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There are 1569 unanswered questions (94.3243% answered)
Hello @rolfl I hope you're having a great day. Just wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you for all the awesome quality answers you've given me and so many others on the site, I've learned so much and continue to do so and I have fantastic contributors like you to thank.
Huh, .... you're very welcome :p
(and my day got a bit better, thanks!)
This question would be better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comPapa 19 secs ago
hello all
monking @h.j.k.
Hey @h.j.k.
funny, i merged accounts... my main site account has the other name, but i'm still 'known' as h.j.k here
That explains why I can't look at your profile.
hey @Legato @SirPython
@Legato you can't? for the chat, or on the main CR?
Did you just merge? Maybe it takes a while.
@h.j.k. Your user profile on Codereview 404s
"new" acct number: 24141 :D
Your user profile is fine.
(yeah, i had an older account - probably by mistake)
funnily enough, not all the badges are 'migrated'/'restored', more crucially the tag badges
Hmm, some things take a while.
one java bronze now... will i magically get the silver one too when i hit gold? :o
I'd give it 24h.
i sees...
Makes it more difficult to seek out your content.

I can't imagine not getting your tag badges back. Definitely eared those.
@Legato Blame caching
I do.
Should be fixed within 24h. If it isn't, ping a powerful being.
That's why I'm guessing at some arbitrary point when they sync everything, it'll be alright.
Yeah, I second Mast.
thanks for the wise words :)
Wait, so is this you?
yup that's me now
So your chat profile still caries a h. while your other profiles don't.
haha, just spotted another funny thing: the badges still recorded my 3/50 progress for the "Epic" badge, but i don't have mortarboard yet! :D i think this is either a bug or expected behavior between badges that is earned from daily activities, and from "history"
So the chat links acts like it links his profile, but it's j.k.
You should post this on codereview if there are no actual problems you face. — WorldSEnder 7 secs ago
bye @Mast
Q: improving performance of javascript simulation

nluigiI wrote a script which runs a simple simulation and post-processes it using P5*js (an official js port of the Processing API). Unfortunately, it is not performing well, but as i am a new to javascript programming, I lack the insight to really optimize the js code. Getting some advice and suggesti...

Q: Upgrades for my Risk battle sim?

NevermoreI've written a program to find the odds of either side winning a battle in Risk, and how many men they would have left. I've finished, but I feel that it can be improved since it doesn't function if the battle gets too big (with "too big" being ridiculously small, to the point of being near-usele...

Hey, guy! I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because SO is no code review site. — Olaf 52 secs ago
You should move your code to codereview.stackexchange.com That is the correct place for asking for a code review ;) — Vini.g.fer 47 secs ago
Evening fellas'
How goes things?
reviewing some :)
Granted, if I can get this to actually build and run without errors.
Q: Optimizing Strand Sort in Python

Noah BogartAfter reading about Strand Sort on Wikipedia and testing the provided Python version, I decided to try my hand at a faster implementation. I've studied the Time Complexity page, read many different approaches to mergesort (and borrowed some), tested the code myself with profiler, line_profiler, a...

@EthanBierlein what's a vector?
It's essentially like a C# List<T>.
A dynamic, re-sizeable array.
in essence
I think there are a few things that are different about them.
mkay.. so if one has attackerArmies and attackerDice, what data structure would be an appropriate abstraction?
Is there some code that I could look at for context?
     void calculate(int attackerArmies, int attackerDice, int defenderArmies, int defenderDice, Fraction odds);
 void calculate(vector attacker, vector defender, Fraction odds);
Or is this in a question somewhere?
^ I'm sure that's wrong
the Risk one
nvm found it
a Tuple<int,int> would do
does C++ have that?
Yeah, except it looks just slightly different:
tuple<foo, bar> a = ...;
Actually, it'd probably look better like this:
void calculate(tuple<int,int> attacker, tuple<int,int> dfender, Fraction odds);
I honestly think that a struct might be better for this:
typedef struct
	int armies;
	int dice;
} User;
User might not be the right name, but it's the best I could come up with.
stealing that
It might need a constructor
Let me test it real quick
A: Risk battle simulator

Mat's Mug using namespace std; Don't do that. You're not really saving much typing, and Risk easily avoidable name collisions. If there's one thing I know of c++, it's that using namespace std is a bad habit to lose. void a1d1(int attackers,int defenders,Fraction odds); void a1d2(int attackers,int de...

