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@CaptainObvious Oh boy, that would be a great title if the language really was Scratch (if that language exists).
Oh help--it is already take, and not any good either.
Q: A nonstandard "shared pointer" of sorts

Chris BeckIn a few of my projects, I had sort of a common situation, where I wanted to share a pointer to some object, and I want the recipient to be able to check if it is still valid, but I don't want them to "share ownership" of the object that is pointed to. To make it concrete, suppose I have some se...

Q: X-up utility for EVE Online

Matthew PiziakI am learning Rust. I also play EVE Online – a video game about internet spaceships. I decided that it would be fun to practice Rust by writing a simple utility to help me x up. to x up (verb) (EVE Online) To respond to a fleet commander with a list of ships one has available for co...

3 hours later…
possible answer invalidation by CplusPuzzle on question by CplusPuzzle: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/132519/revisions
Q: how to animate a Jlabel to move it right 50 from current X using a method

Matthew I am using netbeans 7.01 rollDie = rollDie - 1; System.out.println(roll); if (rollDie < 0) { roll = (int) ((6 - 1 + 1) * Math.random() + 1); System.out.println("final " + roll); if (roll == 1) { ImageI...

@Duga rolled back
Q: ASP.NET Web API 2 communicate with Windows Service via ZeroMQ

CodeWzrdI have an ASP.NET Web API 2 web service. This is the interface customers will use to submit data. The data submitted will use ZeroMQ (1) to submit to a Windows service. This service (bridge) will then send the data to another service asynchronously. A callback from the final service will return t...

@CaptainObvious off topic. Code not yet written.
Q: Reduce time using fast I/O methods in java

Kaushal28 Problem Statement: Chotu's father is the owner of a Vada Pav shop. One Sunday, his father takes him to the shop. Father tells him that at the end of the day, Chotu has to give him a list consisting of the names of all the customers on that day who bought Vada Pav(s) from the shop. The lis...

Q: SOXXY: A Daemon Stated IRC Client Project

Motoko KusanagiThis script is basically a proxy service; except it doesn't require an active client connection. In fact it expects the client connection to connect before, and disconnect after every transaction. Once running the proxy will buffer all incoming bytes, and will dump those bytes to the client upon ...

hey there
Q: Scrabble Tile Counter

Jae BradleyIntroduction Inspired by this r/dailyprogrammer problem Implement a Scrabble tile counter that returns a Map of the tiles and their counts when a Collection of used tiles is inputted Convert the Map of tiles and their counts to a Map of the counts and a List of tiles Image of the problem Fee...

@MotokoKusanagi nice question :)
@Quill thanks! :)
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com — John3136 10 secs ago
Q: Rails Grape API Endpoint optional params validation in update

Randall ValencianoI have the following rails grape api endpoint in the users resource: desc 'updates a user' params do optional :first_name, type: String optional :active, type: Boolean optional :second_name, type: String optional :rating, type: Integer requires :id, type: In...

Q: A Makefile to make some Cheese

DowngoatExcuse the pun in the title, the project this is for is called "Cheddar" (a type of cheese). <shameless self promotion>Github</shameless self promotion> I have recently been writing a language, in which I was using grunt. Grunt was very slow for me, and had a lot more problems for me, so I swi...

Q: Assign values to a matrix based on the location of non-zero elements in another matrix

Stewie GriffinI have a matrix, A containing ones and zeros. I want to create a new matrix B where the non-zero elements are in the same position as those in A, but where the values are given by the location of the first non-zero element in that row. A few examples to show what I mean: 1 1 0 0 -> 1 1 ...

@CaptainObvious This is a very good question. Everyone here should totally answer it :P
Monking ! ^^
@Dex'ter monring
It's such a good day to review 12k lines of code. yay
John3136: It is working but might have logical error or coding errors. If you think its appropriate to post on codereview then i will do so but hoping to get some perspective here. — Java n00b 13 secs ago
Monking @N3buchadnezzar
@Upgoat ~cough
Q: Making Permutations in Python faster

Mona JalalCan I make the following code faster with minor modifications? It times out on CodeWars website. from itertools import permutations def perms(object): string = str(object) perm_set = [] perm_repeated = permutations(string) print(perm_repeated) perm_list = [''.join(p) for p i...

