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maybe they want me as a developer instead though..
in either case... good work that doesn't need much supervision
@Legato this is true =/ but I'd still like to get 15 eur/hour
may I ask what you're getting right now?
@Pimgd That's barely more than I'm making... are you an intern?
tbh maybe sneering "that's front-end development for websites, and websites are stupid" throughout my study wasn't that clever
hmmh... 40 hours a week,...
@JoeWallis Do you happen to know how to use cProfile from the commandline while only taking the 10 or so most relevant functions? I've only found the one requiring to edit the script in the docs.
meh. specialization should give you better salary so there's that
@syb0rg Can't you increase the buffer size of your terminal in WinXP?
I'd say about 13 - 14 eur/hour?
@Mast I've not really used it from the command line, :/
You can't make it insanely big, but probably big enough.
@JoeWallis In that case wrapping would probably be a better idea.
It's low end market rate
It would also skew the results though....
@Pimgd Now you're earning as much/less than me, I sure hope you're an intern
Did >>file not work for him then? :/
Also a complete non-caring attitude towards money during your studies and early employment because, hey, parents pay everything, what is this thing called money for anyway
@JoeWallis It did
yeah, it's for food, but I can't eat that much food
@syb0rg Hey, that's another thing to think about. Try putting the def above main in a separate file. It'll get compiled to a .pyc, which tends to work a tad faster. Import that library from your test code.
@syb0rg Must have missed that, or did you forget to tell us? :P
I put a snippet of the output
@JoeWallis how do you feel in vacation ? ^^
   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
      100   15.707    0.157   15.707    0.157 :0(recv)
@Dex'ter I'm not on it yet, it's Thursday that I go, :)
Alright I found it, also this interesting java question I encountered once. Anyway, check out the highest upvoted answer here
ohh, cool
@Mast @JoeWallis There, a ping so I know you see it ^^^
@syb0rg I could probably make more if I started marketing myself and agreeing to do crap I don't like
Like, I dunno, consulting
@syb0rg Shiit, that's slow.
@Pimgd meh. don't sell your soul for money. They don't pay remotely enough
@Mast Yep. Sadly I don't think I can get it under a second either without rewriting a library
@Pimgd Marketing yourself is hard.
Maybe I'd have better luck not using recruiters
because signing fees are apparently huge for companies
@syb0rg Do you know if the socket is called on each opc.write? If so you could possibly get a speed up by reducing the amount of writes. (I'm assuming the overhead is the killer just like it is in print)
@Pimgd recruiters are the bane of the job market
if you want a new job, update your careers resume and go hunting yourself
@JoeWallis I'm assuming so, but I haven't found concrete evidence in the API
        with open(str(args.range) + '.' + str(args.time) + '_1-iccp_harness.log', 'a') as f:
            for i in xrange(0, args.range):
                f.write('Osiris_Test_Data_' + str(i + 1) + ', realQTimetagExtended' +
                        ', %g, %s, %s\n' % (value_list[i][1], 00, time_list[i][1]))
almost any mid-scale company can use someone for IT
even small ones could use a helping hand with the digital mess
@Pimgd Did you look at it?
Pushing that together might work.
sidenote: there's two conversations going on here and I think we're blocking each other out
@Vogel612 All the good jobs appear to be hidden behind a wall of recruiters though.
@Mast What did you do?
@Vogel612 we are but that's better than sitting in silence waiting for it to pass... besides, I can handle two convos
@Legato yep, although for me it's the other way around, not getting paid enough =D
@syb0rg Nothing yet, I'd have to dive into the OpenOPC library how to get it done exactly.
Can you post a top 10 of the cProfile output sorted on tottime?
Yeah, it's a conceptual thing but it's about the justification of why you should get paid. I find quantifying what you've done helps, but I'm probs less experienced in total.
I really love that answer though.
@Mast In the question or here?
@syb0rg Just put it here.
@Mast if you can*t apply for a job except through a recruiter, then the job's not worth the hassle.…
         57293 function calls (57120 primitive calls) in 16.837 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
      100   15.707    0.157   15.707    0.157 :0(recv)
    10000    0.152    0.000    0.197    0.000 random.py:175(randrange)
        1    0.119    0.119   16.687   16.687 log_opc.py:28(main)
    10000    0.118    0.000    0.315    0.000 random.py:238(randint)
    10000    0.086    0.000    0.086    0.000 :0(strftime)
        1    0.080    0.080    0.394    0.394 log_opc.py:14(get_range_list)
@Mast Der u r
@Vogel612 That's what I thought, but by lack of a better alternative one has to do what one has to do.
Unless you're a senior with a good network, of-course. That's the real trick.
I never was one for networking and I regret it a lot.
I don't have a network, I have a mom
@syb0rg Odd.
who will happily check every single company on google maps in a 10km radius
to see if they got any jobs
@Mast better late than never.
that and basically say things like "and now we're gonna look at these postings and you tell me why you do or don't like em"
Also this question may fit better into codereview... — Dirk Reichel 8 secs ago
@DanPantry hai
guess who has been dry heaving all morning? meeeeeeeeee
no answers :(
Q: Bot for Spacewar PPCG KotH

uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹCI'm tempted to write JAVAscript deliberately to attract flags... Anyways, I wrote a bot for a PPCG KotH challenge called "Spacewar!". The challenge is written by @El'endiaStarman. The bot is called "Spy". The controller is hosted here, so take a look for the feel. The API is a bit long, so her...

> asked 8 mins ago
@Pimgd slow compared to SE, lol
we aren't SO*
many reviews will take an hour to write.
I think this is best suited for codereview. — shivsn 55 secs ago
@DanPantry write faster
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Bloody heck, have some patience. Wait at least a couple of hours before complaining.
Welcome to Code Review, where it will take a few hours to answer your question, but we'll give a good answer rather than a quick "hi I didn't read your question but here's the first google result"
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC For example, this is a review that I wrote a while back. codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/113855/…
This took me about an hour.
Reviews that take any less time than that will be "your naming is weird" lol.
@DanPantry Even those can take an hour to write when extensive.
2 final PRs handed in for the 2-week project I worked on. Time to relax now
Reminder as well (not to harp on) that every code review by necessity has to be crafted by hand. There's no right or wrong answer on CR, we can't just put your code through a program and have it automatically reviewed or Google the result to your review - because it hasn't been written yet.
We write it. For free. Free, Good, Fast. Pick 2. If you want Fast and Good may I suggest you pay someone to do it for you?
... have a short answer anyway
since I gotta point things out when I see them
Q: Bot for Spacewar PPCG KotH

uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹCI'm tempted to write JAVAscript deliberately to attract flags... Anyways, I wrote a bot for a PPCG KotH challenge called "Spacewar!". The challenge is written by @El'endiaStarman. The bot is called "Spy". The controller is hosted here, so take a look for the feel. The API is a bit long, so her...

Q: Count down module that hides an element when a specified date is reached. Can the structure be improved?

Christopher Hillvar CountDown = setInterval(function() { var currentDate = new Date(); var endingDate = new Date("July 25, 2016 10:51:00"); function count() { setInterval(function() { check(); }, 1000); } function hide() { $('#time').hide(); } fu...

@CaptainObvious vtc broken? =D
contains bugs at least
Hello @Jeremy
Thank you very much for taking the time to help me out. All your points make sense and I understand why you should do it the way you say. — Robin 35 mins ago
@Pimgd Like?
@syb0rg Friendliest robot.
@Mast like refresh answer and read the first few lines
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC That took an hour or so to write. And it's going to save the OP months, maybe years of mistakes I learnt the hard way. Well worth the wait.
@Pimgd Hahahaha
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC That code of yours can't work as intended like that.
Did you test it?
I guess the bot performs well enough
That's a major bug.
wow... I just needed 15 minutes to find a reference for a nitpick.
a roomba that can't go right can still go left 3 times... it'll clean the room but slower
@Pimgd I think it's having the freedom to do so which is pretty awesome.
Just edited this. It's ok ?
@Dex'ter code-markup for emphasis isn't a good choice.
@Dex'ter Looks good, I approved it
aside from that... yup :+1:
I'd have rejected it. Goes against intent.
ohh, ok. Will keep in mind @Vogel612
@Mast what intent ?
@Dex'ter reject; deviates from authors intent; you are not the author, how do you know what they want?
@Dex'ter Intent of the author.
Look at the title
I'd almost go as far as revert the edit.
Q: Is there a proper way to distribute files that are not VCS tracked?

