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But this is different I'm pretty sure
@syb0rg Its Monday. Time to rewrite malloc() and cause havoc().
@syb0rg And questions like that aren't on-topic for CR anyways
@throck95 is on-topic
The github source code is quite different.
@syb0rg I meant the trying to learn about how it works
Why does this look wrong to me?
for (int i = 0; i avail), i);
@throck95 Ah, sorry I misunderstood
@EBrown Because it is
I was just going to say that.
Does that even compile?
Is there something right in that code? There must be something right? =)
Haven't tried, but don't think so, } is miss matched and ends the loop.
The do loop.
I don't like all the lower case macros.
@EBrown Haven't tried, doubt it will
Hello @Timmy
Q: Bash script from the middle ages

MercI learned Bash a million years ago. I just wrote this simple script used to get the first lot of HTML comments from a file, and spit it out in order to create a README.md file. It is just. So. Ugly. I read bits and pieces over the years, and I am sure it can be improved so much... Here we go: ...

Hello, I followed a link to this chat room, never knew it existed.
@Timmy Hello!
@Timmy Welcome
@Timmy Did you get my comment on your most recent question?
Yes, I renamed the title, I believe it is better. I went and blew it on my first question on Code Review. Ha. I got to this chat from the link you gave me in your comment
@Timmy Sounds more or less like how we all end up here...
Alright guys, look at the macros/defines.
I think that's how it's compiling.
Assuming it is.
@throck95 If that's all you're after, you don't use prefixes like that.
Oh, I just noticed that you're a monkey @Timmy, I think you'll fit right in (as long as you don't take @rolfl's bananas).
@SimonForsberg lol, we all know that won't happen tho. everyone steals @rolfl's bananas
This is not the same code as his GitHub link.
It sounds tempting... Speaking of bananas, I'm going to go climb my tree and grab some for lunch. I'll pop back on here. This rooms sounds interesting
for (int i = 0; i < inavail; ++i) {
    ak_bitset512_set(&(s->avail), i);
That is the group of lines I asked about.
Let me fix this question quick.
I see the problem.
TTCGTTTTEL (Time to go to the tree to eat lunch)
@EBrown Did you look at the I made?
@EBrown I mean to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, is the source code at least some what similar (meaning maybe he did a push and didn't update the code in his question)
Feb 3 '14 at 18:07, by Simon André Forsberg
Once you're in The 2nd Monitor, there's no way out.
@SimonForsberg This one looks much angrier though.
He wrapped his code in <pre><code> instead of doing the four-space format.
So all the matching <> would become HTML tags and disappear.
@Mast Why? He is smiling.
You call that smiling?
Looks more like an evil grin.
When he's caught you, about to beat you senseless and offer to to the supermonkey afterwards.
@EBrown That doesn't look like it changed much :P
Aug 21 '15 at 9:31, by Zak
Hi. I have no idea where I am or how I got here :) can anybody help?
@throck95 It changed a lot.
Just like this happy smiling lion.
@N3buchadnezzar Not a monkey.
@Zak How did we not star the crap out of that?
We must have thought you were a help vampire...
yelp vampire
Seriously guys? Trying to fix a question here.
This question:
Q: Feedback for a new malloc implementation

Aaditya KalsiI've written a new malloc implementation similar to dlmalloc and was hoping for feedback on it. The goals for this library are: Easy to read and maintain. Be more memory conserving. High efficiency and good performance. Portability. The documentation is here: https://rawgit.com/akalsi87/akm...

