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this part ought to be fun
Q: Building a restful api for the first time, looking for advice on my backend structure

Daniel_LI'm building an app that serves videos to a front end client. My stack is express/angular/sqlite. The db doesn't hold users, only root. I'm concerned that my controllers are too hardcoded, but I'm wary of the balance between making controllers too dynamic such that I'm merely pigeonholing myself ...

@Jamal Congrats!
@all there are a couple firsts posts ready to provide Greeter.
@Heslacher ^^
I think this question might be a better suited for the CodeReview section of the StackExchange. — ug_ 27 secs ago
Monking. You can get Greeter now.
I am on my way into the office, so hands off the review queue
@Hosch250 Since an upvote is required, it's best to focus on the on-topic posts.
@Jamal I think the ones in the queue are on topic.
Q: JavaFX eMail client

Phil C.I've just finished up a functional emailing client in the Java language. It applies the JavaFX libraries and the JavaMail/activation APIs. Give the source a read through and make all the suggestions you think of, please. I'm in the process now of cleaning it up since it was just finished, but ad...

Q: Writing a battle system for an RPG I am working on and am in need of a helpful push

OG Snuggielike I said in the title I am working on a text based rpg and have hit a wall in regards to the way combat is handled in the game. I am having difficulty making the menu in which the player actually chooses what to do (i.e. attack). I have a couple of the methods I need to get a basic version of ...

There is a third that appears to be asking for missing code that just came in, though.
@CaptainObvious This one.
As mentioned - this should be on Code Review :) — Taryn East 52 secs ago
Q: (Javascript) Help me create this table

Ken JobsI wrote html & css for my table: 14 cols x 12 rows (13th row: use the 1st cell only) thead 1 row tbody x1: 5 rows (value *1) x2: 4 rows (value *2) x3: 1 row (value *3) Average: 1 row Under "Average": 1 cell (Average) And I need your helps to make it can do these following things: I. S...

Got my Greeter ;-)
I'm working on 007 and the 5 +5 answers.
I have 2 of the 5 of +5, rep capped 1, casted 49 votes on first day......I will get lots of hats !
49 votes on one day?
delete votes
I have 2 of the 5 +5 too, and just posted another answer.
Oh. I lost those.
I almost rep capped, but I opened two bounties.
I guess I wouldn't have capped anyway, I ended up at +51.
Well, happy hat hunting. I've got to go to bed.
Thanks and good night
A: How would Facebook Sysadmins prevent the summoning of Cthulhu?

Quill - HAT MANIACThey don't. There's so many stupid vines and memes and general shit content on Facebook that in taking over the data centres, Cthulhu reads it all and subsequently decides he'd be better off in hell than stuck in Facebook's data centres, eternally scrolling the world's news feeds. Or, Cthulhu f...

@Quill-HATMANIAC you are second place on the network-wide leaderboard !
I will try to get you ... just kidding ;-)
there's a few more hats I'm still working towards
and some are time related
The leaderboard is somehow behind the time. You are listed (on CR leaderboard) with 16 hats but in reality you have 19
I have 3 on other domains
they're domain specific hats
ah ok
I thought if I see your CR profile stating 19 hats then that are the hats from CR
I earned Speedy Delivery, EveryoneGetsAHat and Odinson on MSE, MSE&SO and SO respectively
@Quill-HATMANIAC How is that question not closed yet for attracting opinionated answers...
Monking by the way
I'm getting hats everywhere except on CR...
it's worldbuilding
also written by their mod
monking btw
@Heslacher How do you reach the network wide one?
Q: Java Batch Movie Downloader

BenI'm have a little bit of Java experience (sophomore in college), so I'm looking for things that I could improve on. The idea is to batch download a list of movies (torrents) off a torrent site and add them to your server. Heres Main.java import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import j...

