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@TopinFrassi "Just weird?" It's borderline sociopathic.
I just robocommented twice before even glancing at that code, I'm not sure it's a genuine post.
@SuperBiasedMan > I love you, __ __ for free! And next time I'll put a question like this on the help center.
I lol'd.
@EBrown Well, I get the sense of humour behind it. I'd find it... funny-ish if a friend made me play that game and my name was there. But the asian line was fun
A: Is a late apology to a former boss about an unprofessional resignation inappropriate?

ZakAs a general rule: Sincere apologies are never inappropriate, and have no expiry date. Whenever you feel sincerely sorry to anyone about anything, no matter how long ago it happened, apologise to them (in person or in writing. IMO email should be a last resort).

Quick, before it gets to the main HNQ list and everyone piles in :)
@CaptainObvious Kudos for everyone for staying professional in the comments. Unfortunately the OP didn't follow.
@Mast Oh, did the comments blow up?
@Zak OP responded in the same style as he wrote his game. Nothing more to it.
Trolling question, stay civil, flag it, delete it, move on :)
It's even easier for me to be civil when I comment without actually reading the question. :)
@SuperBiasedMan Or any other comments, right?
Well, 148 more rep and my CR rep is officially double my SO rep.
Q: Renaming video files

user1002973I'm new to F#, so I've ported an old Python script I have to F#. It scans a directory for files named something like Game.Of.Thrones.S01E02.xvidblahblah.mp4 or The_Wire_s03e04.somethingelse.avi, and renames them to a nice form like TheWire_s03e04_Hamsterdam.avi (where Hamsterdam is the episode's ...

@EBrown Who has time to read these days?
@SuperBiasedMan I don't even know how to read. >.>
I don't understand the question. Are you asking for a code review? >> Is there possible way better than jquery to get the user choices from the dropdownlist?Halcyon 13 secs ago
I've started an internship, one month and a half in, I didn't receive any paycheck. I llooooovvveeee am disgusted by an organisation that messes with the pay
You'd think working for the government would prevent stupid things like that
Are you sure you get paid for being an intern?
IME, the government are just as prone to bureaucracy and incompetence as everyone else.
@EBrown Yeah, I am. It's in my contract.
@Zak Yeeaahhh, but the paycheck? Really?? I mean, mess with whatever you want, but the paycheck?? D:
No process is ever safe from bureaucracy, incompetence or simple human error.
I get that. But if you want productive employees, that's the thing you should watch
@TopinFrassi LOL
The government and productive employees, did you write that one yourself? :P
Alright, touché
Slightly more productive employees
That's the definition of oxymoron.
I'll need to call that paycenter, where everyone's always "busy with someone else"
English-speaking people in the Stone Age might have said "It's not rock science." — Sven Yargs 2 days ago
Q: I've got a memory leak, somewhere, and I don't know how to debug

Robert Tomas G IVI am very new to implementing memory-leak measures within my scripts, and would like to better learn how to do so as most times I just see debates on unset vs. var = null. Any help would be greatly appreciated! <?php //CREDENTIALS $client_id = ""; $client_secret = ""; $redirect = ""; $access_t...

@CaptainObvious INB4 Mod Hammer
@Zak It's not clear if their code is actually broken. Unless someone here knows PHP and can confirm that they haven't implemented a memory leak fix in it.
@SuperBiasedMan Oh, ok. I literally read the title and jumped straight to "We are not a debugging service" mode.
@Zak me too... and then I read the actual post, ..and just downvoted.
on-hold as broken code. it's literally asking for debugging help per the title
Pretty colours ^^
Documentite is a serious decease, best treated with AGILE.
@Zak Nice chart.
Aw missed it
@Mat'sMug Oh, believe me, this isn't set in stone. It's just something to get me started
Wow, reminds me of "redacted redacted redacted."
And for if/when I get lost in my code
@Mat'sMug Does Rubberduck work with Access?
Q: jQuery Bowser Sniffer

DeD ReclusEI'll be honest this isn't all my code, I have made some tweaks to bring it more up to date. The main goal is to do some browser detection and add classes to whichever element we want. I am simply looking for your input regarding the code (not looking for your opinion regarding browser sniffing). ...

