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@rolfl I'm disappointed that's your point of critique. In hindsight, I should've edited the proper formatting in it to make it more comprehensible/readable.
Good morning all.
Greetings dude
You should have posted the question on CodeReviewVann'Tile Ianito 21 secs ago
@Duga Migrated.
@Zak indeed, it's a code inspection... that's not working in v1.4.3 :-(
@rolfl I actually want to review some of that
I don't know where TimerListener is from though.
@Mat'sMug My Jon Skeet book is out for delivery today. ;)
@Mat'sMug klkl
@Zak What's that?
@Mast what's what?
36 secs ago, by Zak
@Mat'sMug klkl
I figured it was "jkjk" but with the fingers in the wrong spot.
@Zak Random stuff spewed around the internet nowadays.
Q: Idea to simplify this code

The GmoHow would you simplify the following block of jQuery code? I use this in a tab-box to size the tabs to style the tabs to the full width of the box no matter if it's 2 or 10 tabs... It works perfectly, just interested if there's a better/shorter way to achieve the goal. $(document).ready(functi...

I have a "phone interview" thing tonight.
That should be fun.
I hate those. I'd rather travel to the place.
Well I don't think I actually want to work for this place anyway.
It's still located in the same city I live in now (which I really don't like).
Ah right, I get you
@EBrown from where?
I had one yesterday
@Malachi A place called Aimia, IIRC.
oh cool
It's not an interview with them, but with one of the contractors who is working for them and is working for the recruiting company I am talking with.
This might be more appropriate on Code ReviewNathanOliver 26 secs ago
This question is meant for code review stackexchange site — Ivaylo Strandjev 22 secs ago
Yes, it works, and yes, I'm looking for feedback and ways to optimizing it, including rewriting with SSE. I didn't know about CodeReview... is there a way to move it? — senseiwa 5 secs ago
Make sure you read this before posting there. — NathanOliver 52 secs ago
Maybe I should start making a list of "Subtleties of [language] that can really screew stuff up"
A: Referencing an array (within an array)

ZakI found the problem. I was calling my sub using this syntax: FilterSheetArrayForColumns (ArrAggregatedArrays(i)) When I should have been using: FilterSheetArrayForColumns ArrAggregatedArrays(i) In VBA, whenever you use parentheses around a variable, it forces VBA to evaluate it. So, in this...

Q: How to simplify this multi component gradle.build?

JeanI'm working on https://github.com/jadekler/git-java-websiteskeleton. It's a multi component skeleton with two components - products and users. I define an acceptance test gradle task at the root (https://github.com/jadekler/git-java-websiteskeleton/blob/master/build.gradle#L53), but then I have t...

Q: How to pass OrderBy(), Where() etc, as a parameter to process collection

CeldorI have a following code: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { List<int> li = new List<int>() { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 }; ProcessCollection(li, x => x); } static IEnumerable<TSource> ProcessCollection<TSource,TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource> c, Func<TSourc...

@Zak There's a list of Python gotchas somewhere on SO that's a really good read.
@EBrown I have learned from this experience, that I don't like finding a job through a recruiter. it's nice, because they do the work of finding employment for you. but other than that it is a setback IMO
@Malachi Well it's never bothered me before.
I'd rather have them do all the work finding it, than me.
I don't like job searching to begin with.
I had one company that wouldn't pay what I wanted, mostly because they had the recruiter's fees on top of that.
@EBrown Does... anyone?
and no Benefits for 6 months is kind of annoying
@EBrown I agree with you there
The only benefits I really need are pretty much just Healthcare.
And even then, as long as I have a decent wage I can get by without benefits there.
@EBrown Totally agree with you there
no wonder I wasn't getting any review notifications, I had my script turned off...lol
Well, time to prepare my laptop for the long weekend without internet. :(
@Malachi This is a pretty basic seeming question, but can I extend the time those notifications stay by changing the number in setTimeout(n.close.bind(n), 15000);
do we have a SEDE query for users Tag Badges? I want to see where I stand for Bronze....
Which basically means cloning my GitHub repository to it and hoping for the best.
@rolfl @Phrancis @Mat'sMug or anyone who is interested, my Swedish friend Elin just finished a video from my latest trip to France. I appear in the video a few times, and overall it's a really nice video (at least I think so), I'm wondering what impressions you will get from the video though :)
@SuperBiasedMan yes
one of my debugging things again.
should probably set it to something like 100,000 ms
just short of the page reload
I actually spend more time looking at my second monitor so I've missed them a few times.
anyone implement private repository on GitHub?
@SimonAndrƩForsberg Didn't see you in there, though I wasn't looking very hard.
@EBrown then maybe you are just not aware of how I look. I'm the guy sitting to the left at 0:25.
@SimonAndrƩForsberg I was expecting glasses. >.>
Looks like it was a fun trip, though. :)
at 1:16 I am there again, also to the left
I do have glasses, but I wasn't wearing them there. Don't always need them.
Ah, that's what threw me off.
and oh, at 1:42 I'm there again
Is that you at 1:41?
In the back?
@Malachi Unless you're a corporation Iw ouldn't bother, I'd just make everything public
Q: Adding two float numbers. Get error when inputting 2.0