On the winterbash site -> leaderboard -> The Stackexchange Netork
There's a couple of CR users on there, good.
Show them who's boss.
CR for world domination!
I'm number #2 lol
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by user92304: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114000/revisions
monking @janos
he @Heslacher
so.... how can I help the community get 20 unique hats?
Get some hats that no one has ;-)
I guess by helping @Quill-HATMANIAC get his 20th :)
I lost it a little while ago
2th place
ah, your 19 hats include hats from other sites
did anybody get the one for gold badge already?
how about the one for Tumbleweed?
@janos I'm going to get the gold one tomorrow! :-D
@holroy that a fact?
@janos I answered a tumbleweed that IsmaelMiguel may mark tomorrow
If my count is correct Quill has 15 distinct hats from CR... So we need 5 more to get the Every hat...
@janos Yes! 100 consecutive days... A no brainer, when you have the time for it...
we have to get it today. period.
we're at 18 unique hats atm
@Quill-HATMANIAC how can you tell?
I have 16, barry has the Up hat I don't have (17), somebody already has the gold badge one that I don't have (18)
Q: How to supply initialization Configuration to DAOFactory

Nileshpublic static DAOFactory getDAOFactory(int whichFactory) { if (null != daoFactory) { return daoFactory; } switch (whichFactory) { case MONGODB: daoFactory = new MongoDBDAOFactory(String connectionString, String dbName); case MORPHIUM: daoFactory = new...

@Quill-HATMANIAC Do you have the Thalia and Prelomonsloeoeoeo, if not we should have 20 already?
alright. so what's missing that's get-able today?
If I rep cap today and tomorrow I have the Hat Trick hat
@holroy Prelomonsloeoeoeo?
Yeah, you have... They just don't show on the leaderboard...
I have thalia
3 mins ago, by janos
we have to get it today. period.
@CaptainObvious It's an attempt to make a factory for a factory.
@Quill-HATMANIAC Melpomene...
@200_success does one needs a factory to make a factory which makes factories ?
yeah I have it
We need the tumbleweed
and odinson
but odinson is pretty much impossible here
We can get the triple search... Tomorrow...
@Quill-HATMANIAC yeah, that's impossible
Too bad it's closed. That would have been a funny answer.
odinson, onion or monkey
if someone wants to post a meta, and it gets -5ed then +5ed we can get to 19
@IsmaelMiguel, sorry to bother you, can you tag that question as confirmed (just for the hat) and then once I've got the hat, untag it?
I don't want to cheat though
^ If he gets on, we can get 19
Well, he was gonna mark it anyway
Somebody write a witty titled post that grabs attention
Like that hooked on windows one
@Quill-HATMANIAC what's the "Up hat" ?
5 upvotes (at least) and no downvotes in one stack day
I missed out because I got a downvote yesterday
or not :)
oh! speedy delivery
we could get speedy delivery (if we dont have that)
If we already have it, we're at 19
oh, that's get-able
ah no, I got that one on CR
o-k.... so there's not a lot I can do for now.... better get back to work then =)
But if you need me, just ping, I'm usually not too far away
You got speedy?
Meta coming
@Quill-HATMANIAC yup
Ok we're at 19
tumbleweed then
Do we have "Do it yourself?"?
I have that
Q: Whats all this winterbashing for?

HeslacherHaving winterbash is somehow a cool thing but makes us a little bit too fast for answering/editing/voting questions only for the sake of getting hats. Sometimes it let you even ask such questions on Meta to get at least +5 and -5 in a meta post. Should we keep this up ?

We need -5 on that and +5
I think the -5 won't be the problem ;-)
you are right @janos deleted
I will reword it, because in fact it (the fast answering) has been a problem at least for me.
The fast answering wrecks hammock on the active tab... Editing, voting, closing and reopening... Hopefully it settles a little in a day or two, so we get back to somewhat normal business
like the pizza hat last year, was a bit too much
but with a little careful thinking, planning, and cunning, we can maybe find ways to keep quality up and get the damned hats too
anyway back to work, really
What he means is wait until the mods are sleeping
(or at work ;-)
Undeleted and edited the question.
@janos What did the pizza hat involve?
5 well-received answers in 30 minutes or less
@janos Ouch.
Doing that legitimately on CR would be kinda difficult wouldn't it.
difficult, but possible
Actully, I guess you could just write the answers in advance then just post them all at once.
Q: What's all this winterbashing for?