@CaptainObvious Sniffing Bowser with jQuery eh? We should slip a word to Mario about this
@EBrown of course! It even works in Word and PowerPoint!
Oh, and Outlook too, and it has been seen working in not-officially-supported VBE environments, like AutoCAD and Visio and even a homegrown app with a VBE
A: Easier user input in C++

5gon12edernamespace std Others have said this already but it's important enough to be repeated: Don't put your own definitions into namespace std. It's undefined behavior. About the only thing I'm aware of that you may put into namespace std are specializations for templates already defined by the stand...

Wow ^^
One of the best answers I've seen in quite a while.
Q: Cleanup Matrix Multiplication

marshI am very new to matrix math. I have the following the sets the rotation in a [4][4] matrix. But it is pretty ugly. Can anyone suggest how I could clean this up? I would like to not have to call MultiplyTwoMatrixes twice. A better way of copying the [3][3] matrix into the end [4][4] matrix would...

I have a feeling I might be posting a follow-up for that question.
Actually, I know I will be.
> Don't worry if you cannot reproduce the results of the above two examples. It's undefined behavior so anything (including but not limited to your cat getting pregnant) could happen.
@EthanBierlein Eh wow, that answer deserves as many upvotes as long as it is
@EthanBierlein lol
Funny enough, I actually do have a cat.
I just melted part of my multimeter
Bad day
TTQW. see you guys in a bit.
@EthanBierlein this guy is getting a +200 as soon as that question becomes eligible for a bounty. Out of my pocket mug.
I'll catch up with Loki another week
@EthanBierlein wow, I wish I could give that more upvotes.
@Mast ...how?
Ya know what? I'm gonna do a re-write of the code in my question and post a follow-up as soon as possible.
There's so much good advice there that it'd be a sin not to incorporate it.
@skiwi Short-circuit
@Mast That's no good
Blew one of the uh, what's English for 'stop'?
@ARedHerring Thank you
Was it a fuse or a relay?
One of those things you have in the fusebox in your house.
That's a circuit breaker in the U.S.
I should know the terms, I'm an electronical engineer.
meter cupboard, according to interglot. Don't believe it...
Also, someone is coming by today to look at my (not working) furnace.
@Mast Well, if you're not an english electronical engineer I guess it's ok :p
I have a strong fealing that this belongs to codereview — WorldSEnder 43 secs ago
@TopinFrassi Also, I do low-voltage stuff. 230V is usually the max I use.
Although I built a 400V coilgun once, but that was exceptional.
oh, btw, i applied for a place called toptal a few weeks ago... just to let you guys know I'm in the 2nd interview stage as of a few hours ago :D
@Mast Looks like it could be a fuse to me, never seen one like that before.
@ARedHerring Congratulations!
Is that 600V I see on it?
@EBrown They melt.
That doesn't look like a fuse I've ever seen beofore
@EBrown Yea, we use 500-600V thingies.
@Mast "Thingies?"
That would make sense that it melts, that's how normal fuses work IIRC.
Not all of them, they're usually resettable nowadays.
I have an annotated box of 3.3V to 5V IC's here.
These are old, you need to replace them if you blow one.
@Mast Sounds nice
@Mast Eh, you blew an actual fuse in your house?
@skiwi Burned my thumb on it...
@skiwi Yep.
I thought you just damaged the multimeter :P
@ARedHerring Nope. :( I'm going to try reinstalling Windows this weekend and see what that does for it.
@skiwi Both
What did you do?!
Like... how did you even manage to do that?
Ugh. I'm done with that user. I don't understand what they're posting here for.
This program is small enough that it doesn't matter (and I've only been using C++ for a month, cut me some slack) — Nevermore 9 mins ago
@skiwi Short-circuited the lawnmower with my multimeter
@Mast ^^
@EBrown New toys? ^^
@Mast Nah, old ones. :)
On CR we don't really care how small your code is, we will take your code and provide opinions on it.. besides.. there is no code that is small enough that it doesn't require concise namings of variables and types — A Red Herring 6 secs ago
@Mast Oh, I thought you were working with hobby electronics
@Mat'sMug ♪ Let it go ♪
It's Friday, after all :)
@EthanBierlein I see you have fallen into my trap, my young padawan learner.
Unless you are putting an Arduino (or Raspberry Pi) on top of a lawnmower?
@EBrown Yeah. Except I still only like the airhorn or multilingual versions.
The multilingual one is awesome.
@skiwi Usually, not today.
@Nevermore Look. You posted your code for review here, and it's being reviewed. If you can't take or accept advice, then why'd you post in the first place? We're trying to help, not hurt. — Ethan Bierlein 6 secs ago
That's the other box.
@EBrown You may want to make a new picture :P
@EBrown Make music with em
@skiwi Bah, I have really bad shakiness in my hands and only 1/100 pictures are worth a damn. I'll try again.
Q: Getting translated string using reflection and Resource Manager