What's up with all those explicit type annotations? You probably don't need any of them. It's more idiomatic in Rust to remove them. You should probably ask about your code on CodeReview :) — Lukas Kalbertodt 8 secs ago
hey there
How goes it?
Gulp is cool
It can be tough to swallow when starting off
Q: Is it good to have a method accepting an array of keys to return it's values? Does it break OOP concepts?

Midori KocakHere is my ValueObject example class. I wrote this example for my OOP research. I know I could use ArrayAccess interface but I am curious abobut feedbacks about this class. Does it break OOP concepts? Is there any problem with solid principles? Any feedback is apprecitated... <?php namespace Mi...

I love the smell of in the morning
possible answer invalidation by Mona Jalal on question by Mona Jalal: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/132704/revisions
@Duga I think that's okay. Just adds example usage and a comment explaining it
@DanPantry haha
@Quill ^^
@DanPantry wat
Q: Pig is not able to find input file

Kiran Matharoogrunt> x_nodes = LOAD 'hdfs://localhost:50075/user/hduser/pig/planet.osm' USING org.apache.pig.piggybank.storage.XMLLoader('node') AS (node:chararray); grunt> p_nodes = FOREACH x_nodes GENERATE OSMNode(node) as node; grunt> p_nodes = FILTER p_nodes BY ST_Contains(ST_MakeBox(75.48,30.61,76.30,31.1...

Q: Flipping True or False values to save typing and time

Admiral Noise BottomI have a few columns in a DBGrid that I want to hide and show at different times depending on what the user wants to view. Rather than writing the following code; For i := 1 to DBGrid1.Columns.Count -1 do Begin If DBGrid1.Columns[i].FieldName = 'SOMETHING' then Begin if D...

Q: Java: Dice simulation and counting pairs

Java n00bThis is my first time putting a code together for Java based on my own so i was hoping if you someone would be kind enough to review and provide feedback or constructive criticism on this code. The goal is to roll 2 dices and 10k times. add pairs and display their frequency. Code runs fine but ...

my iPhone isn't charging. :(
:( rip
Not good, I need to be in Dublin tomorrow and more importantly stay on track of my personal e-mails today so I get my tickets
Q: class Taboo<T> -- sort passed in List<T> according to 'rules'

Tony StarkI know as a matter of fact that there are many areas upon which my code could be improved. I was wondering if anyone can provide me with suggestions on how Taboo class and tests can be improved. Suggestions of any kind and scope are very welcomed. it would be even better if reasons can be provide...

@DanPantry Cable or phone?
@Quill It appears to be the phone
I've done the whole turn it off and on again, hard reset, no debris in port thing
I tried charging it last night and it gave it an attempt but didn't charge very well at all
Is it Lightning or 32pin?
come again
lightning. I think
iphone 5s
Lightning, then
the port is pretty good on those, it might be the cable. You could try a convenience store
possible answer invalidation by Alexander D on question by Alexander D: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/132541/revisions
It's not the cable
I've tried it on two coworkers cables that are known to work
Power saver mode is your friend
It's on, but it's at 50% :s
I turned it on yesterday when I was at 10% battery haha
So it charged a bit - up to about 70% - but yeah
@Duga seems okay
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: JavaScript function to create HTML select option elements
Monking @all
This question is more suitable here : codereview.stackexchange.comVishnu Prasad 25 secs ago
@VishnuPrasad Only if the OP wants to include some real code. Stub, Example and Hypothetical Code is all Off-Topic on Code Review. — Zak 27 secs ago
@Zak Npoljoh @partofall
You are correct this is not the right place to ask a ... non specific question. On the other hand if you want someone to look at the code you are free to try at codereview.stackexchange.compijemcolu 56 secs ago
@pijemcolu This question has nothing to do with reviewing the OPs code. In fact I doubt it's On-Topic anywhere on the SE Network. Recommending Code Review is not helpful. — Zak 26 secs ago
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Indeed, nibjubf.
@Zak It's nibjubg.
The G doesn't shift.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 No it's 'botkitf'!
okay I officially hate you all now
hides in barrel before room freezes
I can't freeze the room
:o You can't put it on timeout either?
I can still stop you from posting in here :D
:D I can stop hiding jumps out of barrel
You and everyone but ROs, Moderators and Employees
and the people on the write access list
I just had the most humbling experience :) I went to talk to someone about the project I was on, being asked to be moved on and about Riot Games and they basically said that if I were to leave I'd be welcomed back at any time because I'm viewed as an expert in the company
By the CTO, CTO's right-hand and left-hand men, by the CEO and by the head of IT
Being called an expert. wat. I just. wot. does not compute
i'm not an expert i'm a 21 year old who drinks too much pepsi max.
congrats. you're an expert
that's like the actual definition of expert.
> "Expert, the: A 21 year old who drinks too much pepsi max"
@DanPantry just because it's easy for you, that doesn't mean it's easy for everyone else
It's very humbling, considering how things have gone for the past few years
@Vogel612 It's not easy for me. I know a lot about a very narrow slice, but not enough to consider myself an expert. There is a significant chunk I don't know.
Means that in the end, you've done it right.
I know how to use React and Angular. I don't know how to write stuff like react and angular, as an example.
@DanPantry you know that you don't know a lot, which means you know more than most
and if that sounds paradoxical ... that's how knowledge works
@DanPantry so what?
just because you cannot write a framework that doesn't mean you're not an expert
I don't know. I know how to use some tools well, but I am standing on shoulders of giants. I am not a giant, myself. Literally and figuratively as I'm 175cm
(shock horror: a brit using cm/m instead of in/ft)
you do know that this is exactly what makes an expert?
Evidently, no
I consider Jon Skeet an expert.
I wouldn't put myself in the same ballpark as him
or that Michael Cleary guy or whatever his name is
Jon Skeet considers himself an enthousiast, at least wrt. C# IIRC
Cleary probably has no clue about angular
[aside] my iPhone is now charging, had to wiggle the charger about a bit. I guess that means the charger port is screwed
don't make yourself small because others seem bigger
to your boss, you are like jon skeet is to you
Q: Reading Input from file for sorting and rewriting

