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Thank you guys I didn't know about code review. I have asked it there too. — user3234550 56 secs ago
Q: How should I refactor this to get better performance

user3234550I am using this function to get scores for keys that are present in the map. The hash-map has around 80,000 items. The keys are all vectors of strings. The vectors, passed as keys, to the score function are about 22 but the function is called 64000 times in a single iteration of the calling funct...

No @SimonForsbergMcFeely, but we could based on the syntax tree. (And assuming we built our own code panes for the IDE. Can't quite high jack that much of it.)
To any of the guys out here: Why doesn't exist yet?
does it need to exist yet?
because it's not important enough, I guess
@Mast @Malachi
> And one more thing: there are 6-7 lines of whose meaning I can't understand, so please explain this to me this as well.
maybe it just works so well it doesn't need a review
@RubberDuck I'm sure we could p/invoke stuff and add red squiggles for syntax errors, and blue squiggles for suggestions. and then we could pick up Alt+Enter with our keyhook, ...and ... and...
@RubberDuck how could he not know what is going on there, it's commented even
We could. Sure, but...
@Malachi I can have a look at that.
And then we could ... build our own IDE?
Idk @Malachi. Ask OP. I just saw an OT Q while hunting Timey Wimey.
@RubberDuck my first thought was to delete that portion of the question, but it has a huge answer on it too
@RubberDuck Huh? Did I miss that?
Lol. What @Hosch250 said @Mat'sMug.
I have no idea what the original question was. Please use comment hooks.
@joranvar Awesome! I don't believe I have seen you in here before, Welcome to The 2nd Monitor
@Malachi He has been here quite a while :P you just haven't hahaha
@Malachi Thanks!
there are 104 Javascript questions that have the word Bootstrap in them --> codereview.stackexchange.com/search?q=[javascript]+bootstrap
Then why haven't I met him?
Someone introduce me, please.
@Hosch250 Timezones, I guess ^^'
Ah, this question. Darn, can't revert my upvote now. I should VTC.
@mast I'm mobile. I can't. This one. And one more thing: there are 6-7 lines of whose meaning I can't understand, so please explain this to me this as well.
@DanPantry Oh, makes sense.
Ugh. Oops.
Yeah. That one.
@Hosch250 Hi, I'm joranvar :)
@RubberDuck File a bug report. That's awful.
@joranvar And I'm Hosch250. Nice to meet you.
I'm Mast.
Useless information there.
@Hosch250 Nice to meet you, too
should stop being pedantic while not being able to read questions properly
@Mast edit it then
@Quill-HATMANIAC No, it should be closed instead of edited.
@joranvar was it you that posted the C#7 talk earlier? That was interesting.
well if you want to downvote and can't, that's what I usually do
@RubberDuck No, that was someone else. Haven't looked at it yet, though
One more VTC on this.
didn't you criticise me for that just a little while ago?
@Mast ,please
also there's more than one of those IIRC
why "-js"?
@Vogel612 Doesn't exist either.
oh that link I posted, a lot of them were tagged with
Allright, use that.
Though it has absolutely nothing to do with Twitter.
twitter bootstrap is the same as Bootstrap.js?
> Bootstrap is a front-end framework from Twitter designed to kick-start development of webapps and sites.
that sounds like it has a lot to do with twitter?
I have edited a few questions by adding the to them, but only if they specifically said they were using Twitter Bootstrap
here is the link to the search I was using --> codereview.stackexchange.com/…
I am going to stop editing for the time being, so I don't flood the front page
@Malachi This is bootstrapjs.
It's an old project but definitely different from twitter bootstrap
I would imagine a good many questions under bootstrapjs are meant to be for twitter bootstrap, though
okay I have heard of that. that is not the same as Twitter Bootstrap
there is no Bootstrap.js tag right now
I think we should leave it that way
aside from that, all this is different from good old bootstrapping
bootstrap Bill
Warning: Scottish accents. 8)
Scottish accents! I'm in.
Q: Finding next perfect number - brute force

morbidCode A “perfect number” is defined as a number equal to the sum of all its factors less than itself. For example, the first perfect number is 6, because its factors are 1, 2, 3, and 6, and 1+2+3=6. The second perfect number is 28, because 1+2+4+7+14=28. What is the third perfect number? Write a proce...

Q: Multi-dimensional array sort and filter functions

Sorin GFSHere you can find an independent class module containing useful array functions. Features: Filter Array Function by following parameters: GraterThan, LessThan, Equals, NotEquals, Contains, DoesNotContain, ContainRegex, DoesNotContainRegex, BeginsWith, EndsWith, and the list could be completed ...