DeepakI have written following code to get the translated string from Resource Manager. The method GetTranslatedString called more than 50 times in my project. public static string GetTranslatedString(string input, string culture) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) return input; ...

Also, @ARedHerring @EthanBierlein I don't know if commenting on that is appropriate, @Mat'sMug was handling it nicely and now it looks like we ganged up on him.
Why isn't ducktape proper English? :(
@EBrown I wasn't trying to make it look like I was 'ganging up' on him, but @Mat'sMug said he had had enough and I just felt like it might be better to approach the topic towards the OP in a different light.
I do feel that @EthanBierlein's comment was a bit too aggressive though
@skiwi duct-tape
@skiwi it's duct-tape, although I will forever pronounce it ducktape.
@EBrown FYI the OP posted a comment like that last night and it was deleted, so this is a repeated "offense" of sorts. I'm trying to inform the OP.
Alright, I was just trying to play devil's advocate a little.
In short, the OP seems to be incapable of taking criticism.
@EthanBierlein A... what?
@skiwi Better?
Briticism sounds like a criticism of your tea. Or the weather.
@EBrown Lots better
@skiwi I'm curious on how many of those you recognize. :)
Woohoo, confirmed a bug just now. Search fields don't allow searching for a name that has an apostrophe, like "O'DONNELL".
user image
@ARedHerring ^^
'Zactly! The OPs code is something that'd get flagged in a code review in an instant. Ugh. — the Tin Man 37 secs ago
@Duga false alarm
@Mast @skiwi ^^
@ARedHerring eh, you're not seeing the deleted comments ;-)
Anyway I'd like it to be left at that
Parameters refering to copyObject(sourceBucketName, sourceKey, destinationBucketName, destinationKey)
I believe amazon auto-generates their API docs using API Gateway @JeroenVannevel
so thats probably why the docs are shitty
er,, generates their SDKs
Q: JavaScript program to find if array is in Arithmetic or Geometric sequence

CodeMGiven an array of numbers I've to write a function to return the string "Arithmetic" if the sequence follows an arithmetic pattern or return "Geometric" if it follows a geometric pattern. If the sequence doesn't follow either pattern return "neither arithmetic and geometric". I'm a beginner and ...

Q: Remove items from list based on array of ids c#

Vadims SamsinovsSimple example: public void DeleteMakingOrders(int[] ids) { var makingOrdersToRemove = _db.MakingOrders.Where(m => ids.Contains(m.Id)); _db.MakingOrders.RemoveRange(makingOrdersToRemove); /* More Code */ } Can it be done better i.e. linq?

interesting stuff
Q: Calculate the perimeter and are of regular polygons and circle

DeliriousMistakesMy first real program in python, so probably needs a lot of work. I've been taking a class and it's really slow and I was self taught most over past 2 weeks. Anything I should do differently? #Programmer: Delirious Mistakes #Date: October 7, 2015 #File: Advanced Shape Calculator V1 #This file ...

