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RELOAD! There are 1975 unanswered questions (93.9227% answered)
A simpler case.
1111 & 0010 == 0010
1110 | 0010 = 1110
@Duga heaven forbid the day when we hit 2000
@Hosch250 thanks Hosch250!
1111^ 0010 == 0010
Gets cool when you start throwing ~ (not) in too.
Oh, use the XOR operator? Duh...
Supper time, BBL.
This may be on-topic for Code Review, assuming A the code works and B the code is non-hypothetical and complete. If you do decide to take it there, please read the On-Topic guide before posting. — Quill 1 min ago
@Quill awesome, reopened. thanks guys :D
@Hosch250 Oops. Screwed that up.
potential duga edit alert incoming
possible answer invalidation by nickpandolfi on question by nickpandolfi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123154/revisions
@Duga all good
hey there @Edward
Hello, all!
I don't know who created the "Confused about StackExchange versus CodeReview" ad, but it's quite good!
@200_success did
If only Programmers.SE had one ;)
they're talking about changing their name again too
I'm not sure that a name change will help...
@Quill Really? To what?
Software Architecture or something similar
Q: (4 years later) Dear Stack Exchange: Can we change our site name?

RachelFour years ago we asked for a name change, which was rejected by SE because there was no evidence to support the claim it was causing user confusion, and there were other things the site should focus on first. Now four years later, users have done all that they can and things are not improving i...

They need a well defined scope. I love that site, but I've no idea what makes for a good Q there. It's a crap shoot.
> by maple_shaft (mod)

The solution to the vast majority of bad content that I speak of is Our Domain Name. It is as simple as that. Change the domain name of the site from Programmers to Software Engineering and Architecture or something akin to this and I will personally step down as a moderator if spam on the site doesn't cut by half.
I was going to suggest "Lemon Pudding" which wouldn't be any more descriptive, but would at least not lead anyone into assuming they know what it's about.
> Is this site poorly named? Are people coming to "programmers.stackexchange.com" and immediately thinking "aha, the place for my programming questions! they will help me debug my code!"
The problem is the regulars don't know what the site is about.
@RubberDuck Yes, that! ^^^
I regular see really good whiteboard questions with next to no votes.
Without a clearly and repeatedly articulated vision of what it's all about, it will drown in irrelevance regardless of the name, IMHO.
> Can't remember how to do something
> Google it
> Find own answer
A: Brute force password cracker

AnonymousI actually noticed that for and while loops freeze your browser if on for too long, so I actually use setInterval(function() { /*insert code here*/ }, 1); instead. This is only a minor change, it only helps a bit.

Looks NAA or at least VLQ
Q: A very quick help on a loop issue(BlackJack Program for class)

JamesSo I have this do while loop, and it keeps looping again even though I issue it not to, and I am stumped, any help will be great! I need to head to work, and I hope to see any help is possible by the time I am back. do { hitCard = rand.nextInt(13) + 1; System.out.println("Yo...

It would be great if you could be particular about the problem. Where exactly is your issue? If you want someone to review code, please visit [Code Review]You may also have a look at How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example to improve the question. Welcome to SO! — Debosmit Ray 15 secs ago
@DebosmitRay this is in no way on-topic for Code Review. Broken code is off-topic at Code Review. — Quill 43 secs ago
> What's required to be successful in this role? We're looking for strong experience in:
- 3+ years JavaScript with experience in ES2015
So what to do if the minimal code of the particular problem is still too much for the SO post limit. Go straight to the Code Review? Thank you for your comments. — Eric K. White 37 secs ago
@EricK.White Broken code is not acceptable on Code Review. If the minimal code for the SO post limit is too much, try to simplify your example. — Quill 8 secs ago
@Quill it makes more sense if you take that as two separate things
Q: Sum all numbers in text using regexp

Fátima AlvesI would like to improve everything that can be improved. I don't understand regex a lot and what could be wrong. The main improve that I am looking for is related with errors. I want make the code robust to deal well with all kinds of errors. I could try to run in production and wait to see the e...

why would you
need one more CV on this before it can be closed
Q: Simple Socket Programming

Marco NevesEDIT: I am god-awful sorry for the messed up indents. New to this. So I have the following assignment: Client Socket: First, connect to the server Second, say “aloha” to the server Third, When you get welcome message from the server, it will upload a file (e.g. “paper.txt”) to the server Fo...

possible answer invalidation by Sumit Bahadur on question by Sumit Bahadur: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123138/revisions
@Duga handled
A: Why have private fields, isn't protected enough?

