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I have to do the dishes tonight.
Q: From new Q to compiler in 30 seconds

EdwardReviewing code doesn't necessarily require actually building it, but it's often helpful to do so in order to evaluate fully. I usually create a CMake project and build from there. Since we're all about code here, naturally, I decided to automate part of the process. Specifically, here's how to...

Q: Function to read in valid line (string) in C

Watermark BrandingMotivation I'm very familiar with the pitfalls associated with reading in a line (string) in C++ and Java. Hell: library functions in these languages handle most of the issues anyhow. But in C, I've found it very hard to find print or online resources which outline known pitfalls and give a func...

Q: Adding to a dictionary and skipping duplicate keys

ShmokenWhat is the cleanest way to use dictionaries and protect against an unhandled ArgumentException if the key already exists in the dictionary? I'd like to say that I can always guarantee uniqueness upstream, but I'm dealing with legacy code and mildly corrupt data from an old bug in the system. I...

> Don't abbreviate or disemvowel identifiers. There's no reason to do this.
@Mat'sMug unless your language slows down with each additional char and is limited to 8 chars... #EmbeddedIsFun
2 hours later…
@RubberDuck Have fun!
Q: Maintaining a terrain

thebuizelclubI would like someone to review my code and maybe give me some advice to maintain it because I'm still a beginner. public static boolean NewTerrainCamPos = false; public static String textVal; public static String textVal2; public static String resiveTex = "1"; public static String resiveTex2; ...

Q: Beginner FizzBuzz solution

Alex GrayIs this a bad solution to the FizzBuzz thing? I didn't come up with it all on my own, but I decided to make it print "Fizz Buzz" for the numbers divisible by 3 and 5 just for practice/understanding. for (var n = 1; n <= 100; n++) { var output = ""; if (n % 3 == 0) output += "fizz"; if (n...

Q: elastic search index/mapping creation

skarfaceIncluding the full module, but the method I'm interested in is createIndex, feels more complicated than I think it should be. Still new at both node and elasticsearch /*jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; var EsConnect = require('./EsConnect'); var inet = require('inet'); function NetFlowStor...

Q: Django model suggestion for task requestor, responder

StrykerDesigning a Django app to receive and respond to requests from users within the company. In my model I have the following: from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db import models from myapp import constants # Create your models here. class Task(m...

Q: Multithreaded MJPG network stream server

BM-I'm a bit of a neophyte when it comes to C++, and so I'd like some feedback regarding a recent project. The code sits on a Raspberry Pi and streams camera data over TCP on a specified port. The MJPGWriter class: #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/soc...

Q: Fruit score leaderboard

OwenI made a basic website to practice HTML and CSS that will display 3 fruits with their given scores in an Olympic podium sort of way. Have I used any bad practices and what I should do instead? What can I do to fully optimize and shorten my code? How readable is my code? How can I make it more ...

Q: RSA Algorithm for C

이종일I have implemented a easy RSA for C. I don't know why it is not decrypted when I change 'p' and 'q' values // RSATest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> #include<string.h> #include<malloc.h>...

Q: calling same directive 225 times angularjs

Sallu SalmanIm using the following directive in a table to list the details. directives.directive('kcInlineEdit', function ($compile, $parse, $filter) { var templates = { default: '{{filteredValue()}}', text: '<a buttons="no" editable-text="modelVal">{{filteredValue()}}</a>',...

Alex Miller on March 18, 2013
Our guest this week is Eric Lippert - language architect extraordinaire and famous for all his work at Microsoft in developing their languages
Q: why my reset "C" button does not work?

Chen Chris <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Lab 10</title> <script> function addition(){ var x = +document.getElementById('num1').value; var y = +document.getElementById('num2').value; var z = parseInt(x) + parseInt(y); document.calculat...