@EBrown How do you mean?
@skiwi The LSxxxx numbers.
@EBrown Looks fancy
Nope :P It's some sort of standardized thing?
@skiwi Yeah, the 7400 series is a standard list of IC's.
The first IC in the series a 7400, which is a Quad 2-input NAND gate chip.
The last circuit in the series (that I can find in my book) is a 74C925, which is a 4-Digit counter with Multiplexed 7-Segment output.
@EBrown Not really into that stuff though, mostly trying to control dc motors and servos with an Arduino
This is a group project for university
@skiwi Ah. I love IC stuff.
I'm wanting to make something myself but I'm not quite sure what and how
With Arduino or with IC's?
Thinking about making some kind of car or at least a moving vehicle
@StephenC Eh? I'm just suggesting that OP run the code to find out if it works and if there's even a problem before posting here. If it works, it works. If they're still looking for critique, they could very easily post it on code review. — tnw 1 min ago
vote up Sure it wants you to vote something up ? It should more ask you to downvote all the crap. Finding something to upvote every week seems almost impossible. — Rizier123 23 hours ago
Skype actually detects cat-like typing and displays an icon when it is seen. — Dewi Morgan 10 hours ago
gosh.. is that for real?
I've had it before a few years back and it freaked me out
I bet this breaks with BrainFuck coding
I just tried it though and I didn't get it to popup
I'm not cat enough
I was just reading the "feedback" for Windows.
I now understand why MS never had it before.
@Hosch250 Lot's of hate spam?
"it's not working" "Fire the Groove team and bring back the Zune team"
@EBrown Lots of useless feedback.
@Mat'sMug Feedback app in Windows 10. You have to join the beta program (although you get to keep it if you opt out after joining again).
@EthanBierlein Congratulations on your 10k!
@EBrown All on one board, nice.
I usually have to hook something up myself.
@200_success Congrats on your 75k. It'll take a while for the privileges to catch up.
@Mat'sMug Not sure, those characters aren't really random and they're spaced from each other.
(Just figured you probably haven't been congratulated on your rep for a while, it might be nice to be congratulated.)
@Mast Oh yeah, when I'm testing circuitry it's nice to have a full testing board for it (even if it is fairly small).
@Mat'sMug Answers on this question are awesome
@TopinFrassi "Answers on this answer", what?
darn fridays
It's always Friday somewhere!
@skiwi Uh, no. That only works with 5 o'clock.
Oh, right
@skiwi Unless you count random planets.
@Mat'sMug We're going to pimp it into oblivion.
Well, if all goes well, I should have [badge:fanatic] after Sunday.
Can anyone tell me what this edit edits?
Look at the Markdown view instead of the rendered output.
Syntax highlighting?
I just got rickrolled. In 2015.
@200_success Thanks.
@Zak I am impossible to rickroll. And do you know why?
It's because...I'm... ♪ Never gonna give you up ♪.
Last time I got rickrolled was at XKCD.
@200_success that's considered inappropriate language?
"wow" answer about naming on Programmers:
A: Why would you not use the 'using' directive in C#?

GlenH7The broader question: Have you ever heard of such a standard being imposed? If so, what was the reason behind it? Yes, I've heard of this, and using fully qualified object names prevents name collisions. Though rare, when they happen, they can be exceptionally thorny to figure out. An ...

