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There are 1481 unanswered questions (94.4101% answered)
Apparently, SE doesn't check to make sure the message was really edited before posting an edit: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/23722840/history
SE chat is underfeatured :(
just noticed this:
You may not be aware of it, but Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock was an old "community challenge" around here, which is why I added the relevant tag to your post. You may be interested in reading other RPSLS submissions to the challenge. This one in particular is a nice approach: RPSLS by Mat's Mug. — Simon André Forsberg ♦ 13 hours ago
Next up for CC.
thanks @SimonAndréForsberg!
A chat with unlimited stars.
not happening
yesterday, by Duga
There are 1481 unanswered questions (94.4024% answered)
I said a community challenge.
yeah, noticed after posting :)
> w3schools tabs
Everything works as it should, I love it
@Quill Shhhhhhhh!...
I'm about to literally shred the RD unit testing feature
Take pictures!
@Phrancis is that the lobby or the game board?
lol. I mean tests are currently a frakkin' PITA and don't really play well with XAML and databindings. and that's about to go down in flames.
@Quill Board
Q: I respond to notifications, but neglect why I originally came here

Andrew GrimmSometimes I come to a Stack Exchange site to ask a question, but instead I see that I have notifications (with a bright red background, it's hard to fail to see it), respond to them, close the browser tab, return to what I'm working on, then realise that I forgot to ask my question! What can I d...

Some people get distracted easily by lit... SQUIRREL!
I just received an email from Microsoft saying I've created a Job Alert
That was 3 months ago..
I think they're having a bit of a delay
This is the epitome of a Stack Overflow answer: a well-explained, elegant solution to an annoying, widely-applicable, and practical but complex task. You've just saved me hours of time, and I'm sure that'll be true of others over the months to come. Bravo for a truly canonical question/answer pair! — Josh Caswell 2 hours ago
Well then
@nhgrif well done! congrats!
@Mat'sMug what's the up/down on that? (I can't see cause of my rep)
+1/-1 (my -1)
I thought it'd be higher in both, hmm
ListView it is
Huh, seems like c++ has a lot of deprecated features that should just be removed.
*cough* rand() *cough*
Q: ArrayBlockingQueue - blocking drainTo() method

kevinarpeThis is a follow-up question to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/831834/blockingqueue-blocked-drainto-methods Is this a reasonable implementation for a blocking version of method ArrayBlockingQueue.drainTo(Collection)? /** * This blocking method blends {@link #take()} with {@link #drainTo(Co...

It actually looks kinda like a game now, @Mat'sMug^^
@Phrancis That's pretty cool! ;-)
@53013 Hey Daniel! I thought I might take the liberty to poke you for a quick look over codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/101339/kosaraju-in-scala :p
well that's not working as expected ^^
@Phrancis nice :)
@Bacon Who are you trying to ping?
he has a CR account so I thought I would try
If he hasn't chatted in here, then you can't ping him.
^ that
You could ask a mod to use a super-ping though.
You could comment on one of his posts giving him a link to the chat room
That too
well I don't know if that's really a good thing to bother someone I don't really know by other means than it's high reputation on a tag, by using a mod super ping :p
I could try to sneak in a comment yeah, but it's not really fit their usage :p
It can be annoying sometimes that you can't PM a user on SE, but maybe it's for the better; otherwise this might turn into Facebook or something.
well some high reputation posters would be literally spammed with requests I think
Oh, and:
Q: Simple RPG skeleton - Part 1

Ethan BierleinI've been on a quest to learn C++, and to learn, I've started building a small RPG skeleton to help myself learn the language. I've tried to make sure that I've followed C++ styles/standards correctly. This is the first "part" of my development of the skeleton, and it includes on usable class, C...

Huh, the feeds have gotten faster...
@Phrancis yeah, next thing you know you get users posting random screenshots of their apps in chat... oh, wait..
A: Simple RPG skeleton - Part 1

user82194Don't recreate your random engine everytime Here: std::random_device randomDevice; std::mt19937 engine(randomDevice()); std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(minimumExperience, maximumExperience); This does not make it more random and can affect...