Wait, CR doesn't migrate posts?
not really
It's very rare that we get posts that can be migrated
I believe mods can always migrate questions... to anywhere...
monking @all
So I went to work at 1500 yesterday (it's 0310 now) and my display is set to "turn off" after 1 minute on both my PC and Mac, and only the Mac actually did what I told it to. My PC display was still on 12 hours later.
Q: Shorten the code which calculates the difference between current date and age from personal ID

NeedHateThe goal is to show message for users that are less 25 years old. The personal ID consists of 081010333333, where 08year, 10month, 10date. I made code and its alot messy. So the question is: how to make it "right"? any advices and solutions are welcome. One on codepen and the code itself: $('inp...

damn it.. because tfs is a dick, I have the option of doing a git merge --squash and losing all history or screwing around trying to replicate that.. >.>
@CaptainObvious The english isn't the greatest, but the question is pretty solid.
@DanPantry Don't call TFS names.
I'm blaming the tool because I am a poor workman
Well, it's safe to say after this endeavour I have learned the problem with long-lived branches
Q: total area of intersected two rectangles with python

AlexI try to find out two intersected rectangles. I find a code that calculates the total area of two rectangles and if they intersect extract that intersected area from total area. For given coordinates it should return 42 but it is still returning totalArea of two rectangles. My code; def re...

Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Proper class user.php
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: An asynchronous service to produce a results cache for a list of items
Question incoming.
Q: A more generic `DelegateCommand`

EBrownIn an effort to create ever-improving code, I've written a DelegateCommand that takes a generic type parameter to be acted upon. It's pretty trivial, so it should hopefully be easy to review. In order to do this, I had to create two interfaces: IGenericCommand and IWindowsUniversalCommand. /// <...

@CaptainObvious 2 more VTC, broken.
Any expert have an opinion on this?
No expert but it looks example @EBRown
I wonder where @SuperBiasedMan is
@DanPantry That was my thought.
@EBrown There's something missing.
It's not going to run.
I haven't a high enough level to evaluate whether to CV it or not.
@EBrown Technically it isn't broken, but we can't review it in this state IMO.
the ... would likely cause a syntax error for one
if we take it at face value
Q: Refactor nested foreach loop

William JanotiI have this method that I would like to refactor to at least get rid of one nested loop level. I have been trying to do so for a while but can't seem to simplify it further. private function addClassifiedTeams(&$document, $outrightOdds) { foreach ($document as &$table) { if (isset($t...

Q: Checking whether a host has a second-level domain from a list

LoomI have an url and need to check whether it has some second-level domain (SLD) from a list. For example for SLD foo.com I need to approve hosts foo.com, some.foo.com and reject host kungfoo.com. There is some solution: domains_a = ['foo.com', 'bar.com', 'fur.net', 'beer.org'] domains_dot_a = ['.f...

Q: Pulling from data from SQLite DB on Android

user19911Apart from merging the 2 get methods, what else can i do to optimise this? Both input and output are cannot be changed. Is there a way to iterate a map while writing to it? // String condition - "cust" for customer group, "item" for itemGroup public HashMap<String, ArrayList<PriceTable>> getProm...

@DanPantry Yes, this won't run. But his original code probably does.
We could close it as example code.
I would do as you've done and just tell the OP to include all relevant parts of the code
Aye, no point in closing the question if he fixes it before.
Could just post:
> I'm afraid this question does not match what this site is about. Code Review is about improving existing, working code. The example code that you have posted is not reviewable in this form because it leaves us guessing at your intentions. Unlike Stack Overflow, Code Review needs to look at concrete code in a real context. Please see Why is hypothetical example code off-topic for CR?
I'm actually convinced it is example code just based on this
Also, TIL, plural of ellipsis is ellipses
Q: Why did Barty Crouch Jr. deny being a Death Eater?

wearebobIn Book 4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry uses the pensieve to see Dumbledore's memory in which Barty Crouch Jr. is accused of using the cruciatus curse and being a Voldemort supporter. We see him vehemently deny this and beg his father for mercy to no avail. At the end of the book t...

...I was sure there was another exchange for fiction. Harry Potter being in the "scifi" exchange feels wrong
That's where it belongs lol
The Fantasy is definitely fitting.
Ahhh. The URL betrayed me (whcih is only scifi)
You could try Movies & TV of-course.
But they won't take universes IIRC.
That would probably be worse. Especially that question - Barty Crouch Jr doesn't deny being a death eater in the films, only in the books.
@Quill My Windows display actually turned off after 1 minute this time.
@EBrown great success
Instead of just staying on.
Does anyone know if that Bash thing is an April Fools joke btw? on Windows 10
I wonder if Microsoft got my tweet.
@DanPantry I'm fairly certain it's real, from what I understand Microsoft and Canonical partnered up to include a Linux subkernel next to the Windows kernel.
That's super cool if it's not aj oke
Q: Is my code correct?

user101650I need to do a card for showing some data. I had some problems with the blue left box on the left side, and to add custom paddings. It think I can add padding with a more simple way, but I don't know how. I don't want to use nth-child because it's not supported on old IE. I want an opinion about ...

