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By the way, there is another site (Code Review) if you'd like to post your routines for suggestions on how to improve them. There's not a big SAS community there, but if you do want to post some of this kind of thing, I would be happy to watch over there and comment on it. — Joe 1 min ago
@Phrancis Similarly crappy HTML is no excuse for a crappy website
@N3buchadnezzar Trickle down crappiness
But where is the starting point i wonder?
This is a good question for codereview.stackexchange.com. — flatmouse 47 secs ago
@N3buchadnezzar Probably here: <html>
I must say, writing HTML5 compliant website can be tricky in and of itself, and that still doesn't mean your website will not be crap
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comLol4t0 18 secs ago
@Phrancis Making a good website is easy. You need many advertisements. These has to be movies or atleast gifs, and have sound that start automatically. Then the entire website must fit on one page, be in comic sans hand have occasionally pop ups.
If the code works this would be OK on Code Review. Please be aware though that "shorter code" is not necessarily better code. Also, if you do post there, please write a title that describes what your code does. — Phrancis 13 secs ago
@N3buchadnezzar Don't forget all those links to other "articles" like "You won't believe X" and "Top 10 X"
@Phrancis Where each i in X is on it's seperate page.
It truly grinds my gears when a site divides a short article over several pages.
I'm actually pretty proud of the fully HTML5 compliant site I worked on for Cardshifter. It's not fancy, but it's clear and has no garbage
@N3buchadnezzar IKR
@Phrancis This page gave me a small boner fivegods.com.
@CraigEstey Ah ok. I tried to flag to have it moved, but codereview wasn't listed as an option. OP must delete this then. — flatmouse 6 secs ago
@flatmouse Ironically, I got the 250 min from your link ;-) I tried to close it with automatic migration to codereview, but only got 5 options for sites and none were applicable (and some were downright comical like a site for latex formatter) — Craig Estey 15 secs ago
FYI @all, chat search functionality should be fixed, per bluefeet
A: Chat search is returning no results

AdamI don't know where the analyzer config went for that specific index, but it was missing. We're rebuilding the chat-stackexchange index, which will take some time to complete (probably under an hour or so?). Once that's done, searches should be fine again.

Or will be fixing itself, within the hour or so
@N3buchadnezzar it certainly looks very nice, and is not even that slow, for the amount of stuff on there
And there is just the stuff that is needed. Eg a tournament + where + who attends + how is it organized. All on one page
Even the source doesn't look bad, though it does have some strange commented-out HTML
    12:00 PM CST <br />
    <b>Group Stage - Part 3</b>
    <!-- 1:00PM CST <br /> -->
    <b>Playoffs Group</b>
  <!-- <li> -->
  <!--   1:00PM CST <br /> -->
  <!--   <b>Winner's Bracket Round 1 (BO3)</b> -->
  <!-- </li> -->
Q: Code refactoring: should I extract those two functions or are they too short?

Julien__I wonder which of the two snippets is better ? In the second one, I extracted two short subroutines. On the one hand, extraction clearly separate the two tasks On the other hand, it induces 6 more lines for function prototype The code is about a simple images database called pictdb_file. The ...

Q: Spelling bee wep app crashes mobiles, glitches on IE, perfect anywhere else

EvanRoughly one month ago I started teaching myself. I decided to make a spelling bee website for the language school I teach English at. This is the github project: https://github.com/evandocarmo/spellingbee/tree/v0.1 This is the url to visualize it:https://rawgit.com/evandocarmo/spellingbee/v0.1...

They're still re-indexing, AFAICT
@Mat'sMug you should take a screenshot of that, since the link will work again shortly
@Mat'sMug mod-update that link up there with the pic :)
FR: can we pin that
Hey, Welcome to SO! This question seems to be outside the scope of SO question as it is too broad / general. It is more suited for a forum or the stack exchange code review. Best of luck! — George H 57 secs ago
This would be off-topic on Code Review in its current form, as there is no working code to review. See A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow usersPhrancis 41 secs ago
withoutaname I would look here: codereview.stackexchange.com you could even share some of your code there and get very useful tips. — George H 15 secs ago
Back to threads now, I suppose
Would it be alright if I posted some exercise code that I modified for review? Has to do with thread communication, it's pretty heavily modified from the book's exercise code... github.com/Phrancis/JavaExercises/tree/master/src/chapter11/…
@CaptainObvious off-topic
It works, but doesn't do much, it's more of an application of concept
> glitches on IE
IE is a glitch
In other news, water is wet
Even the new, re-branded Edge is still crap
Extremely slow, and not intuitive. And apparently they disabled the menus you can bring up in other browsers with Alt, which makes it that much less usable
either you put a fresh coat of paint on a piece of shit, or you rebuild from scratch and lose all the manhours you spent developing the platform
I think Edge did the latter and are now remembering they had devs work on more than the engine
Q: Writing a ListIterator that mirrors Java's built in Iterator

23kSo I'm attempting to mirror the functionality of Java's ListIterator. The only thing I'm having trouble wrapping my head around is getting the previous() method working correctly. Here's what I have. public ListIterator300<Item> listIterator() { return new ListIterator300<Item>() { ...

