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RELOAD! There are 2012 unanswered questions (93.8360% answered)
Q: Custom card game

KodnotI had a task to create a program to simulate a simple card game. Given an input file with number of players, the players and finally a list of cards played, I had to change the game state accordingly (I believe card-action relations are clear enough from the code, so I won't go into detail here)....

Hmm, this last test assembly is sure taking a while.
that problem is related to the tiles game solvability algorithm, which counts inversions
@DanPantry yes.
Q: following flow and understanding open source code with debug mode

justastudentI have downloaded Hadoop and I am trying to understand a little bit how HDFS works on a low level. I have established Intellij so that I can compile and debug the code in an easier way. However, I find it difficult to follow the code's flow in order to understand step by step how it works. More...

Produces buggy output for 0!. — 200_success Feb 17 '14 at 11:22
200_success is everywhere lol.
everywhere is success 200
even in http
(wait, maybe that's the origin for his user name)
ahhhhh 2 AM bedtime
    If kid.Age = 4 Then
        Err.Raise ButImNotTiredError
    End If
@Mat'sMug vba wat
they're STILL not sleeping
> Unfortunately, I'm not sure if PHP supports anything like that, and if supporting it would be a good thing. Use a plain function, it's more readable than $foo $operator $bar.
things PHP programmers do....
btw - look at this answer on code review for a better way to write this code. What happens if you want to extend your game to include 'lizard,spock'? That's a lot of addtional code you'll have to write if you use your existing structure. — dwjohnston 52 secs ago
Down to one failing test for Roslyn.
Turns out the bug exists in VSD too.
If everything passes this time around, the only thing left is setting the cursor position.
for optimization you would have better luck (or at least less downvotes) at codereview.stackexchange.comTadhg McDonald-Jensen 55 secs ago
Hmm, it seems it needs to clear the test results now.
Oh, I'd only changed the output file, not the test file. Let's see how this run goes.
Just to let everyone know, it isn't a good idea to play virtual ping-pong while watching your build output.
1 hour later…
Q: Using ViewHolder for none ListView

Yousha AleayoubIs it bad programming practice to use ViewHolder for none ListView usages? like normal layout elements such buttons, textviews and etc... And where is the RIGHT place to put it in? Outside of class or inside? Example: class TestActivity extends Activity { final class ViewHolder { ...

You approach generally sounds right, but is there a specific question here? You might want to consider posting on codereview.stackexchange.com if it's a code review you are after. — dwjohnston 56 secs ago
Q: Count groups of open cells around a cell on a grid

TildedConsider a 3x3 square surrounding a cell (marked @) on a grid: 0 1 1 1 @ 0 1 1 1 I need to find the number of groups of open cells (ones) surrounding the center cell. In the above example, there are two groups of open cells. All cells have the value 0, closed, or 1, open. Here's what I have: ...

Get a cat, see what happens next. — Hans Passant Oct 8 '10 at 21:51
Hi, @MotokoKusanagi.
I wonder if anyone knows how to programmatically position the cursor in VS 2015...
will you guys tell me if my questio is ok once it comes up?
i have next to no experience with vs '15
looks like it's you and me, @Hosch250
Q: Dynamic IP Notification Using Google App Engine

Motoko KusanagiThis script is very basic: it does one thing. Connect to it's root and it will log your IP if it has never seen it before. Connect to /logs, and it will show a list of unique IPs within the server storage. I can't take 100 percent credit for it. I grabbed it off of Stack Overflow, modified it to ...