zezolloThe .mo files from my project are not tracked by git (like some other .txt files that need to be created at install time). I have written a small function in setup.py to create them at install time, that I call in setup(): setup( . . . data_files=create_extra_files(), includ...

ohhhhh I seeeee
the reason this code is so weird is because half of it is copy-pasta'd from other people's code
A: King of the Hill - Spacewar!

user81655EdgeCase Flies at full speed away from the sun towards the edge of the map! When it finds itself pointed towards the sun it will start shooting while turning itself away to get back to the edge. It also enters hyperspace when it's about to hit the sun. function EdgeCase_setup(team) { var botV...

Q: Bot for Spacewar PPCG KotH

uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹCI wrote a bot for a Programming Puzzles & Code Gold King of the Hill type of challenge called "Spacewar!". The challenge was written by @El'endiaStarman. The bot is called "Spy". The controller is hosted here, so take a look for the feel. The API is a bit long, so here's a link. The bot's logi...

  // Get our ship's position
  var rotation, x, y, opponentAlive;
  if(botVars.color == "red") {
    rotation = gameInfo.red_rot;
    x = gameInfo.red_x;
    y = gameInfo.red_y;
    opponentAlive = gameInfo.blue_alive;
  else if(botVars.color == "blue") {
    rotation = gameInfo.blue_rot;
    x = gameInfo.blue_x;
    y = gameInfo.blue_y;
    opponentAlive = gameInfo.red_alive;

  // Calculate our rotation compared to the sun in degrees
  var sunX = gameInfo.sun_x,
      sunY = gameInfo.sun_y,
I'd argue the original is better.
A lot better.
@skiwi Yeah, and this one looks like it might actually work out.
@EBrown Well, good luck then ^^
@Pimgd hey, at least it's not golfed code xD
@skiwi She's a health nerd, and I don't mean the "only eats healthy" style, I mean the "knows everything about the human body" style.
@EBrown Oooh... nice
@EBrown So, a nurse, then?
@EBrown Isn't that more a human physiology nerd?
In our university that would be from the Biomedical Technologies department ^^
@Pimgd She's not a nurse, she's studying to be a physicians assistant.
@Legato Sorta, I suppose that's a better way to phrase it.
actually Imma turn that into a point
But, good news is she's 100% into Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc.
Nth monitor stuff?
I guess. God forbid we have ~20 messages of idle chat here.
> Licensing

