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@Mat'sMug Well, I play hockey on sunday morning, and it's halloween on saturday night, so I probably won't sleep too much myself either :p
have to be in work tomorrow at 10.. :(
Q: Seed std::mt19937 from std::random_device

Baum mit AugenTo fill you in: Many people seed their Mersenne Twister engines like this: std::mt19937 rng(std::random_device{}()); However, this only provides a single unsigned int, i.e. 32 bits on most systems, of seed randomness, which seems quite tiny when compared to the 19937 bit state space we want to...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it appears to be asking for review of working code, rather than being a question about a problem. It may be better suited for Code Review. — Ken White 56 secs ago
I'm having such a great time listening to this right now, thought I'd share it
I just answered a C# question from.... 2012.
Wth Visual Studio.
@DanPantry any experience with Jest?
Q: Code to find value into a table by 2 criteria (x,y)

Fabrizioone boy ask my how find the value that corresponding a two criteria into one table. here is my answer, and the function return the correct value. you would use another way? table sample my code, I pass on function =findval(3200,100) the result i 4,6 Function findval(x As String, y As String) ...

Q: Check sum of all primes under two million

RyanI'm exploring ruby by writing a code that checks the sum of all prime numbers under two million. As I am still in the process of learning ruby, I'm unfamiliar with all the standards and best practices. What I have so far works, but I am certain it can be improved. Where can I improve my code for ...

Looks like I found a C# bug.
@JeroenVannevel dont use it
Well apparently the IDE cannot make up it's mind on the following code:
public override int GetHashCode() => (int)Width << 16 | (int)Height;
Mind you, Width and Height are short types.
So, when I cast to int like that, the IDE complains that the cast is redundant (which it should be).
oh, C# 6
But, if I don't cast to int, it gives me a different error.
@DanPantry why not? It looks very easy to use and integrates with module.exports
@JeroenVannevel it mocks EVERYTHING by default
you have to turn off mocking
its incredibly slow
what's the other error without the cast?
ify ou're using the latest version of react (0.14*), you have access to shallow rendering, which you can do without needing a DOM and thus in mocha
@EBrown 87% sure it's a known issue I've seen fly by already
> Bitwise-or operator used on a sign-extended operand; consider casting to a smaller unsigned type first.
So, no matter what, it complains about that code.
@DanPantry react? Since when am I using react?
@JeroenVannevel If you're not using react why the hell would you use jest?
It underlines it "green" when the casts are not there, but not when the casts are there.
So I'll just leave the casts.
Jest is a test framework specifically for react.
I thought it was specifically for jasmine
no.. jasmine is an assertion library
you can use jasmine with mocha and karma as well
I just need some mocking framework so I can mock out a few calls
you want sinon then
bloody javascript frameworks
..I'd make it an actual bodied method and have var width = (int)Width; and return the bitwise op working off these locals. tada, no complaints.
I know all those framework names, and I'm not proud of it
@Mat'sMug But that's more work.
C# 6 disembodied methods are funky bells & whistles imo
I had sinon open as well. I guess I can take a look
@Mat'sMug expression-bodied members
don't make it sound like our methods are disemboweled
disembodied. or "spiritual", or "ghost". heck, it's Halloween, "dismembered".
"dismembered methods" haha
Getting in the halloween mood already?
yeah, fighting zombies and all
Well, Width << 16 | (int)Height doesn't warn about the sign-extended message, but it states that the (int) cast on Height is redundant.
Anyone got some of motivation for me?
@EBrown shorts can be automatically widened to ints without losing data so that would make sense
assuming of course that Width << 16 | implies that the right hand side becomes an int as well
I don't know the CLS by heart on it
@JeroenVannevel It does. If you hover over the | symbol, it shows the overload for int, int.
then the cast is redundant indeed
Yep. And if you don't have the cast, it gives the warning message.
Someone just posted 40 lines of VBA code that then on SO got turned into a single line.
kinda standard for yucky vba code...
that does what excel can do anyways.
nothing on the bitshift though...
I'm putting an issue for it in the Roslyn GitHub right now.
I wish there was a way to disable whatever causes me to think that all code needs to be perfect, and just code something ugly and then refactor later :D
Code Review has scarred me for life ;(
for anyone wondering why I am back... it was effective. up to a point
@EBrown Is it a compiler issue though or a VS issue?
@skiwi No idea. I assume it's a VS issue.
I leave the determination of that to the experts.
Not sure if it's actually relevant to Roslyn then
diff (unix) is great. why doesnt windows come with this?
Git Bash on Windows is more awesome
@skiwi If not they'll probably close it.
@skiwi im using that
Good good ;)
I HATE XML. That is all.
just tested something, it worked fine
demoed it to my boss, it didnt work
just tested it again after he went away and it worked again
my boss must be a magnet and is demagnetising my laptop or something..
user image
One of these days, somebody is going to get confused.
tell your boss he's the problem. Bosses like problemsolvers
@Mast its the famous rapper m&m
We should start a lawfirm or something.
M, M & MM
btw @EBrown
int is not a smaller unsigned type than short
@Mast Oh I've been confused by that plenty.
I didn't realise for a while that all three of you existed.
@JeroenVannevel I'm not sure that applies in that specific situation.
@Mast TS
> Bitwise-or operator used on a sign-extended operand; consider casting to a smaller unsigned type first
Then he uses int
int is not smaller than byte
hence his confusion here:
> However, this only seems to happen on short types, at least as far as I've seen. I don't get the message on my byte types that I do the same operations on
Why in the hell would I cast a short to byte? If that's what they expect, then obviously there's a bigger problem in the system.
@SuperBiasedMan We're all quite different people though, it isn't like we're even in the same languages or on-line at the same time.
@SuperBiasedMan Back when I was in secondary school, there was a pair of identical twins in my year.
It wasn't until halfway through the year that I realised they were 2 different people...
@Mast Oh I know, but when I was knew and would see comments or close votes I just blended you and Mat together in particular.
@Zak It gets awfully confusing if you see one going up the stairs and when you turn around he's still behind you.
Now I'm thinking I should create accounts called @Mat's Mast and @Mast's Mat
@Zak Or Matt smug
@Zak I would star that, but somebody would take it as a challenge and really do just that.
Maybe @Mat's Mug's Mast just to really overdo it
now that would be confusing..
Hey, does anyone here use NuGet?
why would a Mug need a Plasma-Reactor?
Q: Simple Multiplication Grid function