Is not broken.
The OP made a Markdown error.
@pacmaninbw ping
@EBrown I upvoted.
@N3buchadnezzar Thank you! :)
I felt very strange upvoting that question though.
@N3buchadnezzar Agreed, I removed my downvote and close vote, but I don't want to upvote
OK, I'll remove my comment.
@syb0rg I just wanted to get it back to zero. Phew, it sits at zero now. Was able to retract my upvote.
@AadityaKalsi I have repaired your question. For the record, next time you post a block of code, do not wrap it in <pre> and <code> tags, indent each line by four spaces. It was impossible for anyone to see what was going on in your code because matching < and > were treated as (X)HTML tags. To easily indent each line in the editor, select them all then press CTRL + K, and the editor will indent each selected line by 4 spaces. — EBrown 1 min ago
Ahh, re-reading my first day in the 2nd. #Nostalgia
Aug 21 '15 at 13:17, by Zak
what's swift?
I removed my downvote, now it has an upvote.
@N3buchadnezzar Don't do that.
Don't compensation vote.
Banananananana time ;-)
@N3buchadnezzar Offensive audio.
@Zak We have 65 answers for you.
How on earth did you guys not star the heck out of this:
Aug 22 '15 at 1:55, by Zak
what are stars?
Legit question about the current CC: should Monopoly be Client/Server based, or Peer-to-Peer?
Isn't that up to whomever structures it?
I'd make it Client/Server though.
I mean, I was working on a version for all of us as a community to play together.
Which is why I asked.
I was thinking Client/Server, with publicly listed matches.
Password protected optionally.
Yeah Client/Server makes more sense for community stats.
Are you naming all the properties after different stack exchange sites?
Haven't figured out what to call the RR's yet.
But the Water Works is now Data.SE, and the Electric Company is now API.SE.
Q: Ruby object declared as constant

Daniel LoureiroI have this piece of Ruby code: HTTPCLIENT = HTTPClient.new def read_page(url) HTTPCLIENT.get(url).body end The HTTPClient object is being created and declared as a constant, and thus it can be accessible by methods. I would do this by declaring it as a global variable ($) or as a class va...

The other properties are based on various communities, grouped by type for the most part.
There's no "money" involved, instead it's reputation points.
If I go answer 36 C# questions and get 2.7778 votes on each, I'll have a silver C# badge.
Make it happen, captain!
When SE Monopoly comes out (should be a couple days) then you'll be able to answer another one. :P
Yeah. The votes will be the easy part.
@EBrown Hopefully SE do not have monopoly on SE Monopoly already.
Maybe I'll go on an answering spree after my internship is done.
@N3buchadnezzar We'll find out.
BTW, I just figured out how to get Inno Setup to sign my builds.
Heh, I'm also exactly 36 answers away from the silver Java badge.
Has/can anyone reproduce this issue? github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/issues/1741
> Silver C# Tag Badge
129/400 score
22/80 answers
Peter M. Taylor is an Australian, so he won't be around for a few hours still.
Wait, it just changed
> Silver C# Tag Badge
289/400 score
48/80 answers
So I'm 111 score, and 32 answers away.
You went from being an under-par answerer to an over-par answerer.
32 answers and 3.47 up votes each would get me there.
@Hosch250 Hey, so is Erik! github.com/erikd
4 votes/answer average is the cutoff for the badge, if you want to just post 80 answers.
I answer when I have time/energy.
I don't answer for points or badges.
I do it for the people.
The persons who need the advice.
Might start randomly putting bounties on non-C# questions I find interesting here soon.
+100 every now and then goes a long way.
That, and for keeping the zombie count down. For the community.
I'm an answerer for the people.
That's my presidential slogan.
Incoming people from other SE sites seem to have a problem with voting on our questions (1000 views, very few total votes): codereview.stackexchange.com/q/135184/27623
@syb0rg They tend to not have an account or not use it or don't have rep here.
> "I'm just in this for ME!"
But yea, 6 votes from 1000 views is low.
I wonder...I wonder if it would be possible to hand out one +100 bounty a week, and get enough up votes to maintain current rep levels.
@EBrown It's not actually that hard to cap, just more exhausting and time consuming.
@EBrown For some people, easily
