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RELOAD! There are 1629 unanswered questions (94.5868% answered)
If your code is working and you want to review it, please ask this question at codereviewdavejal 58 secs ago
@Duga That's quite continuous, that score.
no more hats
@Quill-HATMANIAC I certainly don't see how.
Bye-bye, hats.
Was out birding most the afternoon, just got back.
We saw this:
that's cool
@Hosch250 I pimped my way to the top, you didn't do much pimping
@Quill-HATMANIAC Oh yes I did.
I pimped all day for Amazing Grace and 007.
I pimped a few other times as well.
Got Amazing Grace before I had any clue why.
Ignorance Is Bliss.
@Vogel612 You were right. The 2 could've worked after the letters instead of in front. After all, it's I2C and not 2IC. Should've known, but I didn't think of it.
Been away from SE for a couple of months. Hats have quite passed me by.
Hi there guys!
I got some hats, but I forgot to take a snap shot of all the hats I had... :(
Can you get the list of all of your hats? And not only the number of hats?
Found it... I could log in, and see them... Cool!
Good points, thanks. Yes, it does just fine in unit tests, I just felt like I was violating some sort of unwritten coding convention. Nothing obviously wrong with it. I'll see if I can move this to Code Review, didn't even know that branch of StackExchange existed. Thanks. — millejos 41 secs ago
Q: Simple compression reloaded++

ChrisWueAs a follow up to my previous question here is the improved code + algorithm. The compression now works the following way: Each character is followed by a length byte. The top 3 bits of that byte denote the number of additional length bytes which encode the count. The count is stored in "little ...

oh hey my name is back
about time chat reloaded
1 hour later…
I'm back to (re) analysing the aspects of my personality and came across this gem, which sums up being an INTP rather nicely:
"We are not over-analyzing. You are under-analyzing."
@Zak That sums it up perfectly. I've tried to state that before, but the best I could get was something about how other people don't think.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by JamesENL
Bad dupe-hammer usage: http://stackoverflow.com/q/34584498/2357233 See my comment for details
called out
It's 4am. I guess I might as well start getting up now.
@Zak Same here. I took a 7 hour nap and woke up at midnight. So far I have dyed my hair blue, done ironing, washing, had two mugs of hot chocolate and had breakfast.
I have work today.
@DanPantry Ooh blue hair, cool.
You and me both. The holidays have gone fast, but then I *did* go through ~200 tv episodes.
I also have to start looking for a new apartment, not sure quite where I'll go but I have 4 months
Mmm. Hot chocolate, now that is a plan
@DanPantry Sorry to hear that. On the plus side, 4 months is a lot more notice than you'd usually get.
@Zak I'm not being evicted; my contract ends 24th April and I have no desire to remain here
Ah, I see.
It's getting quite cramped and honestly the 'fully furnished' thing is starting to work against me
@Zak LOL I need to share that with my colleagues
Right. Hot Chocolate. Toast. Back to bed where it's not freezing. Back in 10.
And caffeine.
Shouldn't forget that
string[] locations = MemberHelper.getUserLocation(postcode, lat, lon, member, 0, false, ref areaHref).Split(',');
foreach (string s in locations) {
    sb.AppendFormat("{0},", s);
this is why we need code review
@Quill feels kinda weird to have MemberHelper with getUserLocation. Why not just have a User object with their locations on it
also.. is that C#? We use PascalCase not camelCase in c# for methods
Not my code and yeah
I want to change it but I don't want seniors breathing down my neck about 'pointless' changes
@Quill You kids and your pointless changes... back in my day when we wanted to write a piece of code, we walked up a snow covered hill both ways backwards and we were thankful for what we got. /s
old man with blue hair
close enough
Monking @JeroenVannevel
I'm about to go to sleep actually
Monking can be used at any time of the day. ;-)
I had an hour long conversation about the difference between string.Empty, String.Empty and "" the other day at work
didn't help that I don't really know C#
@JeroenVannevel Hello, my name is syb0rg and I am a monkaholic
string.Empty and String.Empty refer to the same symbol, @Quill.
actually no
string is a language keyword that is just an alias to the type String
there is a difference
~fetches SO post
I'm 99% sure of this but I'd like to be proven wrong
even jon skeet doesnt use string.Empty
A: In C#, should I use string.Empty or String.Empty or ""?