Samuel.sI am writing a program that reads a DAT file with names. The names are stored in an ArrayList of Type Name, the Name object can hold the first, middle and last name. Once the names are stored in the ArrayList they are then sorted alphabetically by last name and written back to the file. I wanted ...

The code is works fine, but i want to know what is the best way (performance) to do that. Your question would be a better fit for Code Review, then. — Frédéric Hamidi 51 secs ago
> An expert can be believed, by virtue of credential, training, education, profession, publication or experience, to have special knowledge of a subject beyond that of the average person, sufficient that others may officially (and legally) rely upon the individual's opinion. - wikipedia
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code ReviewSoner Gönül 35 secs ago
additionally related: Dunning-Kruger effect
Q: Best Way TimeDiff

user109571I'm using DateTime C#. I have an XML file with attribute HOUR, i.e: <MyXML> <LastTimeTaskRun>11:50</LastTimeTaskRun> </MyXML> And i have a task that running each 5 min. I want to know if the current time and the hour from the xml big then 5 min. What I'm trying: int hour, min; DateTime d...

@DanPantry The port, the connector or the cable. If you're in luck it's one of the latter two.
@DanPantry Immediately begs the question "So, if you all think I'm an expert and you don't want to lose me, why is my salary so low".
Or replace salary with other-thing-you-really-value-but-your-employer-won't-give-you
Q: array unique and merge value in multidimensional array

guest_PHPI have one big array and I want to make it unique on doc_id and merge roleid Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [title] => Test ÆØÅ [doc_id] => 279 [mid] => [type] => 3 [label] => [roleid] => 76, 276 )...

This JS beauty came up at work chat today... 😱 https://t.co/woV9DYT0Nm
Q: Form submit using Python lxml

GaussCan somebody help me with this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37962290/form-submit-using-python-lxml

that's kind of off-topic
@JeroenVannevel Yeah, it's a V8 bug that got reported a few days ago.... they're working on it
@Zak I don't think my salary is low tbh
Q: PHP Login/cookie authentication

Dan AnderssonI have an authetication api for an intranet site but im a little worried that my design of the authentication is bad and unsafe. Below is the basic part of the authetication process and i hope i can get some overall feedback on my flaws. if($_POST['authType'] == 'login'){ login($_POST['auth...