Looks ok. And we aren't the only one here cause you got a vote from someone else too.
@MotokoKusanagi hi! do you still have a link to that SO post?
yeah i saw that
lemme peruse my history
could be a good idea to include a link to it :)
Q: Get IP address in Google App Engine + Python

Ian McIntyre SilberI'm looking for the equivalent of <?php $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ?> in Google App Engine and Python. Thanks!

thanks, i will @Mat'sMug
i have an ulterior motive to sharing that script: i wanted to share a super-easy and quick way of doing what some companies will charge way too much to do. not to mention the horrible software they made me run (that didn't even work)
just thought i'd come clean about that
how are you guys doing?
working on Rubberduck 2.0, doing great! :)
that's always good to read
i'm guessing that is the vs plugin you hinted at earlier?
no lol, the vs plugin is Jeroen's VSD; mine is for the visual basic editor (VBE), the VBA IDE
or maybe..
when did I hint at it?
oh dear that was Hosch
my bad
haha np :)
@Mat'sMug I navigated to the page dedicated to installation. it's not there yet, as you probably already know... is that project linux compatible ?
nope, it uses Windows API stuff
ah i thought so
IIRC it was attempted in vine, but crashed it
the first and last time i did anything with visual basic was when i had a look at the lovebug
if you recall that far back
oh wow lol
2006 or so?
wikipedia says 2k
ILOVEYOU, sometimes referred to as Love Letter, was a computer worm that attacked tens of millions of Windows personal computers on and after 4 May 2000 local time in the Philippines when it started spreading as an email message with the subject line "ILOVEYOU" and the attachment "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs". The latter file extension (in this case, 'VBS' - a type of interpreted file) was most often hidden by default on Windows computers of the time, leading unwitting users to think it was a normal text file. Opening the attachment activated the Visual Basic script. The worm did damage on the...
damn I'm old
same here lol
around that time i was getting stoned and trying to wrap my mind around c pointers
i wonder if i should try creating a new tag for my question. something like "avoid scams"
Probably not a new tag, no.
Q: A better way to read arbitrarily long lines from a file that is redirected as input

Luis AverhoffSo I have a file with a list of dates that are to be redirected as input to stdin and what the program does is it searches for valid dates, appends them to the output file and then appends all the dates in the input file to the output file. In other words, at the end of the program there would be...

At the very least, you should bring it up on meta first, but I bet it would be shot down pretty quickly unless you made a very good argument and demonstrated several existing Q' that the tag could be applied to.
more effort than i'm willing to put forth
Q: HTML/CSS/JS Count calls and update table accordingly

kalenpwSo this is literally the first time I've ever used javascript so I know it's really bad and how to improve it just not how to implement it. Basically I need to loop through all the elements instead of manually checking and updating each one. Suggestions on how to do that and other recommendations...

Good night, everyone. Or rather, good morning.
1 hour later…
monking @all
I'm technical workless, work pc crashed yesterday ^^
and getting a spare seems like a problem :s
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Android UI code for a test job
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: SessionHandlerInterface Class
It's so annoying having to wait until after my assignment is due to post it to CodeReview. Like it's my fault if people stumble across my code and copy it. oh well
Stack Overflow is not the place for working code that you want made/to make better. That place is Code Review. However, since I doubt you'll find many HLASM programmers there, I'd suggest a Mainframe forum for beginners and students, www.ibmmainframeforum.com. I would not suggest just pasting your question there, I doubt a code dump of everything would be welcomed. Take a part of your code, explain why you've done it that way, and ask advice on making it better. Apply advice to all parts of your code, make it work, and repeat as necessary. You need to learn, not just get the coursework done. — Bill Woodger 28 secs ago
You can (should) still post this question to Code Review. — Insane 46 secs ago
monking :-)
@chillworld RIP :(
@MotokoKusanagi what kind of a tag is that
what happened here...?
well, the answered accepted the edit so I guess it's okay but I'd have rejected it if it came up in my queue
Q: php rating function for getting the average value of column

Mr. DeveloperThis is my first question in codereview.stackchange.com i'm sorry if I break any rule of this community. I create rating function which is adding and returning the average rating. Rating Function // Adding AddRating final function AddRating($rt_target_id, $u_id, $rt_vote,$moduleName){ ...

Q: Event delegation without jQuery

Mr_GreenI created event delegation like concept which is present in jQuery. AFAIK, event delegation is used to register an event for an element which is supposed to be added dynamically. So, in jQuery we do the following: $(document.body) .on('click', '.main', function(){ /* code here */ }); .on...