Q: Extend API of complex CPAN module

Håkon HæglandI am working on a source line parse using PPI. After working a while, I realized that it would be nice if the PPI API had included such and such functionality. As a very simple example, the PPI::Element contains a class method that returns the class name of the current element. This method must ...

It just makes me wonder how it works. Does that mean Windows is now POSIX under the hood?
@DanPantry Good question...
Although it wasn't April 1st yet when the news came out.
Not anywhere in the world yet, IIRC.
Australia soon... @Quill, don't get any ideas
6 hours
@EBrown so it sounds like Microsoft have created a "wrapper" around their APIs that is posix compatible, like a reverse WINE
Basically, it's a side-by-side. It's still natively Windows, it just runs an Ubuntu kernel next to the Windows one.
So that you can run certain Linux utilities on Windows.
That's really, really awesome.
It even has apt-get. What a time to be alive.
The Linux side should be POSIX compatible.
But the Windows side will still be Windows.
The Microsoft u-turn after releasing Windows 10 is pretty imipressive
Well they got rid of Ballmer, so it should hopefully improve.
It seemed like he was holding Microsoft back, and not allowing it to move forward in the markets like it should have.
Anyway, 0441. Time to go to bed.
NN @EBrown
Microsoft have literally bent over backwards for everyone
Objective C#, Winbuntu
It looks like they are trying to get on the Docker hype train
Monking @all
Can I get a bunch of upvotes here please?
A: Handling name variants

CominternFirst, I thought I'd mention that your code is stylistically really good - variable and function names make sense, indentation is great (with one small exception noted below), and the functions are focused and readable. Just one minor point: The code under each Case in a Select Case is typicall...

Q: Should I call my mom?

Ashley NunnCalling my dad lets me save my game and lets me know how much money is in my bank account. Calling my mom didn't seem to do much of anything. Why should I bother calling her?

Damn it, gaming.SE, another HNQ clickbait title
Q: Modify Excel VBA code to make it work faster

Alex KI have a file with more then 100k rows, but the structure is simple: Date _|_Name-Position-Color_|_Summ 17.11.2015 |"Name1 | 8813,52 | Position1 | _|_Color1" _|_ 19.08.2015 |"Name2 | 3587,86 | Position3 ...

Q: Manage connection string

YoavI'm using dapper-dot-net for data access in my ASP.NET MVC application. So in order to supply a connection string I've came up with the following pattern: public static class ConnectionStringManager { private static readonly SqlConnection conn; static ConnectionStringManager() { ...

Great. Just Great.
Apparently, commenting and un-commenting the code has fixed it.
I guess #BlameCaching?
Monking @all
After reading this question:
Q: total area of intersected two rectangles with python

AlexI try to find out two intersected rectangles. I find a code that calculates the total area of two rectangles and if they intersect extract that intersected area from total area. For given coordinates it should return 42 but it is still returning totalArea of two rectangles. My code; def re...

I wonder if it sometimes does make sense to allow reviewing broken code
There are many possible review advices that could finally lead to the OP finding the error without fixing it during review
which would go even further in showing the power of well written code
Reviewing broken code would just turn us into SO
@Quill: it's not about fixing but I see your point
But SO also does not solve your mundane bugs for you
And neither should we
@DanPantry: And I did not say so
What I mean is: We could review compilable, runnable code that does not always return the correct result without changing its behavior
only refactoring that improves code quality
@Nobody You're right, it's not. It's because a blanket "Broken Code, No Review" Rule adds far more value to the site than having to allow (and define, and police, and argue over) certain edge cases.
@Kaz "No Code, No Review" does not apply here, does it?
after all there is code
but I see that it would be hard to draw the line
@Nobody Sorry, got them mixed up in my head for a second ^^
Yes I would argue for the rule to stay in place but for exceptions to be possible
that probably is already possible with reopen votes
We shouldn't be using reopen votes to enforce shades of grey
but it does not make sense to reopen when the question was closed and did not change
@Nobody If the rule has exceptions, then it's not a rule.
@Kaz: I thought then it is french ^^
@Kaz: There already are expections:
A: Should minor broken code be reviewed?

200_successFirst of all, you must never fix a bug in the question just by editing the question. This is Code Review, not GitHub hack fest. (The only possible exception would be obvious trivial whitespace issues due to the author's inability to copy-paste the code correctly into the text box.) If the que...