Why link-only answers suck: Dear Tech Professional, Tech.pro has been temporarily deactivated. We will bring Tech.pro back online after our team has grown in sufficient size to support the community. Sincerely, Tech.pro TeamMat's Mug 15 secs ago
NVM, I see I missed some detail in the bounty.
epic answer from @enderland on TW: workplace.stackexchange.com/a/52622
seems like this belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com — Lim H. 7 secs ago
eh, it got migrated because of the way I wrote the question. Sigh. Plus, I had done the modification myself this time instead of asking how to do it. Anyway, here's the link if you want to look at it: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/102127/…user27307254534534534543675765 59 secs ago
monking @all
hey @Mat'sMug still awake?
yeah.. not for long :)
@Mat'sMug hay any body here
@Quill calm down Quill
@AsimAbbas what's that for?
i am doing project in android is there any one who help me a problem which i face...
@Mat'sMug what do you mean,,,why are u condemn on my sms repetedly
This question belongs to Code Review according to title although it looks like user does not have any idea what the posted code really does. However, there are already hundreds of posts on Stack Overflow demonstrating how to prompt a batch user for a string and continue processing depending on what was entered. So this "question" is definitely not something new being worth to be kept. — Mofi 21 secs ago
@AsimAbbas This isn't the place to ask for help regarding problems about code. We only work with fully working code here. You should better improve your questions on SO, for instance edit your question to answer the questions in the comments.
I asked, because you just walked in here without a Code Review SE account, and tell someone to calm down - as a moderator I can see what I can do when someone needs to calm down, sorry if I'm coming off as rude or whatever, I don't mean to. Yesterday I merely gave links to MSE and help center posts about room topics and SE chat rules: walking into this chatroom and asking for help about a problem you're stuck with just isn't right.
I need to make this look prettier.
..another day.
night @Mat'sMug
hey @Vogel612
in The Whiteboard, 28 mins ago, by Ixrec
looks like that handles vs pointers question from CR was a good fit here after all
^^^^ @Mat'sMug
Q: Weighted choices

tsukimiIs there a more efficient way to do the below without two for loops in actionscript 3? In java there is NavigableMap or something like that where dont need to loop. var treasureItemsWeights:Object = { "1" : 5 , "2" : 20, "3" : 400, "4" : 60, "5" : 20, ...

Q: Synchronizing scrollbars, scrollTop and scroll event loops

JayC(This comes from stack overflow, where I was sent here) I've been playing around synchronizing two scrollbars on a web application using Javascript and jQuery (1.11.3). So far what I've been doing is any time a scroll event happens on one div, I use scrollTop to adjust the position on the other ...

hey @skiwi
I like this starwall. Lets make it more sparkly!
( Í¡° _Ê– Í¡°)
That face looks weird
again monking ;)
And with this, I've spent 8 stars
Haha, the answer I gave about isoceles triangles was wrong in the end...
Fortunately, @JS1 stepped it and gave the right formula.
Q: Merge two arrays of hashes and map them

regedarekI would like to refactor that code. def experiences work_experience_array = @coach.delete(:work_experience) education_array = @coach.delete(:education) array = [] array << work_experience_array.map do |experience| Db::Experiences::Work.new(experience.for_indexing) end array << e...