Sarkout MahmoudI try to make a program that adds two floating numbers and displays them. Example : 2.0+2.0= 4.0 This is the code I have written. import java.util.Scanner ; public class Hello { public static void main(String[] args) { float x,y,z; System.out.println("Enter t...

Or use bitbucket (which has free private repos)
And 1:47?
@DanPantry even if it is a game I want to make money from?
Have I ever said that I hate summer?
@SimonAndrƩForsberg With the newly earned SE Swag :D
@IsmaelMiguel no, but I agree
@IsmaelMiguel Probably, you hate a lot.
@Malachi In that case public isn't helpful.
@Vogel612 I look like I took a shower before running 10 km :/
@Vogel612 yup :) I was slightly disappointed that not a single person recognized it though! (and at the same time somewhat happy, proof that there's more to the world than Stack Exchange)
@SimonAndrƩForsberg I didn't even notice the SE shirt until @Vogel612 mentioned it. That should have totally been my first clue.
shame on you ^^
@Mast There's lots of things to hate, it's not my (entire) fault
I even have my own SE shirt and I didn't recognize it! :(
do you
That's Mat's mug, @Mat'sMug.
@Malachi depends how you're going to 'make money' off of it
I would personally use bitbucket unless you want the upgraded version of github for other reasons
github pro as it were isn't free (it's not hugely expensive but it does cost)
@Mat'sMug ^^^
I have one too.
I also have the notebook thing.
grr... installation to the damn testsystem was corrupt...
how does one acquire SO swag?
@Zak Magic.
Migrating this code to SSE is not to be handled by CodeReview, IMO. — Yves Daoust 49 secs ago
@EBrown I want some magic as well, but Stack Exchange doesn't give a damn about Portugal
ooh, now I really want one :)
oh nice
It is a really nice pad.
SE has some cool swag.
I like the shirts they have, too.
Very comfortable.
@Zak Fun 'n' Games
@IsmaelMiguel We had that discussion before, you remember?
@IsmaelMiguel well, one thing you can do is stick #SOReadyToHelp somewhere in your SO profile. and then participate in the Meta.SO contests when they occur.
@Vogel612 I got mine for helping a little with the spam filter. (Or at least, offering to help.)
I actually did a lot of work to port an old PHP spam filter I had to C#, but it turns out they didn't end up needing it.
So they sent me a care-package of appreciation for the effort. :)
I also got stickers!
I am a moderator on Code Review, and I have just one question: What is SSE? — Simon André Forsberg 15 secs ago
@Mat'sMug follow the
@Duga @SimonAndréForsberg I think he means SSE?
@Mat'sMug But the hashtag won't work. This isn't twitter. And I had no idea that there were contests o.O
I'm only really interested in a CR shirt/mug :P
Saw the vid @SimonAndréForsberg looks like fun.
I would definitely take CR swag over SO
@IsmaelMiguel just because you don't have any Stack Exchange swag doesn't mean that they don't care about Portugal.
@Legato They won't have that until the design/logo is/are finalized.
@IsmaelMiguel have you been living under a rock? stackoverflow.com/10m
> Not a fan of teh twitters? No problem. Just add #SOreadytohelp to your "About Me" on your profile page.
@Legato it was awesome. Even more awesome than the video :)
@SimonAndrƩForsberg That is just a fraction of the reasons why I said it
@Mat'sMug Yes, I have. I guess I have to write something on my "About Me" section
On Code Review we can help you clean up your existing code, but we won't help you rewrite it for/with SSE. — Simon André Forsberg 43 secs ago
They're vectorial operations on x86 architectures. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streaming_SIMD_Extensionssenseiwa 31 secs ago
I totally called that.
Someone got a TypeError in a Python script "As far as I know there aren't types in python." ...no
@DanPantry what other reasons are there?
@SuperBiasedMan Python has types? o.O
@DanPantry I want to sell the game for like $5 a pop, I haven't figured all that out yet though. I was thinking maybe a Donation style Beta version. where it is completely free to play.
Q: Can't work your session handler code