Okay, one update:
Change it to this so that it supports instantiation:
struct User
    int armies;
    int dice;

    User(int armies, int dice):
edited, thanks!
No problem!
hmm I got a downvote, then it turned into an upvote while I was editing... weird
Sorry, that was me. I hit the wrong button.
My norton bar loaded right as I clicked and it moved the entire page down a bit.
oi visual studio wai u have to be so fukin annoyin
This is getting really annoying.
Q: Dump of ColdFusion cache

James A MohlerI am trying to give show a UI friendly dump of the cache status <h1>Cache Status</h1> <table class="tables dataTables"> <tr> <th>Cache</th> <th style="text-align : center;">Created Time</th> <th style="text-align : center;">Last Updated</th> <th style="text-align : center;">Last Hit</th>...

What the heck Visual Studio.
It was telling me that an executable wasn't found when all I had to do was return a value from a function.
Well, I should have some code up for review now.
1) I knew about the std one and didn't care since I'm too new to build anything that'll affect (although I'll admit you couldn't have known that) 2) The a stands for attacker, the d defender. I can't think of anything easier to understand without writing it out, and I really don't want to do that. 3) I think having the number of dice put in would make it more complicated, since each dice is a for loop. 4) I did realize a way to get rid of the hard numbers in the middle of writing this, so I can fix that by reinserting pieces of the programs I made to find those numbers. 5) This reply is a mess — Nevermore 2 mins ago
That's... not cool OP.
You have an answer
A good one, at that.
And all you have to say is "Well, uh, this doesn't help me, so, hurr.
@Nevermore my pleasure. — Mat's Mug ♦ just now
I flagged that comment, FYI
I don't think it serves a real purpose
Q: Easier user input in C++

Ethan BierleinI've always been a little bothered by the fact, that in order to get user input in C++, one had to use up to three lines of code in an ugly manner like the below to get user input for a specific type, with a prompt: int user_input; std::cout << ">> "; std::cin << user_input; So, in order to ...

There's a question, if you feel like answering ^^ :-)
Q: Easier user input in C++

Ethan BierleinI've always been a little bothered by the fact, that in order to get user input in C++, one had to use up to three lines of code in an ugly manner like the below to get user input for a specific type, with a prompt: int user_input; std::cout << ">> "; std::cin << user_input; So, in order to ...

Well how about that, there's an answer!
And it's from a new user too!
Oh man
Less than 100 rep from 10K... I can feel the tension and excitement in me bones
I really wish someone else comes along and reviews that Risk thing - and shreds that code
hey @200_success
I just realised this:
I got +2 two times for the same tag edit...
yeah, until you get the rep requirement for instant tag edits, even normal edits for that matter, accepted edits net you a hefty +2 rep
@MannyMeng hmm that's weird
I got +2 two times for the same tag edit...
@MannyMeng title and content
you got +2 for the wiki and +2 for the excerpt
I just moved something from the excerpt to the wiki, and added a few words in the wiki
Is that double rep for me?
um, not really
Don't think so
Maybe though. Try consulting SEDE
anyway. I'll be Rubberducking on my 1st monitor if anyone needs me. and I'm leaving questions to reviewers from now on.
I don't feel like taking an hour to write a 5-line SQL query
@EthanBierlein lol
@Mat'sMug Actually, I have a story related to Rubberduck that happened today.
what is it? :)
Well, so my tech teacher uses excel and the likes a lot, and he often writes some VBA code.
So I linked him to Rubberduck and told him about it.
thanks for that :)
No problem. He said he'll probably check it out in his spare time.
@Mat'sMug Hi
BTW I deleted that C++ answer. too bad I already had the badge for deleting a +3 post.
I think it was a good answer, and had some merit to it.
15 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
I really wish someone else comes along and reviews that Risk thing - and shreds that code
I mean shred
Hint hint @Barry
Can I have your answer and post it (not really lol)?
ok I'm over it now (undeleted). damn that comment was infuriating.
Q: My Python interpreter for Self-modifying Brainf*** has a bug

mbomb007I wrote this Python interpreter for a language called Self-modifying Brainf*** (SMBF). Today I discovered a bug where if the program dynamically creates code at the initial cell or after on the tape, it will not be executed. I wrote this interpreter to look as close as possible to the Ruby interp...

