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in some ways yes, in others no
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This looks like something for CodeReview. Be sure to read the rules there on how to make a good title. — Clint just now
codereview.stackexchange.com might be a better place to ask this... — Dominik 51 secs ago
@Phrancis Use PascalCase please.
Q: Min sub array size with a given sum

Mona JalalHow can the time complexity of the following code can be improved (assuming it's \$O(N^2)\$)? What about style and patterns? /** * Created by mona on 5/24/16. */ public class MinSubArray { public static void minSubArray(int[] a, int k){ int start=-1; int end=-1; i...

Q: Is this javascript sample following good modern form?

Robin MastersI've been doing some reading and tutorials. As such I've contrived a node based project to apply what i've learned. I thought this was a good example as it had some conditional async calls and error handling. Any and all criticism of not following current js best practices welcome. /** * mkLo...

@RubberDuck I can get you a better stack trace for Matlab but I'm not sure if it will help narrow down the problem
Anyone using Windows 10 having some programs show blurry/low res GUIs? This was displaying nice and sharp on OS X but on Windows 10 the GUI is just... meh
oh god what is that
This is only one of several... Steam is nice and blurry, so is Battle.net, and most install wizard screens
@Quill It's Reason, the main program I use for music production
You can see all the text is blurry, and so are the notes in the tracks, and such
yeah, that looks blurry
Thought so
maybe try searching super user?
HOLY CARP I fixed the issue
Turns out, Windows 10 was zooming everything 125%
Now everything is tiny, and sharp
I would suggest posing your question here: codereview.stackexchange.com Stack Overflow is often reserved for code that isn't working yet. — dYale 40 secs ago
Q: Cyclic "dependency detection" in JavaScript

Jack WilsdonI have written some simple code to detect cyclic dependencies for a module loading system and I'd like some feedback on how I can go about improving it. The code itself finds the first cycle in the dependency graph that starts at the provided node and returns a list of all of the nodes traversed ...

Q: public class ErrorUtil.java

paulI have been given a legacy code to understand and use it to write/execute Selenium Automation test cases. When I am going through com.oraganization.util package I see this ErrorUtil.java. I can't understand how: How its written? What purpose does it serve? How can I simplify it? So that if som...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com — Sheepy 55 secs ago
monking @all
Q: merge and sorting arrays of String and int in more efficient methods

Mona JalalAre there better methods for merge and sorting arrays of int and String in more efficient methods both time-complexity wise and code-pattern wise? Also wonder if I could have a generic method that could work for any kind of given type like ? /* I am preparing for coding interviews so I prefer to ...

Q: POSIX arithmetic expansion

Programmer 400I understand that a shell should be able to perform arithmetic expansion. My shell can do it: $ echo $((1+2*3+4*5)) 27 My solution uses the lemon parser where I used a calculator example from SO: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34918631/use-lemon-parserlalr-generate-a-calulator-how-to-get-...

Monking @Gemtastic
Maybe CodeReview is more appropriated for that kind of questions. — JNS 30 secs ago
What's up? School?
possible answer invalidation by Julien__ on question by Julien__: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/129229/revisions
@JNS probably not, nope. As I see it, this code is just an example of the actual code. Also the question is rather unclear IMO :/ Aside from that the question asks about a specific issue, which is the domain of Stack Overflow and not Code Review. — Vogel612 just now
@Gemtastic yup. University. Else I'd still be sleeping...
@Duga seems okay
If your code IS working - you do not have a technical problem but ask for a code review. — TomTom 13 secs ago
@TomTom my code is working, but the question is would this continoue working? (my first time with monitor.wait / palse), is the way i implement it the good way? and something like this. i want to know if what i did is good, and if it doesn't cause troubles, as it will become part of complex application. && how to ask for code review? — deadManN 47 secs ago
@Vogel612 Sleep sounds nice... but I've got important things booked in to day; 1. Buy purple towel. 2. Bring said towel to job interview
Internshipwise.. not much going on here
Trying out swift libraries
Q: Capitalized i when using ###?

Kevin CruijssenSomeone edited my question to change **Some text containing an i** to ### Some text containing an i Which is completely fine. However, I noticed that when using ### the i's are being capitalized. Is there a reason for this, because it looks a bit odd to me personally.. Here is a screenshot...