Q: Disable reboot on control-alt-delete for RedHat/CentOS 5/6/7

WazoopleAs root, run: #!/bin/sh if cat /etc/redhat-release | grep -q 'release 5'; then cp /etc/inittab /etc/inittab.install sed -i 's/ca::ctrlaltdel/#ca::ctrlaltdel/' /etc/inittab init q elif cat /etc/redhat-release | grep -q 'release 6'; then cat << EOF > /etc/init/control-alt-delete.conf exec ...

@CaptainObvious huh
Really not sure what to think about it, I guess the code works fine, it's mostly a code dump though
Q: What is rx timeout:2500 in xamarin android?

Imdad AliKeep getting output of rx timeout:2500 while trying to add a path to google maps in xamarin android. what exactly is rx timeout and how do i avoid it? I can't find it on the internet :(

This is annoying that it doesn't work...
    // use an enum to control a switch statement:
    switch(tp) {
        case CAR:
            System.out.printf("A %s carries people", toLowerCase((String)Transport.CAR));
it should...
oh that...
What am I doing wrong?
use .toString or String.valueOf()
the problem is, that enums cannot be cast into Strings, unless they extend String
which they can't, because String is final
Neither seem to work :(
It's kind of odd because you can include the fooEnum.VALUE into a string with printf
But you can't manipulate it as a String type
wait... izzat groovy?
No it's plain old Java
then the problem is not the String.valueOf anymore, but toLowerCase, which does not resolve
I just saw Taxi Driver =)
Perhaps, I suppose... this resolves perfectly fine System.out.printf("Value is %s%n",Transport.TRAIN);
So, I was trying to treat it as a String, which, I guess, printf implicitly converts it to, but not in a way you can do anything with it before it's added to the formatted String
ohhh... I see where the problem is...
you can't just call a method like that.. it's java
Can you expand on that?
Holy carp, that seems to work :D
Q: Menu of triggers reveal corresponding dialog elements

ModermoSo I have this code that for the most part, does what it needs to do, but I'm having trouble making it more concise and elegant. Codepen Intended functionality: If you click a trigger, it's corresponding element must display If you click another trigger, that trigger's element displays and t...

Q: es6 OOP class Email + Facebook login

James111I've been given the task to create a micro-service which basically logs in OR creates a user. I chose to do this with express.js and node (which now supports es6 functionality). My code feels a bit messy and I'm not 100% sure it's the most object oriented, can I make it better? I've got 4 files:...

@Phrancis You cannot call a method just like that, unless it's defined in the static context or defined as an instance method on the current class
// use an enum to control a switch statement:
switch(tp) {
    case CAR:
        System.out.printf("A %s carries people", Transport.CAR.toString().toLowerCase());
    case TRAIN:
        System.out.printf("A %s carries goods", Transport.TRAIN.toString().toLowerCase());
works beautifully, thanks to @Vogel612
by defined in the static context I mean, that you import it statically:
import static com.acme.StringUtils.toLowerCase;
^^ note that Java doesn't have that
because toLowerCase is an instance method on String.
you can only call it on instantiated objects
Very inheritance, such instances, wow
That does explain a good bit, thank you @Vogel612
I gather there are some bits missing? Also I'm itching to rewrite that code up there...
@Phrancis that reads quite a lot like the ninja sword example in the Ninject wiki
@Mat'sMug ??
soo for reference, I'd write that code into something a little different:
@Vogel612 It's exercise code, I am open for ways to write it better though
System.out.printf("A %s carries %s", tp.toString().toLowerCase(), tp.getLoad());
The exercises don't try/cover including the value of the enums into a String, so I tried doing that myself, and that's what you helped me with
public static void Main()
    var warrior1 = new Samurai(new Shuriken());
    var warrior2 = new Samurai(new Sword());
    warrior1.Attack("the evildoers");
    warrior2.Attack("the evildoers");
class Shuriken : IWeapon
    public void Hit(string target)
        Console.WriteLine("Pierced {0}'s armor", target);
class Sword : IWeapon
    public void Hit(string target)
        Console.WriteLine("Chopped {0} clean in half", target);
@Vogel612 what is getLoad()?
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 hour ago, by sandwich
If anyone has podcast withdrawal, there is State of Programming with Jeff Atwood (from March, but I don't remember it posted here).
> Pierced the evildoers armor.
Chopped the evildoers clean in half.
@Phrancis that's the new exercise for you then :)
tip: In Java enums are actually classes with some syntactic sugar and compile time checks
Fair enough
in C# the code up there would be impossible to write with an enum alone
it might be possible with extension methods, but those are a tad annoying
So C# enums don't work quite the same eh?
nope. Neither do primitives
Mostly because they don't exist in C# :D
I only have a simple this
public enum Transport {
C# enums are actually enumerated constants
For exercise's sake
@Phrancis you're missing horseback
and BIKE
Oh, hush
Not the point though :)
missing TANK also
Trespassers and thieves may be roasted by the parked Dragons
focus on enum not specific vehicles PLZKTHXBAI
@Phrancis is full of eels
but.. but... dragons....
@Phrancis If you want another hint feel free to give me a nudge. I'll be off for my night's sleep for now though
I'll dig around and see what I can find. It appears, at a glance, that Java enum are superior to C#/.NET though?
(heresy, I know, in present company)
it depends on how you define superior

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