@CaptainObvious with code vomit like that I would have just stuck to jQuery
@DanPantry are you saying to use more jquery?
...yes, yes I am :(
hey @Quill
Monking @all
@BillWoodger I think you'd be surprised at the range of languages that get reviewed on CodeReview. Heck, we've got over a dozen Fortran questions and another dozen in BASIC, and that stuff is ancient. — Zak 36 secs ago
@Duga how on earth did people even program with those languages
@DanPantry Very, very slowly.
@DanPantry yeah, have acces to test pc. clean installation so I need to install all the tools (and I don't have administrator rights ^^)
I can't imagine that this would happen in some private compagny
@DanPantry The code for the Apollo 11 mission: (IIRC, Hand-Written)
@Kaz wow
and we've come so far in 50 years that I can dick around and make a functional website in 5 minutes
Q: Copy details to another workbook

kartina azmanI'm trying to write a code that copy certain details of the row if the value of column BD of the row starts with KA.below code does not give error but neither does it gives any result. I'm kind of self taught and very novice so I'll be very grateful if anyone is willing to help Sub thnxca() Dim ...

See also: programming said code into the computer, by weaving each 1/0, by hand, onto copper rope:
Core rope memory is a form of read-only memory (ROM) for computers, first used in the 1960s by early NASA Mars probes and then in the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) designed and programmed by the MIT Instrumentation Lab and built by Raytheon. Contrary to ordinary coincident-current magnetic-core memory, which was used for RAM at the time, the ferrite cores in a core rope are just used as transformers. The signal from a word line wire passing through a given core is coupled to the bit line wire and interpreted as a binary "one", while a word line wire that bypasses the core is not coupled to the...
That's crazy
Back when memory was measured in MB per Cubic Meter...
@Kaz IIRC that's not hand written, it's hand typed, but printed.
A: Is this a photo of Margaret Hamilton standing next to Apollo Project code that she wrote?

SklivvzThe photo depicts Margaret Hamilton Yes, this is an official NASA picture of her: Margaret Hamilton was the lead software engineer of the Apollo Project Indeed, from the same source: Margaret Hamilton, leader of the team that developed the flight software for the agency's Apollo missions...

"Is the code in the pile handwritten? No, it's printed with a typewriter or a daisy printer"
> The programs were woven together by hand in factories. And because the factory workers were mostly women, core rope memory became known by engineers as "LOL memory," LOL standing for "little old lady."
LOL, memory.
I laughed pretty hard when I saw that for the first time
Q: javascript left-pad bowl

m0saIn the wake of the left-pad npm package fallout, let's have a javascript-only code bowl for implementing left-pad in the most innovative way. I don't care if you understand innovative as shortest or abusive. May the answer with the most upvotes win!

@Insane I stand corrected.
@Kaz Hey, it prompted that Skeptics question, you weren't the only one :P
Hand written would've lead to other complications.
All the code in that pile, as PDFs: ibiblio.org/apollo/ScansForConversion
OCR didn't exist yet.
@Quill Just caught up to this, and it's damn hilarious.
Well. I think I'm going to post my assignment on code review.
Q: A Java subclass of ArrayList that supports rotation in constant time

coderoddeI have subclassed java.util.ArrayList in order to be able to "rotate" it in constant time simply by moving a finger index. See what I have: RotableList.java package net.coderodde.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; im...

possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by grigoriytretyakov: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123723/revisions
@200_success how dare you?
The appropriate reaction is to star :p
Good point
Will he get a ding if I @ him, by the way? I need to ask him a question about posting my question
Yes, he will
But you can ask anyone here, we all know the rules pretty well
tl;dr I don't want other students in my class googling around and finding my code review question and copying my code, and I also don't want to wait before posting it.
So.. what is your question?
so I'm going to use a screenshot to display what the program should do & a GIF to show the sample input / output.
so it's not easily googleable
is that a big deal
Uhm.. no
don't do that
Ehrmph... sounds like a bad idea
Unless you're going to post the code itself
I mean, you can of course post sample input/output and a gif to supplement your code
But we need the code to be in the question
@DanPantry I thnk that's the point
oh, uh, yeah no the code is completely in tact.
i'm only talking about supplemental information
Well, then, yeah, you can do that - but I am confused. How does that stop your peers finding your question?
I'd still personally much rather habe the description as text, because accessibility
Ah, right.
You want to put the entire question in an image - except the code
Well, another issue could also be that the title has to describe your code and you can't put that as an image.
hmm, well, I guess I'm at the whole better than nothing stage
"Event Scheduler in C" is my current title
I would personally not worry about your classmates finding it
In the event they do copy it, you'll have a date and time stamp to say "I posted it at X date"
And that there's people that watch the site on anything but 100%... adding to that images usually.make the text too small
so you can show that to your professor
Yes, and also considering the fact I've changed quite a bit of the code to be code review worthy. We're required to do a lot of.. uh.. dumb things
That I wouldn't dare show you
Good old overcommenting?
@Vogel612 Well, the first image is pretty small. Even a phone with a tiny screen wouldn't have an issue seeing it, but the GIF yes. Although I don't think sample I/O is required for questions. Just supplemental, right?
@Vogel612 Yes, and following their prototypes 100%, and just a bunch of crap honestly
That's kinsa not my point... consider screenreaders and other text-to-speech ideas of accessibilty
Good point
I'll level with you, if I saw a question with its question in an image I would downvote it
But mainly because it just "feels" wrong
I'm not making the whole question an image minus the code
I know you suggested that and I didn't respond but I'm not gonna do that
Then please explain what you propose?
Well what I'm saying is I'll just leave the sample I/O as an image, and convert it to text once the assignment has been due.
The code, again, won't be an image
See screenshot above, maybe?
I did see that, but I misinterpreted the intent.
I'll just convert the screenshots you saw from what I posted above into text, after the assignment is due. And leave links to the screenshots if someone really wants to see them
I think that's fair, and I mean, it really is extra to even show sample I/O.
If the screenshots just add context then, yeah, I see no issue
@Insane It won't really matter if other students find it, you can make the case that it's your code, and you won't get in trouble
there was a relevant question on Academia recently
about the person who was paid to do work?
I saw that one, HNQ :P
But yeah you're right, I mean, I'm not overly worried about it.
Its even funnier when you make a question about a security policy your company has on security.SE and it goes HNQ. :-) Woops.
That happened two questions in a row...
That's probably a bit worse than when my friends found my code review for our last assignment and asked me why my username was "insane"
kinda embarrassing to explain online pseudo-names
@Insane no, I was talking about a different question:
Q: How to penalize students who copy each other but don't realize they have plagiarized?

KarinI gave my students an opportunity to rewrite one of their papers for extra points. As I was grading, I realized that two papers were almost identical. They had a similar structure, organization, and presented ideas in a similar manner. I asked the students about plagiarism but they denied it. Sin...

@Quill AH, yeah I read that one too.
Except those students were definitely giving that prof a ride. They knew what they were doing lol
The student with the original work has not completed plagiarism. She may have committed academic misconduct if the policy explicitly says do not share your work. The second student has committed plagiarism. — StrongBad ♦ Mar 20 at 0:14
The first student shared their work (the same way you would with SE). It's the second student's choice to copy it
Yes, and it's not even the same because I doubt a code reviewing website such as this would count as sharing your work with your peers.
I don't think I'm even allowed to send my code to my peers and play the "it was their choice to copy it" card.
Maybe you should consider asking your professor if you may post your code for review before the conclusion of the assignment.
They'll know your school's policy and whether or not it is acceptable
I mean, I love this site, but I wouldn't want to lose a grade over it :-)
Good idea, for next time ;-)
Q: Event scheduler in C

InsaneIntro One of my university assignments asked us to create a program using struct in order to create a simple event scheduler. This program is for a single day only, not multiple days. Sample Input / Output For a few reasons, I've opted to create a .GIF to display the sample input / output: ...

