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@EthanBierlein Stargreed.
Is this UWYA or off-topic for example/stub?
Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'.
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Developers: How to easily save time
@EBrown lol
That is LINQ. Just because you don't use the SQL-style syntax doesn't make it not LINQ. — EBrown 4 mins ago
@CommitStrip top kek
I spotted a misspelled word in there
@Mast I giggled when I wrote that.
They accidentally spelled "mobile" as "mobil"
@EthanBierlein Unless they did it on purpose.
true, but it looks a little odd to me
@EthanBierlein Not on my screen.
Because "mobil" is the only word in "Mobil 1". And isn't it oddly convenient that we have only one sun? And isn't there only one true programming style for each language? Illuminati.
Ahahaha they must have fixed it really quick
I swear on my life, it was spelled "mobil" just a second or two ago
@EthanBierlein It was, I saw it.
@Mast I liked it better as mobil.
I was hovering over that commitstrip to see the explanation
@EBrown No, there are hundreds of stiles.
Because "mobile" doesn't Illuminati well.
@Mast 'Twas joke.
My question is really around discovery and more so to clarify if there is anything in place that can enable the code review process through Visual Studio. We understand the complexities around technical aspects but it is to understand if anything else exists apart from cloning repositories. — Kyriacos Miltiadous 28 secs ago
Man, that LINQ comment is really making me "lol".
@EthanBierlein Fired away?
Oh yeah
♪ Fire away, fire away ♪
@EthanBierlein Hey, I recently build one of those as well.
Let's see if I can learn anything from your question and it's future answers.
Thanks santa! ;-)
Q: Roll-a-ball controller

Ethan BierleinI've been toying around with Unity 5 lately, and in an effort to start making an actual game, I've built a ball controller similar to the one found in the Unity tutorial Roll-a-ball. In essence, the player controls a small ball that rolls around a "level". The ball can accelerate at a rate in th...

Q: Multithreaded web scraper with proxy and user agent switching

user2982094I am trying to improve the performance of my scraper and plug up any possible security leaks (identifying information being revealed). Ideally, I would like to achieve a performance of 10 pages per second. What would I need to do to achieve the biggest performance boost besides get a faster con...

@EthanBierlein The hell song is that?
I swear I know a song with those lyrics.
@EBrown Pretty sure it's "titanium"
@Zak That's it! Thank you!
Q: Learning C++ Anyone Have Tips?

Andrew Tewif this post is illegal then just delete it. So I'm learning C++ and am taking a high school class for it right now, but when I post some of the content that I am learning in my class many people say that I shouldn't use the code that I am using or that my code is "So Seventies". Anyone have any ...

Q: Multiplying 4*4 Matrices

AhmedI wrote this for learning purposes. Here I'm multiplying 4x4 Matrices. How can I optimize this code regarding performance. HTML <table class="matrex-1"> <tr><td class="0-0">-1</td><td class="1-0">0</td><td class="2-0">-1</td><td class="3-0">0</td></tr> <tr><td class="0-1">8</td><td clas...

@CaptainObvious Learning how to title Anyone have tips?
I was about to write a request for support for simple nullity checks in if statements as: if (foo?) which would evaluate to if (foo == null), but I realized the inverse would be extremely ugly: if (!foo?).
Also, if Santa wouldn't mind picking up my most recent answer, I'd appreciate it. ;)
@EBrown That's not ugly.
@EthanBierlein I think that if (!foo?) is really bad.
Meh. I agree it could be better, but whatever
Can we just close and delete this? codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/107092/…
Even if it were if (foo!?) that's worse.
How about this for equality:
if (foo?)
And this for inequality:
if (foo?!)
Who is this foo?! you speak of? What's her name?!?
"What are you wearing, Jake, from State Farm?"
Q: marginal joint probability density function of X

BrianRandom Variables X and Y have the joint probability density function f(x,y)= 8xy/81 for 0 < x < 3 and 0 < y < x Determine the marginal probability density function of X. I am confused if I should be using integration of 0 to X or 0 to 3? fx(X)=$$\frac{8}{81}$$ $$\int_{0}^{3} xy dy$$ : $$\frac{...