I'm writing some funky JS that selects all elements with a certain class and for each of these elements, sets a timer to, at certain intervals, change the text it contains. However this code I'm currently using changes the text immediately without waiting for the interval to run. Any clue why?
$(function() {
	var flippers = $(".data-vgg-flipflop");

	for (var i = 0; i < flippers.length; i++)
		var curr = flippers[i];
		setTimeout(function(flipper) {
			flipper.textContent = "Selling fast!";
			flipper.style.backgroundColor = "#e14d32";
		} (curr),
can you format it correctly? ^^
Yes, I know why
function(flipper) {
			flipper.textContent = "Selling fast!";
			flipper.style.backgroundColor = "#e14d32";
		} (curr)
This immediately is invoked
The result of the function is passed to setTimeout(result, 7000)
You probably meant to do this
setTimeout(function (flipper) {
  flipper.textContent = ...
}.bind(undefined, curr)), 7000)
or better yet.. just use a closure..
var curr = flippers[i]
setTimeout(function () {
just use it as a closure? I passed it in to avoid that because it seemed things weren't working. Although in hindsight that might've been for a different reason
There's nothing to stop you from using a closure here.
Just be careful when using a closure with DOM elements, you may unintentionally create a memory leak
When I use the closure, only the last element is affected
(you may accidentally 'store' a reference to the DOM element insnide of a data structure inside of the closure, which keeps it referenced frover)
Is there a separate setTimeout() for every element it loops over?
Oh, right.. okay, I've seen that issue before. Buckle up.
Basically when you do this:
	for (var i = 0; i < flippers.length; i++)
		var curr = flippers[i];
		setTimeout(function() {
			curr.textContent = "Selling fast!";
			curr.style.backgroundColor = "#e14d32";
		}, 7000);
brb, meeting. I'll get back to you afterwards
keep going
Unfortunately there's no block scope in javascript, at least not using var.
for some complicated reasons I can't quite explain, this will cause the value of curr to get "hoisted" to the parent function
when you attempt to access curr 7 seconds later, the loop has probably ended. The closure will attempt to access it, but will only see the "last" value.
The closure does not capture values, it captures variable bindings, which point at values.
Q: Get HTML element attributes

CodeYogiI am writing an open source library but its been to long since I have worked in JavaScript. Here is the initial working code fragment: goog.provide('project.Form'); goog.require('goog.structs.Map'); goog.scope(function() { 'use strict'; project.Utility = { /** * @param{!Element} * @r...

you can see this with a slightly simpler example:
@CaptainObvious 2 more VTC.
function example () {
  for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    setTimeout(function() { console.log(i) }, 1)
if you execute that function you will only see 100 printed
Because the var is hoisted
This is why no one likes var. :)
if you however use let, which is block scoped, it will work as expected
function example () {
  for(let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    setTimeout(function() { console.log(i) }, 1)
So the solution to your problem is to either a) use a closure with let or b) use .bind()
Yes, this is one of the (many) JavaScript gotchas
An even easier way would to try avoid using native for loops but instead use Array.prototype.forEach and it's counterparts where possible
This is probably better asked on the code review site, but it looks pretty optimal to me. — Bathsheba 9 secs ago
$(function() {
  $(".data-vgg-flipflop").each(function (_, flipper) {
    setTimeout(function() {
      flipper.textContent = "Selling fast!";
      flipper.style.backgroundColor = "#e14d32";
    }, 7000)
here's how you might solve it with a closure.
You need a closure because this is such a tragedy
@Mast It's the new fingers-on-wrong-place-on-keyboard shift encryption algorithm
you mean a caeser cipher?
cipher instead of encryption algorithm yeah
@Mast It's the new alphabet-starting-in-the-wrong-place Cæsar cipher.
I think it's the old a += 1 cipher.
@skiwi Probably because he was being punny.
Q: Verification of Sudoku boards

Stewie GriffinA valid Sudoku board have the following properties The board must be square (n-by-n). Let m = sqrt(n) All rows must contain the numbers 1-n All columns must contain the numbers 1-n All nine m-by-m blocks must contain all numbers 1-n The following MATLAB code verifies a Sudoku board of arbi...

@Quill you around?
hey there
Q: Would removing spaces in a string protect against SQL injection?

XaolingBaoI was curious if it's possible to protect against an SQL injection attack by removing all spaces from an String input? I have been reading up on SQL Injection at OWASP, but they don't mention anything about removing spaces, so I was curious why it would, or would not work? I was looking at th...