@CaptainObvious My title for an off-topic Code Review question has a bug
Unfortunately, broken code is strictly off-topic on Code Review. You could try taking your question to Stack Overflow, however, you should read their on-topic guide before posting there. We'd love to review your code once it's working, though. — Quill 17 secs ago
@nhgrif That sounds fun! What is MS contracting you to do?
@Hosch250 an app
(I'd bet the rest is confidential ;-)
Oh, and, I might have some C# code up for review tomorrow
If anyone's interested
Q: need a simple code to print a christian style cross

Ovidiui need to print a cross in which i can chose the size and the character it's made of. for example, this cross' size is 6 and the character is M. i need to be able to chose whatever size i want and whatever character i want. oh and on more thing : keep it EXTREMELY simple please. i'll paste a code...

@CaptainObvious nuke me, it begs, nuke me
Q: Using csv module and haversine formula to compute and distance, speed, and time of lat/long coordinates

smooth007I have a .csv file with 10 columns. The first column is titled Distance_Between_Points, the second column is titled Time_Between_Points, and the third column is titled Speed_Between_Points and all three do not contain data. The other columns contain other attributes that I want to keep in the out...

hat trick!
Q: How to add two different group of objects to a list of groups?

JackI have two lists of Strings and two lists of objects. Need to copy list of strings to correspondence list of objects with specific values. List<String> list1 = new ArrayList<String>(); //list of cities List<String> list2 = new ArrayList<String>(); //list of countries List<Name> namesList = new A...

Have you ever had one of those moments where the light goes on, your all happy, then think, duh... should have seen that first?
like, just now
figured out the problem with that huge if/else...
dictionary of type/itypeconverter... now anyone can write a converter for any type of object
I just now figured out what kept me from running identifier resolution concurrently
private readonly ConcurrentBag<IdentifierReference> _references = new ConcurrentBag<IdentifierReference>();
that was dumb
@CraigRussell ah, I knew it had to be some IDictionary<Type,???>
also increases performance from O(n) to O(1) theoretically
not exactly
you had if..elseif blocks
only worst-case was n
well.. O(n/2(
I know its not much, but saves 10 milliseconds on unit test
lol... make that 20 dumb me
not half bad actually
down to 11 ms
Q: Multiply linked list - implementation

MAGI don't know what is the common name for this data structure I named it like this due to a definition in wikipedia that states the following: In a 'multiply linked list', each node contains two or more link fields, each field being used to connect the same set of data records in a differ...

Today on where to ask:
I want to invoke OS native play/pause key, for Java that should be `KeyEvent.VK_F8`, at least on Windows, but it seems to actually bind to the result of a user holding the fn key and then pressing F8 (without holding fn is the function I seek).

Where to ask?
fn+F8 on my keyboard is [Vol+], play/pause is fn+F11
not sure keyboard is the way to go, I think you might need an OS-specific implementation there
fn+F8 on my laptop toggles between main/aux/both monitor outputs
Q: Find the integer representing the last sub-string of a string

MorboRe'I came across a question at Udacity Intro to Computer Science course: Define a procedure, find_last, that takes as input two strings, a search string and a target string, and returns the last position in the search string where the target string appears, or -1 if there are no occurrences. ...

hey @JeroenVannevel
ooh fancy
I got identifier resolution to run async
that probably sped it up tremendously
hard to tell
but yeah it's faster
it's part of why I'm setting up this "details" view.. I want to see progressbars there
anyway, it's 2AM here, TTGTB
If you want a review of your code, and suggestions on how to improve it, there's a site for that. — Joachim Pileborg 12 secs ago
Do a "self code review". Look at each character in your regexp, one at a time, think about what it does, and make sure it's what you want to solve your problem. — torazaburo 21 secs ago
Q: read bits, write bits data to char array in c++

John DoyleI created functions to read bit data from arbitrary bit position of char array to long long int, and I also created function to write data to char array from vector bool. However, I do not really like my implementation since I think it has burden implementations in order to read and write bits. ...