HeslacherHaving winterbash is somehow a cool thing but it makes us a little bit incautious with answering, deleting and voting to just get the desired hat. I had the problem myself, but fortunately another answerer pointed out my mistake in his answer and I got a chance to edit/update my answer. How c...

it's not unusual that I have 3+ objections about a post. Instead of typing up all, I could write one, and let others write others. Completely doable
Someone tried to post a lame question in an attempt to get a pizza.
Also, can I just say, I love the name I drew for Santa Santa. This is going to be fun.
careful not to spoil it
@Quill-HATMANIAC not even close =)
13 already awarded
I was looking at meta lol
and the accepted answer must have > 10 score
that too ;-;
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by lollermittens: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/6802/revisions
@Duga I take it there's still plenty of old crap that can be improved =) @200_success
@Hosch250 got 007
The problem is, once you find a crap question, you also find half a dozen others that are linked as related questions.
@200_success How is this a problem?
@Zak instead of seeing something nice and upvote-worthy, you see some crap that needs a decision + fixing. I don't know about you, I prefer to see upvote worthy stuff and enlightenment =)
I could easily flood the front page with edits and still not be done.
Q: 4 database queries, multiple loops in loops, slow processing time

Michael DibbetsThe octoberCMS(based on laravel) controller below is what I use to select the lowest price in 4 pricelists in the given daterange. Prices can vary and it's not guaranteed that the more expensive sounding categories will have higher prices. I have 4 relations in my model pricelist_bronze, pricel...

Plenty of crap to go around.
A: What's all this winterbashing for?

Quill - HAT MANIACHats are fun! But low quality posts, and off-topic mischief are not. Here's a list of the common hats that may cause mischief and how to spot it: Timey Wimey: this hat is received by editing old posts, so you may find users making pointless edits just to get it, if you see some that look susp...

that was fun
Q: Read in parameters with links from textfile

JohnDizzleI´m trying to read in a few lines of parameters from an textfile and format these paths. How can I improve this code to work with less lists ? I just need the final paths. import os config = open("C:\\Users\\config.txt") content = config.readlines() removedEnds = [] removedStarts = [] finalPath...

thanks for pointing Code Review. I will keep it in mind for the next time. — beribazoo 41 secs ago
> Developers have a lot of problems.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it has been already answered on Code Review: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/30080/…sp00m 20 secs ago
We don't happen to have any RF engineers around, do we?
Unfortunately it seems like you are looking for mentoring/code review beyond the scope of your original question. I wish you success in your learning endeavors, but cannot participate further. — Thernys 34 secs ago
Q: C# - Make the static class thread safe

Xawery WiśniowieckiI have a simple class that I use to logging errors and other informations from my applications. I wondering what will happen when 2 or more threads of the same application would like to log something to file. What will happen when they call Log() function at the same time? The more important qu...

Q: How can we get the most out of Winter Bash 2015?

janosI think that ranking high on the leaderboard, as a community, is good publicity for Code Review. I'd like us to rank high, and all members to get a lot of hats, but without abusing the rules, staying legit. Some hats are easy to get, while some are harder, or even very hard. (If it was easy, then...

@janos, I had the wrong tag lol
also I posted in on Meta.SO
A: How can I spot the Winterbash related mischief going on?

Quill - HAT MANIACHats are fun! But low quality posts, and off-topic mischief are not. Here's a list of the common hats that may cause mischief and how to spot it: Timey Wimey: this hat is received by editing old posts, so you may find users making pointless edits just to get it. Thalia & Melpomeme: These hats...

@Quill-HATMANIAC yeah I thought something was off.... thanks for the fix!
"While not an issue now, chatrooms may find themselves star-flooded on the night." - I think we'll cope :)
@Quill-HATMANIAC This was deleted by TimB lol
A: How would Facebook Sysadmins prevent the summoning of Cthulhu?

JoeLast time this happened at my job, we were glad our servers were running Windows 10, which forced a shutdown for mandatory updates...