Sebastian Redl In OOP, sooner or later, you are going to make a subclass of a class This is wrong. Not every class is meant to be subclassed and some statically typed OOP languages even have features to prevent it, e.g., final (Java and C++) or sealed (C#). it is good to understand and being able to mo...

possible answer invalidation by nickpandolfi on question by nickpandolfi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123154/revisions
@Duga handled
possible answer invalidation by Floam on question by Floam: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123117/revisions
@PHP_CEO, [email protected]
413 tweets, 26.6k followers, following 1 users
If this is working code that you want to solicit improvements for, then you should read the posting rules for codereview.stackexchange.com and post this there rather than here. — jfriend00 58 secs ago
saw the RD community ad on SO, nice :D CC @Mat'sMug
Q: Is there a better way to write this Java dice roll program?

Matthew SlagleThis is a working program I made to roll dice a specified number of times, show how many times each number (2-12) occurred, and the percentage of the total rolls that each number got. I'm trying to make improvements to the efficiency of my code. I've already found one, as noted beside int[] resu...

Q: This is a simple Caesar in java cipher, looking for any feedback

ephrealI've recently begun to teach myself to code. One simple project that I wanted to do was create a Caesar cipher that works well. Now that I feel I've accomplished that task, I'd like to know how I'm doing with overall code quality. Here's the code. import java.util.Scanner; public class Encrypto...

        System.out.println((i+2)/*to start the table at 2, since rolling a 0 is not possible*/+"\t\t" + (results[i]) + "\t\t"+df.format(100.0*(results[i])/counts.length)+ "%");
Inline comment in the middle of a line of code...!?
what code golf page did you pull that out of
@CaptainObvious @Quill Not code golf... that one^^
I was wondering if they used that df var anywhere because I didn't see it at first, had to do a Ctrl+F and I noticed that monstrosity and almost fell out of my chair
1 hour later…
Q: Ceaser Cipher Test

ryanhaynes01I've been studying computer science for around two school terms now. Currently, I'm making a Ceaser Cipher program as a base for my examination, this is so that I can use the 15 to either add, or improve my code. Please, give me some feedback on how to improve my code or, at least, make it cleare...

@CaptainObvious apparently in the same class as this guy: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/123170/…
@CaptainObvious nEncryptedMessage = "" #Defines it as an empty string #Places a comment at the end of a line
that's nasty
Q: Loop not working as suggested, any input would be great

JamesThe program works perfectly fine if I just 'stay' but if I 'hit', I get to a problem where I am hitting, but then I want to stay on a card, but it still hits one more time. This is my only issue and I need help finding how to fix it. Thank you! import java.util.*; public class BlackJack { pub...

Q: Should I use iterator for a list which has only 2 items?

zadaneI have written a small working demo to illustrate my question. I have a complex model, which contains two sub-models (stored in a QList). My view could show either the first sub-model or the 2nd based on what user wants to see. For this reason I would need to keep track of the currently active/s...

Q: Pong using jQuery

MarksCodeI'm practicing JS and just completed a working version of the game Pong. This was a really fun small project and I'm happy with the results, but I want to learn how to better optimize my code. Everything including the ball and paddles are just divs, and I use their positions to decide if collisio...

Q: Google Code Jam: Store Credit Java Solution

ishyfishyIt would be great if I could get this code reviewed. I would love tips on how I could improve my code. import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.stream.IntStream; public class StoreCredit { private sta...

possible answer invalidation by shopia T on question by shopia T: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123074/revisions
monking @all
Q: Implementing Entity and Component in a game engine

Chrono CrossI'm currently creating a game engine for my personal project. And I'm currently implementing Entity and Component System. Classes and Interfaces Definitions Here the classes and interfaces that involved to this problem: Entity: abstract class for any entity in the game, it does not implemen...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Java XML parsing
Q: Chess board in JS

FNGRI've made the small challenge in the eloquent JS book to create a chess board pattern. this is the challenge: http://eloquentjavascript.net/02_program_structure.html#h_5Hz2kiaaXp "Write a program that creates a string that represents an 8×8 grid, using newline characters to separate lines. ...

@Sentience This kind of question belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com and not on StackOverflow. Questions asked here must have a specific problem and question. Please observe this next time you ask a question. — 2501 45 secs ago
I recommend that you post your code to codereview.stackexchange.comuser2314737 25 secs ago
Q: Need someone to help reviewing and improving my JS (javaScript) coding

AbdulhakeemI need my JS (javaScript) coding to be improved base on the following requirements: PROPER EVENT BINDING: Consider using the preferred .on() method rather than .click(), .bind(), .hover(), etc. For best performance and concise code use event delegation whenever possible. $(document).ready is re...