Congratulations :)
Nice work, I'm about 30 score off that myself
@IsmaelMiguel How're you doing for ?
33/100 :/
I haven't answered and asked many PHP questions
Is that based on total upvote score or are some points ignored? Cause I'm 29/100 on Python even though my total answer score should be closer to 50.
I have an entire session management system to review
I have 121 points in the tag but I didn't answer enough questions to get the badge x)
@SuperBiasedMan total upvote score
@IsmaelMiguel your questions don't count toward tag badges
@Morwenn Wow, you arent even a beginner
@Quill I cold selfie-answer
@Quill Weird, I wonder why the number's not matching up then. Maybe not all the questions are tagged
Do people self answer on here much?
@SuperBiasedMan not really
@SuperBiasedMan I've did it like, once or twice.
At least once for sure
@SuperBiasedMan your profile says 42/100
Q: Simple syntax highlighter in Javascript - SQL highlighting

Ismael MiguelYesterday and today I've made a very basic syntax highlight. It creates a function in the window object that handles part of the job: (function(window){ var f=window.highlight = function(lang, element){ var lang_defs = f[lang]; if(!lang_defs) { throw n...

The only answer is an answer I wrote myself, and was quite well accepted
@Quill Oh weird. Mine's just not updating yet I guess, are you in the new navigation beta?
@SuperBiasedMan the badge progress widget takes a while to update, it's a bit broken
go to your profile and look
It's missed the score from your last 5 js answers
Aha, you're right. Thanks!
CodeReview may indeed be a better fit, but even then you'ld best carefully check their FAQ / guidelines. I think you may have a problem that's not well suited to be solved using the help of SE sites. Instead, you seem to need a sparring partner for this project / task you're currently working on. — Jeroen 32 secs ago
Thanks, Santa!
Q: Storing user settings using LINQ to XML

PhysikbuddhaI want to store some user settings into a file, so that the users get the same experience on all machines they're working on. The built-in user.config turned out to be insufficient, as I can't store Nullable values in it. So I created a simple class for my program that stores the user settings i...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because is for codereview.stackexchange.comWinterMute 58 secs ago
A: Weighted choices

QuillSo, there's quite a few ways to do this, but, the easiest way to calculate raall the values need to add up to \$1\$. Consider decimals as percentages, for example: \$40\%\$ would be \$0.4\$. Which means, this needs to go/change: var treasureItemsWeights:Object = { "1" : 5 , "2" : 20, "3" : 40...

@WinterMute Before recommending anything, please read the help section on that website. This is off-topic on Code Review since there's no code to be reviewed. From what I can read, the code isn't even finished and the O.P. is asking how to write something. That's 3 off-topic reasons. — Ismael Miguel 38 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel sorry, you are right — WinterMute 37 secs ago
A Stack Overflow user saying sorry? And saying I'm right? It must be Christmas!
hey hey, stack overflow has nice people
Quite rare but true
Did you made it?
monking @Zak
6 more days to get my gold badge!
Is it considered a bad idea to pimp answers from other websites?
Specially, a non-programming website?
My understanding is that sharing answers you find exceptionally good (or bad) is fair enough, but pimping your own answers for the purpose of upvotes would probably be frowned upon.
I don't want upvotes.
The answer isn't even mine
@IsmaelMiguel A stack exchange site?
I just want the other answers to get some love
@Quill Yup.
@IsmaelMiguel Yeah, it's fine
A: When talking with a client, what should I do with my hands?

A EShort answer: carry a notebook and pen - it'll give your hands something to do. You can switch both items to a single hand for handshaking purposes. You can also use them to make notes, so you'll seem (and possibly be) well-organised. Long answer: Don't worry about it. Kind clients will be un...

Here it is
7 hours ago, by Mat's Mug
epic answer from @enderland on TW: http://workplace.stackexchange.com/a/52622
That answers, and the other ones, need some love
Best way to tell, if mods do it, it's all good
You're right
But the answer is there
Q: finding closest points without duplicates and given distance threshold

csetzkornGiven a bunch of latitudes and longitudes stored as Points, I would like to determine the points that are closest to each point given some maximum threshold in meters. This is my first stab at this: DECLARE @ThresholdInMeters FLOAT = 1000000.0; IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Points1') IS NOT NULL D...

I do love TW
So much really useful stuff
I know!
And they have that cool moderator
Monica Cello, or something
@IsmaelMiguel We have cool moderators here too
I didn't say the oposite
Nothing serious
I'm so tempted to post all those messages in the TW chatroom right now :P
Q: Swap two nodes in a doubly linked list

SujitI am learning Doubly link list. I am trying to swap two nodes (not adjacent) of the list. Tried many times but still cant do it. can anyone help me with the code please?