Thanks Santa!
you're welcome ;-)
@CaptainObvious HAMMERTIME!
@Mast Can't touch this?
@EthanBierlein This one should be pinned.
I've started writing code reviews as "what I would do if I were given this code" and I think it's been really helpful.
Hello @JeroenVannevel.
@CaptainObvious more votes needed
@EthanBierlein I VTC'd and down voted.
@EBrown No
@CaptainObvious RBA
@EthanBierlein I only just now noticed but your name says "beer" in Dutch
Now there's a fun fact
Maybe I'll be a hit at Octoberfest with that
It's been a hard-rock kind of day today.
@EBrown TMI man
@JeroenVannevel The music...I shouldn't have to be explicit about that.
var kindOfDay = (Music)"Hard Rock";
I'm just saying. This being an online chatroom and all
@JeroenVannevel It's also the name of a cafe here in the U.S.
Did someone say... hard rock?
@EBrown Why do you cast "Hard Rock" to Music? What else would it be?
@Mast a string? :^)
@Mast Apparently @JeroenVannevel took it wrongly.
@ARedHerring I love that song.
@JeroenVannevel uh
@EBrown I'm just glad they are still around after so many years and haven't lost their original sound!
@ARedHerring My favourite is "Marchines."
Bask in my sex appeal
@JeroenVannevel ... ouch
@JeroenVannevel Aren't you in Boston?
@EBrown That song is great too. My favourite is Johnny Ringo, its what got me hooked on them.
Boston is 2 weeks ago man
I'm in Barcelona
Try to keep up
@JeroenVannevel Ah. My bad for not stalking your personal life. Lol

 Off the record

Welcome to the main chatroom for musicfans.stackexchange.com. ...
If you'd be my friend on facebook, you'd know that kind of stuff
I'm in there if you want to move this elsewhere (and get more detailed).
@JeroenVannevel Well then I suppose I should find and friend you?
Can a RO please move that image to it's appropriate place of residence?
Q: Create a sorted-map of coordinates with clojure

u6f6oI wrote a little function to create a sorted-map with vectors of coordinates as keys and an empty map as default value: (defn empty-board [rows cols] (into (sorted-map) (for [x (range cols) y (range rows)] [[x y] {}]))) I wonder if there is a more idiomatic way to achie...

@EthanBierlein done
@EBrown facebook.com/jeroen.vannevel I post funny stuff daily
Rated PG-13
@JeroenVannevel Oh, I meant the horrific injuries room
@JeroenVannevel Added you~
Well "Elliott Brown" just sent you an FR.
Horrific injuries might be slightly overstated
It's still an injury
But I've also got some mosquito bite mark things
Post 'em all. In there.
Dan Pantry is Red Herring?
That explains so much
@CaptainObvious 2 more VTC
> so yeah, thanks and bye. P.S. - If this is a Q&A site for coders then this should be allowed...
Is he 15?
@ARedHerring Don't ask me, ask an expert.
Lol "Waist of time."
@Mast What qualifies as "expert"?
@EBrown awesome, right
Expect to see a lot of Cyanide & Happiness
@JeroenVannevel Excellent
@JeroenVannevel Oh god not that
oh the pings
@ARedHerring I love that one
@EthanBierlein wth is that room ahah
@EthanBierlein Ping.
@EthanBierlein Pong.
Can I just ask, why do we downvote new users who are off-topic? I mean, sure, VTC and try and help them understand why, but I don't like the idea that someone's first experience with this site is a barrage of DVs just for not knowing better.
@Zak We downvote users who are off-topic. Being new or not doesn't make a difference.
Also, if you don't downvote the posts, then they will remain on the front page instead of other questions that are on-topic.
@Zak I don't think it's a good idea either but then again -- I do the same on SO.
@ARedHerring I think it should.
@ARedHerring Personally, I vote up/down questions based on intent.
And I feel surely being closed is enough of a signal that something's off-topic
A better solution to this would be to have the SE system notify people when a question they DV'd/VTC'd was brought back up.
As it stands now, if you VTC something and it get's VTR'd, you have no notice of that to redact your votes.
Perhaps that should be a Meta Stack Exchange question?
I can't find a duplicate (though the opposite question has been asked). Do you want to post it?
@Zak Sure, I'll get something written up.
user image
"Cat Trap v0.0.1"
@Zak Nice comment on MSE
I think rewarding users who proactively fix their questions to be on-topic (in the form of VTRs, upvotes, visibility etc.) is a great way to retain and encourage better users. — Zak 3 mins ago
Four upvotes on that comment alone @Zak.
Q: Create symmetrical matrix from list of values

CactusWomanI need to make a matrix (in the form of a numpy array) by taking a list of parameters of length N and returning an array of dimensions N+1 x N+1 where the off-diagonals are symmetric and each triangle is made up of the values given. The diagonals are equal to 0 - the row sum of the off-diagonals....