Why do people try this :|
@Quill Can you try timing how long it takes for you to load this page?
We're wanting to put one of our websites (not this one, but it's ont he same network) in the cloud to be accessible from an Oceanic country
@skiwi Dynamic SQL
you need to escape that stuff in dyn sql at least
takes about 7.5 seconds by Safari's timer
@Quill Damn, ouch
That's helpful
it looks like the angular.js file is taking the time
funny, angular is only used on one part of the page.
Thanks, i'll feeed that back to the person who developed that form.
are you guys using a custom angular file? why not serve it over CDN?
because that would make sense
I don't have any say on that part of the website
It's external, I'm internal
for the internal app we don't use a CDN but we do use at least a minified, gzipped
Can you tell me how long it takes to complete a page nav from the main page to any other one?
it took about 9 seconds to the "about us" page
something called tagjs was having issues
Are that regular loading times in Australia?
Q: Connected components in an undirected graph in C#

RUser4512My knowledge in graph theory is very limited. I have to look for elements in an (undirected) graph who are in the same connected component. I wrote the following class : using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace ConnectedComponents { public class UndirectedGraph { ...

thanks @Quill :)
the main goal was to find out what thet latency is from Oceania to London
@skiwi meh, I got better internet; for comparison, SO takes 4 seconds to load
but that info will be useful to share with the external team lead
@DanPantry no worries, if you need any more lab rat testing, just ping me
@Quill That's pretty long too indeed :/
@skiwi People are misinformed and/or unwilling to learn.
Q: ImmutableArray<T> with Add() Method

Callum LiningtonI'm at a bit of a loss as to why the mmutable data structure ImmutableArray<T> (and in fact other .NET immutable collections) would have a way to mutate the data. There are these methods available: Add() AddRange() I'll quote from Please welcome ImmutableArray Reasons to use immutable ar...

Upside: looks like the website isn ot vulnerable to sql injection at least
@CaptainObvious Programmers.SE or SO, not here.
RBA @Captain
@DanPantry RBA?
@DanPantry If there was nothing more you wanted from your current job (salary or otherwise), you wouldn't be thinking about going elsewhere.
@Zak The person reaching out to me is Riot bloody Games
The people who made League
I don't want to turn that down
@Mast After your suggestion earlier... Question 1 posted. =) Let's see if this works...
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Removed By Author
@DanPantry Thought experiment, what would your current job have to give you for you to keep it over a job at riot?
higher salary, more resource, better equipment, at the very least
lots of the issues i have is that we simply do not have enough resource in my team and there's no budget to get new resource and our laptops are not fit for purpose.
urmph... pwease no
what means skip(1) — Kaushal28 1 min ago
also middle management don't know how to say no which leads to them agreeing with the business stupid stuff by unerasonable deadlines = tech debt
@DanPantry There you go. There's your list of stuff that management should have given you if they really wanted to keep their expert.
I don't think they were saying that to try and keep me :P
Truth be told this place is not perfect but it could be much much worse
and I enjoy working here. I have gripes but that's how it is
Sure, but useful if/when they ask why you're leaving and/or try to get you to stay.
@DanPantry, just curious... Is Dan Pantry your real name?
I.e. can your employer easily find this chat?
Yes, and yes.
Nothing I have said here is against my contract.
If they take issue with me talking my grievances out with professionals on the internet, then that's their problem
I'm honest, and none of what I have said here is something they don't know about.
I'm not saying it's bad, I was just curious...
Well, yes, they can.
In fact, in the past, my colleague tried to get me in trouble due to my contributions to SO and CR at the start of the year.
Which is why I haven't really written any reviews since then
It's safe to say that you need to take care when using your real name though
I once put up code for review for an university assignment that wasn't finished yet (oh, and also put it on GitHub)
That's true
I won't say anything that violates my contract or gets me into hot water
For example, I won't violate my NDA
@DanPantry In case you haven't thought of this: You are saying negative things about your employer for the whole world to see...
@StewieGriffin I'm sorry, I'll just go do it on Glassdoor instead?
What's the difference?
How would writing code reviews be against your contract?
Disregarding your current employer, your next employer might find it troubling...
@StewieGriffin If me having an opinion on my current employer is troublesome, yet I'm staying within the lines and not representing my employer, then I don't want to work for an employer that takes issue with that.
My employer has no right to control what I say outside of what is lined out in my contract.
By the way: I'm not saying I know anything better than you here..
@N3buchadnezzar I wrote some of them during downtime on company time (lunch, f.e)
However we are all here to learn =)
@DanPantry thanks, using the .each() works perfectly. I prefer to avoid let since this runs on the client and hence I can't know if the user's browser supports it -- correct?
I'm just saying some employers might find it alarming that a potential candidate is publicly saying negative things about his current workplace.
This is getting quite but yes in terms of me saying negative stuff about my employer: Yes, I know. I've also said plenty of things that are positive about them. :)
@StewieGriffin The only difference between me and another candidate is that I'm honest and forthright about it, in that case.
But please don't take this the wrong way, you know your situation better than I do!
Brooding over things helps no-one. That's my philosophy anyway
if an employer takes issue with that, well, then we can't have a working relationship :P
I find that approach solves more problems than it creates
@StewieGriffin Yes. Some might. As long as @DanPantry is willing to accept that those employers might not want to hire him (which he's said he is), then it's all good.
Hehe, it probably does...
@JeroenVannevel uh sort of let is supported in all evergreen browsers these days
@Zak, I agree!
it is not supported on iOS mobile, opera mini and ie8
@DanPantry Can't give up on that ie8
@JeroenVannevel meh. Babel approximately translates the let into that anyway
or iOS mobile. Certainly since this is a feature for the mobile website team
afk lunch
Q: something similar to linux shadow.txt