When you use code from StackExchange, like from this answer to the PPCG challenge, you should at the very least add a comment referencing the original source.
to my answer =)
@EBrown eh, it's all good, nothing much else going on at the moment
@EBrown I was against it at first, but the reasoning behind it is sound. I don't know how much you guys were planning on a discussion. Just saying that it makes sense to have a place dedicated to idle completely CR irrelevant things.
If you want them moved though just ping me and I'll move them
I think it's time for a restart
wtf... there is a rate-limit for answers
@Vogel612 stops spammers
Huh, never seen that one
half-zombie shot
seen it before, when shooting JavaDeveloper questions
yea I posted the answer to the wrong question :/
and they all have the same mistake
Created a lunch&learn event to showcase Roslyn to coworkers. First 3 acceptees are 2x senior devs and 1x CTO
that's okay
I'm not sweating at all
I hear you're the resident expert on Roslyn?
who cares about them
they're just people
just be well-prepared, then you got nothing to fear :)
They're the people that decide my salary
I need monies
Well, RIP
Maybe the CTO will pay for the food
Ooh, clever idea
do better work, more presentations,
then more mooching food off the company
= more leftover monies?
Tonight we're going rock climbing
I expect it to include food and drink
next week last-friday with pizza and beer. The week after hackaton with pizza and beer
getting quite some free food actually
Pizza + Beer goes well with basically any activity
almost every week there's an occassion
Scheduled for 2 weeks from now though. So I've got time to work on the analyzers
Windows should post their boot process on Code Review... 10 minutes it a long time for startup
Maybe they're just more the shoe type of company
@syb0rg Until you find out the boot loader is 1 million LoC or something.
probably not quite that múch...
I'd expect the core bootloader to be along the lines of 15-20k LoC
What do you guys listen to while browsing CR / at work?
music, mostly :)
I personally listen to my manager complaining
@Legato Spotify
The sweet sound of @DanPantry struggling with code
~hrngh. slap slap, grhnghg. GET OFF ME, slap, grunt
@JeroenVannevel :(
@Vogel612 that's me with spaghetti code.
@DanPantry so LOLCODE?
more like "lol, code"
here's the nicest thing ever. Haha
Greetings @N3buchadnezzar
@Dex'ter Mmm... I almost went: Welp, thats enough internet for today.
@Legato How is it going?
Good thanks, listening to Ghibli piano OST and doing some developing developing developing developing.
@Dex'ter this is very surreal without any sound...
I know @Vogel612 ^^
@Legato Thibli has some of the best movie music out there. It is made by Hisaishi if memory serves right?
@N3buchadnezzar Correct.
Apparently it's going to be 32ºC tomorrow...
This is Britain for gods' sake. We're not adapted to that kind of heat.
@Zak So that's coming in Wednesday to The Netherlands
@N3buchadnezzar that's surreal either way...
*Enjoying rainseason in phuket. Lovely with 28 degrees a cold breeze and some occasional rain.
@Vogel612 nocontext and wat
Greetings, Programs.
Greetings @Donald.McLean!
@Donald.McLean Greetings, User
I am very glad in that hide videos behind normal words rule now though. Not sure if I could have riden the flag-train that might have occured.
My lady friend shoed me a really weird video yesterday.
@Donald.McLean Greetings, Tron :)
sidequestion. what the heck is it with the
new GoogleApiClient.Builder(activity)
in every single question with networking that I saw?
Hi everyone, is there a C expert that would like to check my last comment on codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/135181/…
@pacmaninbw Correct
That entire for loop is funky
Anyways, it's broken code now
Is it just me or is putting your initials into every variable, a really really weird practice?
@N3buchadnezzar Huh? Why would anyone do that? It's stupid and weird.
@N3buchadnezzar Yeah, it'd make awkward conversations about my fixation with Jews...
Q: SELECT many Case and Casts into temp table

TimmyI have this SELECT statement that inserts into a temp table and it is slow! Right now it takes ~1500 ms to run and only deals with ~7000 rows. As the data grows larger the longer it will take. Some additional information that may be helpful, I am using SQL server 2014. Is there anyway to impr...

Q: Cookie, Session, and Flash middleware for Iron framework

kardeizIron's cookie and session middleware projects seem to be abandoned. I've put together implementations for them, along with a session flash provider. They seem to be working fine. They are all very small, so I'll paste them in their entirety below (each file is linked to a Github repo and each rep...

As far as I know C doesn't have name spaces.
5 mins ago, by pacmaninbw
Hi everyone, is there a C expert that would like to check my last comment on https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/135181/feedback-for-a-new-malloc-‌​implementation
@JoeWallis I wrote a short story in which I named the main character "Ju" and I was asked if that was some sort of religious/racial reference. It was easier just to change the character's name.
@N3buchadnezzar <facepalm mode="double"/>
@pacmaninbw Nope, no namespaces
@N3buchadnezzar It's plain stupid.
I wrote this bad broken code, also I put my initials into every variable so that people do not steal and use my code
Nice catch @pacmaninbw
^ I am trying to not sound too harsh.
@Mast Thanks.
:31111651 Look inside the for loop, it's a mess
if you want code review, you can do that at codereview.stackexchange.com, otherwise please state your problem. — muratgu 59 secs ago
@syb0rg The whole thing is a mess.
// try to acquire a page and fit as many slabs as possible in
char* const mem = (char*)ak_os_alloc(NPAGES * AKMALLOC_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE);
{// return if no mem
    if (ak_unlikely(!mem)) { return AK_NULLPTR; }
Why does that 2nd comment not have it's own line. Why is there a function called ak_unlikely in the first place. Why is the whitespace so random.
Before you ever begin a new project, you should really ask yourself "is what I'm going to do worthwhile"?
In a case like this, the answer is no
No, you should not rewrite malloc()
Just what I thought.
I think I posted it here in chat even.
Don't re-invent something that important.
@syb0rg I agree totally!
Something that basic.
lol I really am the Roslyn expert. CTO just came to my desk to ask me about an applicant's repo where he wrote Roslyn analyzers
I understand the aspect of trying to learn about how it works

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