I've done everything I can for school now; the last deadline was monday at noon so now all that remains is to await the verdict of my grades. ;P
mONKING @Gemtastic
That caps lock makes it look like something you'd say with a morning voice
Monking :)
I'm told I have a sexy morning voice, so maybe I should do that more often
Nah, it's ok, you can hold back the sexy, I'm good.
@StackExchange That's still not fixed?
The sexy is for my benefit, not yours :p
Wow, I really am @JeroenVannevel.
Somebody should kick a developer under their butt.
Under their butt? Not kicking their butt?
I wouldn't be very phased if someone kicked the space under my butt as long as boot did not touch butt.
Trying to be polite.
@Gemtastic Got over a hundred of those behind the house at the moment. Come and get them.
@Gemtastic lol
(it's Narcissus for those who aren't plant guys)
I wish I had a garden
Unfortunately, city + UK = no garden for me
@Gemtastic Do I even want to know what you're doing with a purple towel at a job interview?
@Mast He's throwing in the towel.
@DanPantry No city, no UK, so much garden for me.
@DanPantry At the interview already? A bit soon.
@Mast Ever read Hitchiker's guide to the galaxy?
@Mast haha :P
@Gemtastic Yes, but my boss hasn't.
It's the international towel day today
Oh, crap, that's right.
You know what would be better? taking stuff to an interview and being lke "hire me now and I'll throw in this Towel for free! EXCLUSIVE OFFER!"
on second thoughts, don't actually do that
That company is a company where that kinda fandom is on point
Sounds good already.
@Gemtastic props for doing research on the culture
I actually have a standing offer of making sandwich cake for the company that hires me permanently
what's sandwich cake?
@DanPantry That's why I've applied there. Also, one of my classmates works there and working with her would be super mega awesome
Yes with format "Code Review for xxx". — Eddie - MSFT 43 secs ago
Just be careful not to, uh, defecate where you eat, so to speak, when it comes to your classmate..
@Duga heh
@DanPantry not sure what you mean by that?
that's pretty, but I wouldn't want to eat it
@Gemtastic "Working" with her? ;)
@Gemtastic people can be great friends, but awful colleagues.
It's absolutely fabulously delicious. If you come to sweden you should try two things; our kebab pizza and sandwich cake!
@EBrown We're both spoken for if that's your drift
can I just try the girls instead? European accents are my weakness.
@Gemtastic Bummer.
@DanPantry They're more likely to try you tbh
@DanPantry Mine too.
@DanPantry I doubt that would be a problem in our case. We've "worked" together in school already and she's a good dev.
So is that a software company I assume anyway? @gemtastic
Then you're lucky. Just forewarning you, though
professional relationships can be hard
@DanPantry It's a software company
I have one really simple rule about dating coworkers.
mind you, the head of infrastructure and head of the it dept are married in this company
they get along fairly well
I'm really not sure what you mean. Hint; I'm the kind of person who enjoys working with my lover.
@DanPantry That's different.
I mean, dating.
@Gemtastic Yeah, everyone enjoys working with their lover
Until they are no longer your lover
Then it becomes a problem
Building a relationship from the bottom up is no place for the workplace.
Me and my partner are a great workteam, but our careers are too different that we'd ever get to do that now :/
We're having this problem with ~6 couples at my workplace.
I think there's a misunderstanding here and I'm laughing my ass off.
@DanPantry Not everyone does. I find it more a norm that people want to stay away from their partners at work
Anyway, PS4 time.
@Gemtastic Precisely because of what @EBrown and I are mentioning, IMO
But if it works for you, good for you :) you're a rarity
Because sometimes work can be the reason you're not a couple any more. That kinda friction is not something I have an issue with
I generally tend to work solitarily, I like my space, though I'd love to date someone who was a programmer - though that's mainly because it's hard to explain why programming is interesting to people who aren't
I've been in one relationship, and it ended because of work.
I was a board member with a very nasty ex of mine. It did not affect our work in any way. We even worked together.
She started working where I was working, and things just fell apart.
(Her fault, not mine.)
Work is work, social relations is social relations.
Call me autistic if you will but they don't have to mix to me. But I sure do enjoy my work more if I enjoy my colleagues as friends
We all do.
I don't.
All my current colleagues are idiots.
And that why I wanna work at that place. Nintendo nerds, open source driven and very very passionate about developing
It's harder to tell a friend he's an idiot than someone you barely know.
@Gemtastic so do I as well.
unfortunately a lot of companies aren't like that
@EBrown have we met? :)
@Gemtastic Country?
it becoems difficult when you're working with people who don't have the same passion as you do
Sweden't company climate is pretty different from the US
@EBrown I disagree
@DanPantry Or people who only have ~10 working braincells.
@Gemtastic (I'm British)
@Gemtastic Yeah it is. America is pretty bad at that stuff.
@EBrown I'm implying if you know about my mantra; don't ask me questions you don't want the honest answer to. I will always answer honestly to a question. I will not however always voice my opinion.
@Gemtastic I voice mine at work.
"How dumb are you?"
That's a common phrase out of my mouth.
"I thought it was a good idea." he replied.
@DanPantry It appears to be a different company climate in Britain too, but I only have a few resources that gives me second-hand opinions
Quick side note: lots of pinned messages, I can't see anything else on the starwall on my (small) laptop screen
I don't feel a need to tell people they're dumb. I'm kinda dumb too
Yes, let's drive a sharp corner at >7mph with a really crappily stacked load, and wonder why it fell over and hit the guy standing on the outside of the corner.
"I can't believe they gave me a safety violation!"
I bet you can't.
Let's all migrate to Sweden.
You probably can't even spell safety.
And I'm a junior dev, I haven't faced a lot of issues so while I'm confident I can solve the problems, I'm not confident that my solution will be optimal
@Gemtastic You'll have that even when you're not a junior.
That's called imposter syndrome.
At least you're aware of it.
At any rate, a small dose of skepticism is healthy
It sure was a bit of a shock coming from bank security level to the place I've interned at. "Does it hash the passwords? ok. safe enough."
@Gemtastic I always tell work my solution is the best.
@Gemtastic I had a company tell me ROT13 on passwords was enough.
I would much prefer someone who thinks their solution might not be the best than someone who thinks their solution is best all the time
@EBrown What company are they? So I can stay the hell away from them.
@DanPantry Self-awareness and impostor syndrom doesn't have to go hand in hand, and I'm kinda suffering from the opposite right now where I wonder why people are so clueless and wing so much XD
@DanPantry Long story, needless to say I didn't allow that to remain the case.
I know I don't know anything.
@EBrown That would be an appropriate moment for fish jokes.
They wanted to be able to access user accounts without permission.
I'd run. Fast and far.
@Phrancis Well hey, if there are people writing decent VBA code, there must be *someone* doing the same with php
@Zak LOL
I do suffer from low self-esteem though
The key is to make it looks like it's not super low.
Which is what I do.
I can agree to that my low self esteem might be the drive in to impostor syndrome, if you keep pretending you know more than you do
I can't pretend I know more than I do.
I can repeat what I've been told and reason about it
Oh the 'I'm totally confident' mask
@Gemtastic +1
@Vogel612 I am confident that this solution won't break everything.