Jon SkeetUse whatever you and your team find the most readable. Other answers have suggested that a new string is created every time you use "". This is not true - due to string interning, it will be created either once per assembly or once per AppDomain (or possibly once for the whole process - not sure...

also I might be wrong
> Use whatever you and your team find the most readable.
string.Empty is the same thing as String.Empty
"" and string.Empty are different though
I think I read something about string being a C thing and String being a C# thing
but like I said, I'm no expert
@Quill it's convention, but they're the same type
I remember reading somewhere (lost link) that they are alias
AFK shower to wash dye off
they're not 100% the same thing
A: Why do lowercase and uppercase versions of string exist and which should I use?

Konrad RudolphIn C#, lower-case type names are aliases for the System.xxx type names, e.g. string equals System.String and int equals System.Int32. It's best practice to use these language alieses for the type names instead of their framework equivalent, for the sake of consistency. So you're doing it wrong. ...

string is an alias for String but they're not 100% exchangable
@JeroenVannevel Well, ye, String requires a namespace
try typeof(string) and typeof(String), for example
But I'm talking about referential equality
That's not equal?
you can't use aliases in a typeof() call
so int neither
and all others
I think there are one or two more scenarios where they differ but they don't come to mind right away
@Quill that's def bs though
fair enough
3 mins ago, by Quill
but like I said, I'm no expert
somehow the old developer got into the habit of using a delimiter of ||| instead of something sensible
the code is littered with .Split and shoddy StringBuilders
> F12 we go, further down the rabbit hole
@JeroenVannevel Well, thank you for correcting my ignorance
I used an iron for the first time today.
quick question, why does Resharper tell me to use var (built-in types) for all my type declarations? I thought overusing var was evil
@Quill Using var when the type isn't obvious is evil.
That rarely happens.
it just so happens that the majority of people use VS for their C# development and VS' intellisense is actually pretty good
a lot of the time duplicate type declarations is just noise.
looking at you, Java
@DanPantry Oh, that's a good point. I have a week's worth of ironing to do.
Of course, I'm only praising VS now because I haven't used it in 2 weeks. Expect me to come in here in about ~6 hours swearing about how annoying VS is.
VS Code is messed up
I remove a bracket and the thing goes all red for like five minutes after I've fixed it
@Quill s.. senpai noticed the spelling error I highlighted.. baka
tsundere visual studio
can you not be funny please I'm trying to work here :P
    string postcode = context.Request.QueryString["pc"];
    string areaId = context.Request.QueryString["aid"];
    string areaSuburbs = context.Request.QueryString["asb"];
    string regionId = context.Request.QueryString["rid"];
obfuscated query strings... excellent
I got +1 rep from somewhere? o.o
a downvoted answer got deleted
catch {
    //just let it go.....life is too short
Q: Prove that the graph is a valid tree in Python

pythonI recently solved this leetcode problem: Given n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1 and a list of undirected edges (each edge is a pair of nodes), write a function to check whether these edges make up a valid tree. For example: Given n = 5 and edges = [[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [1, 4]], retu...

possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Snorlax: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114563/revisions
1 hour later…
@Duga No code was changed.
So we had four CR regulars (one a mod) in the top page of Winterbash
and of course one of those CR regulars (I wonder who) tied for first
I'd say Winterbash went well
did we perform to your legacy @rolfl?
In the first 20 I see 5 CR regulars: Quill, Hosch, janos, Heslacher and Barry.
+Pops, if he counts.
oh I missed Barry
Pops is a casual here
Gah. Angular2. changed. everything. why
start your own framework, called Diagonal
also we're probably going to swap to typescript at work along with Angular 2
@Quill Good luck, it's a whole other framework to what Angular used to be
I'm not really a fan of TS because it flat-out refuses to work with a lot of npm modules unless they have typings, and there are a surprising amount that don't
I have my doubts about Typescript mainly
It can be handy in collaborative environments, but honestly nothing that could be solved with correct docs and decent testing in the first place
I would love to push for Babel and ES6 but that ain't happening
@Quill TypeScript (1.9) has a lot of ES6 features
Angular2 requires ES6
because it uses annotations - that's probably why you're going to use TypeScript. Angular2 uses typescript in their docs, and it isn't until recently that Babel supported annotations.
I've just consumed a regular coffee, a pro plus and a doubleshot of expresso.
@Quill Have you seen the... I forget what they are called in java. attributes? I think
Oh, those
class Foo {

