nbsp;</td>
	<td width="223" colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
Oh come on
Q: Task.Run Proper use

Svet AngelovI am practicing with using Tasks and I put something together but am unsure if I used it properly. I read through Stephen Cleary's blog and it seems that it is okay but at the same time I do some things that seem like there is a better way. So what my program does is it has a start button and a...

Guess that's what happened to him
frames all the way down
I remember using frames when I made my first website, about 15-20 years ago
I can't web dev
I made my first website 7 years ago for my scout area
I'll write a driver for a keyboard with each individual Kanji before making a website
Static websites are easy, it only gets tricky when you start throwing dynamic stuff in
I don't like interfaces
No one likes interfaces
Interfacing with people via speech is hard enough
The best code to write is the one no one touches directly
@BernardMeurer That reminds me of a fake book cover that someone created "Ignorance For Dummies"
@Donald.McLean Ha, that's a good one!
I actually really like that assembly one, I use it every time I have a chance
It's at the office, but I'll try to remember to take a picture and post it next time I'm there.
@Donald.McLean I 'll run a cron job that'll post a reminder here everyday :p
That reminds me of this
@Phrancis web.archive.org/web/20130520070041/http://…, static but had a google maps thing that was semi-dynamic
@muddyfish ouch
@muddyfish It's not too bad, all things considered
@DanPantry They didn't like it because I put where and when people were meeting up (public knowledge anyway) because it had children
@Phrancis Are you ever so conflicted that you use every naming style possible?
@Phrancis It used twitter bootstrap and stuff
@DanPantry Did you see the HLA one?
wot no
why did you do this to me @BernardMeurer
@DanPantry :)
@muddyfish I couldn't tell it used Bootstrap, I suppose you didn't use the fancy buttons and stuff that everyone else (myself included) use?
@Phrancis fancy buttons?
@muddyfish Like these cardshifter.com
Hm, I thought I fixed the huge image that takes forever to load :|
@Phrancis No it didn't :(
Wait, I did fix it. Guess the server is just slow...
Q: Powershell Interaction with Excel (Highlighting Cells)

AramI'm using Powershell to compare two, large csv files and output the rows which don't match. Once the two output files are made (one for the differences on each), I bring them up on Excel. Now I want to highlight the mismatching fields for the output to be easily read by my customer. Starting w...

@Phrancis Did this last year. It's dynamic as in it's a template that you just add to a github repo and it automatically styles it
@Phrancis I did that but for a top trumps game 3 years ago
@muddyfish Do you name all your things with "cancer"?
@Phrancis I was working with cancerIT which did cancer research
Ohh makes sense
They were running out of things to get me to do so they got me to design a website, images and all
I'm a programmer
Images? Hell shoot me now
Images are a world of pain
Especially if you have to Photoshop them
I used GIMP
I quite like gimp actually
I did my avatar in it (both of them)
yeah i like gimps too
oh fk wrong thread
Its kinda scary that I've been semi-obsessed with wolves/canids for 8 years now?
@BernardMeurer LOL
I'm laughing so hard at that
Is GIMP > Photoshop? Or, at least, better enough for free software?
I'd say Photoshop is way better than GIMP
but GIMP is "good enough" unless you need photoshop to do your job
I hate Photoshop with a passion
I've never used photoshop but Ive used gimp for 5/6 years
I suppose if it's somewhat better than paint.exe but a little less good than Photoshop, it's probably pretty decent
It's like the difference between VS community and VS enterprise
I only use paint for cropping screenshots
and drawing faces with lazer-eyez
@muddyfish You need more Greenshot in your life
@DanPantry Photoshop is infinitely expensive. Have you seen the yearly fees for a professional license?
@N3buchadnezzar it is pretty ridiculously expensive
What in the world is that
superman on a budget
The produce of paint.exe
Oh, I see it now
Too much line tool, not enough hand-drawn arrows
@muddyfish Looks like me failing eating sushi
One of my friends does youtube tutorials for raspberry pi and he gets me to write his code for him :(
Hope you are better at programming than designing (Which I am purely basing on the ms.paint drawing) :p :p
I posted on code review once
@N3buchadnezzar "FIRMLY GRASP IT"
@muddyfish That looks amazing.
and did the art
Q: How Godly does an object need to be before it becomes unholy?

muddyfishI've been told that using God objects at all is a Bad Thing™ In object oriented languages, God objects know all, they control too much. I'm trying to build a game (or for the scope of this question a generic app with a GUI) and I'm using a Main object that holds all the other objects needed to m...