I'm confident that I can solve pretty much any problem that's physically solveable
I just hide it behind confidence and lame jokes.
It's helpful sometimes, but so very often simply saying 'I don't know ' helps...
@DanPantry Dad jokes here.
I've learned with my time here that I may have low self-esteem, but I am still better than someone else. Conversely. someone is still better than me.
@Vogel612 +1 I do that.
My company does well to make me feel like I am skillful. THey also don't make us feel like not knowing the answer is a bad thing.
But it's a bit frustrating to do that when I feel like I know more than the senior devs I'm supposed to ask :S
@Vogel612 "I don't know" is not a good phrase to say during a board meeting of all the chief executives.
@Gemtastic Your senior devs know things you don't.
Better alternative phrase: "I don't have that information in front of me, but I'll get it to you as soon as I can."
And you know things your senior devs don't.
It's a two-way street.
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Asking for GPS and Internet permissions
Senior devs don't know everything by virtue of being senior.
@DanPantry Weird, so is the road I live on.
For example, I'm a more senior developer than you, but I know bugger all about Swift.
At the company I worked part-time for I could ask anything. The people there were all extremely skilled. I miss that
Are you outside my house?
It's the mark of a mature programmer that they can admit when they don't know, when they are wrong, and when they need to ask for help
@Gemtastic I just left a company ~4 months ago where I was one of two people who could programme, and the only one with any sort of skill.
@DanPantry Oh it is, you can't physically know everything there is to know about programming and development
if i was hiring, those would be more valuable traits than raw skill IMO
okay, I have to do a complex refactor now, so BRB until its doen so i can focus
@DanPantry Right Click -> Refactor -> Rename
That's why I like the team part; people can contribute. But I can't stand people pulling answers out of their hind wildly guessing and posing it as truth when I know they're wrong and they won't admit to it even when I show them technical documentation about how it works
Well, I can stand it but I don't like it
I wish I wasn't so tolerant :/
@Gemtastic Which company is this?
Just prove they're wrong.
@Zak It's called Purple Scouts. Swedish company.
Walking into a senior dev office saying "___ is an idiot" is not nearly as effective as walking in there with a stack of papers saying "I just did some research, and I think the proposed solution by ___ is not the best, here's my alternative."
@EBrown That's what I'm talking about; you can't prove them wrong, because even when you do they refuse to accept it and tell you that you're wrong
I had a problem with that at my last job.
I had a little more leeway at my last job.
And I still made it not work.
So there's that.
Anyway, seriously going to go play some PS4.
Working with knowledgeable people is important to me, but I suppose I'm pretty girly in that it's more important to me that I have fun with my colleagues and we can admit that we don't know and teach each other.
If anyone needs me, I'll not be here.
There are company cultures where senior devs treat juniors as equals. I like those cultures. I don't like "You know nothing junior snow"
If, however, anyone else here has a PS4 and wishes to play BF4 on it, feel free to let me know.
@Gemtastic See, now I want to learn swedish.
@EBrown I challenge that. It should be acceptable
Non tech people are a bit of another question though
They won't understand that you can't draw a red line with a blue-inked pen
Wanna bet?
What other tools do I have access to?
You just have to explain better :)
What type of ink is it?
What colour red and blue are they?
@EBrown You're missing the point though, and that is the way you approach it.
@Gemtastic I'm not missing it at all, I am just playing a joke.
Non technical people can't tell the difference between blue and red inked pens, as long as the line looks red they're content.
I suppose you gotta... Read between the lines.
I used to take a notebook to meetings with me (the owner of our company was a visual person), and I would draw pictures of how stuff worked to help explain it.
badum tss
Some things are really easy to explain with pictures.
"Data comes from here, goes here."
Whiteboards and slideshows are not to be underestimated
No kidding.
@EBrown in general handwritten notes are preferrable in meetings, methinks
Also, excelsheets. Bosses love excelsheets
@Vogel612 I would usually write whatever thing he said down, and then write my answer/response under it so I didn't forget.
They loved me for that.
I'd come back to anything we missed at the end of the meeting.
Give them a nice Pivot table and they'll be all over it
"Dave, you mentioned ___, here's what we're doing with it:"
@Gemtastic I was barred from using Pivot tables after the first time I did.
"Pivot pivot."
@EBrown its js, so nope
@EBrown Did you get the numbers right?
@EBrown I think we're all outside of your house.
Ofc you should only use it when appropriate
@Gemtastic Yeah, I also always said "pivot pivot" when I opened one.
I had 8 of them in one meeting once.
Well, you shouldn't make pivot tables then XD
No, they told me to stop doing that.
@Gemtastic use a powerpoint presentation. bosses love powerpoints. Especially with sound and clip-art with transitions.
"Mhmm...we'll just pivot here, and then pivot over here."
(your mileage may vary)
I was told to learn how to make them on my part-time job.
Like, I never used the word "pivot" so much in my life.
"Let me just pivot this graph."
I'm a horrible person.
@DanPantry There's gotta be some sense to it. Noone, not even bosses, likes clipart
@Gemtastic Add Comic Sans for bonuses "you're fired" points
Clipart is like "let's take the most hidious art and illustrations we can find and put them together"
@DanPantry I changed all the text of one of our technical docs to Comic Sans once, our GFX designer tried to cut my head off.
To the ones who made clipart:
Oops that was a horrible pic
@EBrown So would I
@EBrown honestly that sounds like a great april fools prank
She was infuriated.
@DanPantry Yeah it was, until she literally started crying.
~350 page technical doc, 100% Comic Sans.
I thought it was, comical.
@EBrown Tears of happiness?
There, I fixed it
@N3buchadnezzar No.
@Gemtastic (don't onebox gifs)
@DanPantry That's totally ok to be triggered by. I'm sorry
I'll look more carefully the next time and not use "I'm feeling lucky"
@Gemtastic Clearly you were not lucky.
@DanPantry How to I make it unboxed?
@Gemtastic Add other text.
@Gemtastic Add some text to the message, or make it a link
I write everything in latex <3 It is a so much more pleasant than writting in word.
Too late to edit now
Wtf did I miss? I can't follow this and my math lecture
@Vogel612 pay attention to your lecture >:(
Don't School and 2nd Monitor
@Mods Ban @Vogel612 so he is forced to math.
@DanPantry Functions are an infinite-dimensional space
2 Cool 4 2nd Monitor
And differentiating a function is a linear function
@EBrown You did have a back-up, right?
My code isn't working. I don't know why.
@Mast Nah, I just messed with the "Theme" fonts.
Fudge this, I want RO tools in mobile chat
@Gemtastic @DanPantry "fixed"
<3 @Vogel612
@Duga Comment flagged NC. Question flagged TB. Downvoted.
@abukaj No! Code Review requires working code. This code doesn't work as intended. — Mast 6 secs ago
This belongs on CodeReview — 0x499602D2 5 secs ago
@Duga Holy carp.
// v2
if (in >> R.l) {
    if (0 < R.l) {
        if (in >> R.t) {
            if (0 < R.t) {
                if (in >> R.r) {
                    if (0 < R.r) {
                        if (in >> R.b) {
                            if (0 < R.b) {
                                return in;
return in;
@Mast I was about to comment to be careful about comparative-review questions for CR, but RBA
@Mast ouch
Perfectly unmaintainable.
Q: Pattern for custom operator >> istream