ᔕᖺᘎᕊI've made a small function to output a multiplication grid (those things from primary school! :P) to an inputted number. My code: def make_grid(max): max += 1 # so the for loops go up to the desired number, inclusive print('X\t' + '\t'.join([str(_) for _ in range(max)]) + '\n') # prin...

@Vogel612 you tell me!
nono, that's Zak's job
@Vogel612 You get a plasma reactor and you get a plasma reactor, everybody gets a plasma reactor!
to keep the coffee heated, then?
er, hot != nuked
150 M degrees, yea, that should keep your coffee hot.
Wait, what's my job?
@Mat'sMug TS
@Mast I think that that point your coffee would not exist as a liquid, and would've probably destroyed the surrounding city that you lived in.
@JeroenVannevel That explains absolutely nothing.
@Zak not really worth an RSA... need to conserve stars...
@EthanBierlein I think there's a what-if for exactly that
@EthanBierlein It would most definitely not be a liquid, the rest is solved with magnets.
@Vogel612 You'd be right. There is.
Of course, at least the coffee hasn't been heated to the plank temperature.
> What if I used a backyard-size nuclear fusion reactor to keep my coffee warm?
Now thát would be clickbait.
@RubberDuck huzzah!!
> Plank Temperature = 1.417*10^32 degrees Celsius
@Mast that actually sounds like a great idea. My coffee is perpetually cold.
How about we heat the coffee up to that?
@EthanBierlein Like it makes any difference after it turns into plasma?
Why are we talking about cold coffee btw?
@Mast I'm not even sure that'd it even exist as a plasma by that point.
@EthanBierlein shouldn't that be planck temperature?
Anyway, I just stopped by to drop this off for @Donald.McLean. bbiab
@Vogel612 Yup.
I don't remember a phyiscist named plank
Oh well
This would give a whole new idea to global warming.
@KenWhite ok, you are right. It is possible move the question to CodeReview without delete/retrite? — ar099968 9 secs ago
@Mast I think you mean "planet destroying global warming".
@EthanBierlein There's definitely a What-If about that.
Multiple, I'd dare say.
Somewhat, but it doesn't get as high as the planck temp
Since the posted code does not compile and your asking about a runtime problem, there is little chance that we can definitively answer your question. and your asking us to review your code, the codereview.com would be a much better resource, but they will want a working code posted, not some unformatted snippits — user3629249 27 secs ago
Now I have a question I want to submit as a possible what-if:
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is asking for a code review (without posting all the relevant code). This would be better posted to the codereview.com site — user3629249 56 secs ago
> "What might conceivably happen if I heated a box of indestructible material to the Planck Temperature?"
> 1.875 gigawatts (I lied about stopping). According to Back to the Future, the hair dryer is now drawing enough power to travel back in time.
@user3629249 No! Broken code is very, very much off-topic at Code Review! I don't know why SO users believe the contrary, but stop pointing broken questions to our beautiful part of the internet! — Mast 45 secs ago
@EthanBierlein The hair dryer, to the max.
that's just 11 Petawatts
@JeroenVannevel Apparently it actually is a bug and was fixed in Visual Studio 2015 Update 1.
Q: How do I modify this Google script to pull the email from column E in the Google sheet?