Okay well they look like that
Essentially the annotation syntax takes a function (Serializable) and applies it to a class (or method/parameter)
Angular2 utilises this feature heavily
  template: `<h1>Hello, World</h1>`
class HelloWorldComponent {
Crazy how Java-like JavaScript looks now. Maybe we can start saying they are related :-)
I'm not sure how well that'll turn out for us
Just remember that Angular2 is currently in beta and things are subject to change
But the annotation syntax and so forth isn't going away (it's in ES.Future/ES7) so you might as well get used to it
The annotation syntax itself is incredibly powerful and can be applied to classes, methods, functions and parameters
function MyService(@Inject('$log') log) {

just when I'm like 'oh finally getting the hang of this constructor and prototype chain business'
ES6 and 7 come along and drop me back on my head
thanks, progress!
Nearly all of the features in ES6/7 are syntactical sugar (maybe with the exception of Reflect).
So all of this stuff was possible before, there's just now a standard on it.
I know, even Babel's sugar was a little bit too salty for me
oh, yeah, I should mention that babel currently doesn't support parameter annotations. That's a Typescript thing.
I should probably do some work. BTW.Work.
@Quill congrats for networkwide first place in winterbash !
Congrats for first page man
also not my star... o_O
@Hosch250 congrats for Code Review first place in winterbash !
How the heck did I score # 20 at CR and # 220 at Network-wide? I didn't even try...
because hats!
Except for Wukong and Hairboat, couldn't resist those.
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Simple JavaScript timer function
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Simplifying the building of an adjacency array starting from a flat structure
this ^ should be rejected
@AlexL please read my comment on the queue
@Zak yes, RoboSanta posts at 9UTC and 21UTC now, as explained on his profile (see also this meta discussion: meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/a/6393/12390)
@Quill Why?
It changes the indentation on a question
and not just adding four globally
like fixing it
It's an obvious copy-paste error, I've seen mods fix things like that.
I think @Mat'sMug is even a fan of fixing indentation.
It's not a copy paste error or the function header would've been outside the code block
it doesn't matter much either way
@Quill +1
It's not invalidating any answers.
^^^ that
Doesnt' look like a copy-paste error to me either - look at the existing indentation
But pedantry helps no one :p
I'm not a fan of such edits and I'm not recommending doing many of them, but it's not a valid reason to reject the edit IMO.
> I'm not a fan
I was inclined to reject, but then none of the reject reasons seemed appropriate, so skipped
it didn't change anything else besides adding backticks around the language name
which I would've edited out anyway
possible answer invalidation by dragosht on question by user93800: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/115749/revisions
3 mins ago, by Mast
It's not invalidating any answers.
this time it isn't. and then the next time he does it and it gets rejected
he says 'why, it was fine before'
but whatever
@Quill By then it has a valid reason for rejection. Now it hasn't.
4 hours ago, by Quill
catch {
    //just let it go.....life is too short
not my code...
It's better to educate when you have a clear example, and this was not
@Quill wat?
Just found this gem during my start-of-year Macro checks:
> '/ I don't like the hacky nature of this, but it will run fine for the next 2 years by which time I sincerely hope we'll have moved to a proper database system
Q: Puzzle Packing Box Z optimisation

HaydenExplanation For this Christmas, I got this puzzle as a present, with the aim being to try and fill 25 "Z" shaped pieces into a 5x5x5 box. Once I saw this gift, I thought I would challenge myself into trying to make a program to solve this for me. Picture of piece All pieces are exactly the sa...

And, from the comments in the code and the question, is clearly just a hypothetical question
@Zak I assume this means you didn't move to a proper database system yet? ^^
Also, candidates - next, acc + next is probably not a valid Scala code, but I believe it's clear what it means: remove the selected next from candidates and add it to the accumulator acc. — wxd May 21 '15 at 9:13
Yea, that question should probably go.
Don't recommend other SE sites as vaguely as you did in your comment though.
It's off-topic here, that's enough. Let other sites decide whether it's on-topic for them.
Q: Using a method instead of constructor to initialize

Yassin HajajI'm just wondering if what I've done below is correct. I'm using a method to make initialize the attributes of my objects, and this method is called from both constructor. What it does is, if no correct currency has been passed, choose € by default. Code class Prix { double valeur; ...