If the OP had not stated knowledge about the bug then it would have been fine?
I wouldn't call that an exception but a clarification of intent.
A malicious user could simply post the code for review without stating that it contains errors and get SO out of CR?
The rule is not "Is the code broken". The rule is "Does the OP have reasonable certainty that the code is not broken"
@Nobody They could try. If the code is blatantly broken then it's likely to get closed anyway.
@Kaz That likely depends on the OP's level of knowledge.
Blatant errors might be intractable for a beginner
Q: libGDX Android App crashes

SkrelpI don't know what to do. I let libGDX setup an Eclipse project and then tried to launch it on my Android tablet(I don't use an avd because it's awfully slow). Immediately after it installed the apk it tries to launch it and then the app crashes. I haven't modified any code of the project. It seem...

and CR has most of its value for beginners
From that Answer:
> Is it obviously broken, as in "you obviously didn't test this code at all"? If so, it should be considered off-topic. Close/flag it, leave a comment, and don't answer.

If it's plausible that the author was unaware of the brokenness, then it's a fine question. One of the purposes of Code Review is to point out problems that the programmer didn't know about.
Beginners get more latitude in what they're allowed not to know about.
A: Are questions asking for opinion regarding all edge cases on topic?

200_successThe rules haven't changed. The standard is, does the code work correctly, to the best of the author's knowledge? If the question explicitly identifies a bug and asks for a fix, then it would be clearly off-topic. If the question is very obviously broken (won't compile, looks wrong by inspectio...

@200_success: The "rulings" so far are clear to me. I am questioning if this specific case is in a gray area. What do you see as the point of CR?
The case of the rectangle intersection question, you mean?
Yes and by extrapolation questions with slightly broken code that offer many review opportunities without fixing the bug
Just citing the tour:
Code Review is a question and answer site for seeking peer review of your code. It's built and run by you as part of the Stack Exchange network of Q&A sites. We're working together to improve the skills of programmers worldwide by taking working code and making it better.
> For given coordinates it should return 42 but it is still returning totalArea of two rectangles.
Clearly not working as intended, and thus off-topic.
Yes I am aware that it is by our current standards
It should, ideally, never have been asked on CR in the first place.
my question is: are the standards correct
Those are the rules, and they seem to have served the community well.
obviously the OP does not want a proper review but just a bug fix but we have been very generous on what reviewers can write compared to what the OP requested
But once we toss out the "works as intended" standard, all sorts of things will fall apart.
I did not mean to abolish it, just to allow for an individual jugdement call to be allowed in rare cases
just ignore the fact that the OP states that there is an error and asked us to fix it. how would you proceed with this question?
@Nobody IMO, if it's rare enough to be done case-by-case, then it's rare enough to not be done at all.
Do you have an example of such a worthy case where broken code deserves a review? (Is the rectangle question your example?)
If so, why do you think it deserves that special treatment?
I think the OP has written code and can't find the error because the code is "ugly". A review would not only show how to write the code better but also serve as an example that good code will make finding bugs easier which is a great lesson to learn for a beginner.
Write a comment then, if you feel so generous.
About what?
Q: StopWatch app in android

user3168736Activity public class StopWatchActivity extends AppCompatActivity { int seconds; boolean running; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_stop_watch); runTimer(); } public void startTimer(V...

Q: C++ Function Quality

AkitoLooking to see how my code can be improved. void QtReader::addPadding(const int& querybase, const int& answerbase, QString &target){ if (padding){ if (querybase >= 10){ target = "0" + QString::number(answerbase); } else if (querybase < 10){ t...

You could say something like "k, l, m, etc. are poor variable names. If you improve that, then the cause of the bug might be more obvious."
@200_success Doing a review in comments is a poor substitute.
What would you prefer to write?
@Nobody It's not a review, it's helpful advice.
@200_success Well I would suggests using classes for points and rectangles which would entail correct names for the coordinates, then I would suggest an area method for rectangles and an intersection method that returns the intersection rectangle for two other rectangles and I would add code for each of these advices
@Kaz: While it would make a poor answer alone, pointing out naming problems is already a review IMHO
You could just post that as a comment, and omit the code. That would be helpful enough, right?
@200_success: I feel that the OP would not know how to go about creating classes
or they would have done it in the first place
It's Code Review. Not a code writing service, nor a tutorial service. We don't have to spoon feed code to anyone.
Keep in mind that we also want to avoid this situation:
A: Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late?