Monking :)
Q: how to split the span text using sax parser in android

kumarpublic void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { currentElement = true; if (localName.equals("p")) { subtitle = new Subtitle(); begin = attributes.getValue("begin"...

@DanPantry hey there
Hows it going @Quill
Work is good as usual
I'm thinking about making a Chat.SE app for mobile
do you ever run out of ideas?
Still yes
If I write it in Ionic and Cordova, I can do it in JavaScript
Our proxy blocked my boss from buying the licenses to software we use :')
I have no words, that is glorious.
haha perfect excuse to not do work
It's due to a pretty damn critical bug that we can't work out
To do with <textarea> and kendo's WYSIWYG editor
yeah basically what's happening is randomly - without any reason - angular won't update the model from the <textarea>
and so real customers are being sent emails with placeholders in instead of the real values - oops
But there's simply no reason for that to happen and we can't reproduce it reliably
Swap textarea for a content editable span element
That won't work with the kendo WYSIWYG editor unfortunately :\
And even then the problem with these "fixes" is that we have no clue if it worked because we cannot reproduce the issue
        <div ng-app="fileUpload">
within the template of another app. wat
i don't even know
it's friday where's my xkcd
nothing new
I'm doing well in Swift Land
Time is falling apart, the world is ending
Source: lack of XKCD
When you start a code review for a pending change, you'll see the code request work item will be under Related Work Items in Pending Changes. — Cece - MSFT 23 secs ago
Q: How could I refactor this if statement?

Daria MI have a code which checks if any of the 4 textfields on our server contains text. If even one of the four textboxes is not empty, the generated table won´t skip that row and will draw it, otherwise the row will be completely skipped and not shown in the table. For that I declared the variables ...

Q: Loading autocomplete text view adapter dynamically using async task in Android

Rutvik D MehtaI am working on an app in which I need to get destination list from server and set it in autocomplete text view. I am using text watcher and on its onTextChanged event I am fetching destinations data using async task. My problem is I am not sure that am I doing it in a right way. Please review my...

@gnat Yes, I overlooked it, thanks. To my understanding of the question this code already works, the OP just needs to refactor it. Probably Code Review? — Miki 46 secs ago
Q: How to make AI for TicTacToe using minimax?

Are Riff#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <chrono> #include <thread> using namespace std::literals; using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::cin; using std::string; using board_t = std::vector<char>; #ifdef _WIN32 #define CLEAR "cls" #else #define...

Q: Simple shop database site

ErikI'm learning PHP, HTML and SQL - and wondered if anyone could take a look at this code and give me some feedback? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> <title>Store product information</title> </head> <body> <?php $host = "localhost"; $data...

@CaptainObvious I want to VTC broken but on the other hand I can see how they're wrong
@Pimgd Not my language, but it doesn't appear to be broken?
Also, Monking @all
Monking @all
@Kaz see answer
A: How could I refactor this if statement?

Pimgdif ((1!&& 2!&& 3!&& 4!) ||(1&& 2&& 3! && 4!) || (1&& 2&& 3 && 4!) || (1&& 2!&& 3! && 4!) || (1!&& 2!&& 3 && 4) || (1!&& 2&& 3 && 4!) || (1!&& 2&& 3! && 4) || (1&& 2!&& 3! && 4) || (1&& 2!&& 3 && 4!) || (1!&& 2&& 3 && 4) || (1&& 2!&& 3 && 4) || (1&& 2&& 3! && 4!)) { since they're all in order, ...

lawl I made a mistake
it's still buggy code
but typed 1 boolean value wrong and thus wrong assumptions
There we go, fixed it
basically, there are 4 blindspots
which is what you get when you have 4 variables and write out "ALL" the cases but it's only 12
There's a difference between "broken" and "doesn't do what the OP thinks it does".
The sheer complexity as presented could have used more tests, though.
Oh come on! "Griffin Corp - founded 1980" - "Griffins Corp - founded 2009"
Stupid company registry making my life difficult again.
Oh boy
We have a bug in a 3rd party library
We just got a license for $1k each for that library
Tried to submit a support ticket
Turnso ut that that version is no longer supported because it is so old
And the only recourse we have is to upgrade to a newer version blind hoping that it will work.. :D
@DanPantry I retract my complaint. Your problem is much bigger than mine.
Q: Edit method, optimizing and minimizing method to reduce complexity

We are BorgYesterday I had posted a question regarding optimizing editMethod here on code-review. Thanks to an awesome answer by Pimgd, I was able to merge conditional checks, checking conditions and few other things. I am posting this as a follow-up question for the other question for further optimizatio...