@zwang: next you seem to confuse this site with some source of free labor which it is not. If you want someone to review your code, you'd need to put it, e.g., on codereview, possibly pointing at it from a comment over here to draw attention of people interested in this question at your code review. — Dietmar Kühl 21 secs ago
What language are you using? Even with the same algorithm, implementation details and choice of language can account for a factor of 10 to 100x in execution times. Why not post your code on codereview? — chqrlie 25 secs ago
@Legato That may be laptop specific. I recently saw a laptop where Fn was assumed to be held by default, using the real F1-12 keys required you to hold Fn...
They should hang whoever thought that was a good idea.
@Mast That's the case for Macs, the F keys are hotkeys
it's just that the F keys aren't used that much, I've only used them on ported games
Go for Stack Overflow if you simply want to fix your problem, go to Programmers if you want to know why it goes wrong (perhaps Super User would accept it as well, but it's probably more on-topic elsewhere).
@Quill You don't use your F keys much?
Not on my Mac
Isn't that the same as saying you don't use Ctrl much on a Mac? They have Cmd for most of what other users do with Ctrl.
Yeah, basically
The only times that I use Control is when Terminal needs it to kill commands
@DietmarKühl Code Review would require actual code in the question. I don't see any here. — Mast 50 secs ago
Ah well, learning something about Macs doesn't hurt (much).
meeting time
I really liked this: [unique] (codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/60128/…), It's elegant(look at the first answer) — Ziki 22 secs ago
Q: 1)If order value is less than Rs 1499 Rs 49 has to be updated for Cash on delivery charges.in php

user864451)If order value is less than Rs 1499,then Rs 49 has to be updated for Cash on delivery charges.in php

Q: Kadane's Algorithm for 2D array with known boundaries

ChrisGI asked this question first on StackOverflow but I didn't get an answer and was advised to try here too. So here we go. I have implemented the Kadane's algorithm for a 2D array in Python 2 with known boundaries, but I'm using the implementation for an online contest and the time it takes is more...

Oh, this is a code review request not a programming problem? — BalusC 20 secs ago
Once you have a working piece of code, if you want a Code Review then come to Code ReviewZak 27 secs ago
@EthanBierlein congrats for reaching 10K
@chqrlie I did say I was using java, and this is a helpful tip. I will try and get my code reviewed to better understand optimization. — Weesplat 59 secs ago
Lovely. I get to spend this morning combing through spreadsheets from the Office for National statistics looking for some obscure data series.
Q: Genetic Drift simulator

Quill Genetic drift — along with natural selection, mutation, and migration — is one of the basic mechanisms of evolution. In each generation, some individuals may, just by chance, leave behind a few more descendents (and genes, of course!) than other individuals. The genes of the next generati...

Q: Expand/Collapse part of code in jsp using Javascript

JaveDeveloperI've to display a table only on click of the + (Expand) and + should get changed to - and I should collapse the table once - is clicked. I've the below code in the jsp page: <c:forEach var="type" items="${clientFilterList}" varStatus="status"> <tr class="${status.index % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'od...

Q: Genetic Drift simulator

Quill Genetic drift — along with natural selection, mutation, and migration — is one of the basic mechanisms of evolution. In each generation, some individuals may, just by chance, leave behind a few more descendents (and genes, of course!) than other individuals. The genes of the next generati...

1 hour later…
Q: Using universal selector in css

vigneshI am using universal selector in css #containerDiv.containerTable tr td * { max-width:240px; } But visual studio suggests that "Performance: Never use the universal selector. It has a big negative impact on browser rendering" will this have such a big impact? If so how can i overcome t...

see this example for how to use the singleton class in swift --codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/80246/…Anbu.Karthik 14 secs ago
"1 hour later..." between us, CO and Duga, I haven't seen that message in the 2nd in a long time.
You see, Friday has some routines: Hi Rebecca!
And here I was hoping we would skip that part of the weekly ritual.
Oh well, to each his own.
Luxury problem, nothing better to complain about at the moment.
Q: System backup on Linux 2nd

MortorqWatch my first Question!: System backup on Linux I've done alot to my script since I asked my first question and I think I could improve alot while doing this. The script still does the same, only a bit neater and cleaner. So let me explain what I changed, and sometimes why I've changed it. At ...