@Mast Yes. It's still all in Excel.
Once I'm satisfied nothing broke over the holidays, my job for the next month(s) is moving everything into Access.
@Zak It's not all that bad. Half of my company is propped up on an old Excel spreadsheet. :-)
@Zak That just sounds like you're going from bad to worse.
@DanPantry Eh, for data that should be in a database, Access > Excel
Especially beyond minimal scale
Proper SQL is not an option?
That's what I was getting at
@Mast I'll be getting to that.
I don't see why you would use Access over a traditional DB
Maybe avaliability, I guess. Most people who have Excel will have Access.
Because everyone around here knows and understands MS Office
@Zak That's a fair point actually.
But it's still only the first step of improvement.
@Mast Sure, but it's a step all the same.
I'd definitely go to management and say "Hey, since we're going to move to a different system anyway, let's do it right in one go instead of having to move again in a couple of years"
@Zak Yup.
At least there's progress.
That's good.
It was hard enough to persuade them to move out of Excel (I had to go through an external database guy one of the directors knows)
As I recall, Access can be a front-end to a proper db. But I guess that's not how Zak's being allowed to use it.
Even then, it's hardly a great front-end, ofc.
@itsbruce I'll cross that bridge when I come to it :)
@Zak Good. Means you did what you could and got at least something to show for it.
Did I mention such a feat looks great on your curriculum?
You get things done.
You know what the right tool for the job is.
And, you're not too pushy for wanting to go all the way when you know this is the best available for the moment.
If I'd be a manager, I'd hire you.
@Zak If you keep the db design clean, transitioning to an Access front-end and sql server back-end shouldn't be hard - if it ever comes to it.
On an unrelated note, could one of the C# guys take a quick look at this so we'll have at least an indication whether it's broken or not? I'd love to take OP's word for it, but he isn't sure either.
@itsbruce Put it this way, I plan to do a lot of asking you guys "How should I design a database for future growth" before / during transition
Once it's in a database, it should be much easier to argue for moving to a different database as and when necessary (probably once we get to a point where a web front-end would make sense)
@skiwi Monking
@skiwi Monking
@skiwi Monking
@Mast It seems ok but without trying it I am not 100% sure.
@Heslacher At least that's something, thanks.
only one more present to arrive for Secret Santa, yeah?
Oh, btw I broke the 30K ;-) but I will do this again because I still need to place a bounty for my hat votes.
Does anybody prefer a specific question to be bountied ?
Q: Djikstra's algorithm in clojure

tenpnI'm learning clojure and I'm interested in areas that could be more idomatic. The main function is below. If you're interested in the whole lib, check out https://github.com/tenpn/clj_playground. The function operates on a grid, which contains a finite number of cells. A cell is a single point ...

highest voted unanswered question please @Heslacher
or just keep it
would be
Q: Siamese neural network

DavideChicco.itI have been studying the architecture of the Siamese neural network introduced by Yann LeCun and his colleagues in 1994 for the recognition of signatures ("Signature verification using a Siamese time delay neural network".pdf, NIPS 1994). I had some problems in understanding the general archit...

except that one
it's a rep eater
to late :-(
Note to self: If asking which question should be bountied wait some time before really doing it.
This question is more suitable for either code review or dba sites. — Leri 33 secs ago
Q: Are there pitfalls to this solution to consequently read messages from a queue in parallel?

annemartijnI've posted a question on stackoverflow: How can I consequently read messages from a queue in parallel? I would like my own answer to be reviewed. Situation We have one message queue. We would like to process messages in parallel and limit the number of simultaneously processed messages. Our s...