I've gotten 107 rep alone today
@Hosch250 I don't need to cap. +15 a day would let me give out a +100 bounty on a weekly basis.
It used to be a bad day for me when I didn't get 50+ rep in a day with just a few answers.
So, yes, it should be easily possible.
I don't have a lot of time to commit to Code Review right now, is the problem.
Post a smallish, but good, answer on a zombifying question. It will attract other reviewers, and you'll probably get at least2 upvotes on it. If you do that once a day, it shouldn't take more than 30 minutes, which we've almost wasted already just chatting here.
Problem: I've been working on SE Monopoly while we've been chatting. Lol
Consider it an investment for future votes.
I don't really need them, though. Lol I'm not on a reputation gathering spree, I just want to help others in the community out
@EBrown Problem: I haven't started working on Monopoly, but I am really tempted to start on it. And I do have plans for how to implement it.
@SimonForsberg I didn't have a plan for it, now I'm regretting it. Lol
But, the good news is that I have to rewrite the whole thing for networking anyway.
Oh, you planning on making it support multiplayer, @EBrown?
@SimonForsberg Yeah.
What language are you working in?
We'll all be able to play. (Whomever on CR wants to.) I know @syb0rg, @Mast, @Zak and @Phrancis expressed interest in playing it.
C#, with XNA as the graphics/audio library.
Will you make both a server and a client to play with?
It's going to be Client/Server based.
I don't know Monopoly, but I've always wanted to try playing.
Got a proposed time?
I am really tempted at making a server for it, but I won't make a client.
@Mast I'm thinking it'll be done by the weekend.
So, we can schedule something for next week, it looks like.
@SimonForsberg You could make a server based on EBrown's client.
I can't play except in August, more/less (internship before, college after). I could spare an hour or so on the weekend, though.
I'm away from the internet this weekend.
You guys will be able to host your own games through the server as well.
@Mast Me too.
@Mast Me three
@Mast Well, me and @EBrown would have to talk about that. But I'm definitely interested in making a server for it.
@SimonForsberg Definitely, if you want to collaborate on it I'm all for it.
Just make sure you put it on GH somewhere.
I assume you would make the server Java-based?
@EBrown I'd definitely like to do that.
Groovy, probably ^^
Yes, Java mostly, possibly with a slight Groovy part.
@SimonForsberg I wonder how that would interact with C#, because I typically use the same networking library for all my stuff.
Which isn't a problem, I can easily write my own networking code to interface with the Java server.
Which may be better anyway.
I'd learn a lot more from it.
@EBrown I'm thinking making the server REST-based. I believe all platforms support REST, don't they?
@SimonForsberg To an extent. If it's HTTP-based I just have to open a WebClient or WebRequest object.
REST isn't platform specific.
Yup, HTTP-based.
@EBrown Exactly.
I actually wrote a long SO answer on REST vs. SOAP.
@EBrown Oh I gotta read that and then show it to my coworkers.
@SimonForsberg I need to update it and convert it to a blog post. It describes very few of the differences.
Basically, REST requires HTTP and that's it.
SOAP supports a broader range of protocols.
However, SOAP pretty much exclusively uses XML.
> Instructing you on how to accomplish that is beyond the scope of this question and answer.
You could make that a blog.
I plan on it.
There will be a few blog posts on SOAP and REST as soon as I get time.
Basically, I'm going to go into details on how to acknowledge when one protocol is superior to the other.
Other options for me would be to use WebSockets or regular sockets, but then you have to come up with a lot of the protocol yourself. If you go REST/RESTful, then I believe there's certain conventions you can follow.
I tried to figure out REST two years ago. Too much buzzwords.
Lunch time
@SimonForsberg REST simplifies the whole thing.
Basically, instead of having to write a protocol to handle packets, I just treat your server like a regular API.
And call GET Game/{Id} to get the current game state, etc.
Then we just agree on a format for the body of the requests.
Likely we'd choose JSON, XML or CSV/TSV/PSV.
Plain text isn't extensible enough.
Q: Get users from groups in active directory, disposing of everything