Mysticial Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? I hate to pile on, but I couldn't resist summarizing the problem. And I apologize ahead of time for any potentially offensive language that I might use. Basically there are 4 camps of users on Stack Overflow: The "caretakers" who want to keep the...

Viewing this diagram I must say: removing the caretakers would remove all hate ^^
however, it would also remove the quality of the SE network
As an official caretaker, I'd point out that the working-code requirement has huge benefits to CR.
- Minimum quality threshold
- Reduces ambiguity as to what the code is supposed to do
- Distinguishes CR from SO
- Keeps out students (cheaters) wanting us to write their homework
@200_success I posted an abridged version as comment
@200_success Enforcing unittests would be much better in this vain
but it would constitute a higher entry barrier
@Nobody do you need to compile it? — Akito 1 min ago
Another benefit to Code Review: it's a repository of commonly solved problems. For example:
Q: Find intersecting rectangle

JavaDeveloperGiven two rectangles, return the intersecting rectangles. This class is thread-safe. It takes rectangles in two different representations, and returns the intersecting rectangle in the respective representations. Looking for code review, optimization and best practices. final class RectangleWit...

Interesting statistic, @jamal has cast 23% of all the downvotes on CR.
(by users over 200 rep)
Q: Remove front-slash using sed in shell script

Sudhansh AggarwalI have a text file that contains following https://git.centos.org/git/rpms/abc.git https://git.centos.org/git/rpms/abc.git/ https://git.centos.org/git/rpms/abc When I run the following command, reponame=$(echo $url | awk -F/ '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/.git\/$//' | sed -e 's/.git//') echo $r...

@Kaz He's also one of the most active users, been around almost the longest as well I think.
Now I'm wondering what his % of all edits is ^^
Probably around the same
Could be more.
Although he slowed down lately.
Q: Checking if input file exists, assign output file destination, prevent overwriting any files

Martin - マーチンI would like to use the following routines in my submission script for GAMESS calculations. Before I do, I would like to get some input if I can improve it somehow. The three messaging routines (message,warning,fatal) are taken from my earlier review request, although I have chosen a more verbo...

1 hour later…
Supposedly Bash for Windows even runs on the POSIX subsystem, which supposedly has been in Windows since NT but never actually got released
why do they have a POSIX subsystem in there, when they didn't ever use it?
also I wonder whether I can install zsh and oh-my-zsh onto that then ....
Q: C++ Mandelbrot image generator & viewer (using SFML)

monopoleThis is a C++ program which outputs a Mandelbrot fractal image in a graphics window and lets the user zoom and pan around the image, generating a new image each time the user does so. I'm using SFML for the graphics part. Because it generates a new image after every zoom or pan, it is pretty slo...

Brand new email error alerts this morning :D
@Kaz 98%
@PinCrash How many per hour?
@skiwi Now I'm wondering whether Cygwin is making use of this.
@Mast Fires every 15 minutes like clockwork
So, not enough to write a new Spam rule for?
Sure it is
That's still 60 emails per day
You do realize you're going to break Outlook with the amount of spam rules you have, right?
I only have 1 spam rule now which is a VBA script. So I just added one LoC to it
@Malachi For real?
@Kaz I am trying to write a query right now to find out
Q: MVVM: Am I doing it right?

Kim HomannI read a lot of articles recently concerning XAML, WPF, data binding and MVVM. I also watched some MVVM tutorials and downloaded some MVVM samples. I finally got my first MVVM sample to work, but there seem to be different "flavors" of MVVM, or maybe there are just many people who get the whole t...

@Malachi I wouldn't be surprised if such a query already exists. I know a couple of SE users, including @rolfl did some incredible things with the SEDE already.
I am having an interesting struggle, trying to count posts and filtering out the Deleted posts using the DeletionDate column
declare @Jamal int = (select Id from Users where DisplayName = 'Jamal');
declare @EditPostHistoryTypes table (Id int);
insert into @EditPostHistoryTypes
  select Id from PostHistoryTypes where Name like 'Edit%';
select *
from PostHistory
where PostHistoryTypeId in (select Id from @EditPostHistoryTypes)
and UserId = @Jamal;
A start...^
you suck...
you and your SQL MOJO
and your lack of SHOUTCASE
oh wow that is taking a bit of time....
1057 ms
oh buggah
Jamal has more than triple the amount of edits than the next contender does
He has been editing for a long time
received a ticket from a user earlier:
> Incident Description: Everyone in <Ireland office> is having this problem.
Investgiate the issue. Turns out one user is having the issue.
And it was because they were too lazy to see the red asterisk indicating a field was required.
Standard PEBCAK
Problem located between chair and keyboard
I had to show my director how to minimise a window on widows 10 the other day.
static Classes don't have constructors do they???
@Malachi no
well you could have a static constructor if you really wanted to
A: What is the use of static constructors?