@Heslacher Eh, you never know, maybe this will be the one that does it.
We will see.
One of these days I might learn Lua just for the sake of all the potential bounties on that question ^^
I was about to make that joke
you beat me to it
possible answer invalidation by annemartijn on question by sitereactor: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/41462/revisions
Don't joke around. Learn Lua and get the bounty !
Q: Java Service gets hung when stopping

mayooranI have created a Java windows service using procrun. When I try to stop the service it gets hung. Below shown is my stop method implementation. private static void stopPlugins() { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Came inside stop plugins method"); for (Class cl : classes) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Th...

@Duga had been a suggested edit which is approved
Q: MVC ArrayAdapter class

carlos kekwain reference of this : A generic MVC ArrayAdapter class I need to know where can i add the holder in this case? Many thanks, Carlos

^ can I get a hand with this?
@Heslacher Oh, it's bountied again?
If it keeps getting bountied, perhaps I should finish answering it...
Got too messy on the last try.
@Mast you can get 150 rep for answering
monking @MathiasEttinger
@Heslacher Problem is, that question deservers a very good answer.
And I'm not very good at writing good answers.
I write good questions, not answers.
Do you have a question? If you are after a code review perhaps you could try codereview.stackexchange.commhawke 46 secs ago
Q: Making a Battleship Game

Omar EldahanI'm making a Battleship game using python 2.7. However, how to make it is not currently my issue. The main aspect that I'm asking about is the style and method of making the code. Am I following best (or even good) practice? Are the comments too much, too little, unclear? If someone could give...

Hi, I'm an elitist jerk :)
me too
I'm so elitist I don't answer anymore because the questions are not worth it.
woah that's hardcore
some of the top rep users do that nowadays anyway
I already explained more than once why I'm not answering much, so I guess that I won't repeat it today ^^
yeah, you have. it's okay
@Morwenn elitistjerks used to be a website for WoW.
Probably still is, actually
@DanPantry Yup
@Quill, are you bored?
funny gif though
Possible duplicate: I answered this question some time ago on Core ReviewPaebbels 18 secs ago
@Duga Yes, he did. That was my question.
His answer was so good I bountied it for a 100.
> Core Review
No mess ? This is mostly code copied from a sample you found somewhere, it's full of unnecessary commented code, wierd spaces, wrong identation, ... For example, why do you override onResume just to call super.onResume ?? This would get so many -1 on a real company code review that there would be not enough space to show them on a 42inch screen... — 2Dee 44 secs ago
Greetings, Programs.
This would never pass a code review anywhere. It's an attempt at being clever instead of readable. — isanae 35 secs ago
Code review questions are not to be asked on Stack Overflow. — Zimano 48 secs ago
Just curious: I am the only one always using this.Field in C#? lol
@Kimmax Probably not.
Why can I only select meta, superuser, tex, dba or stats when trying to flag a post for migration? is there a better way to do it?
@Kimmax Yea, don't.
Oh okay.
what mast is trying to say here is: You really need to be dead sure beyond 100% certainty that it's off-topic on source site and on-topic for where you think it's on topic
and almost everyone gets it wrong on the first try
so it's usually better to not go for it, because it makes everybody involved unhappy :D
Monking btw.
And if you're certain, you can flag it for moderator attention. But SO usually only takes such flags on already closed questions. And many migration requests from SO to CR get rejected.
Monking @Vogel612
Q: Welcome to The 2nd Monitor!

PhrancisSo, you have found your way to the Code Review main chat room, The 2nd Monitor, perhaps for one of these reasons: You were invited or "pinged" by a site moderator or other user to discuss a post on the main Code Review site; You visited Code Review for the 1st or Nth time, and noticed the chat ...

A: What is the latest on adding Code Review to Off-Topic Migration Options?

MastBecause the Code Review community hasn't agreed they'd accept one yet. Is that relevant? Yes. Let me quote Pops, who mentioned after a migration from Code Review to Stack Overflow was set-up: FYI: this migration path only goes one way, from CR to SO; it doesn't let questions come from SO to ...

We can migrate stuff to SO, the other way isn't as fast.
Read and understood, thanks @Mast
Thanks for the suggestion/ code review! I love when people explain some things I have done wrong. Ill try to implement this when I get home and I will make sure to change the stream closing in a finally catch and I will update with what I find. Thanks a lot for the help! I was not sure where to even start looking :), at least this gives me some ideas to try and see what happens. Thanks again! — Justin Smith 13 secs ago
Q: how to get max value from 2 string properties in a list of objects c#

SunnyI have a list T of objects (of class Element.cs, this class stores attribute values(strings) of elements from a HTML page) in C# - Visual Studio. I am interested in finding the maxPageWidth. To do that i want to check the whole list of objects for the LEFT value and the WIDTH value. The highest o...