OrientIt is often required for some non-scalar structure X to provide input operator std::istream & operator >> (std::istream &, X &);. I tried to implement it in a 3 slightly different ways: #include <istream> #include <ostream> #include <tuple> #include <cstddef> struct rectangle { std::size_...

I mean this in the nicest way, but that nested if structure hurts my feelings. — Dan Pantry just now
possible answer invalidation by robkuz on question by robkuz: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/129164/revisions
@Mast is not inspecting source code to debug it a code review? — abukaj 58 secs ago
@abukaj Perhaps that's a version of reviewing code, but it's off-topic for codereview.se. Please, do not recommend SE sites if you're unfamiliar with their scope. — Mast 47 secs ago
@Duga inb4 rollback war. OP seems to be a jerk
Here, have a downvote.
Upvoted the answers, they seem decent enough.
The question itself isn't too bad, but the attitude of OP is not something we want to promote.
meh. the question is bad enough to warrant a downvote in and of itself...
also vote for the post, not the user
The question was almost enough IMO, the comment made it easy.
Ah well.
We also needed to do this for the qbs build system. I ended up using the Java compiler APIs for this (WIP): codereview.qt-project.org/160346Jake Petroules 52 secs ago
I'll just have to put some more effort in my next question to offset the amount of junk we get.
Q: Verify the snippet is efficient way to show hide group of classes