Q: Binary heap performance optimization

Emily L.I have implemented a binary heap as a exercise in data structures. I realize that I'm missing some useful functions (increase/decrease key for example) but I don't consider them interesting for the exercise. I'm interested in learning if there is anything that I could do to improve performance o...

@DanPantry I read a really interesting article about a guy that bootstrapped his own language/compiler starting with hexcode once. I wish I still had the link.
The result of some three days of debugging (see the end): codereview.stackexchange.com/a/114113/34073
@Zak that review is... brutal. can it be reworded a bit?
@Quill-HATMANIAC Thanks! :)
I mean, it's all true, but... IDIOTIC in bold caps letters is a bit harsh
the only difference is the language used: vb.net versus vba. I did post this using vb.net tag for those who are looking specifically for vb.net based code. — Sorin GFS 9 mins ago
^ can we close the question as dup then??
@Vogel612 Hell no! if they want it reviewed as VB.NET code, it's a totally different ball game
so can I slap them with Zak's answer again?
lol, what I mean is, you don't do UBound(myArray) in .net
lol :D
hold on, if it doesn't compile in vb.net, it's a dupe.
I don't think it compiles as vb.net
Dim inputRegexObj As New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
@Mat'sMug looks like ti will at a glance
even the Call foobar stuff?
Yeah. That will compile @Mat'sMug. Believe it or not, they didn't remove that bug feature.
Backwards compatible
what of Dim inputRegexObj As New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp?
man, if that code is legit VB.NET, it's anything but idiomatic .NET
Yeah. I routinely re-write that to Dim inputRegexObj = New VBScript_REgExp55.RegExp
you mean it's quote: "IDIOTIC" quote end vba in a .NET disguise?
But the old Dim As New syntax still works.
@RubberDuck cough. System.Text.RegularExpressions???
just like it did in VB6.
Yeah, yeah. I know, but if you reference the COM library....
Hello all. I made an edit I'm not sure is valid.
Q: Efficient way for calculating Diagonal difference

Knox RootI was trying to solve a problem concerning diagonal difference of a matrix (using C99): #include<stdio.h> int main(){ /*n: is the size of the matrix (squared matrix) and it is Entered by the user*/ int n,line,row,sum_one=0,sum_two=0,dif; scanf("%i",&n); int array[n+1][n+1]; ...