She will just say "Who?"
they'd probably lol
@CaptainObvious swap sites to SO
go for it
You know too much
Thanks. By the way, If I had a working code, there was no need to ask for code. – Sujit 50 secs ago
@SuperBiasedMan You can copy the comment link and paste here
Ah, thanks!
Thanks. By the way, If I had a working code, there was no need to ask for code. — Sujit 1 min ago
There you go!
If you are asking people to write code for you, try hiring a programmer. If you have your own fully working code, you can ask feedback for it. — Ismael Miguel 27 secs ago
Quick: tips to improve it
I really wonder how people can honestly expect to get a code dump that'll do their work for them.
Is it normal for the page to try and parse the link before angular gets in and sets it?
They think that this is a free service to ask programmers to work for them. They imagine this as a shopping center where they dump their list and expect us to do the shopping and still let them take the stuffs for free.
@Quill Is angular at the top of the head?
Just below my CSS
I would say it is weird
Should I be declaring my <HTML> as the data-ng-app, or <body>?
No idea, honestly
But I would say the body
@Zak You shouldn't reference other websites on that kind of question. Now he will post it on StackOverflow and we have 2 crappy garbage questions.
ah, good point :)
I was going to say the same you said, but then I remember that someone said what I just told you
If the post had broken code, and a well detailed question, I would recommend StackOverflow
Other than that, be very careful
@Roberto, please refer to the code review site (codereview.stackexchange.com), that is the place for this kind of question — Sam Swift 32 secs ago
Yeah I also left a recommendation to move to SO in my canned comment I had to quickly scrub out, haha
Moving that to StackOverflow would be a terrible mistake
It'd be fun though entirely impractical and pointless to have a site where all the too lazy questions got migrated too and the only other posters on there are just bots that roam around giving the illusion of activity.
@Duga Do we review the security of code? Isn't that more on-topic on security.se?
@SuperBiasedMan A fun but terrible mistake
Sorry Sam, I didn't know there's a section specially for that. Thank you very much. — Roberto 1 min ago
Now we are a section -.-
Q: Is this PHP CURL function safe with the given user input?

RobertoI have a security question, if anyone can provide some guidance I'd surely appreciate it a lot. So I have this php curl function to check if a site is online or not: function check($proc,$url,$keyword,$method,$timeout,$maxredirs) { // Format Link $link = $proc."://".$url; // Agent ...

Q: Is this PHP CURL function safe with the given user input?

RobertoI have a security question, if anyone can provide some guidance I'd surely appreciate it a lot. So I have this php curl function to check if a site is online or not: function check($proc,$url,$keyword,$method,$timeout,$maxredirs) { // Format Link $link = $proc."://".$url; // Agent ...

It doesn't seem to ask for a code review, but for us to find if it is safe or not
ah, it's not a glitch :) i.imgur.com/mOzox1u.jpg
@IsmaelMiguel It's on SO, the one you linked.
It's cross-posted, but they're not completely identical.
I'd basically state "Don't do it yourself."
@Mast "Don't do it yourself."
@Zak Holy cow!
@Mast I know it is on StackOverflow
The question mostly asks the same: is this safe or not?
@Zak Trying to boost your network score by registring on as many sites a possible?
I think he is trying to gçiTch it
class DblyLinkList is already reviewed hereoverexchange just now
@Zak Don't do this:
It might also be on topic for Security.se but definitely read their FAQ first as I'm not familiar with what they consider on-topic — Zak 16 mins ago
Only refer to sites you're absolutely sure of.
@Malachi Just got my first successful ping from your Review notifier :-)
@Quill did I make you delete your answer?
I posted my answer to the question right now:
A: Weighted choices

Simon André ForsbergTreasure Item The fact that you have a variable named treasureItemsWeights and that your function returns the key tells me that you might have other variables, such as treasureItemsValue or treasureItemsType and treasureItemsCount, treasureItemsPosition etc. If you do, this is a bad idea. You s...