PepinhoDoSambaI am very interested in your session handler but can't figure out how to use it (I mean adding variables to the session, passing variables to another script, etc.) I am in dire need of such code because my hosting company migrated PHP on no notice, messed everything up and now they are not provid...

@CaptainObvious no code no clue -> gone
@CaptainObvious This is getting idiotic...
@IsmaelMiguel (not sure if you're joking but) Yes it does it just doesn't make you explain what type each variable is.
@Mat'sMug I actually need your help with a Unit Test...
@SuperBiasedMan Like Javascript?
@EBrown I may be able to help?
@IsmaelMiguel I think so? Haven't used JS that much. Basically you can assign anything to whatever name you want and Python doesn't care.
@Zak I need to unit test floating point values.
But obviously Assert.AreEqual(point.X, 0.1f) is not the best way to do it.
@SuperBiasedMan Almost Javascript then
Python is similar to PHP in typing.
@EBrown Can you not determine the minimum DP of the 2 numbers, trim them both to that and then test?
@Zak Not exactly, I was thinking testing within a specified Epsilon.
Not sure how I should define that, though.
Usually, I do: Math.Abs(point.X - 1.34f) <= Epsilon where Epsilon is the tolerance.
@EBrown why can't you you do that here?
Usually, Epsilon is float Epsilon = 0.00000001; or something.
@EthanBierlein Monkin
@Zak Not sure if it's the best practice.
I can do it here, just not sure what best-practice is.
@EBrown Ah, whether it's best practice I can't say :) but it's what I'd do
At the moment, this works:
    [TestMethod, TestCategory("PointF Tests")]
    public void CreatePointFStructure_0_1f_1_34f()
        PointF point = new PointF(0.1f, 1.34f);

        Assert.AreEqual(point.X, 0.1f);
        Assert.AreEqual(point.Y, 1.34f);
But that's because it's pretty obvious that the values are going to be 0.1f and 1.34f, respectively.
One of the best first answers I've seen in quite a while:
A: Simple RPG skeleton - Part 1

user82194Don't recreate your random engine everytime Here: std::random_device randomDevice; std::mt19937 engine(randomDevice()); std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(minimumExperience, maximumExperience); This does not make it more random and can affect...

Sorry, it is called Cruise Control, NOT crucible. Crucible is a different kind of tool. Although it may come in handy since is good for code reviews, so look at it too — RAEC 33 secs ago
@EthanBierlein +1 specifically for "Don't try to be clever"
@DanPantry TS
@IsmaelMiguel RSA
@EthanBierlein Indeed
@IsmaelMiguel You ran out already?
Thank you!
@Mast Too many lols
That answer just proves how much I have to learn about C++.
This VS2015 install will take quite a while, it seems.
@EthanBierlein If you're lucky, you'll never stop learning
That answer was so great that I upvoted it a few hours ago
@IsmaelMiguel The better the answer, the earlier you upvote it?
Welcome @NiallC.
@Mast Somewhat
out-by-one errors are such a pain
Still making those?
@IsmaelMiguel They're pretty rare for me usually
I just forgot that one of the in-built functions returns an index, instead of a position
so it was returning 1-25 for a 0-24 array
Yesterday I had an 'off by n '
Where n was user supplied and variable
Question. With my array 0-24, what's the term for position(0) and what's the term for 'the first position'? E.G. "Index", "Position" etc.?
Define "term"

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