Brilliant answer
Alright, before I go on my upvoting-hunt today, would anybody like to offer some targets?
every answer of me which is worth it
@Heslacher I prefer not to go by-user, in case it gets flagged for automatic rollback.
I hadn't been very active today, so I haven't read many answer so I can't tell a target for you.
The article about lying seems overly concerned with "lying to make you look good". That's all well and good but how about reorganising commits to make code review simpler for the reviewer, an honourable aim. How bad would lying in this context be? — guioconnor 1 min ago
@Zak That's not the only reason you shouldn't.
@holroy made a query and posted it on MCR a while back to find 'hidden gems'. It's basically to upvote low-voted answers by high-rep users. I strongly disagree with that practice.
Find posts. Is it good? Upvote. Is it bad? Downvote. Neither? Move on.
Don't go by user.
You could go by-tag though, nothing wrong with that.
As long as you don't favour certain tags.
As in, give them upvotes by default.
@Mast IMO, it doesn't matter too much how you search for Questions, so long as you always apply the same standards to up/down voting.
Like, if I want to give somebody some upvotes, I'll go through their questions/answers, and up/down vote everything I see based on my usual standards.
But going by-user tends to mess with the standard ^^
I should post some code later today. Need to write something suitable first I guess.
So everybody who deserves upvotes gets them. And the target used will only get say 20% of them.
Finding questions to review is quite hard.
And when I'm not doing that, I'm methodically going through VBA, up/down voting every question and answer.
Good tactic.
There's only a couple hundred questions, so it's quite conceivable that by the time I've picked up the voting hat, I'll have voted on every single VBA Q/A
@Quill-HATMANIAC Done.
Enjoy the hat.
thanks man
Guys that should make 20 unique hats
You're welcome
Nobody else will answer that
No need to keep polishing the turd when no one is interested in it
And now, I have to continue working
I have to go through 55 websites, and I'm not even half way there
Hmmm... Got an email for a position at a company and they looked at my open-source projects in Github for Android
Now I'm really wondering where they are basing of that I'm an Android expert ;-)
java == android
Right, that's everything upvoted in VBA before March '14 (well, apart from 1 downvote).
Q: Suggestion for a lot of chained Task

JasperCurrently we develop our app in .NET 4 so we can't use async/await feature - Task only :( I have a lot of Task continuation that depend on .Result of previous Task -> for example: I have a command that should: Stop previous instance Copy files elsewhere Delete original files Start instance ag...

And I'm out of upvotes for today,
@Quill-HATMANIAC Well, I wouldn't want an Android Senior above me that actually doens't know Andorid at all :D
@MartinJames, um you're getting trolled bro, or you're managing to troll yourself. — Quill - HAT MANIAC 15 secs ago
Wouldn't it be easier for someone who has a strong general Java background to pick up Android fairly quickly, as opposed to the other way around?
Woooooo! Nice timing!
@Phrancis That might be true, but that sounds more junior than senior to me
@SimonForsberg @Mast There hasn't been any firm announcement yet of when POI season 5 will start.
I can haz upvotes?
A: Should I worry if I'm the youngest person in my company?

ZakAssuming the company knew your abilities (or lack thereof) when they hired you, you have nothing to worry about. Keeping your job is not about being the best. It's about expectations. If your company expected you to be a fresh grad with some decent skills but a lack of experience, and you turn ...

@Zak that'd be me
And me.
It's been a year and I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing and I don't really know why they think I'm worth all the trouble it takes to keep me around.
I don't always have a set task to complete but when I do...
> holy shit it's due in a week!
Then I look around at all the employees who are most definitely *not* computer people and it becomes abundantly clear :p
over the christmas holidays I intend to push out a swift game onto the store
get my resume up in that area, make a little extra side cash
Q: Python: simulator game of life to find max population of R-pentomino

SayakissI'm brand new to Python and I feel my code is really like what coded in Java. I try to practice python by small problem and that is to find the maximum population of R-pentomino. Wiki says: During this early research, Conway discovered that the R-pentomino failed to stabilize in a small n...

@Quill-HATMANIAC Heh, I intend to push a new JDOM version out as well... busy XMas?
time off work :p
got work tomorrow, star wars + work the day after the that, and after that a work party at Sea World
nightmare fuel
Greetings, Programs.
@Quill-HATMANIAC No, this is nightmare fuel: youtube.com/watch?v=GhxqIITtTtU
no thanks
@Quill-HATMANIAC Or is it the greatest fear of Python developers? ;)
@Donald.McLean Greetings.
@skiwi pep8 is the greatest fear of python devs
Get a snake and call it PEP8
@Quill-HATMANIAC I heard that Apple won't approve any new apps, or any updates to existing apps, during the holidays.
I can make it over the holidays and submit it afterward
also hi @simonforsberg
Welp, we've got another CR Fizzbuzz on the HNQ sidebar.
I couldn't find the first monitor. Now I just found the second one.
@Quill-HATMANIAC true
Q: 1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz: FizzBuzz

TheCoffeeCupI just recently started working on python (interesting language, actually), and, as I always do when I learn a new language (with the exception of BrainFuck, that's too hard), I write a FizzBuzz program. I notice there is no error-checking, so my program would have problems with incorrect input,...