Shubham JainI tried to implement something similar to linux shadow.txt file and I am not aware of concepts such as memory fingerprinting. Could someone please review this code : #include <map> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <openssl/md5.h>

@DanPantry Thought you had lunch in the 2nd monitor? :p
#SoftwareRecommendation What can I use to design a database schema?
@Zak Pencil and paper?
@skiwi Done that. 24 pages of A4. I need something a bit cleaner/clearer
More seriously, maybe StarUML?
Looks like you want an UML diagram at least
Or a tool that supports EF (Entity-Framework) diagrams, it's been a while since I've last done this though
They're a Microsoft shop, perhaps Visio is the obvious choice for UML.
dpaste.de/qeqe thanks youtube
@N3buchadnezzar I have to buy lunch first
git lunch
@N3buchadnezzar v
git: 'lunch' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean this?
Branch for lunch.
Running branch in the folder my Git shell is in now (~/Desktop) fails, fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git.
brandy > branch for lunch
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 Of-course, you need to initialize a repo first.
I doubt your Desktop is a repo.
I can't make my desktop a repo.
It would be A Bad Idea to make your desktop a repo.
Then it would be a Gittop
I think a Gittop would be a repository which has symlinks to many other repositories.
zyabin101@avista MINGW32 ~/Desktop
$ git lunch
Branch for lunch.
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

zyabin101@avista MINGW32 ~/Desktop
$ git config --global alias.lunch
!echo Branch for lunch. && git branch
Am not sure you will get much help here for this! only if you face issues in the script, people here can help you out, for more general review/improvements, there is a specific stack exchange site codereview.stackexchange.comInian 8 secs ago
Q: Invoke a class method inside a function

PeterIt's correct to invoke a class method in an external function to the class ? If it is correct i can invoke in this way ? This is only an example: class journey: def __init__(self, from_date= '00-00-0000', to= '00-00-0000'): self._from_date= from_date self._to= to def ...

Q: While calling with jquery I'm getting the following error "jquery.min.js:2 uncaught error: syntax error, unrecognized expression

user109588I'm doing drop down cascading and checking role of users and assigning same controls as per user but while running page jquery file showing error in "INSPECT ELEMENT" console part.. ERROR :- jquery.min.js:2 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [{"Value":34,"Text":"Baksa"},{"Valu...

@CaptainObvious You're doing it wrong, try something smaller first next time.
Was just about to post an answer then Gareth Rees comes around and posts exactly what I was supposed to write. He even wrote a better code and had more creative examples. How dare he!
Just make your C drive or D drive a repo, everything will be fine
@N3buchadnezzar Post it anyway. Answers don't have to be mutually exclusive.
As my code was mainly a description of what I want to achieve but rather a description of my goal, I just posted my question here on SuperUser.SE rather than on codeReview.SE. I will delete my post on StackOverflow assuming my vote remains below zero! — Remi.b 40 secs ago
@Mast Visio is expensive

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