oemb1905Instead of assigning one static email to the "var email" below (or for that matter multiple emails separated by commas), my question is how do I enter the column E value from the Google Sheet this script is pulling from? Column E contains an email value that varies depending on who is using the f...

Q: Block Art - IEEEXtreme 9.0

spyr03I attempted this problem from the ieeextreme, and I got timeout for just over 40% of the cases. Now that the competition is over, I was wondering what could be improved. The problem is as follows: Given a grid of size R, C 1 <= r <= 12, 1 <= c <= 10^6 Apply one of 3 commands 'a', '...

Q: Delphi: write data with updateresources

ar099968What is the best way to write resources to a *.exe file? I have developed this function but i'm not sure if this is the best (secure) way to write in resources without corrupt *.exe in case of fails. procedure SaveToRes(const aResFileName, aResName: string; aMemoryStream : TMemoryStream); var ...

Hey guys
I found little bobby tables
  Message:          An error has occurred.
  ExceptionMessage: Incorrect syntax near 's'.
  ExceptionType:    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException
When entering an address with an apostrophe
Because who needs to escape inputs, right? :D
Finally got this XML crap to work :D
Now convert to JSON
Wish I could. But, I can't.
/*Add the vendor's order ID here - Must be 10 characters*/
declare @VendorOrderID char(10) = '0690604978';

declare /*Date range to look into*/
    @FromDate datetime = dateadd(month, -1, getdate())
    , @ToDate datetime = getdate()
declare @PayloadID uniqueidentifier;

;with xmlnamespaces(default 'http://redacted')
    @PayloadID = cam1.cam_groupid
from CustomerAppMessages (nolock) as cam1
    cross apply cam1.cam_xml.nodes('OrderAcknowledgementResponseMsg') as request(ack)
    cam1.cam_inserted between @FromDate and @ToDate
Ugly, but it works
@rolfl I bet you can write a oneliner for it in JDOM, huh?
Sounds better suited to code review if it's only a matter of code or cross validated if it's more a matter of stats — Tensibai 55 secs ago
Q: Simple Single Linked List

MORTALI'm currently studying data structures, I have implemented simple single linked list as shown below. I would like to know how can I improve it? #include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <cassert> template <typename T> class List { struct node { T value; std::uni...

@RubberDuck Thank you!
> A Form representing the form to remove from the list of owned forms for this form.
Did someone say "Form"?
Shouldn't this be moved to codereview.stackexchange.com ? — ashwin 37 secs ago
I have the same issue. I'm supposed to do code reviews across multiple change lists — Keith 47 secs ago
@Vogel612 JDOM does not make XML any more logical, or structured, it just makes the programming language structures and the XML structures more consistent with each other... in other words, most people use DOM, which is a language-independent mechanism for navigating things.... but, choosing the lowest-common-denominator from features like C, C++, javascript, python, java, perl, and more.... and it has to cover HTML and XML ....
DOM is not a good tool if you can specify an actual language, and document type. JDOM focuses on XML, and Java, and as a result is a better experience.
SQL is the one language in the world that doesn't recognise `\` as an escaping character..
Escape ' with another ' ;-)
for some reason we're using dynamic sql for this simple insert
which is causing me escaping issues
because the entire stack is passing \' instead of ''
PostgreSQL has $$string literal's$$ which is nice
@DanPantry and VBA ;-)
Q: How to increase code efficiency and clarity

user2943039I've been working on a code that reads in all the sheets of an Excel workbook, where the first two columns in each sheet are "Date" and "Time", and the next two columns are either "Level" and "Temperature, or "LEVEL" and "TEMPERATURE". The code works, but I am working on improving my coding clari...