Trivia: there've been over 9 thousand questions on Stack Overflow where the same user has up-voted and voted to close.Shog9 ♦ Jun 7 '12 at 0:10
That's weird
@TopinFrassi Some people just like to watch the world burn, but advocate it not burning.
@EBrown lol
@Mat'sMug Is that: UV then VTC, or VTC then (later) UV?
Q: Prim's algorithm by a newbie in CoffeeScript

sunnyI'm just starting to learn CoffeeScript and trying to work through simple examples. Here's my implementation of Prim's algorithm. I'd like feedback on everything but especially on making this script take advantage of the features of CoffeeScript most effectively. nodes_dir = { 0 : [1], 1 : [0, ...

That question has 8 upvotes already.
I accidentally broke one of my sites the other day so that if you selected "remember me" it would never log you out.
New meme: ultra-possessive server
@Mast You needed something dude?
@IsmaelMiguel Welcome back.
How's it going?
We're just bringing a brigade of upvotes to this big meta question.
(I need the rep there.)
You got more reputation now
WorldBuilding might get out off beta soon-ish? area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/63276/worldbuilding
+5, but something
Code Reviewcodereview.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for feedback on projects you're working on, by sharing your code with fellow programmers and getting extensive feedback/review of best practices, design pattern usage, application UI, security, etc.

Currently in public beta.

Oh I know ahah
I sense a new Zombie hunt
The mission 2.0 (?)
@IsmaelMiguel I would absolutely go for that
Who wouldn't?
There's only what? 1,500 or so unanswered questions
Well, I have 2
Some zombies are meant to stay zombies.
I disagree
@EBrown How? (please feel free to show me some examples). Any question that's on-topic is a question that deserves useful answers, no?
@Zak If you cannot come up with a meaningful, thorough answer for the question apart from "looks fine", then there's not much to be done about it.
Some of the zombies are zombies because, well, they're already optimized/prettified almost to a fault.
IMO, if there is really nothing about a question that can be improved, then surely that's a perfectly acceptable answer?
If you want to go hit them all I will not stop you, but we have like 94%+ answered, so there's really no problem.
The stats disagree, on the linked page
The only metric we're not okay on (which is debatable) is the Answer to Question Ratio. SE likes 2.5, we have 1.8. (Though I personally don't agree with that stat.)
I think CR is definitely a special case
That stat isn't useful in many websites
Like Music Fans
It's easy to get a high answer-to-question ratio there.
Worldbuilding is a special case too.
The one about movies
And the other one about games
Well, did anyone else just have timeouts on SE chat?
not that our area 51 stats matter anyway :p
Not really <- No timeouts here
My chat messages timed out momentarily.
Internet instability?
@IsmaelMiguel No, Meta Stack Exchange did it for me a little bit ago too.
Then your Node may be timming out
Q: Email obfuscator

user33979Review this code for code quality. <!DOCTYPE html> <title>Email obfuscator</title> <style>.email { unicode-bidi: bidi-override; direction: rtl; }</style> <h1>Email obfuscator</h1> <p>A kick-ass email obfuscator, inspired by <a href="http://mathiasbynens.be/demo/email-obfuscator#code">Mathias Byn...

How the standards changed in almost a year!
I just encode my emails with words for punctuation.
I.e.: first dot last at website dot ext
@IsmaelMiguel not even a 'please'!
@Mat'sMug Exactly! Rude people be rude
@EBrown Isn't that how people usually do?
@IsmaelMiguel No idea, that's how I do it though. (Of course, I get barraged with junk mail.)
Well, everybody does something similar
I finally started looking to see if they have unsubscribe links, and unsubscribing from those that do.
It's really easy to extract emails like that
I avoid opening those
They may have a gif to "ping home", to tell that your email is real and active
And pass that information on to something else
Q: Jon Skeet now #2 in Reputation Leagues!

McCannotTitle speaks for itself. An obvious bug. Jokes aside, there's a lot of other users showing up in the list twice at the moment. P.S. If anyone was wondering, this appears to be the case for every site, not just SO. I considered taking a screenshot of the rankings for Meta instead, but Jon Skee...