@Mast So pleased you agree it is a ritual ;-)
Are the other friday songs also part of the ritual?
Also, yay, only took me 2 whole hours to track down these datasets and/or determine that they're not ublished anywhere online
@Zak There's always the cure.....
I added the linux tag. Linux apps ages a lot better =) You can also try your luck in other SE sites like Code Review, Programmers and Super Userjean 6 secs ago
I believe asking that question would be off-topic in all the sites @jean listed, but, you could try politely asking people in Stack Exchange chat or Stack Overflow chat. Provided you've got the minimum rep to chat, that is. — Quill 14 secs ago
Note that there is a site called codereviewMaarten Bodewes 1 min ago
Q: Xml file attributes merge

SybrenTo merge the attributes of two xml files I have written the following script. It works perfect but I feel like some improvements could be made especially for the part where the 'looping' is done. This is my first script in Classic ASP so I'm open for every improvement. msxmlversion = "MSXML2.DOM...

Your welcome
Hey @bazola
hey @EthanBierlein
My MRI research shows a clear correlation between the size of the parietal lobe--the part of the brain that handles spatial reasoning--and enjoyment of 3D Doritos®.
Greetings, Programs.
@Hosch250 something something redacted something <NDA>
Once you have this working as intended you might want to ask again (with the updated code) on the code review site, so that this question can be focused on getting it to work. I cannot really make sense of your moveIt logic so I must ask - what are you trying to do? Do you want to let the user drag shapes, do you want to randomize their position, do you want to animate them across the screen? — Jacob Raihle 6 secs ago
should this be moved to codereview? — brykneval 42 secs ago
Yikes! Right on time for Rebecca :o
Q: Zend Framework 2 error code

Hoàng Phúc VÅ©Hi everyone i have some issue here in Zend 2.So what i'm trying to do is echo all the element in the table to make a menu.Here is my function i try to var_dump and it show one array with 6 element and that what i want. public function indexAction() { $menu=$this->getCategoryTabl...

@janos @Heslacher Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm surprised there was that much to say about that little bit of code.
You are welcome
Pimping a good answer from 200:
A: ASCII generator

200_successYour ascii_rows almost constitute a font definition. I think there should be a font = something somewhere in the program, and I would prefer that the something involve a list comprehension. I say almost because you're storing ascii_rows in a rather raw form. As a result, your for character in ...

Pimping it again to remove Ms. Black from my screen:
A: ASCII generator

200_successYour ascii_rows almost constitute a font definition. I think there should be a font = something somewhere in the program, and I would prefer that the something involve a list comprehension. I say almost because you're storing ascii_rows in a rather raw form. As a result, your for character in ...

*cough* pimp something else
@Mast She's still on my screen.
Q: Using universal selector in css

vigneshI am using universal selector in css #containerDiv.containerTable tr td * { max-width:240px; } But visual studio suggests that "Performance: Never use the universal selector. It has a big negative impact on browser rendering" will this have such a big impact? If so how can i overcome t...

what do you guys think of this question?
Pimping another good answer to solve @EBrown 's problem (and because it's a good answer from a relatively low-rep user):
A: Dividing a range into N sub-ranges

BarryMisleading Return Type You have: template <typename Iterator> decltype( auto ) divide_work( Iterator begin, Iterator end, std::size_t n ) The difference between auto and decltype(auto) is that the latter can deduce reference types as well. But you're returning a value, always, regardless of I...