@Edward y u no fix the lost brace?
Code is sorta broken without the change, but could well have passed some tests as OP says.
@RubberDuck I'd rather write my VB in assembler and hang myself by the pinky finger than reference regex as a COM library.
@Vogel612 Probably should have done that, too.
Just did.
@Mat'sMug If it doesn't compile, it's broken and off-topic. Has nothing to do with being dupe or not, right?
IMO it's still a dupe. OP will get the same answer he already got. Difference is trivial.
^ that
except all the .net education
but yeah
Even if the answer centers on not being idiomatic.
@Edward "Don't edit closed questions" is what I'd say.
It's still the same answer.
@Mast Nonsense.
Sometimes a closed answer needs edited.
Yea, by OP.
closed questions... and what Mast says...
@RubberDuck you close answers? dang, I don't even have that priv...
lol. Doing too many things at once.
Just got Yearling on Meta.
@Hosch250 happy meta-birthday!
@Mast Should I roll back my edits or just leave it alone?
Gave me the silver hat badge there.
I'm expecting it here on the 27'th.
@Edward Looks like a perfectly fine edit to me, but I'm not sure if the Q is on topic or not.
@Hosch250 you get the checkmark :)
@Mat'sMug I think I earned it :)
@RubberDuck The problem essentially is that the OP seems not to understand that in C, arrays are zero-based.
you did! maybe @TopinFrassi will think you also earned the bounty :)
I remember having that issue when I first got started @Edward.
@RubberDuck Me too!
Spending my stars because I'm out of ammo...
Now, my brain is just about 0-indexed.
I also had a really hard time with #OOP
I'm so ready to uninstall AVG... Also, I'm getting tired of my machine trying to download win 10...
@Hosch250 till you stumble upon Option Base 1
I've seen that.
guess where all the off-by-one errors in the Smart Indenter rewrite are coming from
@RubberDuck Are you on 7 or 8.1?
Abomination that is.
@Hosch250 8.1
I loved 8.1. 10 is quite nice too, though.
@Mat'sMug I remember some hapless Pascal programmer who created a bunch of horrible C macros to make everything 1-based.
With any luck he retired a looong time ago.
@Edward No, the problem is an edit will automatically put it back in the "Should this be re-opened?" queue.
Rolling back your edit would put it there again ^^
@Mat'sMug Ohhhh.... Now I get it!
Which would escalate the problem instead of fixing it.
Yeah, everything else is shifted by 1 in the declaration/reference selection.
@Mast Ah, thanks. I'll leave it alone.
Please feel free to ask on Code Review Meta if you disagree with this closure. If this code compiles as VB.NET, and you want it reviewed as such, there's probably a case for reopening - but this code isn't exactly idiomatic VB.NET code, it looks like you merely slapped a vb.net tag on vba code that's apparently identical with that of the referenced post. — Mat's Mug ♦ 7 secs ago
Boy it would be nice if Windows Update would tell me how long this download was going to take.
@RubberDuck Only 30 seconds to get to 90% done and then....
you sure?
Better than no status at all other than
> Don't worry. I'm doing something. I swear it.
I started copying many/large files over the commandline when I found out Windows is waisting valuable cycles at re-calculating the time it's going to take without having much basis for it anyway. It's a bit faster.
CLI copies don't calculate the time.
@Mast Actually, Windows likely uses DMA to do the actual copying.
How's that relevant?
@Mat'sMug how do I make a sum range formulat auto-update when I insert a row?
It means the CPU isn't involved in the actual copying of the files.
@RubberDuck Often, Excel will just move the sum down for you.
I don't know the exact details on it, but it does.
I know use a table!
assuming your hardware does support DMA
@Vogel612 I think most modern systems do.
@RubberDuck As long as it's not the first or last row, Excel will automagically do that anyway.
#define modern?
Anything as old as my computer.
Let's see, it is just over three years old, and it was on clearance when we got it.
@Edward it wasn't though. I had to format as a table to make it happen.
@Mat'sMug Aww snap.. :p But well, I gave all I could on that answer, I can't add much more :p
@RubberDuck Very weird. I've never seen that in either Excel or LibreOffice (which I use more often).
in VBA Rubberducking, May 18 at 19:55, by Phrancis
So buggy even their errors have errors!
I wonder if they ever encounter "external errors"?
@Hosch250 As if that wasn't enough, my webbrowser seems to have some error when showing the image of the internal error that occurred while showing an internal error. When clicking on that image first I see it, then after a few seconds it just disappears...
@SimonForsbergMcFeely Interesting.
@Edward yeah, but those are called "consultant-induced errors"
@Mat'sMug And no doubt you get an invoice with each such error.
I'm in the wrong business. I should be consulting.
I hate adulting. I'd rather be writing code.
Here's a tip boys. Don't let your wife have the credit card near Xmas.
Q: correct way of joining tables with EF

Olihere is my database: and here is my viewModel : public class groupsFoldersViewModel { private DAL.educationSocialNetworkEntities DB = new DAL.educationSocialNetworkEntities(); public List<DAL.sharedFolders_table> sharedFolders { get; set; } public groupsFoldersViewMo...

Code Review is a better place to ask this kind of questions — Adam Michalik 38 secs ago
@AdamMichalik This is purely pseudo code and as such, it would be off-topic on Code Review. — Simon Forsberg McFeely 37 secs ago
Soo... who's been lightsabering??
Damn, my bug is bugged
@Hosch250 That's pretty broken
I need help thinking of a title. I need this question to hit HNQ.
For what? ^^
Essentially the same as this, but parameters instead of fields:
Q: You are Promoted, You are Promoted, We All are Promoted!​

Hosch250My latest refactoring for Rubberduck is called Introduce Field - it promotes a local variable to a private field. The three overridden Refactor() methods are the members of IRefactoring, and are used to start the refactoring sequence. The other methods are the worker methods. Overall, I am pre...

Promoting local variables to parameters, known as Introduce Parameter in the codebase.
Hmm, no clue ^^
I got it:
Q: Climbing the Totem Pole - Local Variables Become Parameters

Hosch250Along with the Introduce Field refactoring, I wrote an Introduce Parameter refactoring. I actually wrote this refactoring first, but due to a bug in the parser/resolver, I was unable to fully test it until afterward. Much of this codebase is shared, and I am going to write a helper class to sup...

I'm at 55 rep. If I answer a few questions, I could maybe cap.
Q: Climbing the Totem Pole - Local Variables Become Parameters

Hosch250Along with the Introduce Field refactoring, I wrote an Introduce Parameter refactoring. I actually wrote this refactoring first, but due to a bug in the parser/resolver, I was unable to fully test it until afterward. Much of this codebase is shared, and I am going to write a helper class to sup...