Q: How to check if an input is a panagram

James FairesI am trying to write a program which will check if a string entered by the user is a panagram or not but I have no idea where to start. Could I get some help or an idea in the right direction? Thanks. I am using Python 3 currently.

Q: Beginner trying to understand Java object referencing

John A DurstonI am learning Java, and I wanted to make sure that I understood object instantiation, reference variable creating and assignment. Are the comments exactly correct in the following code? How could they be made more correct? /* Two reference variables are created, both of type `Person`. JVM alloc...

@CaptainObvious 2 more VTC on that.
No code.
I'm glad, my sorting library seems to always become slightly better :)
Even though making new design chices is hard.
@Morwenn The mountain sort?
Probably better you write a working version of your solution and ask for a review at SE Code Review. — πάντα ῥεῖ 59 secs ago
It is better to ask for code reviews on codereview.stackexchange.comBrian Keller-Heikkila 1 min ago
@πάνταῥεῖ I would like to unedrline write a working version of your solution as at CodeReview we review working code, a pseudocode question like this now would be off-topic — Caridorc 58 secs ago
@MathiasEttinger No, the overall sorting library. Mountain sort was only a small component.
@BrianKeller-Heikkila This would indeed be a fine question for CodeReview, thanks for recommending us. — Caridorc 22 secs ago
I even changed the name mountain_adapter to indirect_adapter in the library since Mountain sort is just a specfific implementation of an indirect sort.
And I don't plan to have several indirect sorts.
I suggest you try the CodeReview Q&A on this platform. SO is not meant for these type of questions. — Elyasin 47 secs ago
@Elyasin Nope! SE Code Review requires working code. — πάντα ῥεῖ 47 secs ago
@Elyasin CodeReview is not meant for broken code. — YSC 55 secs ago
@Elyasin: CodeReview is for working codes only. Unless I'm misunderstanding "but nothing to testcase-2" (I'm assuming this means that testcase-2 doesn't provide the right answer), OP's code is not working at the moment. — R_Kapp 50 secs ago
oh!. Sorry i didn't know this. I was not having any idea so i came here and asked question. i'll look for help on CodeReview. Thanks — CruiseDevice 41 secs ago
@Elyasin The code is broken. Stack Overflow is for broken code. Code Review is not. — Zak 53 secs ago
At first I assumed a 2nd-Monitor mob had descended. Apparently not.
Yay, statistics!
A: What is the latest on adding Code Review to Off-Topic Migration Options?

ZakA very important reason why we're very wary of allowing a SO --> CR migration path: SO gets 5,600 questions/day CR gets 28 If even 1% of SO questions were incorrectly migrated to CR, our site would become 2/3 crud overnight. Even at present, where the only people who can suggest CR are those...

@Zak Do you have reason to believe 1% gets redirected here?
Count Duga's messages, I don't think it's that bad yet.
@Mast No, it's just a hypothetical
Making the point that even a *tiny* slither of SO's questions would more than overwhelm the site
Yea, but you'll need a good order of magnitude approximation for that claim to hold.
It's not meant to be an estimate of how many would actually be migrated. Just making the point that any appreciable fraction of SO's question torrent would radically alter the site if they were inappropriate migrations.
Q: How to do this program with out using goto?

H G SurHere is what I've written for a program to print upper half triangle of a matrix. Now i need a way to do it without using goto: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a[10][10], r, c, i, j; cout << "Enter the number of rows and columns"; cin >> r >> c ; c...

@CaptainObvious Holy carp...
@CaptainObvious why does this read like a homework question?
That's some seriously awful code.
@DanPantry Good homework books tell you not to goto
Q: Hold and validate ean code - Refactored

alexpfxBased on suggestions and some thoughts I made some refactorings of my classes to hold EAN13 codes. I create a contract interface which now is extended by BarCode classes, since there will be other types of BarCodes, like DUN-14, UPC-A... public interface BarCode {} I decide to move all the v...

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