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@Zak If the mods mention anything about changing it, I'll make a quick edit
Sorry, but SO is for specific questions, not for "refactor my existing code". Maybe codereview.stackexchange.com is a better fit for this. — Jägermeister 25 secs ago
what do you guys think of this html? I'm using blade syntax btw
@syb0rg The entire thing takes next to no time to execute here. Are you running virtual or something?
@Mast No, it's running on WinXP
Yes, but is that running within a VM by chance?
@for ($i = 0; $i < $projectSize; $i++)
            <option value="{{ array('projectName'=>$data[$i]['PRJ_ProjectName'],'projectId'=>$data[$i]['PRJ_ProjectId'])  }}">
                {{ $data[$i]['PRJ_ProjectName'] }} ({{ $data[$i]['PRJ_ProjectStatus'] }})</option>
:31107562 The fixed font button next to your chat box usually does the trick.
@Jägermeister: this question would get thrown out of codereview for the very same reasons that it's going to be thrown out of this site. It's a poor quality question on any site I'm afraid, and suggests as you've mentioned at that OP study the concepts and apply them first. — Hovercraft Full Of Eels 27 secs ago
not sure about the security/validity/etc on passing an array in value
Shows up the moment you got multiline.
@Mast No, it's a live machine
Takes 6.3 seconds with a value of 1000000.
Of-course, I'm simply printing to screen instead of connecting to OPC.
But if that part is your bottleneck, you're screwed one way or another.
@Mast Mast if you run a profiler saying that the external code is the bottle neck you've got an upvote from me, :)
@JoeWallis method "recv" of "_socket.socket" is taking 7.328 seconds to execute
There's your problem.
Greetings everyone.
I'll kick the profiler into gear.
@OndrejSvejdar It's difficult to find any up to date info on the cookies size in modern browsers. I know that Chrome supports at least 3000 cookies . In our case in some instances we send about 150 cookies which I assume is less than modern browsers can handle. I'm looking into this now anyway. — Mark A 20 secs ago
@syb0rg If you don't change it, I'll flag it. Hate to be a buzzkill but a bad title is a bad title.
@Zak There you go
Keeps the pun, but also depicts what the question is about
Where will you be when boredom strikes
here ofc
@Duga hello, robot
Here, have some benchmarks.
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Not exactly.
That's the only robot we got.
@Mast really?
> Duga is a female bot living in Code Review's main chat room, the 2nd Monitor.
bots are not robots
how insensitive of you /s
@syb0rg "[Thing] runs slow" is still a bad title. IIRC, the standard comment is "titles should describe what the code does", no?
I don't understand CR culture, I come from PPCG
@Zak I think it's good enough in this case though, unless you can think of something much better.
Titles at CR are always up for improvement.
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC That's okay, we don't understand PPCG culture either
why doesn't Duga answer?
@Zak It generates some random values, and writes them to a test harness with OPC, and it's slow... title seems fine to me
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC @Duga doesn't like you.
You were being insensitive.
@Mast darn.
Looking at what's starred helps, usually
@syb0rg Okay. I admit I don't have much experience with what you're doing, so I'll trust your judgement.
looks like CR culture for today is slacking off
just what I need for this monday
@Pimgd today everyday
@Zak pssssst plausible deniability
@JoeWallis Trying to output profiler stuff to a file is resulting in gibberish in the file
one fourth of the stuff in PPCG chat is just funny images
python -m profile -o log.txt -s time ./log_opc/py 10000 2
@syb0rg Huh? I normally just print it...
Yup. Don't put it in any file.
@JoeWallis It's getting truncated by the terminal, can't scroll up that far
WinXP, am I rite?
Nagh just Windows...
Ah yes, windows
Oh yeah crap I'm gonna have to spend some time this week letting my pc upgrade to win 10
Remove the while True from your code so it ends and simply put it to screen.
the windows...
Like I did in my answer.
@Pimgd or what, a microsoft hitman will kill you
Or I don't get win10 and I'll be screwed later
@Pimgd by a microsoft hitman
no, by microsoft developers ofc
If you're running 8 or 8.1 now, it's better. If you're running 7, upgrading may not be the best move :P
7 was very good.
I'm running 7
For Windows standards...
@Mast Tried that, still off the screen
@Mast ^
do you people use carets to express agreement, or no?
@syb0rg It shouldn't. Perhaps that's a bug caused by the OpenOPC.
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC No, we use stars.
There should be a "don't disturb the natives" sign here
@Mast then the starboard is filled with useless stuff
funny but actually no
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Take a look at the starboard. Take a look at your statement. What do you conclude?
because that'd create a walled-off community
@Pimgd it's a joke
@Mast darn.
@Mast that the starwall is filled with useless stuff =D
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