@Quill It's JavaScript, no clue.
@Mast it's css
Hmmm, I thought it was looking a bit funny for JavaScript. That explains.
@Mast Looks like most of the other answers on that question are fairly decent as well.
@EBrown The one from Mat looks good (another user writing very good answers lately), I'm not too fond of the rest
If he ever joins The 2nd Monitor, things will get confusing very fast
A: Genetic Drift simulator

SpikeThere is no reason to wrap this inside a function: (function(user_config){ if (user_config){ for (var item in default_config){ user_config[item] ? '' : user_config[item] = default_config[item]; } } else { user_config = default_config; } config ...

pimping a good answer
All the pimps, unite!
I haven't pimped anything yet today, but I probably will be later.
Did I miss a pimp-fest?
It's still happening @nhgrif. :)
I need 28 rep for 4k.
@EBrown Shouldn't public interface IImportRequest<TRecord> be public interface IImportRequest<TRecord> where TRecord : IRecs<TRecord>?
@Mast You can disable this "feature" in the BIOS usually
@TopinFrassi I suppose it could be, but I left some of the details up to the OP.
@EBrown 'Aigh
@nhgrif Feel free to join in.
@TopinFrassi I'll have a look at it next time I see it, way too easy to accidentally disable the mouse pad now.
Anyone here use Windows 8/8.1?
@Mast Yeah it's terrible. I had this problem with my old laptop and I searched with madness to find a solution :p
@EBrown Yea, two 8.1 devices here.
@Mast You ever have issues with it trying to connect to Wifi hotspots you don't want it to?
There are three within range of my Laptop, and it keeps connecting to all of them even after I've hit "disconnect" from each one.
@EBrown Remove the 'automatically connect' option.
Where is that at?
@EBrown Second.
If there's a checkmark in there, kill it.
@Mast That box is not checked for me though. It's only checked on one of them, but the laptop couldn't connect to that one so it was trying others.
That shouldn't happen.
Are they stored in your preference list or something?
No, that's the weird thing.
A reboot fixed the wireless problem, anyway.
Sounds like a glitch.
Yeah, definitely a weird problem.
Are you using third party software for your wireless card?
I don't think so, though I have no idea.
If so it's usually active in the system tray.
So if any of them mentions wireless, that's it.
It may be your culprit.
I'll just use a wired connection for now. The wireless doesn't work with my Debian install on it anyway, and I'll have to switch to that shortly.
@EBrown Debian not working with your wireless sounds like a driver problem.
Oh I know it is for that one.
It's a "non-free" driver apparently.
Consider moving this question to codereview.stackexchange.com - they deal exclusively with improvements on code which currently works; that doesn't mean you can't look for help here, though. — Grade 'Eh' Bacon 59 secs ago
@EBrown No generic ones available which do the trick as well?
It doesn't have to be top notch after all, as long as you get something relatively stable it's workable for most use cases.
No idea, but wireless is just a gimmick for me anyway. I might try to fix the driver this weekend, so that I can sit in my living room with it, otherwise there's no issue.
I think I'm going to try reinstalling Windows this weekend.
Let me know if you need an extra set of eyes scouring the net.
Yeah, I'll do that. I need to find what information I need about that driver to locate it again.
You'll need your chipset information, you can use that to look for similar enough chips which do have a driver and see if it matches.
Wireless driver problems on Debian used to be a notorious problem, but it's 2015. It should be fixable.
Aha, there's an article on it.
And it's installed and working! Yippee!
Congratulations :-)
Well, back to work stuff.
This question would be better off at codereview.stackexchange.com. The question I'd ask up front is "why are you doing this?" — MrWiggles 26 secs ago
I do like how Spotify let's you use "Spotify Connect" to control other devices running Spotify that use your account.
That is funny, I have an exact different of 3000 points between my CR and my SO's account
@Mat'sMug Hey Mat!
Welcome to 4K @EBrown!
@Mat'sMug Thanks Santa! :)
This question might be better off on codereview.stackexchange.com/election (unless you really mean "help, I've got a memory leak, somewhere, and I don't know how to debug"). — Mr Lister just now
Q: Python - 'elif ==' invalid syntax

AConfusedDudeprint "You are in a cave. There is rocks that are blocking your way out." print "But there two doors in the cave. Door 1 and door 2." door = raw_input("> ") if door == "1": print "You are in a room. There is a table there with a cake and a bottle with" print "a red liquid in it. 1 for cake, 2 fo...

@CaptainObvious Yeah uh, a free mod might want to look at that. There's some questionable content in the code.
@CaptainObvious Wut
I don't know Python but I know where his error is.
@CaptainObvious "A asian guy walks in and explodes your head with advanced arithmical equations." That line made me lol. The rest is well.... Just weird.

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