@SimonForsberg Code freeze of sorts I'm guessing?
@Phrancis Winter freeze
@Phrancis or just Apple being Apple...
@rolfl / @janos / Any one who is working with Java professionally: How much mapping between different object types do you do at your work? (either automatically with Dozer or any third party library, or manually). That seems to be done quite a lot around here and there is a part in me that says that there has to be a better way...
@SimonForsberg a lot. Hibernate, XML marshalling, EJBs, manual, and probably many more
Q: CakePHP static pages (without entity) but with dynamic content

RicardoI have a few pages that is not conected with entities (index page, terms of use page, email page). Detailed description: In CakePHP when you want to have a static page (such as index for example) you should use the PagesController (is not connected to any entity). However my static pages have dy...

Q: Simulating image transfer over noisy channel with a repetition code

StepTNTI need to write a software in JAVA which allows me to simulate the transfer of some images over a noisy channel while adding redundancy with a repetition code . Before going into code details and issues, here are some requirements: read files from a directory containing images for each file, ap...

@janos good, then I'm not alone at least. I don't quite like to have to map the same data to different objects over and over again. Here we have Service A that calls Service B that calls Service C, so there's a mapping between the objects C -> B -> A. And then we put the objects into Drools and so we map them again, and then finally we map to API objects that our JavaScript frontend gets back. Is this just "the way it is meant to be"?
Sometimes I forget how little CR upvotes compared to other sites. My workplace answer is barely 30 minutes old and I've nearly rep-capped already.
@SimonForsberg are service chains are not really long enough for this to be too annoying
@Zak CR used to be quite votery
Q: Unfindable error

Farahad<!DOCTYPE html> </head> <body> <script> confirm("Welcome to the Bible Adventure Game!"); confirm("To win the game, you must collect all the parts of the Biblical Timeline."); confirm("Please flip over the pieces as you find them."); var Case = true; while (Case ==...

Q: Gretchen and the Play solution from Indeed Contest on hackerrank.com

YanThis was one of the tougher challenges on hackerrank.com because the solution had to run under 4s time limit. I had to do a lot of optimization for this one. I had to switch from using Java 8 to Java 7 which for some reason ran much faster and didn't time out on some of the cases. Any commen...

> Integer one = new Integer(1);
He really, really wants it to be an Integer
He must not want a simple int there.
this is kind of Funny, I just recently got the announcer badge for this post --> codereview.stackexchange.com/q/40488/18427
out of all the posts I have shared, this is the first one I get 25 unique IP hits on...weird
Q: C++ WebBrowser Webpage Automation

Heath ArthurIs it possible to automate/scraping webpages with C++, with the ActiveX WebBrowser Control? I have been looking into this and have not found anything on the subject. I am very fluent doing automation/scraping in the .NET WebBrowser using C#, but was exploring the possibility of making this happen...

@janos s/are/our/ . I'm not sure when it is "too much", but this feels like it.
@SimonForsberg good correction. For us it's usually A->B, no ->C
@janos I wouldn't be surprised if, in my case, the C has a -> D that I'm not aware of.
alright my eyes hurt, I'm gonna go to bed now
good night
@Zak ....try rep-capping on DBA.SE
Q: Modifying puzzlesolver to look rectangilar grids

studentThere is a programming puzzle in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3382859/solving-a-recreational-square-packing-problem to find a 11x11 square containing squares of 1 to 100 such that those squares can be read by catenating digits by going straight. It was solved by the program in http://raksy...

I mean, we're not that bad with voting, are we?
@Mat'sMug Workplace is a bad example of voting....it's like Facebook for StackExchange. I like this I don't like that, your an idiot. you get my drift? @Zak?
I thought I had killed chat for a while.. monking!
some of the Stack sites are like that. not just Workplace.
@Malachi Like, say, worldbuilding :)
@Zak I was thinking that too, but hadn't thought about it enough to type it out yet
World Building. Winter Bash. Warner Brothers.
I am taking a short break from re writing my Resume
I am just not very good about bragging about myself
If the worldbuilding community were condensed to a group of people, it'd be a bunch of stoners on a trip, coming up with insane ideas and going "Cooooooooooooool".
@Mat'sMug Monking!
they actually base some of it on science though
I have read through some of them.
I have an answer over there actually
I have 2 answers
A: If the insects declared war, who would win?

MalachiNeither side wins The reason why we haven't exterminated insects already is because they are needed for just about everything. They are a crucial part of the ecosystem as well. Let's say they all move to a portion of the world to wipe out a specific target, Humans, they still need to eat an...

Okay, maybe a bunch of stoned scientists then :)

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