Marc GravellNo you can't overload it; a static constructor is useful for initializing any static fields associated with a type (or any other per-type operations) - useful in particular for reading required configuration data into readonly fields, etc. It is run automatically by the runtime the first time it...

@Kaz uh, same way you minimize a window since Win 3.x?
Greetings, Programs.
@Mat'sMug Pretty much.
@Donald.McLean Greetings
probably since 1.x actually... but the earliest Windows version I used was 3.11
@Malachi That's one thing I like about Scala objects - same functionality as static classes, but with a constructor.
@Mat'sMug I wish I could just hand them a card with LMGTFY on it.
"How do I do this in Excel?" "What does this message box mean?" "Do you know how to plug a laptop into the TV?".
But hey, I do love my job, so I guess I can accept giving people directions every now and again.
@Kaz Especially the last one. "Oh you make software, can you fix my tablet?"
Q: how to update the cellForRowAtIndexpath method in swift?

WeCanI am new to swift I want to update the cell height based on the some condition(i.e flag value). for this I used heightForRowAtIndexPath method based on the flag value if flag == true then return 140; if flag == false then return 44; some times its working in improperly. enter image descrip...

Q: Python number guessing game

AkarI'm a PHP Developer. I'm trying to learn Python. So I tried to create a simple game, a Number Guesser. I tried to comment out as much as possible without making super obvious comments. I also made the attempts message color to be red. Here's my code. # 1. Print a message about the game # 2...

The probability of me fixing someone's tablet is inversely proportional to how soon it was they found out I write software.
Obligatory xkcd for whenever this topic comes up:
I think my response to "can you fix my tablet" would be "sure". and then without saying a word, pull a hammer and whack the thing to certain death. "there, fixed."
@Kaz run, run far
they'd never ask me again
Actually, I wouldn't mind fixing a tablet/pc/whatever.
@Kaz I have this taped to my cube
If it wasn't for the fact people assumed I would do it for free
@Malachi She's pretty good with IT generally, puts together some pretty solid spreadsheets. Was just finding Win 10 very unfamiliar.
and I think I gave a copy to my in-laws as well...lol
Why has no one heard of the wisdom: If someone does something as a day job, don't ask them to do it for free.
@Mat'sMug Do you usually carry a hammer in your back pocket [IRL]?
@PinCrash Your fist is a hammer if you're brave enough.
@PinCrash nah. but I'd find a way to simulate one
@DanPantry unless it's and
although writing software and troubleshooting a generic tablet issue are two totally different things.
I can write code for a website but can't fix all your tablet problems.
what if you write a website that points them to purchase a different tablet?
it's not the solution they'd want but hey it's a solution
although I am good at problem solving Googling problems
@Malachi Being able to effectively google stuff is being a great problem solver.
Q: Automatically close popup after certain priod of time

Nikita BrizhakThere is a Popup in my application which I want to close automatically after a certain delay. And I want to have an attached behaviour which I could turn on/off and use with other popups. Google came out empty, so I implemented it myself: public static class PopupManager { /// <summary> ...