:| It's annoying that there is not many information to be found if you run into issues while testing
So, I have been to see Star wars and I can report back: Everything is awesome ^^
@Zak May the source be with you
@Zak Did you really watch the right movie?
I give up, Grails/Spock wins, maybe I shouldn't be having multiple controller action calls in a single test
Q: A object exposed to directives that need to track changes on it

Wiley MarquesIt's a simple part of a project at my work. I'd like to know if I'm doing it right. ctrl.filtros = (function filtros() { var filtrosAtuais, filtrosAplicados, filtrosIniciais = { gruposEmpresas: [], empresas: [], processo: null, ...

Q: Enter year, date, month in ant order ill organize it

MagirldoogerI would like some advice on how I could make it less cody and more use of functions and classes. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class date { public: date() = default; date(istream &is) { is >> year >> month >> day; } bool organizeInfo(); bool organi...

I'm even so confident that I'll test the whole suite instead of just that one test
They all passed?!
Maybe I shouldn't be so surprised that all my tests passed
@CaptainObvious Lots of beginner mistakes there.
@Hosch250 You really like rep, don't you? ;)
@skiwi I'm trying to cap for a hat ;)
I've a ways to go, though.
If @TopinFrassi thinks my answer is good enough for the bounty, I'll just need 30 more rep, though.
Is this on-topic now?
@SirPython No.
The code hasn't changed since closure.
CR fell something awful in the WB list!
@SirPython I'm not sure why @200_success hammered it as broken..
@Quill-HATMANIAC I maintain that I am doing better than you in CR hats because 2 of yours are from the app, and I can't get those.
For the record, I'm OK with questions with Portuguese code. Better than broken half-translated code. It was the lack of any English explanation that was the problem. — 200_success ♦ 4 mins ago
May or may not indicate it's OK now. Not sure what he/she/it intends.
I'd close it as unclear what you're asking IMO
Being politically correct on the internet is a PITA.
@Mast Don't bother trying. People need to grow up, and 200 has a thick skin as a mod.
Be polite, of course, but don't go out of your way to be politically correct.
And in that latest instance, you could have said "they intend". "They" can be used as singular and plural.
@Hosch250 I've been told that before and it still looks wrong.
My order is off: 1. Change code; 2. Run tests; 3. Commit and push code; 4. Verify that tests succeeded
@Mast Well, it isn't.
<== Stubborn
I had a bit of a tricky time with that when I studied Spanish/French because it wasn't the same.
It makes sense to not be the same, though.
In Dutch there's no such construct, in German there's no such construct, in French there's no such construct and they forgot to teach me during English classes that English did have one.
Perhaps it's an American thing?
I don't know for sure, but I don't think so.
Do you happen to know since when that's allowed? The original etymology only considers the plural according to my dictionary. Except possibly for the following:
> Colloquial use for "anonymous people in authority" is attested from 1886.
But that's still intended as plural I think.
@Mast Wiki has a whole article dedicated to it: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they
It has been allowed for absolute centuries, as far as I know. Maybe it would make a good EL&U question.
Allowed by certain groups, yes. But not widespread I think.
Yes, it is widespread.
It could be a good question, but it would be quite hard to state it as a good question.
I've been seeing it used in books as far back as Dicken's time.
Probably older, but I don't have any data now.
Well, that kind of settles it.
Any SQL people see anything wrong with this? codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/96563/…
I do not.
@Mast It's a relatively recent American thing. Many years ago, I was taught that it is plural only.
OK. What did they use for singular third-person then?
Q: Ordering an un-ambiguous scrmbled date

CaridorcA date is un-ambiguous when each number may be decided to be day or month or year given the range limitation of this numbers. For example \$14\$ cannot be a month number \$2008\$ cannot be a day number @param un_ambiguous_date: an un-ambiguous scrambled date, of the format X/Y/Z ...