Q: AngularJS controller to fetch and display employee data

cst1992This is the code for an AngularJS controller that I've written: app.controller('employeeController', function (employeeService) { var Controller = this; Controller.employees = {}; Controller.fetchedEmployee = {}; Controller.populateTable = function (data) { Controller...

@Kaz LOL
I don't know how many times I've tried to npm install something without sudo
it gets me everytime
you don't need to sudo npm install
unless you're using -g
sudo make me a sandwich
Q: Angularjs alertservice and alertscontroller

JakobI'm a .net programmer with littler experience in AngularJs and Javascript. I have implemented an AlertService, AlertsController and Alerts view for alerts/notifications in my system. Could you please give me any comments about my code? Am I following best practises in AngularJs and Javascript?...

Looks like I'm going to have to teach myself how to interact with a "JSON RESTful API". Where do I go to find the JS people when I inevitably screw it up?
@Kaz Everywhere
@Kaz Here is OK most of the time; there's also a JS room on Stack Overflow
Can I get some pointers on getting set up to work in JS? (Do I need to download an IDE? Am I going to need anything extra to create and export a Data File? That kind of thing)
Q: Can someone advise me about my game?

DovydI made this Tic tac toe and I would like to know your opinion and what can be improved? Also advices about making it check if someone wins? It works fine now. I'm 10th grader, so I still need to learn a lot. #include<iostream> #include<windows.h> using namespace std; int main() { char x1,x2,x3,...

Q: lock-free list performance

foofighterI tried to write a lock-free list in c++ unfortunately the performance compared to a std::list secured with a simple mutex is bad what do you think? Are there major performance or code-style issues? I would appreciate your help/opinion #include <atomic> template <typename T> // lock-free lis...

Q: OOP exercise: Simple One Heap Nim Game v2

Ofelia van AnalhardA while back I posted my first code for a simple one heap nim game as a OOP exercise. I improved the code some bit so I decided to now post it again. What I intend to do next would be to add a GUI and some real (and not just randomly generated) AI for the computerplayer. Would it be best to use S...

You might want to post this one on codereview.stackexchange.comK Ф 43 secs ago
@Kaz A JSON restful api isn't written in JS
The notation comes from JS, but you generally don't write JSON APIs in JS unless you use Node
It'd probably be easier for you to learn C#
WebApi supports JSON output
@KФ Codereview does not review broken code! — Nobody just now
@Duga Yay!
@Quill But it can be ;-)
@DanPantry ;0;
@CaptainObvious Can someone advise me about my title?
@Quill Huh, interesting. I guess C# it is.
it depends. do you need to write the api, or interact with one?
you can also use Python or nearly every other language if you're more familiar in those.
if you just need to interact with it, then anything works
Python, Ruby, JS, C# all are popular languages that support interactions with and creating REST Apis
but to actually create the api, then you can use anything that can run on a server
Q: Ordering code in python

George JenkinsSo I've made a quiz and it saves people results. I want to put their names in alphabetical order and their results in highest to lowest and average of the last 3 results highest to lowest. How do I do this without having to have fixed names. So the names aren't in the programming? Thanks

@Quill Don't need to create it, just need to interact with it.
oh, then you don't really need to learn anything
VBA should have builtins for that
I'm assuming
Greetings, Programs.
Only a few graphic errors and type errors
possible answer invalidation by We are Borg on question by We are Borg: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123195/revisions
@Quill I hadn't even considered that.
@Kaz @Quill you will probably want to use Newtonsoft.Json from nuget if that is avaliable to you (.NET framework)
somehow a faulty unity install messed up my ionic install
hey there @Vogel612
@Duga this one only adds additional code....
Monking @Vogel612
unrelated: I should stop staying awake until early in the morning... it makes for a bad use of time over the day
@Miki This is not appropriate for Code Review either. The asker is not looking for feedback, but help in extending the functionality. This question is not good for migration anywhere. — Thomas Owens 29 secs ago
Hmm, so everything works, but you want to optimize the code and remove the recursive call? Too be honest, it sounds like something better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comKevin Cruijssen 47 secs ago
@Duga hmmmmmmh I'll take it anyway
it's not really answer invalidating, and does serve as context
> Let's just go and count the arguments there for a moment... 12