@Donald.McLean anytime!
@CaptainObvious You don't say
<Phrancis><eyes state="crossed"/></Phrancis><!-- BTW.TFL -->
Edited. Still working on that shiny gold badge.
I know it, and this is exactly the behaviour I want. But when I've added it to my tests I get blamed in code review by everybody saying that before(:each) is not recommended cause I will break Unit Tests rules. — joaofraga 55 secs ago
So we have a "costume contest" at work for Halloween so I dressed as Kip from Napoleon Dynamite.
we had a pumpkin carving contest
someone sculpted a pumpkin into the shape of a penis and put cotton wool around the base of said penis
adults at work
I prefer the pumpkins carved into "Student Loans" which, personally, in the U.S. is much scarier than anything else.
^^^ lol
@DanPantry So civilized
Someone made a chocolate crumble dessert with little candy tombstone with stuff written on them... mine said "Merge conflict - RIP"
Merge conflicts are terrifying.
meh. depends on which VCS and what merging-strategy you use..
git and merge early merge often takes lots of the terror away
Commit early, commit often.
Wait... that's not how that goes.
also it depends on who's responsible for resolving them
e.g. somebody creates a PR from a feature to the master branch
then they are responsible for making sure there are no conflicts
(thanks git merge --dry-run)
@Vogel612 that exists?!
Why did I not know about this sorcery?!
actually it's --no-commit --no-ff
dry-run was for push...
Q: Do all git commands have a dry-run option?

vfclistsDo all git commands have a --dry-run option, or one which would indicate what the command would do without actually doing them?

interestingly option --porcelain and option --short seem to imply --dry-run
at least for commit..
@Vogel612 A --porcelain option, who thought of that...
it's machine-parseable output...
That's what my code looks like when I don't get it quite right.
well that gives a whole new meaning to "it blows up"
If your function doesn't take a certain type as argument, keep smashing the data till it looks like the type your function does like.
@Mast That's the spirit!
> "What doesn't fit shall be made fitting"
@Mast Huh, I'm not seeing it
@skiwi Battery compartment
@Vogel612 With duct-tape, sledge hammers and WD-40
That's what a hack looks like
actually that's more of a bodge
now whoever's wondering what a bodge is (and that wants to shake their head) shall look at this video
Q: Filtering out empty Optionals

Matthias BraunI want to convert my list of optional strings to a list of strings by getting rid of the empty Optionals Is there a shorter version for achieving this than the following code (except statically importing the methods of Collectors)? List<Optional<String>> stringsMaybe = Arrays.asList(Optional.of...

@RubberDuck the cognitive dissonance of source control is that code should only be committed if it's sane, while people should only be committed if they aren't :o
It's 6pm, how am I already tired!
Q: Trying to understand Logistic Regression

JonasRI'm currently using the following code as a starting point to deepen my understanding of regularized logistic regression. As a first pass I'm just trying to do a binary classification on part of the iris data set. One problem I think I have encountered is that the negative log-loss (computed ...

@DanLyons interesting point.
Down to 484 warnings.
@EBrown I wish I could get the number of compiler warnings that low...
Q: Python arcpy script takes a week to run. How can I increase its speed?

ketarMy script matches customer data to parcel data using address and name information for both shapefiles. 700,000 customers and 900,000 parcels. I have attached code for the segment that takes 95% of the time to run. If anyone can give me tips on how to make it faster, I would appreciate it. I canno...

The fact that you let it run for a week before bothering about performance is already impressive ^^
in one of our branches, the build has zero warnings
but that's because we filter certain warning numbers ;)
@RubberDuck Why do you have so many?
@EBrown it's called legacy
the project that I quit on had 11k warnings
Q: Python arcpy script takes a week to run. How can I increase its speed?

ketarMy script matches customer data to parcel data using address and name information for both shapefiles. 700,000 customers and 900,000 parcels. I have attached code for the segment that takes 95% of the time to run. If anyone can give me tips on how to make it faster, I would appreciate it. I canno...