Michael Brandon MorrisI am trying to get active directory groups with their users, all while disposing of all IDisposable assets when they reach the end of their usefulness. The groups and users are passed into a method that extracts certain properties and adds them to ExpandoObjects. This requires a decent number of ...

@EBrown Exactly.
@SimonForsberg FYI: the REST protocol standard only describes how messages should be transferred between client/server, not what those messages are or how to format them.
@EBrown I'd prefer JSON.
@SimonForsberg Me too. :)
@EBrown Tell my coworkers that.
@SimonForsberg I'd love to. I love this type of stuff.
@SimonForsberg Do you have access to my SE email?
@Mast So you put it to REST?
They seem to believe that REST == JSON.
@SimonForsberg Heh, a lot of people do because it's the most common.
However, REST can be any data format.
@EBrown I can have if I click the button "show e-mail".
Can someone take a look at my new question and the previous question linked to it to see if I adequately defined what I'm looking? It's tricky and I want to be sure I detailed it well.
Q: Phishing Project UserIterator Implementation

throck95As I stated in an answer comment on my previous question, the UserIterator has a much larger footprint than I think most people realize. This question is here to further explain the project, the UserIterator's role, and what I'm trying to achieve with this specific piece of the code. If any of y...

@EBrown That's what I am trying to say too.
It just has to use HTTP, and it has to use the verbs properly. (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE)
@SimonForsberg Feel free to email me if you like and we can discuss it further, or exchange more appropriate contact information. My Skype is my SO username + 8534 at the end.
Which reminds me, I need more domain names.
@EBrown About collaborating on Monopoly? How about we just get a room use a chat room?
@SimonForsberg We can do that as well.
@EBrown Either we can create a new one or we can use the Cardshifter TCG room
@SimonForsberg Let's make a new one, I don't want to distract the Cardshifter stuff.
the Cardshifter room could really use a name change, it's much more about general projects than Cardshifter itself...
Ah, if you think it's a good fit there, then that works.
@N3buchadnezzar So I did it per request instead of breaking my head.
Q: Phishing Project UserIterator Implementation

throck95As I stated in an answer comment on my previous question, the UserIterator has a much larger footprint than I think most people realize. This question is here to further explain the project, the UserIterator's role, and what I'm trying to achieve with this specific piece of the code. If any of y...

Any good answers being written lately?
@N3buchadnezzar I mean do mine count? :P
@N3buchadnezzar just go search for my questions under . Mike Brandt has done some really good answers
> Whereas GET RootEndpoint/Employee/12 would be expected to return only one employee. (Generally, Employee with ID 12.)
@EBrown I was under the impression that such a request would also use Employees?
> GET https://api.spotify.com/v1/users/{user_id}/playlists/{playlist_id}
my point exactly!
I'm guessing since nobody has said anything about my question that I did a good job detailing it :)
I don't like the title.
@Mast Too much ?
@CaptainObvious Stop Using A Capital Letter At The Start Of Every Word!
@Mast in titles only prepositions aren't capitalized :P
@throck95 Actually, not quite.
@Hosch250 in 90% of the English language that is
You typically don't capitalize conjunctions either (and, or, but, while so, if).
@throck95 No! What moron told you that?
@Mast Mast did!
Any of you guys good in database design?
It's awful, stop doing that.
That title is actually correct.
@throck95 Proof it.
@JHache I got straight 100's in my DB class, in which we designed several databases.
@CaptainObvious Project and Implementation should go without capital.
@Mast I think you mean "prove".
@Mast I can't... you just wanted a moron's name and I figured you were better than saying @Hosch250
@Hosch250 Yes ^^
@throck95 No, I wanted to know which moron.
because @Hosch250 is more than that :P
Learn to read.
@Hosch250 I've got to expand on an internal project and I'm so lost. Mostly dealing with change history and users
So, it is already designed? Ugh.
It is a pain to work with already-build DB's.
And if anyone has a good book recommendation regarding database design, feel free to let me know
@Hosch250 It's my design, and I'm content restarting the entire project from scratch
It's best to designed it right the first time, as I very quickly learned when doing it.
Oh, OK.
I more-so showed a prototype and now its back to the drawing board
Q: Which words in a title should be capitalized?

sergAre there any concrete rules that say which words (parts of speech) in a title should start with a capital letter? What would be a correct capitalization for the title of this question?

@JHache Well, I went though the first 14 or so chapters of this: amazon.co.uk/Fundamentals-Database-Systems-Elmasri-2015-06-18/…
I think we scared @Mast away
@SimonForsberg It depends on the implementation.
@throck95 Hopefully. He can sometime be a mouthful / being a bit of a downer. Your question was well written and included fine looking code. No, need to cause a ruccus over Masts personalized nitpicking of trivial things =)
Basically, I like my DB's normalized to BCNF. If you need it less normalized, do it on an per-DB use case after determining how/why it shouldn't be normalized that much.
@N3buchadnezzar I'm not concerned at all. Frankly I'm worse than him in terms of mouthful / being a bit of a downer
Talking about BCNF, I actually didn't really understand that until I frantically read about it for the third/fourth time while taking my final :P
However those traits are what makes us human ;-)
@N3buchadnezzar I just want to be sure I got my point across in the question because it's very complex and even after like 5 different questions all at least mentioning it I haven't found the right solution
Q: Post-infection rebuild: Keep PHP scripts safe and secure

BeetleJuiceMy site was recently infected and running malicious scripts. Once I discovered this, I cleared everything, the hosting company re-initialized the VPS and I setup my site anew. This is how I run my PHP scripts currently. I have two objectives: To keep my scripts from being directly accessible fr...