I had a two hour workshop for my Web Tech class today, which consisted of a 15min mini test (20qs) and the rest for working on some codecademy stuff. I finished the quiz in 3mins (100% score) and the codecademy stuff in 5. I left before anyone else had even finished the quiz.
@Quill Well done. Reminds me of my econ exam when I left before anyone else had finished, but that was because I bombed it, not did great ;P
Well, now that that is out of the way I can continue on my Brainfuck interpreter.
Q: Event scheduler in C

InsaneIntro One of my university assignments asked us to create a program using struct in order to create a simple event scheduler. This program is for a single day only, not multiple days. Sample Input / Output For a few reasons, I've opted to create a .GIF to display the sample input / output: ...

@Zak 153 Assembler questions on Code Review. None of them are IBM Mainframe Assembler. Four COBOL questions, compared with over 800 here. I don't think it'll get coverage on Code Review, beyond generalisms (which may be enough, I suppose). — Bill Woodger 22 secs ago
Does anyone know how I can represent an empty line with code blocks?
Like the 4 space code blocks, not this codeblocks
leave two empty lines
@DanPantry Doesn't seem to work
put 2 spaces at the end of the previous line as well
@JeroenVannevel Still didn't work
that's 1 space
No it's 2 extra spaces
After the block
I'm telling you it's one space
after dinner_reservation
It's still not working for me
If you want to edit my question feel free codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/123738/…
there you go
you can't have trailing empty lines in markdown I think
I still don't see an empty line @Quill :P
the preview engine renders the empty line
@JeroenVannevel Then I guess it's not possible
but the actual output doesn't
Huh. Well I wanted to show there is an empty line there because of the fact there's still a trailing '\n'at the end of each line
Thank you @Quill
hoho just got a message that they all liked me yesterday! CTO and CEO are next but I assume that will be fine.
Q: How could I make this code better and efficient

EaziLuiziIn what ways I could improve the following 2 methods: LongRunningOperation() & DisposeBook(). I would really appreciate a detailed explanation as I want to learn some advanced concepts and related best practices. Any extra links, recommended reads would be a plus... class Book : IDisposable { ...

Huh, I'm out of coffee again.
Q: Project Euler #127 abc-hits

ADG Problem (Rephrased from here): The radical of n, rad(n), is the product of distinct prime factors of n. For example, 504 = 2^3 × 3^2 × 7, so rad(504) = 2 × 3 × 7 = 42. We shall define the triplet of positive integers (a, b, c) to be an abc-hit if: GCD(a, b) = GCD(a, c) ...

Q: Trouble with OpenCV Implementation for EM Algorithm using Spherical GMM

user101101I've been trying to use OpenCV2.4.10 with VS2013 to create a small GMM (based on a 100 2D randomly generated samples with 2 clusters) using the trainE function in the EM class. The main reason I wanted to do this is to verify an implementation of the same in MATLAB. For the case of Generic covar...

Q: Template 3d vector class

Duckdoom5I've created this 3D vector class and would like it to be reviewed. I wonder if there are still some improvements that can be made. This is a header only implementation. #pragma once #include <string> template<class T> class vec3 { public: union { T f[3]; struct { ...

It's been an hour and no further contact from OP, so probably time to close this:
Q: Copy details to another workbook

kartina azmanI'm trying to write a code that copy certain details of the row if the value of column BD of the row starts with KA.below code does not give error but neither does it gives any result. I'm kind of self taught and very novice so I'll be very grateful if anyone is willing to help Sub thnxca() Dim ...

Q: IndexOutOfBoundsException

Mainakpublic class FavouriteGymsListAdapter extends BaseAdapter { private Activity context; private LayoutInflater inflater; String isFav=""; private int pos; private CircleProgress mLoader; private ArrayList<SetGetGymFavListChild> mSetGetGymFavListChild=new ArrayList<SetGetGym...

I would post this on code review. If your code can run correctly, they will help you with optimization. This isn't really the place for fix my code questions. — Floam 59 secs ago
@CaptainObvious borken
@Floam nope... this one seems off-topic for code review. The code does not behave as intended. As such the question is off-topic. For more information, see A Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow UsersVogel612 5 secs ago
> This isn't really the place for fix my code questions
StackOverflow 2016
now where will people go
quora, yahoo answers
which reminds me...fix my IDE
Q: How to pass matrix(2d array) in java to a method?