Q: Conway game of life

biancaFunction that generates a 2D pixel buffer with dimensions 7 opts.cols x opts.rows (in pixels). The initial contents 8 of the generated world is determined by the value provided 9 by opts.world_type: either ’random’ or ’empty’ A ’random’ 10 world has 10% ’living’ pixels and 90% ’dead’ pixels. Pyth...

Q: Python: checking wether a dict key exists in values of another dict

ExaggSo i have two dicts for example: dict1={'a':'1' , 'b':'2' , 'c':'3'} and dict2={'0':'x', '1':'y' , '2':'z'} and i need to check dict2 for if it has keys that are not in dict1 values, so in my example in dict2 it should pick up that key '0' is not in dict1 values. i can't figure out how to ach...

@skiwi wow, that's crazy
@Michi Agree OP's code would benefit with numerous changes, hence the "mostly work" in the answer. Amongst these are size_t i and check scanf() as you commented. Also, overflow, sign characters, no need for an allocated array, repeated calls of strlen(str), etc. But this is not a code review site, so focusing on the some of the more important ones. BTW: suggest trying that site to bring coding to the next level. — chux 29 secs ago
@DanPantry Isn't it 6pm where you are?
@Zak Monkevening.
It's always monking somewhere.
Meanwhile on Mars #9 – The Martian (Curiosity version)
@Zak Monking is universal.
@CaptainObvious One more VTC
Q: Mininum time required for frog to cross the river

pythonI recently gave a programming test and this was the question.. I was not able to solve this challenge, but interested to some of the approaches you will follow to solve this.

And the comments on this answer can turn into a flag fest. Have at it.
@CaptainObvious Just burn. Hard.
@CommitStrip Now I'm sad
@Mast It actually seems like a reasonably healthy discourse (which should probably be moved to chat but not flag-worthy)
@Zak It was a SO-style discussion with a lot of non-constructive commentary not relating to the question/answer.
Q: Checking for hyperthreading

BarryI want to just write a simple function to check if my linux box has hyperthreading enabled. I want to know if there's a simpler way to produce the cpuinfo dict (would be great if I could use a dict comprehension somehow) or generally a better way to check this information: def is_hyperthreading_...

Q: Filter mapping system

Shelby115This system allows the user to define property mappings between two objects and a filter. Then the user may call Filters.Apply<T>() to get an IQueryable<T>. Example Setup // Called from some program entry point. Filters.Configure() .Map<TileVM, Tile, Contains>(x => x.SearchName, x => ...

this might be better asked at codereview.stackexchange.comdepperm 13 secs ago
That's an interesting question :
Q: How does .NET framework allocate memory for OutOfMemoryException?

RX_DID_RXIn C++ it's actually possible to throw an exception by value without allocating memory on a heap, so this situation makes sense. But in .NET framework OutOfMemoryException is a reference type, therefore it is allocated on a heap. How does .NET framework allocates memory for OutOfMemoryException ...

Q: Hamming Codes using c#

Michael DancestarI seem to be having difficulty creating hamming code for my assessment in c#. Im not very proficient in C# but i am very interested and determined . The issue is i have an array for positions for each check bit. The issue is knowing how to utilize the algorithm of hamming code to c#. Direction wi...

@CaptainObvious Hammer* you meant
@AnkitAcharya You don't have to believe me but if you ask on code review they will tel you it does. — NathanOliver just now
I think I'm going to try my hand at a merge-sort implementation later.
Q: Simple JavaScript Timer Function

CarolSo, I've written a timer to start when the page loads, and to stop when the user clicks a "finished" button <br><button id = "finish" onclick = "stopTimer();">Done</button> My code works fine, I was just wondering if there's a simpler/easier/faster way to implement a timer in Javascript? //St...

@EBrown what Vogel said. Legacy code. Legacy VB code....
Q: Get list of indices from searching for values in list of lists

CactusWomanI have a list of lists of numbers. The numbers are in sequential order, ranging from 0 to n and each number only appears once. I want to loop over all the numbers in the list of lists and return the index of the list containing that number. list_of_lists = [[2,3,4,5,6],[0,1,7]] desired_output =...