@Mast klkl
@Mast actually, most of those are from a year ago when I first joined SO
@IsmaelMiguel asking for security concerns is alright here. We've had several such questions in the past.
I just saw "+1810" and thought WTH?!
They all should use though, it exists with a reason.
and there's a network score?
@Zak Yea.
It shows up under your name ^^
Mine is 4808
Huh. Is it a known issue that you can get suggested edits in the review queue on a deleted question? Essentially meaning you can only approve reject or skip, no editing allowed.
ah, that's what that number is :)
@SimonAndréForsberg Alright. I'll see what I can do
@SuperBiasedMan never heard about that before
Gonna search the meta about it.
Yup, apparently it's known and not strictly a bug. Technically if I had higher rep I could still edit a deleted post so they don't remove them from the queue
A: Suggested edits queue: different number of buttons at different reviews

ThisSuitIsBlackNotTag wikis A similar question was asked on Meta SE. Gilles's answer: ...you can only Improve a post if you would have the right to edit it unsupervised. For questions and answers, the requirement is the same as approving edits: 2000 reputation. For tag wikis, you can approve at 5000 reputatio...

@SuperBiasedMan May have something to do with the rep game.
This question is about pseudo code, but more importantly their actual code isn't working anyway:
Yes, the code is correct (as you already discovered when you tested this, as I did). — Martijn Pieters 57 secs ago
Q: Decorate a generator function inside a Python class

carlosescriI have some classes that read data from tables located in an external data source. If the table you want to read data does not exist, the client library for the external data source raises a generic exception so I have to make some tricks to know if the problem was that the table was not created...

@CaptainObvious poof, gone. Migration rejected. Bad bad Martijn, no donut for you.
@SimonAndréForsberg Now go fight it out with him.
he has already apologized. And promised he would bang his head on the table.
@SimonAndréForsberg oh, has the internet migrated from cookies to donuts?
I've always used donuts.
or well... at least for several years..
I migrated this to CR initially because your question is really too broad once you get beyond the 'is this a correct approach' aspect. If you want feedback on how to do this pythonically and / or better, you are asking for a code review and you can post this an codereview.stackexchange.com, but use your actual code. — Martijn Pieters ♦ 43 secs ago
If the UI thread is doing work, then this thread is not going to update UI until work is done. And using a BW to update UI while UI thread is doing work is the best way to make code reviewer cry. — PaweÅ‚ Mach 9 secs ago
The less common, even worse outcome: "3: [everyone in the financial system] WOW, where did all my money just go?"
Q: Store users and teams id in tournaments table

PeterI'm developing an online tournaments platform in which players can play single or in a team. The tournaments have two typologies (single or team). Now I have to design the games table and I doubt how to do it. This is what I have: TOURNAMENTS GAMES id id idtype idtourn...

@RMunroe What money?
The less common, even worse outcome: "3: [everyone in the financial system] WOW, where did all my money just go?"
I know that feeling
Who doesn't?
Fortunately, I know enough to know I shouldn't be allowed anywhere near my company's trading system
So this is what unit testing feels like :)
"Note this command wont work on current selected layers" - Documentation
God I hate tiny unique language implementations for programs.
@IsmaelMiguel It's creating a new workbook, closing it, opening it again (the test), closing it and deleting it.
Still slow
@IsmaelMiguel can't really be helped
I probably will agree
Ha, just saw someone else using the canned response I wrote. Nice.
Q: Please help me to how to delete the items in the listview in conjunction with deleting their prices from the total textbox

Fher YumulI only want to delete the selected item in list box and also delete its price in the total txtbox. I already know how to remove or delete the selected product in listbox, the only thing that i dont know yet is how to deduct the selected product price and delete their prices from the total textbox...