Amaresh KarnanHow to pass matrix(2d array) in java to a method? How to get the number of rows and columns for that MAtrix?

@CaptainObvious um, try Google?
is it really annoying if I post links to my blog posts in here?
@Malachi Depends, is it about stuff that would be relevant to CR and/or the people in this room? (I'm going to assume probably yes).
I try not to post stuff here that doesn't have anything to do with code.
@CaptainObvious no code, no clue, goodbye
@CaptainObvious can we have some more CVs here please?
At least it's not Trash
It is a good conversation, just going on a bit long for the main site chat :)
sidenote: that question is still not closed
I'm sure someone will see it in the review queue eventually
Probably more suited for codereview.stackexchange.comJack 23 secs ago
If the code works and the author is looking for improvements in general rather than a specific question, this would be a good fit for Code Review as suggested by @SashaSalauyou — Phrancis 32 secs ago
Ok I will move the question Code Review thanks. — Nili Miliy 48 secs ago
Q: Hackerrank Insertion Sort Part 2

Dhrubojyoti BhattacharjeeI have started learning Java recently and was looking into the challenges on sorting on Hackerrank.I solved the following problemHackerrank on Insertion Sort. The challenge was : In Insertion Sort Part 1, you sorted one element into an array. Using the same approach repeatedly, can you sort ...

Q: Dynamically create instance variables from a list of classes

dgmoraI have a situation, where I want to add many classes as instance variables of another class, plus perform some action on each class. The purpose is to have an 'app' with many 'views', to represent PageObjects.For instance: class App attr_reader :login_view, :list_view, :create_view def init...

@CaptainObvious Does this title seem generic to anyone else, or is it specific enough?
Q: Connector for Odoo through xmlrpc (with testing code)

YannFirt time I write the tests before the actual code. All fit in the same module. #! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from os.path import join as path_join from xmlrpclib import Fault, ServerProxy XMLRPC_URL = 'xmlrpc/2' class Model(object): def __init__(self, host, db, uid, p...

Also have a look at posting to codereview.stackexchange.com — C_B 14 secs ago
welp that's 7 answers for today, should get back to work
Easter break, long weekend, we just broke out the beers. I like my job.
@Kaz Cheers!
pass on the beers but sure would like early weekend
@Pimgd I much prefer cider myself, but for the sake of social cohesion I will partake when it's offered.
"Which coding languages should I learn?"
Swift for scripting. Swift for iOS. Swift for OSX. Swift for Linux. Swift for servers.
@nhgrif VTC too broad, too opinionated, too much flame-war
@Kaz fruity or bitter ciders?
@Vogel612 In general, fruity over bitter.
Great. I'm working with an abstraction that is not what I thought it was.
The beer has become highly necessary.
is there any point to wrapping <input> with <label> if you're not gonna put anything in it?
@Pimgd HTML?
> The <label> tag defines a label for an <input> element.

The <label> element does not render as anything special for the user. However, it provides a usability improvement for mouse users, because if the user clicks on the text within the <label> element, it toggles the control.

The for attribute of the <label> tag should be equal to the id attribute of the related element to bind them together.
but there is no text
So, if you want that functionality then yes you need, and if not, then no you don't need
Sounds like in your case, you don't
I seriously have to get out of these chatrooms if I want to get any school done.
too bad
you're stuck here forever
Q: Basic Python Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Mikeman111I have just decided to get into programming as a hobby (and possibly a job in the distant future). After learning the basics of Python, I made Tic-Tac-Toe to apply what I've learned. I would appreciate any and all feedback on my code and the way I set up the logic of the game. I would like to ...