MalachiMeme: Stargree, Stargreed Originator: Skiwi Cultural Height: A conversation about a duck Background: Stars shine in CR chat quite fluently, and it sort of means that we either find it funny or that we agree, if this were Facebook they would be Likes

Blame @skiwi
And @Zak, for running out of stars all the time.
Maybe you need to visit Code Review? — FirstStep 1 min ago
Gotta ping all the regulars
@Mast Ding ding ping
And @Malachi and @Mat'sMug for setting that trend.
@Mast I'm thinking it's calling quite a lot of methods
Selling on Ebay is a whole lot more complicated than I thought :/
@Pimgd How to get a chat-ban 101.
@syb0rg Oh, yes, could be.
@Mast apparently stars are more valuable than carets - but what if I don't agree that much? TS?
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Mat's MugMeme: TS | RSA Originator: SimonAndréForsberg (TS), rolfl (RSA) Cultural Height: star-power Background: The 2nd Monitor is quite a star-happy chatroom. How many of you know that there's only a number of times you can "star" a chat post - a star cap (like the rep cap and the vote cap, a star ca...

TS are for when you've ran out.
@syb0rg You in batch? you could try (python -m profile -o log.txt -s time ./log_opc/py 10000 2)>>file.txt?
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC It happens more than you'd think
@syb0rg You can truncate the output. and only ask for the top 50 or so.
I think I ran out of stars only once
Look at me I have standards
Code-wise you can do that by p.sort_stats('time').print_stats(10), I'm still looking for the cmd equivalent.
Oh sick it can go anywhere >>file.txt python run.py
You know, microsoft only hires JAVA developers.
That seems really unlikely
   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
      100   15.707    0.157   15.707    0.157 :0(recv)
@Pimgd No, JAVA is different from Java
That's why windows ten exists
... imho you're trying too hard OR you're not trying hard enough
I get it, they hire incompetent peoples, that's why they make crappy software amirite
How about we keep this civil.
It's still civil =D
@Pimgd also the NSA hacked Iran because they found FOUR zero-days in windows - and they only needed one
Let's all just agree Windows sucks
Just sayin' before it's too late :P
and it's the best we got! (For general purpose anyway)
@Pimgd why not *nix?
@Pimgd I'm at Ubuntu atm.
Q: Are these the same, or do they achieve the same goal?

smileySELECT mp_dim.displayno as mp_display, mp_dim.masterpolicypart as mp_part, count() as all_active, cert_fact.certificate_status, sum(insured_amount) as all_insured_amount, sum (premiums_paid_amount + upfront_premium) as all_sum_premiums, mnth_act.count as monthly_active ,...