@Hosch250 "he" or "she" or "it" or "one".
The problem is that "it" tends to sound dehumanizing in English and "one" seems a bit archaic and stilted.
@Edward That's what I thought.
@Hosch250 I've recently read an article that used 'hir' and 'ze'.
@joranvar In English?
@Hosch250 Yes. They, I mean ze went out of hir way to use gender neutral first names in hir examples, too.
Alex, Pat, Jesse...
It was an interesting read.
Weird. I've never heard of those 'words' being used legitimately.
Great answer, BTW.
I've encountered them before... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
Thanks. It took longer than I expected, as I don't have any SQL Server at home. And sqlfiddle.com is slow...
Oh well, I'm not finding anything else to answer, and I've nothing else to ask.
@joranvar Have you heard about Cloud9?
@Mast Looks interesting.
@joranvar It's ideal when you want to test something. You basically got yourself a Linux VM.
All set-up in a minute or so, and free.
Signing up :)
It's great when you want to test something more complex than just a simple script.
Inter-script operability and such.
It does look nice! I will see what I can use it for (not so strong on the web-development)
Neither am I, it's great to get started.
Another possibility is docker which I have just recently started using.
@Edward Cloud9 runs in your browser. Docker needs to be installed.
I can imagine Docker is more useful when working in teams though.
Hat :D
@skiwi About time you joined in the madness.
Haven't seen @Vogel612 @JeroenVannevel and @holroy with hats either yet, so to each his own I guess.
I had a hat, but none really fit my avatar
@Edward I'm looking for ways to introduce git and better CI at work, and docker may be part of that
I have 25, only one fits mine
I don't do hats
They mess up my sexy hair
@JeroenVannevel that would be on one level with doing furniture, right?
@Vogel612 What is your avatar even? I always thought it looked somewhat like a bird, but upon closer inspection it looks more like a bloody hand
@HATMAN Only Odinson fits my puppy. That is the only hat in my collection not from CR.
it's mostly a bloody hand, yes
@Edward I've also looked into docker recently. Seems very useful, just need to actually do something useful in it.
I had the idea of making @Duga into docker.
I'm down to 5 votes.
@JeroenVannevel Get a 007
@SimonForsbergMcFeely For me, it's a way that I can have and transfer a complete environment to somebody else without having to send gigabytes of data.
@Mast Yes, but Docker works at 30,000 feet in an airplane. :)
@SimonForsbergMcFeely And put the entire docker on GitHub?
@Edward True that.
@Mast Yes, and the big thing is that I can have different (conflicting!) versions of libraries on the same machine.
And get one of your colleagues started within minutes on a project with complex dependencies.
I've been heating up water on this gas stove thing for over 30 minutes now and there are still no bubbles
Including populated databases and the likes.
That's way too long, right?
@JeroenVannevel Unless you're trying to boil 15L at once, yes.
@JeroenVannevel sometimes I wonder how you manage to get by day by day
@JeroenVannevel You know you need gas and fire, right?
It's not like there's much room for error. You turn on the gas, light it and put the pot with water on it
~newsflash: Appartment in Spain destroyed in Gas-Explosion, 9 Dead
That's what I did
@JeroenVannevel At least you haven't managed to accidentally burn your water.
I'm sensing a huge lack of trust in my cooking abilities
when this is obviously physics freaking out
you're thinking too macro for that, sorry
I'll try another cooking plate -- I knew I shouldn't have gone for the untested bottom-right
You're not actually watching the pot, right? dictionary.reference.com/browse/a-watched-pot-never-boils
So we have a Portugese burning pizzas and a pseudo-Espanol not able to heat water. Perhaps they should combine forces.
Or not, they'll probably try to boil the pizza.
Sounds like a trendy New York City restaurant in the making.
Woohoo bottom-left is my bro
The fire thing seems much more vibrant
Ciao, all!
Seems the pot is just thick...
Are you sure it's a cooking pot @JeroenVannevel ?
No, the fire is much bigger on the left stove and it's not even all-the-way
Incoming question (and first one).
Not some thermic insulator?
It's made of metal and it's in the pots and pans closet
that's indicative enough for me
That should work.
@Jamal Is the actually relevant for this one? They aren't tagged like such often.
We'll see how the next trial goes: heating up bolognaise sauce in a cereal thingy in the oven/microwave
@Mast Yes
Ah, it's yours ^^
@JeroenVannevel take cover!
also don't forget to cover the bowl with something to keep the sauce saucey
Was already going to do that to avoid making the microwave saucey
We've got bubbles people!
aand he's stroking... great. Did you never place a needle before?
Q: Implementation of the ls command with several options

JamalAs part of a past assignment, I've expanded on this implementation of ls to have more options available, including non-standard ones. It currently supports these (described on this page): -a -d -h -i -l -p -Q -R -S -t -U Other than that, it doesn't list a total field nor does it have colorin...

Q: Secret Santa with Groups on Swift

rr1g0I am working on an special version of secret santa with internal sub-groups. Typical Secret Santa(SS) requirements: Cannot be assigned to themselves Should be random Every participant should be assigned to someone Every participant should have someone assigned to Special requirements, there ...

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