@SuperBiasedMan Hammertime!
@Mast Don't know how anyone has time for hammers in this economy.
Feature-request: Hammertime! should ping all mods which where in the room for the past 30 minutes.
Totally not abuseable.
Back to C++ before I write more crap.
Q: Please help me to how to delete the items in the listview in conjunction with deleting their prices from the total textbox

Fher YumulI only want to delete the selected item in list box and also delete its price in the total txtbox. I already know how to remove or delete the selected product in listbox, the only thing that i dont know yet is how to deduct the selected product price and delete their prices from the total textbox...

@DanPantry Never heard that one
Must check it at home
I hold that the english version is better, btu the original version is good too
blocked in Germany...
@Vogel612 lol
At least it isn't here in Portugal
w/ RubberDuck, how do I convert all my call() syntax to non-call statements?
@DanPantry poor drummer...
you can tell it's friday because people are starring 'lol'
@Vogel612 eh?
(I'm a singer, not a drummer, so I don't get the "poor drummer" comment)
@Zak Func(param); or Func param; ?
the verse drums are a pain to play...
they're currently in Func(param)
because you need to switch the hi-hat behaviour so often
@Vogel612 Hahaha, no pain no gain I guess
@DanPantry I star lols everyday
also I'd not even get the underlying rhythm down..
@Zak As far as I remember the () are only needed when handing a value to a variable
@IsmaelMiguel there's a function in RubberDuck which converts all Func(param) to Func Param I just don't know where ti is
I don't know too
@IsmaelMiguel You also run out of stars most days.
@Mat'sMug That function definitely exists right?
@Mast That is almost accurate. I burn pizzas more often than the days I spend all my stars
@IsmaelMiguel Star lol erreday #420starit.
@SuperBiasedMan wow
@SuperBiasedMan ? Is there an English version?
@IsmaelMiguel it was a play on "smoke weed every day, #420blazeit"
which is something I... thankfully.. hadn't heard in about 3 years
@DanPantry I'm sorry I ruined the streak.
@DanPantry I don't get why 4:20. Is it like, 4 days a week, 20 hours a day?
@IsmaelMiguel en.wikipedia.org/wiki/420_(cannabis_culture) (maybe nsfw depending on your culture)
That makes sense
Well, time to brun some toasts!
@Hosch250 nothing's "wrong", it's just that it's covering one part of the question, not the whole scope, and that's why I opened a bounty on it :)
@rolfl Would this be on topic for CodeReview or is this a bit too hypothetical? — Caridorc 38 secs ago
Code has to be already working as intended before posting to CodeReview — Zak 19 secs ago
for anyone who knows their VBA stackoverflow.com/questions/32271147/…
I imagine it's just a simple piece of Variable referencing syntax that I'm ignorant of
@Pajser So... if it does exactly what you expect, you can post it on Codereview giving more context and a better title. — Caridorc 34 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel You bloody idiot. It's burn, not brun.
@Duga That is so bizarre, Duga
@IsmaelMiguel Thats why I starred it ;-)
@rolfl instead of just coming to chat, right?
Jokes' on me cause I'm not eating toast
better make duga chat for me
@Vogel612 - Caridorc "mentions" me out of the blue on some obscure question on SO... it is not a question I have seen, ever... so no ping... but I get the "highlight" in this room, so I see it.
@Mast what do you think?
Also, I am not the expert on C so... why me?
(and not a mod no more!).
Given the size of SO, and the fact I seldom scan chat here at the moment, it is "amazing" I saw that.
TTGTW .... bye all for now.
IAW already
@Mast - a disappointing first-post-review: codereview.stackexchange.com/review/first-posts/43351
A: Basic game with moving objects in Swing

mihaj1) Classes Car and Obstacle have the same method and properties. This is a good reason to create super class with them. And move xPos, yPos with related method to super class. 2) Methods draw_obstacle() and draw_car() do one logic into one place, I mean paintComponent(). The best practice is con...

That's a good first answer.... worthy of more +1's

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