@SimonForsberg Generally, the singular/plural convention is literally followed. So, GET /Employees would take several ID's, and return a group of them (or all if no ID is specified) whereas GET /Employee would take one employee.
This could be a dumb question, but does inline and __forceinline really have meaning in C, I know that in C++ it may be useful.
Did a websearch on it first
@Hosch250 mhmm, so many versions on amazon
This is related to the re-invented malloc
@pacmaninbw I'd bet it's compiler specific.
OK, thanks.
@N3buchadnezzar I can still read, you know.
i know ;)
And your pixels don't scare me. It's more that I prefer backing off from a discussion when continuing it is pointless.
No point on wasting time on it.
BTW - How secure is passing an array in HTML select values?
<option value="{{ array('projectName'=>$data[$i]['PRJ_ProjectName'],'projectId'=>$data[$i]['PRJ_ProjectId'])  }}">
                    {{ $data[$i]['PRJ_ProjectName'] }} ({{ $data[$i]['PRJ_ProjectStatus'] }})</option>
possible answer invalidation by uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC on question by uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135191/revisions
@Duga doesn't look like it
@SatoKatsura - that's a cool little trick! I'm pretty sure it'll annoy all the members of the team that don't use vim though.. Probably wouldn't pass my code review either :) — Lix 9 secs ago
@JHache 7th Edition is what I used.
Q: Brightness Web Server

aidanharrisThis is the first real program I've written in Go so have at it! I wrote it because I use a tiling window manager that doesn't have any brightness control functionality (at least not that I know of). package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "strconv" "str...

@Hosch250 still super expensive in canada
Yes, but you may be able to find it at a library.
College textbooks are expensive, I know.
@Hosch250 just cut out the college part - textbooks in general are expensive
college textbooks are especially egregious, because often times the professor is pushing their own book
@DanLyons Actually, those are the cheap ones.
@DanLyons you want to get that specific, take a look at med school textbooks. It ain't college, but it's about 10x more expensive
Or there are no good alternatives.
All the times I've had to use my professor's book, it has been very cheap.
Or you could just be like my professor - "Textbooks are too god damn expensive, here's a link to read it for free."
I've seen in other places, including Academia, that professors often give their students the book for free when it is theirs.
Most schools are now subscribing to online sources where you just need your student ID and you can read the book for free
you guys had a lot better luck than me, then
The Pearson and McGraw-Hill books often come with a Cengage card with homework and tests and stuff.
I had more than a few cases where the professor's textbook was quite expensive, he pawned off teaching the class to a TA, and then we never referenced the book
@throck95 - companies do that as well..... (at work we have full access to all of safaribooks).
@throck95 Where did you get the idea that works for 'most' schools? Got stats with that?
So, you end up paying for the college class to get the credit and the teacher's help (which I rarely need), the actual book, the ebook, and the online, auto-graded class.
@rolfl IBM is not a normal company. >.>
You can bet that safaribooks considers us a "VIP" customer ;-)
@rolfl That's awesome, prevents a lot of of old books laying around after years and you're always relatively up to date.
How about just personal experience. All 3 of my local universities does it - University of Cincinnati, Mount St. Joseph University, Xavier University. Then pretty sure OSU does it too
@rolfl I'd bet so. Lol
@throck95 So we've established some US universities do it. Around here, nobody does.
The trouble for me is, I dislike reading online.
I buy what books I can, and get others from the library.
@JHache I know my way around database design and related topics as well, if you need help. We also have a dedicated SQL chat room if you want to have more in-depth discussion.
@Mast Let's put it this way, if UC, Xaiver, and OSU does it I can guarantee you that there's at least a 50% participation in it by most unis
@throck95 US unis perhaps. You said all.
@Mast fair enough
I could argue 50% still isn't most, just half, but I get your point :-)
@Phrancis At this point I'll probably wait till tomorrow, got a few more things to do at work. Thanks for the headsup
50% is generous tho. I was undercutting what I expect bc I'm only human and I can be wrong. The fact that a private Catholic commuter uni with 2000 undergrads does it tells me its probably more like 90%
for US
@Mast tru
@throck95 My uni never did it.
We had exactly 0 digital books at mine.
I was undercutting what I expect bc I'm only human and I can be wrong.
Although I may or may not have had the PDF of the book we required instead of the paper one because it was way too expensive.
possible answer invalidation by BeetleJuice on question by BeetleJuice: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135210/revisions
That's one mouthful of a name.
Reminds me of Finnish every time I see it.
We had no books at community college, besides the intro math class. Which was like 90$
@Duga yes it is
@N3buchadnezzar Stupid Americans, we learned British at school.
@Hosch250 hehe, but it can be enunciated like a boss.
@Mast I type a lot of British english. Lol
Q: I want to test a lock implementation

Satyendra Kumarpublic class Counter { private int count; private Lock lock; public Counter(int cnt) { count = cnt; lock = new ReentrantLock(); } public int getAndIncValue(){ int tmp = count; try { lock.lock(); ...

