Sorry, but SO is for specific questions, not for "refactor my existing code". Maybe is a better fit for this. — Jägermeister25 secs ago
@Jägermeister: this question would get thrown out of codereview for the very same reasons that it's going to be thrown out of this site. It's a poor quality question on any site I'm afraid, and suggests as you've mentioned at that OP study the concepts and apply them first. — Hovercraft Full Of Eels27 secs ago
@OndrejSvejdar It's difficult to find any up to date info on the cookies size in modern browsers. I know that Chrome supports at least 3000 cookies . In our case in some instances we send about 150 cookies which I assume is less than modern browsers can handle. I'm looking into this now anyway. — Mark A20 secs ago
Meme: Stargree, Stargreed
Originator: Skiwi
Cultural Height: A conversation about a duck
Background: Stars shine in CR chat quite fluently, and it sort of means that we either find it funny or that we agree, if this were Facebook they would be Likes
Meme: TS | RSA
Originator: SimonAndréForsberg (TS), rolfl (RSA)
Cultural Height: star-power
Background: The 2nd Monitor is quite a star-happy chatroom. How many of you know that there's only a number of times you can "star" a chat post - a star cap (like the rep cap and the vote cap, a star ca...
SELECT mp_dim.displayno as mp_display,
mp_dim.masterpolicypart as mp_part, count() as all_active, cert_fact.certificate_status,
sum(insured_amount) as all_insured_amount, sum (premiums_paid_amount + upfront_premium) as all_sum_premiums, mnth_act.count as monthly_active
Check out Spacewar! ( basically spacewar retro game except with BOTS. It's hosted there, you can post bots at the PPCG challenge
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is not a code review site. You may be able to ask the question on , but please first read their help pages about what questions are on-topic and also on how to write a good question. — AdrianHHH17 secs ago
I want to enter names, student numbers and student scores and display this information. I used arrays in this way:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#define size 3
using namespace std;
class student{
void vrod();
void dis();
int stno,score,i,n;