Good song for anyone who wants to hear it.
@EBrown you little...
I'm gonna get you back for that
@EthanBierlein Good thing I'm working from home today.
is not going to click it
I just giggled like a little girl.
@200_success Thank you!
@Mast I just rick-rolled @EthanBierlein.
And probably others.
Oh bah
Someone downvoted my C++ question
@EthanBierlein Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it.
I am over it
I don't honestly care
I just find it a little annoying
Has anyone seen @IsmaelMiguel lately?
@EthanBierlein ♪ You know the rules and so do I
@Mast This will only work during winter, and some PHP coders might even rely on that feature
@Mast his profile says last seen 1 minute ago
I think @Mast meant in chat.
He might be here, just isn't in chat.
@EthanBierlein Indeed.
I haven't seen him in the music fans room lately either...
@skiwi PHP coders rely on the craziest stuff.
@Mast ... Like PHP
Yeah, he was in there four days ago.
@Mast I have an IE joke with the obscene "f" word in it.
@EBrown Oh, right, Americans are prude when it comes to saying fuck.
@Mast No it just gets flagged left and right here.
I use it for at least 5% of my daily vocabulary.
@Mast That..Is..Excellent
@EthanBierlein On your question you have const std::string user_input1 = std::easy_input<std::string>(">> ");
Does C++ not have something like type inference? Thus that you can write std::easy_input<>(...)?
in Maid Café (メイド喫茶), Aug 21 at 0:02, by Mysticial
Lounge<C++> has more fucks than the entire chat.SE server.
@Mast I remember that very vividly.
Good news: sidegig budget just got approved. Bad news: this means I actually have to work on something in my free time now.
@EBrown What's that?
@skiwi Sidegig? A programming gig for a freelance company I work with.
Can't say more to it, though. NDA's and such.
Ah okay, sounds cool though
It is, it's a cool project for a cool company.
Just, somewhat secretive.
@Mast Though, you also have to remember: Lounge<C++> is never on-topic at any given point in time. At least The 2nd Monitor is on-topic sometimes.
@EBrown We're quite often on-topic.
The topic changes every now and then, but hey.
Q: Logic gates simulation

Gentian KasaFollowing this post and this other post here we are with another review request. As always, feel free to be merciless with the review, throw me anything you can find: Gate.cs public abstract class Gate : IObserver<Pin>, ILogicComponent { // fields private readonly Guid _id = Guid.NewGui...

Welcome back! I would recommend you add a little information at the top to describe the purpose of the code, so you get some more text on the summaries. Hopefully you get good reviews. :) — EBrown 23 secs ago
I'm not wrong by that, am I?
@EBrown Maybe, but does that also mean that you're right?
@skiwi I'd rather be right, than left.
Nothing wrong with being left, as long as you aren't left out.
Left in may not be too good either.
I really hope the OP answers my question to him soon.
@skiwi I think it does. I'm not sure though, especially in a case like this.
Q: Retry Runnable java

Bassem Reda ZohdyI want to make class to retry doing what I want if specific exception happen for n times before throwing exception, so I write below class and used Builder to build it could you please review it and update me with your feedback: public class Retry implements Runnable { private final long sleep; ...

@skiwi Yeah, in this case, it throws an error if you don't explicitly specify the type.
Although it does work in other cases.
template <typename T>
T max(T a, T b)
    return a > b ? a : b;
And then:
int main()
    std::cout << max(10, 20);
@Mat'sMug I need you to run a pun-check on my next question.
The type inference done by the compiler can only be so complex I assume.
@Mat'sMug You got lucky.
I accidentally deleted my example right before I could copy-paste it.
@EBrown sure
@Mat'sMug Now you started something.
Question: Why write a paper if I have to write an abstract that can replace the paper?
Are we going to not just INTERRUPT Duga now?
But rather, anybody?
At any time?
Without warning?
It can be a new olympic sport :)
I vote NO!
@EthanBierlein I wish I could have logged in as Duga to do that though
That would flood the chat.
Let's just keep it at RELOAD
On an entirely different note: Apparently, this is an actual thing
@Zak Not that again. I think I saw the Bollywood version of the original once.
Quite amusing, but nothing more than that.
I'm just going to ignore that and post me another question.

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