@DanPantry I tend to grab a sushi-stick in each hand, and spinning them around while making sounds. Usually this tends to either me getting thrown out, or given proper eating equipment.
my first (and only) code review question
@muddyfish Looks great!
Wait. did you just say that twice?
user image
I made this^ just now
@Phrancis Looks like me eating the eyes of my enemies.
looks like my eyes when i see half of the code on CR
@DanPantry What do they look like when you see the other half?
brock isn't blind
> 403 Forbidden
it's a picture of brock from pokemon
@DanPantry Did you know that his eyebrows are his real eyes?
@N3buchadnezzar so you have <: superman vs Potato Smiley superman
i suspect I'm going to get invited to trash before the night is out
@DanPantry trash?
@muddyfish truly a master piece.
@N3buchadnezzar usually when we shitpost to 2nd it either gets moved to nth if it's vaguely on topic or trash if it isn't
What do you mean? This is clearly site business, right guys? Looks around nervously, whistling
If you are looking for improvement to code that works Code Review may be a better place to ask. If you are looking for opinions on your project here that may be off topic. — pnuts 20 secs ago
@muddyfish beautiful
@muddyfish new desktop background
in Trash, Jul 2 at 18:44, by zʏᴀʙiɴ101
Welcome to the Trash, the most messed up, the most insane and the worst in general chat room on the Web.
I'm just quietly laughing to myself
@muddyfish That is a sign.
of what?
Q: Is this interface necessary? Should this member be static? Is this "good" OOP design?

ShaneI'm attempting to create a library to query Edmunds' API. I'm not sure if the design is over-engineered and would like some feedback. Here is the code: The API class (takes and endpoint and additional parameters to query Edmunds' API) <?php namespace Edmunds; use Edmunds\Endpoints\EdmundsEndpo...

Q: What are all of the assignable element node properties?

LansanaI am trying to create a helper function for myself, and this helper should do the following: Create an element Add properties to the element Set values to the element (this is the concern of my question) Add children nodes to the element I am trying to emulate the React.js createElement funct...

are you too drunk or something?
Petition for people to get out of the trash: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/30774749#30774749
it says something when people are actively wishing for rats to invade their city
and pigeons
I thought they had that pan flute guy to get rid of all the rats?
only 1 more message
@muddyfish you arent getting a star for that :p
Its like TNB here now
TNB? Oh 19th Byte
Its like the only chatroom where stuff from caht goes to trash every day
The Nth Bonnet
it's like the Nth Monitor, but for cars
I have no idea what I am talking about
Why do you have messages in the caht?
@DanPantry Oh dear
@N3buchadnezzar *cathedral
@BernardMeurer You rang?
@Pimgd Long time no see! Did you see the link? Though of you when I saw that
Oh because chess
I'm currently raging at overuse of functional-style code in Java =/
poor you
@Pimgd SCALA
I mean, it's fun and all, a function that has a single return and a one liner
but when your one liner is ... really long...
return c.getStance().mobile(getSelf()) && getSelf().canAct() && getSelf().has(Item.Gloves)
                || getSelf().hasHands() && getSelf().body.getRandomHands().moddedPartCountsAs(getSelf(), HandsPart.claws)
                                && getSelf().getStamina().get() >= 10 && !c.getStance().prone(getSelf());
Mother of god
that's not really a problem with functional style
@Pimgd good grief
that's a problem with stupid people
hooray i am the starwall
there's a bug in it
is the bug "completely unreadable"?
it's ||
Code being completely unreadable should be treated as code being bugged
I LOVE completely unreadable code
@muddyfish go back to codegolf :(
the first checks are if you can actually take an action
I even wrote my own language to help me build it :O
and half way through we check for a special case that uses body parts instead of items
... bypassing the whole "can you act"
> You've earned the "Reviewer" badge (Complete at least 250 review tasks. This badge is awarded once per review type) for reviewing "Close Votes".
I should have some dinner... It's 11pm
I normally eat at 6:30
in The Nineteenth Byte, 1 min ago, by flawr
Jun 3 '15 at 19:25, by feersum
Wow, there is a lot of messages here.

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