Where does it come from?
Q: C++ Syncronous Poll Wrapper v2

cloakedlearningI recently asked for some feedback on my design for a syncronous wrapper around linux sockets and poll Based on the feedback, I created a new (hopefully more idiomatic) design. socket.h #pragma once #include <cstdint> #include <string> class Socket { public: Socket(){} virtual ~Socket...

Q: Matlab implementation of Needleman-Wunsch algorithm

Joseph FarahThis code (an implementation of the path finding Needleman-Wunsch algorithm), given two sequences, correctly aligns and calculates the similarity of them. For example, given two sequences: AAA,CCC or AA,CA it correctly aligns them as ---AAA CCC--- and -AA CA- r...

Q: Use functional-programming to convert a tree of parent:children objects to array

avivrHaving some trouble with a code i'm trying to refactor, where I need to go over a 'tree' of items, filter some invalid items, and create a new array of filtered items which takes properties from both parent and child objects. To demo the problem I made a quick snippet - const items = [ { ...

@CaptainObvious One more VTC.
Q: Correct Swift Model for JSON

Fredlo2010I am working on a program that would generate swift classes/ structures for JSON file contents. The link to the application is Json2Model in case you want to contribute directly. I do not know a lot of Swift but this is what I came up with. This classes most likly will not hold any logic they ...

Q: Sieve of Eratosthenes and twin prime finder

JazzableI made this program which finds primes and twin prime pairs. I'd like some feedback on my code - anything from formatting to content to technique. In short: how would this be different if it was written by an experienced professional? The program runs five methods: getMax asks for an integer i...

@forsvarir will you please slow down on clicking the "No Action Needed" on the First post queue?
there are several that you haven't really reviewed in that queue...
some of them need to be closed, some of them should be commented on, some of them should be up voted.
we usually have very few actual "No Action Needed" reviews in that queue
"no action needed" removes the post from the review queue. when in doubt, "skip" instead.
Loki even edited one that you passed up.. not sure on the timing, maybe he did that before you got to it
@Mat'sMug do you happen to have the Meta Post about the First Post Queue on Speed dial?
Q: First Post Review Queue — what is it? Why is it a bad idea to click "No Action Needed"?

rolflWhen you pass 350 reputation you gain access to the Review Queues. One of them is the "First Post" queue. What is this queue, what purpose does it serve, and how should I process items in that queue?

Thank you
It's , who needs a speed dial anyway ^^
that's right, I forgot we did that
I got the frequent comments so high in my history rankings that it shows up when I type fre though.
@Mast Should probably update that meta post. Review Queues are 500 rep now.
On it.
@throck95 What exact value should be changed? I haven't found it after a quick skim.
@Mast "When you pass 350 reputation you gain access to the Review Queues." should be "When you pass 500 reputation you gain access to the Review Queues."
@JoeWallis it is really important?
yeah, but IDK if it is that important
I changed it
| of course it's important :)
Q: First Post Review Queue — what is it? Why is it a bad idea to click "No Action Needed"?

rolflWhen you pass 500 reputation you gain access to the Review Queues. One of them is the "First Post" queue. What is this queue, what purpose does it serve, and how should I process items in that queue?

holy cow, Factorio is addictive
I'm basically "What year is it"...
@Mat'sMug idk, 'still' is a bit of an odd distinction, GoT could be nicknamed 'The starks get f*!@ed" and it would still be accurate.
@JoeWallis Ah, it was in the question, not in the answer.
@Vogel612 yes
It was fun when we played a whole night on a LAN, but it also shows in singleplayer... there's not that many games that can do both
@Malachi Fair enough, I've mostly (I think) been clicking no action needed when I've thought the post was close enough that it didn't need edited, but I haven't voted on it. I'll skip in future when I'm not actively taking an action on the post.

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