Q: Implementing common fraction using TDD

Nikita BrizhakRecently, during the interview, I was asked to implement basic arithmetic operations with common fractions using TDD. The task is fairly simple, but I was nervous so I did not do too well. :) Later on I decided to give it another try in more... comfortable environment. Here is what I came up with...

@CaptainObvious mine!
Gosh you guys are boring on Friday afternoons. What happened?
Where's @Malachi?!
I show up for the first time in ages and no one's here. =(
@RubberDuck Perhaps it's more about what isn't happening.
I'm just trying to stay awake for the remaining two hours and 15 minutes I have at work.
Ditto. I'm gonna review that code me thinks.
Kind of over the work thing atm.
Yeah, I'm not really in the mood to sit here for another two hours and 10 minutes, so I'm going to implement a multi-threaded Julia set generator.
Or I'll play TIS-100, not really sure yet.
Ooh, TIS-100. I've heard of that game. Is it worth purchasing?
It's definitely worth it.
@EthanBierlein I had a lot of fun with it.
@RubberDuck Seems like I get stuck working complicated payroll data issues on Fridays nowadays ;)
@Phrancis is your paycheck affected, because if not....
No, but our customers' are ;(
Ok. Wow. My professionalism has totally and completely slipped today.
@RubberDuck What do you want?
Ahh, fair enough.
That's what I want, and I want it now.
Sound may not be SFW
I've got headphones.
So do I.
@RubberDuck^^ headache
@Mast That's surprisingly relevant, given that my finals are a week and a half from now.
@Phrancis da fuq?
@RubberDuck Oops :p
Very much just sent that to my wife btw.
@RubberDuck Digging into many, many tables to try and find out why a worker got paid the wrong earnings on last Labor Day... #Fun
@TopinFrassi beat me to it while I was singing!
> Point 1, a denominator can be negative!
@RubberDuck That's my secret, I don't sing. morphs into Hulk
@Phrancis for some values of fun, you sick duck.
TTQW, Yaaayyyy. Good weekend folks
Q: Self cancelling period tasks

MikeDI've got a piece of code that will run a period task to do a small bit of processing. The task depends on an externally managed connection resource, and if the resource goes away then the task should unschedule itself. Condensed into a unit test (although lacking any sort of assertions): @Test ...

@Mast Payroll going to different employee? Oh, whatever
@skiwi Not quite, just using the wrong rate code for that shift
Still doesn't sound very good. I mean, wrong salary makes nobody happy.
Unless people get way more than they expect ofc.
The agency fixed it by hand it looks like, which doesn't help me much in finding out why it happened...
I'm so pissed that I used crappy variable names.
Now I can't tell wtf this code is doing at all.
happens to all of us.
I don't know what x0, y0, xL or yL are, or what they stand for.
Not helpful...
Well now I know what x0 and y0 stand for.
But xL and yL still escape me.
I'm sure it made sense when I wrote it...
But now? None.
Something related to x and y, length?
Oh ffs, xL and yL are xLast and yLast.
That makes way more sense now.
@MannyMeng Hello.
@Phrancis Hi.
@EBrown Refactor -> rename?
@Phrancis Just did.
Now to figure out what the rest of this carp is doing.
@EBrown carp?
You mean the fish?
I use "carp" instead of "crap" a lot.
@EBrown I see. A bit fishy...
Of course, x and y should have been real and imaginary, respectively.
@MannyMeng Oh, fish jokes! @DanPantry
@EBrown Why can't they be x and y? I mean, the Complex plane is essentially like the normal Cartesian plane, and I assume x and y are used for rendering.
@Phrancis I really love that one.
@Mast WHy did you ping @DanPantry?
@EthanBierlein I suppose they could be, but that's less descriptive.
@MannyMeng because Dan's awesome.
@MannyMeng He was called Red Herring for a while.
Maybe just use real and imaginary when you're doing the fractal computations, and not the rendering.
ugh..... how do I run out of stars so quick?
Sep 2 at 21:06, by Mast
I thought I saw a new user entering the room, turned out to be A Red Herring.
I just noticed that he named himself @DanPantry again... lol
Well let's see how badly this doesn't work.

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