You should be running around in circles, screaming, when you see a method like this in your code.
Hmm, sounds like @Vogel612
it is
It is =D
> not when you create the Notification
answer ends
this whole thing is utterly enterprisey
petition to rename synonymise "enterprise" and "shit"
@DanPantry seconding
@DanPantry Thirded.
I don't know what the past tense form of fourth is, but whatever it is, that
@Quill it's a star
@DanPantry are you out?
Monking all.
@Quill wat?
"Isis Financial Planners Limited - Incorporated 10 September 2001"
Now, that's just unfortunate.
I'm not sure what is better.. the name, or the date..
coffee time
I looked up "insanity" in like 10 different dictionaries and none of them said anything like that. Neither did the DSM-4. But I'll keep looking. Maybe it's in the DSM-5!
coffee time
~hands Quill a coffee
You drink a lot of coffee
if it's coffee time before and after a single comic
goddamn my internet
kangaroos chewing the wire again, maybe
there's only one single internet wire in Australia
possible answer invalidation by Jakob on question by Jakob: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123198/revisions
I have my tab length set to 4, but atom keeps choosing 2. wtf
If you have functioning code perhaps this is better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com? — EdChum 35 secs ago
two spaces is the correct way @Quill
@Duga handled
why are you even using tab-length?
@Vogel612 because that's how you set your indentation level in atom
@Quill What about New-Zealand? It gets their internet from Australias cable?
... I can't read 2-space code
@skiwi yeah, sounds about right
after about 3 levels on indents, code is fucked
another thing they steal from us
since class -> function -> loop is already 3 levels of indents,
2-space is not feasible
why wouldn't that be feasible
class A {
  foo() {
    for(let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
because it's hard to distinguish the indentation levels
Hm. I can see them fine, but it is personal preference
I personally use a 2-space indent for continuations after line-break or in fluid APIs
Shouldn't this have been asked on the Code Review website instead? — Jerry Dodge 34 secs ago
Q: OCaml find zeroes in a matrix

RUser4512I am looking for the elements that are zeroes in a matrix, as a list of pair. I don't really like the following code, some condition seems rendundant but my knowledge of OCaml is limited and I can't find an elegant way to refactor it: let find_zeroes input_matrix n = let rec aux i j n = ...

I love the smell of uncancellable updates in the morning -.-
aside from that there's the part where your IDE should be committing tabs, the file should be tabs, and your editor should be spaces
(or tabs in your editor if you like tabs)
@JerryDodge verification of code is off-topic on Code Review. It's mandatory that OP has a certain degree of confidence in their code, before we review it. For more information you could refer to A Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow usersVogel612 15 secs ago
@Pimgd I challenge that the IDE should commit tabs
it makes for horrible reading on bitbucket and gitlab
because there tabwidth is 8 spaces
and you go mad over it
That's actually one of the main motivations for spaces in the node ecosystem
but if it commits spaces
because nearly everything is hosted on github
how many spaces?
And then war happens again
meh. the team decides on one convention
and that's it for the war
that depends on the project.
the unofficial standard in js is 2 -as upheld by airbnb, feross/standard, etc.
professionalism dictates that the actual number of spaces is irrelevant, as long as it's consistent
but big projects like webpack use tabs I believe (or really, really large number of spaces)
it affects my work if there were less spaces
I don't enforce my spacing-view on people, but would prefer to use a system where I can change the spaces I see without screwing things up for everyone else
^ that's a good motivation for tabs
at any rate it isn't that important because you can switch between the two really easily. the main thing as @Vogel612 is consistency
@Pimgd in the worst case you could use a pre-commit hook locally to run a linter
tab is tab, space is not always tab
@Pimgd: A modern editor should be able to scale the width of leading spaces to accomodate you as well
converter always tends to run into snags where people put too many spaces between places
well, not always
Q: Recurrence in Math

ilham ramadhanI am still learn about algorithms, i have a homework. I must make an output Sum of : 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/6 - 1/8 + 1/10 + 1/12 Result : 0.975 But output of my program Sum of : 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/6-1/8 + 1/10 + 1/12 Result : 0.975 I dont know how to make space negative sign, if i use cout there wil...

hey there @enderland
happy friday :)
possible answer invalidation by Chrono Cross on question by Chrono Cross: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123179/revisions
@Duga handled-ish
Thanks for your reply, I changed type casting code and use Dictionary to store the components. About the braces, I stripped the braces from original codes for simplicity sake, I'll edit the question. Anyway, so the Scene is the one that should calling the Render method of an Entity and it's children? — Chrono Cross 7 mins ago
I have rolled back the last edit. Please see what you may and may not do after receiving answers. Basically, don't update your code in the question based on advice, as it invalidates people's answers. If your code doesn't represent your actual code, we'd normally see that as off-topic, because people will give advice on the code your present, and if it doesn't MATCH the code you actually have, you might get useless advice. Something to remember. — Pimgd 2 mins ago
Basically; "I removed braces from my code to make reviewing easier"
Reviewer: "Man, you should add braces, it's better with them"
Q: Java : Breaking down a complex method into multiple parts.