@CaptainObvious You've already got a couple bad habits with those sleeps.
custom dropdowns are hard
if you only show the list when your input field has focus, apparently you can't click list items cuz your input field loses focus
@Hosch250 This is why I make it a habit now to close all my extraneous screens when I'm trying to get actual work done.
kills browser
browser zombifies, turns on again, eats your brain
prod the room owner for a 30 min RO ban if it's getting out of hand and you really need to get stuff done
@Pimgd I almost did that once. Thankfully it was unnecessary.
Wow this webapp... I've been sitting here literally 7-8 minutes waiting for this one screen to load so I can interact with the ticket .___.
write once, walk everywhere
Guess I'll fetch me a coffee in the mean time
I like how my "Restoring database" progressbar has been stuck on 100% for 3 minutes
it's done, but doesn't feel like telling you
@Mat'sMug Is it a problem with the progress bar or the database restore? Maybe we'll never know!
aaand intellij froze
weekend where are you
@Pimgd 8 minutes away from where I'm sitting ^^
Q: Using STORAGE macro using QSAM for input/output

user101119I was wondering if you can help me out. I wanted to know if there is an easier way to do the following. My code works but I feel like there is a lot things going out with multiple loops and wanted to see if anyone can help me condense the code i have attached to make it clear. In my code I have ...

@CaptainObvious ew, programming
@PinCrash Definitely looks like it.
@Mat'sMug Are you restoring a database on a Windows machine?
yeah.. it completed a few seconds after I posted that chat message though :)
Windows machines don't know squat about time.
Speaking about time, this Skeptics question was completely unnecessary:
Q: Were videos of the Flydubai Flight 981 crash published before the official crash time?

DmitrjAOn March 19, 2016, Flydubai Flight 981 crashed in Russia. It is reported (for example on English Wikipedia and Russian Wikipedia to have crashed at 19 Mar 03:42 am MST (i.e. UTC+3) in City of Rostov-na-Donu airport. However, the first two videos related to this incident on YouTube, here and her...

If you compare time, compare time WITHIN THE SAME TIMEZONE!
@DanGetz Clear evidence that YouTube is behind the times. — CodesInChaos 7 hours ago
Q: Is there a way to simplify or refactor this class any more?

user2620132The main problem is with too many Parameters when calling the getDynamicTeacherCount and getDynamicPercentage functions, these functions requires many parameter and make the function unreadable and hard to bring changes namespace App; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class GeneralCBE e...

@CaptainObvious Why is that tagged ?
> const REASONTOW = '2';
That's some serious CopyPasta coding right there
@Mast it isn't
Q: Recursive Liquid Navigation Tree Generator

Nathan ArthurThis include was written for a Jekyll site I'm building. It generates nested HTML unordered lists to a given depth dynamically by parsing page urls. It works fine, but the code feels messy and it takes Jekyll upwards of 20 seconds to build the site (up from ~3 seconds before this navigation was i...

Fixed it (again) along with improving the question grammar and title
1 message moved to Trash
@Vogel612 it isn't anymore
Q: Calculator without If statements

Ryan NewmanI was challenged to create a calculator in Java/Android without using any if or switch statements. While I got it working for now, I feel like my code could be cleaned up a bit and I just need some help with it. My main logic is import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import and...

@Mast because #PeopleDontRead ;-)
@Mat'sMug #ModsDontRead
how many mugs on the wall?
but they're not filled with beer, that's what bottles are for
For the record, "mugs on the wall" is referring to the number of rep points by which I'm ahead of Simon André Forsberg. There's been "simons on the wall" for the longest time though. — Mat's Mug ♦ Aug 19 '15 at 17:00
Currently it's Mugs on the wall.
@Mat'sMug ssssh. But honestly I don't know, for some reason @Duga didn't report that a few days ago. I'll check now
in Cardshifter TCG, 17 hours ago, by Duga
Mat's Mug vs. Simon Forsberg: 4929 diff. Year: +1644. Quarter: +1644. Month: +1003. Week: +91. Day: +16.
way too many...
but honestly, I've given up. Congratulations, @Mat'sMug, you won.
my goal is to catch up with Loki, somehow... but that is also problematic right now
in Cardshifter TCG, 17 hours ago, by Duga
Loki Astari vs. Simon Forsberg: 3455 diff. Year: +790. Quarter: +790. Month: +461. Week: +116. Day: +26.
are you even posting? seems you've been sitting at 42K for a while now
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