@Malachi ddg.gg
Trumps your google.
@PinCrash I do, next to my roll of duct-tape. Got a problem with that?
@Mast hey if you can't duck(duct) it....
@Mast I think Google might be better
that is why I use Google, it gave me a relevant answer to my query immediately, without me having to click a link even.
all the answers that you can see on the screenshot on Google's side explain in the brief how to make Siri appear
@Malachi The Machine Learning Algorithm behind those query-answer boxes is really cool.
call me biased, but Google algorithms are better that is why they have outlasted other companies like AskJeeves and other search companies that I don't remember the names to (because they weren't as good as Google)
@Malachi duck has many advantages, but I guess it's a matter of personal preference.
@Mast please fill me in, I haven't used Duck except for that one instance.
I am curious, if it is better I will use it
@Malachi Well, among other things, it accepts ! commands. But I've heard those are now implemented in most browsers by default.
For example, if I want to wiki something, I type !w foo in my address balk and it redirects my immediately to the relevant wiki page. !se foo searches in the SE network.
Afar from that, DuckDuckGo doesn't filter bubble by default.
@Mast that is neat
I have a tiny bit of traffic coming from that search engine on RubberduckVBA.com
The USP of ddg is, basically, as a proxy between you and your search engine.
They don't track you, and you can integrate it in your browser the same as you could do with the google search.
they should have a ! for Code Review Meta
You could simply site:meta.codereview.com for that of-course.
But that would be cheating.
And, of-course, there's their open-source part: duckduckhack.com
is there a duckduckgreyduck.com?
or a duckduckgoose.com?
@Malachi Surely it should be DuckDuckDuckGoose?
:28651781 No, of-course, it was lacking the SE part.
Interesting stats: Top Editors per Year
@Malachi @Kaz ^^
@PinCrash I am losing traction
@PinCrash Why is Jamal split over 4 entities?
@Mast Look at the Year column, it's partitioned
Oh, he's rank #1 for 4 years in a row.
  [Rank] = row_number() over (
    partition by datepart(year, CreationDate)
    order by count(Id) desc),
That ranking is odd though, why do they share rank? Their numbers aren't equal.
It's partitioned by year
Try clicking the header of the Year column to change the way it's ordered, it will make sense
Q: Search in a big dictionary Python

YanI have a big Python dictionary with more then 150,000 keys every key has list value. This dictionary contains infinitive words as key and all grammatical forms of these words as values: {"конфузити": ["конфузить", "конфужу", "конфузиш", "конфузить", "конфузим", "конфузимо", "конфузите", "конфуз...

Q: Finding the nearby points from an array

TheLethalCoderI have the following code that takes a Point and a given tolerance value and looks for all other Points that fall within the tolerance from a Point array. Now this code is quite slow, does anyone know a faster way of doing this? Also if you have any tips on how I can improve my coding style, if ...

@PinCrash Ah, it's simply sorting odd.
Elsewhere, here is the wonderful story of how CNBC tried to teach readers about password security by asking them to enter their passwords on an unsecured website, uploading the passwords to a Google spreadsheet, and sharing them "with more than 30 third parties, such as advertisers and analytics providers who pull data from CNBC.com." That is some sort of lesson in password security, yes.
So there's less than 100 editors a year? That's awful!
Why does this feel like the technological equivalent of the Darwin Awards?
@Mast Not quite, you can change select distinct top 100 to another value, also there's a fundamental flaw in the logic that I might change (though it will require a loop) where it grabs the top 100 users overall edit totals, and then partitions and groups those into years
@DanPantry Oh wow, that's so blatant and still there will be plenty of people falling for it.
anyone else watching build?
> We would also like to mention that building and running a gigantic botnet and then watching it as it scans nothing less than the whole Internet at rates of billions of IPs per hour over and over again is really as much fun as it sounds like.
Sometimes I need reminding just how truly F***** all computing, software and cyber security really is and always has been.
@Malachi No, what's up?
they are talking about Xamarin right now.
and how Roslyn does intellisense in it
Xamarin is free with visual studio
Who is talking?
some guy....lol
@Malachi Awesome. Now I can build iOS and Android apps in C#.
starred for out-of-context awesomeness
you could with Xamarin before as well
@Malachi I want to know if I know them from the Roslyn chat.
@Malachi I didn't have the funds to pay for it.
oh wait
It should say at the bottom of the screen, or something.
Gabe Aul.
I am watching on Channel9 while I am doing other stuff
Oh wait, that might be a different presentation.
it is included in Community edition even
the guy in the red shirt?
NVM, it is saying everything all over the place...
open sourcing Xamarin!
Nah, that is Scott Guthrie. It just popped up on the screen.
Linux subsystem in Windows: winbeta.org/news/…
Q: M68HC11 assistance in programming

Mondreican anyone help me out on how to create a program using M68HC11, we were given a certain situation which i really find very difficult to answer.. "write a dynamic program to find the value of the 14th term of the fibonacci series 0,1,1,2,3,5...." thanks, your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Q: More elegant jQuery keypress / focus code

m.edmondsonIt's been a year or two since I last dabbled in jQuery and have attempted to write a simple "on key press move to the next element" script. However my first attempt has a lot a repetition. I just know there is a more elegant way to write this, probably using a dictionary of elements or such. ...

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