We are BorgThis is the 3rd follow up question for code-optimization, where in the last two questions 1st & 2nd and , with help of Pimgd and vogel612, I was able to reduce the code complexity and make corrections.. As the method is too big, I was suggested to break it down into parts(8 to be specific by Pimg...

Ehhhhh... why are you checking noteTargetTime and startDateChange twice? The whole point of the functions was to replace the multiple if (!noEdit) { gantt = true; } noEdit = true; with a single version, and now they're back. — Pimgd 1 min ago
Wait, it's Friday *eyes @Quill with suspicion*
It's actually saturday
@Quill ... so why am I at work?
with my coworkers
@Pimgd Because I'm in Australia, where everyone is sleeping, and you're in, uh, Europe(?) where everyone wants to be sleeping
@Quill no need for sleep yet. I'l be attending a party later today
and it's only 3PM
Q: Java : Breaking down a complex method into multiple parts.

We are BorgThis is the 3rd follow up question for code-optimization, where in the last two questions 1st & 2nd and , with help of Pimgd and vogel612, I was able to reduce the code complexity and make corrections.. As the method is too big, I was suggested to break it down into parts(8 to be specific by Pimg...

Q: Intro to CS project. Calculate hat, waist, and jacket size when given age, height, and weight

Jonathan HallIntro to Computer Science project here. Calculates the hat, waist, and jacket size of the user when given age, height, and weight. Seems to output correctly. Here's the guidelines for the assignment.I did this a tad hastily so pardon any messiness. I am required to use namespace stdas it makes it...

in Java::chat ><> & Chips on Stack Overflow Chat, Feb 19 at 21:00, by Kylar
It's almost FUCK THIS SHIT O'Clock.
@Pimgd I think it's not helping to answer that with the same idea again
Almost? Hell, I've been itching for a beer since quarter till 8 this morning.
I think we might be better off closing as dupe
@Vogel612 I think the question should get closed and the asker reeducated
maybe in chat?
well it's friday morning for me :)
@Pimgd answer-meta?
well I see that question headed towards closure
if it's gonna get reopened I'll edit the chat room link out
Grumble grumble... trying to eliminate this stupid conversion (CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),ce.epi_DateOfReferral,101)) >= @DateOfReferralFrom) but it's returning one row less (out of 4420) without it :|
Q: How would you do this with lodash?

NietzscheProgrammerI am going deep on this array in order to make an id comparison. I want to know if there is a way to use like a kind of flatten function to avoid using _.each the way I am using it because I think it is not a good practice. the .json file [ { "enterprise" : [ { "id" : "74351...

@Vogel612 ^that
@CaptainObvious "I want to know if there is a flatten function"
you.. mean... like _.flatten?
Your code is written in a very-hard-to-read-way. Don't expect too many folks being interested in spending time on analyzing input like this ... but you might want to put your code on codereview.stackexchange.com; and get some feedback from there. — Jägermeister 43 secs ago
Q: Quickly find percentile with high precision

kilojoulesI need to find the percentile where a list of values is higher than a threshold. I am doing this in the context of optimization, so it important that the answer is precise. I am also trying to minimize compute time. I have a O(n) solution which is not very precise, then I use scipy's minimize opt...

Doing a few actual SQL code reviews at work right now :)
possible answer invalidation by We are Borg on question by We are Borg: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123216/revisions
@Duga looks like the VTC can go, good edit
If you have working code, you may find Code Review more helpful. Even there, though, they need to have the code in order to tell you how to improve on it. — zondo 52 secs ago
whay, 1.7 in my first exam
and that's before checking the corrections
I take it 1.7 is a good result?
grades go from 1 to 5, with everything worse than 4 being "failed"
and I actually wrote like... 30 minutes of 90 minutes alotted time
oh, so 1.7 is not good?
it is... why would it not be?
Oh, right, so 1 is awesome, 5 is terrible?

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