user5827047Somebody please verify this code. Is this efficient? please tell me modular way to accomplish this task. $(function () { $(document).on("click", ".showHide", function() { var hideClasses = $(this).data("group").split(" "); var showClasses = $(this).data("target").split(" "); $.eac...

Q: PermMissingElem- find the missing element in a given permutation in C#

Tolani Jaiye-TikoloI just encountered this question in codility but apparently this question has been asked in java (Find the missing number in a array, Find all the missing number(s)) . The question is shown below Task description A zero-indexed array A consisting of N different integers is given. The array cont...

Q: Best practice to throw exception in Spring when loading a file

ManuelarteI have this following piece of code: @Component public class ManifestReader { private final ServletContext servletContext; private Properties p; @Autowired public ManifestReader(final ServletContext servletContext) { this.servletContext = servletContext; } publ...

@Mast Thanks. I have checked only description of codereview.se which is rather short, not the offtopic policy. — abukaj 42 secs ago
@Duga Should we make our description more explicit?
"don't ask off-topic crap" isn't really going to help users who only read the description
the fact that you should only ask on-topic stuff should be implicit
@DanPantry No, but we could include the term 'working code' somewhere in the description without too much hassle.
@Mast I don't see the harm, but I'm not sure if it will make much of a difference.
The problem with working code is that the definition of working code depends on whom you ask
I'm not sure either, but if it saves us 2 bad referrals a day I'd call it a win.
I'm also concerned that adding "working code" (and none of the other rules) in the description may cause more off-topic questions
And at that point, where do you draw the line?
This is interesting, especially as React Native now works on Windows, too.
@DanPantry Considering that "Broken Code" and "No Code at all" are 2 of the most common close reasons, I think having just those in the description is unlikely to cause a net increase in Off-Topic questions.
Replace "Working Code" with "Code that works as intended" and it's even clearer (but maybe a bit verbose)
sidenote: it seems the broken code / not yet written becomes more pronounced... We're at 61% of all closed questions fot that reason...
and surprisingly there's a 10% use of "UWYA"
with slightly less than a third of those reopened after editing
@Zak Agreed.
If there's any effect at all, it will be a net increase in quality. Not an increase in off-topic questions.

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