For development purposes, Linux trumps Windows big time.
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC because if you want to do development and gaming then you get Windows because it will do all the things
@CaptainObvious Go away.
@Pimgd Dual-boot.
@CaptainObvious not even a message
That's what I have on my main machines. Windows on one partition, Linux on another.
@CaptainObvious Flagged as VLQ
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC you can't ping @CaptainObvious because it's a feed, not a user. You have to reply to the message.
Programmers - people who tell computers what to do
@Zak Oh.
Didn't know he was a feed (hope I got that gender right)
It's not for pinging purposes, it's primarily so people know what post you're talking about
especially because there's sometimes 2 or 3
why's he called captain obvious?
@CaptainObvious Closed.
@Mast but what if I just want to click buttons
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Isn't it obvious?
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC because Captain Slowpoke was taken
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC He's slow.
So we usually know half of what he's going to say before he posts it.
@Mast the feed's slowness is a problem at PPCG too
Especially back in the day when there were less questions.
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Who said anything about a problem?
changing the topic...
Check out Spacewar! (play.starmaninnovations.com/spacewar) basically spacewar retro game except with BOTS. It's hosted there, you can post bots at the PPCG challenge
Is it 3pm already? Damn that was quick.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is not a code review site. You may be able to ask the question on codereview.stackexchange.com , but please first read their help pages about what questions are on-topic and also on how to write a good question. — AdrianHHH 17 secs ago
It sounds cool but somehow playing games at work seems too much like slacking
@Pimgd Yes @DanPantry, you're all a bunch of slackers.
@Pimgd but you can write a bot to play against other bots. there's a text area for JS right there
Yeah but how do I put it
I dunno how to put it
games are... not work?
And this might be work?
@Pimgd scroll down. type your code. click "set userbot code". the bot with the name "userbot" is your bot
sometimes (<1%?)
no flash :)
also open plan office
unless you can't render HTML canvas, you're fine
@Pimgd ?
I'm talking about the idea that playing games whilst your coworkers (who are sitting next to you) are working is a violation of workplace ethics
@Pimgd oh.
what about chatting?
on the phone for 40 minutes and the chat has 120 new messages ...
@Pimgd thought you were in a private space
Well this is a website about programming...?
quit yabbering on phones then
It's a super flimsy excuse
I lose plausible deniability the moment I start playing games or reading fanfiction
@Pimgd I just write my bot and don't scroll up to the game window
Q: How can I use vector for entering numbers?

sasanI want to enter names, student numbers and student scores and display this information. I used arrays in this way: #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #define size 3 using namespace std; class student{ public: void vrod(); void dis(); int stno,score,i,n; }; void...

You should post your bot as a code review question =)
@JeroenVannevel phone interview with gruesome acoustics
@Pimgd that's actually a really good idea!
@Vogel612 you applying or offering?
@Vogel612 I am now imagining you getting interviewed by a bunch of sounds, rather than people
@JeroenVannevel applying.
How did it go?
Reasonably well I'd imagine. I probably don't fit what they're looking for
apparently 199 of 200 computer programming job applicants can't write FizzBuzz
they wanted a sysadmin and I see myself more as a dev
also I think my hourly rate of 15€ might have scared them a little
I'd like to get that rate
It's a high pitch for a Student in the second semester, but I think it's reasonable for someone with a finished training
what area?
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC where are you getting that from
I heard 2/3 or 9/10 even
but 199/200 seems like you're doing some statistical magic
@Pimgd You could probably aim at 20 an hour in this area
I think he's exaggerating.
I get +- 15£ in London -- don't know how that corresponds to Stuttgart though.
One company having that stats doesn't mean everyone is having that stats.
> I've also seen self-proclaimed senior programmers take more than 10-15 minutes to write a solution.
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC That's a bit outdated.
another company
well pay is dependent on responsibilities ofc
@Phrancis why is your username in italics?
I've had unsupervised junior dev roles before
@Phrancis Monking!
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC He's a room owner
but right now my first supervised junior dev role
@Pimgd you're a graduate though, not a junior
the difference is immense and I can see why you'd pay proper devs a ton of cash
Monking ^_^
also, if you've never had a supervised junior dev role before, get one first before thinking you can be a medior/senior dev =D
@Dex'ter Hello!
but more to the point, @Vogel612, what are you doing for that kind of cash
@syb0rg Congratulations on hitting HNQ ^^
@syb0rg wazzup ?
@Mast I did? With that question?
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Because I am a room owner here
@Dex'ter Work. And Mondays
There's a great question / answer about this very topic on Quora, let me see if I can find it again...
@Phrancis wrong person try again
@Mast I think the bar needs to be raised...
@Pimgd Thanks, sorry about that
comic while I find it...
this room is a trap, what with the pings
@Pimgd sysadmin stuff
@syb0rg I think it's simply a slow day on the rest of SE.
most probably...

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