So, if you had an array: "Hello", "World", "Hello" would be the first element, at index 0, position 1, and "World" would be the second element, at index 1, position 2.
I've also got "LINQ in Action" ( though I haven't started with it yet -- partly because I might already know most of it
@JeroenVannevel That's a pretty popular book, it's on my list, I would've probably picked it up already if the examples were in a more familiar language.
@Legato I can highly recommend Java Concurrency In Practice. I haven't read it fully, but the parts I have read are awesome. I can also recommend Effective Java by Joshua Bloch
Hooray, Design-Independent Graduation is happening! Sites that have been deserving of graduation all over SE are getting their elections and (hopefully eventually) getting the "Beta" label removed from their site name.
Part of the graduation and election process is the Swag sent to users who are...
I saw this question:
Is this FizzBuzz Swift-y? and I couldn't resist the temptation to attempt a Swift2 implementation:
for i in 1...100 {
switch i {
case _ where i % 15 == 0: print("FizzBuzz")
case _ where i % 3 == 0: print("Fizz")
case _ where i % 5 == 0: print("Buzz")