I noticed that a long time ago, but I though it was normal
> but Jon Skeet seemed more important than the guy in the top slot there.
If I'm not wrong
@EBrown LOL
@EBrown That's ironic
I'm giggling like a girl at that, I thought it was a gem.
I mean, yeah. Jon is Jon. But Jeff is... Stackoverflow. lol
Jeff has God mode, Jon has Legend mode (on StackOverflow)
I don't know about that. Jeff may be a nice guy, but I would think that on SO Jon is more appreciated.
> Jon Skeet was once second in rank, behind Jon Skeet.
I wonder how he got all that reputation
Might want to post this in Code Review stackexchange instead — jh314 43 secs ago
This one is my favourite #JonSkeetFact "Jon Skeet can recite pi. Backwards."
Also: "When Jon Skeet points to null, null quakes in fear."
Jon Skeet doesn't write code. He creates it to his image.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it doesn't raise a specific issue. For general feedback questions, you could refer to codereview.stackexchange.comMureinik 1 min ago
"Jon Skeet can throw an exception further than anyone else, and in less time"
@Zak I'll admit I laughed pretty hard at that one.
That one is really good
Yeah, it is. Lol
Zak is really on fire today
I still remember the day I had all 3 pinned stars.
That was pretty awesome
Sorry, I am new to the website, I did not know I couldn't ask this. I will try codereview, just point me to the newbie place to ask this :) thank you all for taking the time to atleast glance at this and reply so quickly. have a nice day — Stavros Argyrou just now
"God said: 'Let there be light,' only so he could see what Jon Skeet was up to."
Where are you taking those from?
@200_success The bounty on the MS Access code review request on DBA has been raised to 500 points!
Q: Access (Jet) SQL: DateTime stamps in TableB flanking each DateTime stamp in TableA

mpagFirst Words You can safely ignore the sections below (and including) JOINs: Starting Off if you just want to take a crack of the code. The background and results just serve as context. Please look at the edit history before 2015-10-06 if you want to see what the code looked like initially. Ob...

@200_success If only I still knew access intimately.
A: Jon Skeet Facts

Jon SkeetThese are written in the third person so as not to disrupt the style of the thing. But hey, as we all know, Jon Skeet can make 1 == 3 anyway, so it makes no difference. Jon Skeet is immutable. If something's going to change, it's going to have to be the rest of the universe. Jon Skeet's additio...

> If Jon Skeet posts a duplicate question on StackOverflow, the original question will be closed as a duplicate.
@200_success I didn't know bounties could go that high
"God is real. Unless Jon Skeet declares it integer."
@EBrown wooo
Just got "Nice Question" from it.
"Jon Skeet is the violent psychopath that knows where you live"
Also: "Jon Skeet is the Stig"
Q: Printing a Φ pattern using * characters

Stavros ArgyrouSo I am a newbie obviously, This was part of a small assignment I had to do for Uni, and it works alright. It just reads a number from the console and then outputs the Greek letter Φ (sort of). Sure it could use some outofbound exceptions etc, but my question is this: My code overall (not just in...

@IsmaelMiguel LOL
I saw it on 9gag and laughed my ass off
That's a good one.
But it look cool
@IsmaelMiguel Ah, Blue Screen Of Death, How I've missed you...
It tells you a whole lot about that mall, though.
I have an old photo of those street stuff that give information, with a blue screen
And it was showing all over the city
I do find it interesting, on the rare occasions I get to see a terminal crash (self-checkout, billboard, etc.) to find out what operating system they run on.
It's invariably Windows XP
Some market places here use Linux
They are all running on PXE
A: Allowing googlebot to crawl a password protected page

200_successIt makes more sense to define an isGoogleBotRequest() function, because that is what you want to know, and the IP address verification is just one detail of that. Furthermore, I recommend that you define an getAuthorisedUser() function in restrict-access.php so that you don't have to write two i...

@RoboSanta Thanks, Santa!
@Zak If the code looks fine, then answers should point out why the code is good as is.
Q: Should "your code seems fine" answers be acceptable?

edorianI want to ask your opinion on how we should handle submitted question with code that is "fine". I assume that will be the case for very view of the submitted review requests since everyone likes and dislikes other things and some will have feedback that differs from "seems fine to me". What I ...

code review may be a more appropriate place where to ask — Pynchia 36 secs ago
Isn't this question for Code Review? — simplicis veritatis just now
@simplicisveritatis First time asking a question on here. I'll post this type question in code review next time. Thanks — tmentink 17 secs ago
night @all
Q: Most efficent way to convert an array into object

diegoaguilarI have an array of this fashion var arr = ["akira",9248,"padilla",100]; I'm using filter to take the names and the points. var names = arr.filter(function(e,i){return i%2 == 0}); var points = arr.filter(function(e,i){return i%2 !== 0}); Then I do this to obtain turn it into object: console...

Hey @MannyMeng!
Hey there
This answer confused me. Visual Studio Online code reviews are also based on pull requests when you are using Git repos in Visual Studio Online. — Ed Blankenship 44 secs ago

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