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hmm... why do I have a php-tag in my summary??
Can I just say, whilst chat may have gradually drifted more and more off-topic, it does seem somewhat arbitrary as to when you stepped in. Might it not have been better to ask people to bring chat back on-topic before taking other steps?
@Zak meh.
"It seemed arbitrary. Yes... deal with it"
Bronze tag-badges are 40 answers, 100 score, right?
"Might it not have been better." That didn't work ever..
Just an observation from a different point of view :)
@EBrown 20
@Zak It isn't hard science, but this only could've escalated as it did.
Ah, I need two more answers in C# then. >.>
@Vogel612 You have 19 PHP posts
@EBrown become trusted user, then you can track the process in your profile
@IsmaelMiguel that surprises me...
@Vogel612 Need rep for that...lol
nothing's stopping you, go on a rampage and kill some zombies
That's what is there
@IsmaelMiguel it says 13. which is also more than I expected..
There aren't any zombies I qualify myself to care for.
I suppose I'll try to kill one here quick.
I'm at 23/9 on my highest tag lol.
Also, this answer could seriously use some more love.
@EBrown The question as well
I think that's as refactored as it's going to get
hmm.. call is deprecated..
I think you have been told that before
@Mast NAA for sure... but spam? codereview.stackexchange.com/a/101996/23788
@Vogel612 I don't know much VBA, but I've read something like that before.
Talking about Excel, I had to watch a video in class the other day that used Excel 2003 at best.
@Mat'sMug It's advertisement IMHO.
@Zak I don't see a Rubberduck menu in your IDE :(
I was in the middle of that this morning when I flew off the rails
wanted to finish it up before I move on to changing stuff
@Mast I agree with the Mug
it's actually a "You're doing it wrong" answer in disguise
@Vogel612 I know, but it's been ingrained as a habit now, and I don't see any value to changing it.
@Zak Get with 2015. ;)
@Zak No! That's a terrible excuse!
@IsmaelMiguel - the HSV Question has a second answer now.
Don't let old habits stand in the way.
@rolfl Must check it
I've just made some Math
And I found I have 20/37 accepted answers
@Vogel612 I read it like "we totally made a product which could help you, but I'm not going to tell you I had a hand in it"
But hey, we've established before I have a low tolerance for bullshit.
@rolfl Upvoted it!
Want to pimp it?
@Mast I totally get not letting habits stand in the way of improvement. But even though call isn't necessary anymore, does not using call have any benefit other than needing to type 1 word less?
@Mat'sMug Do you agree now?
I'm notifying SO mods
wait, what's happened that's mod-worthy?
@rolfl I dug into StackOVerflow and there were tons of posts complaining about image.setRGB() being slower on Android.
Yeah, and it is slower in standard Java too... I think it's because of a byte-order transform that is faster in bulk.
You know, despite the embarrassment, today's events did at least allow me to write the line
"And then I got really desperate. I willingly called Microsoft Tech Support"
I totally forgot to mention that point on my answer.
Your answer needs some love
Can I pimp it?
@IsmaelMiguel chill a few hours
it's still on the active page
@Vogel612 I'm not chill and won't be for a while. But you are right. I will check on it in a few hours
Alright. RubberDuck is installed and I'm going home. I'll get to grips with it tomorrow.
...and if it does work, you could post it on codereview.stackexchange.com for their thoughts :-) — Edd 31 secs ago
Wow, at this rate RD might hit 1K downloads by the time we release 2.0
> Rubberduck.Setup. - Downloaded 488 times.
Last updated on 2015-07-08
wow. turns out it's only been a week since I first found CR
it seems like such a long time ago :)
Q: C implementation of a string

JoeAs C does not have a native string type, I decided to try making a similar type. It's not perfect by any means, so I was coming here to see what I could do to improve it. I have tested my code and it works; if I were to write 'User', the output would then be 'Hello User' #include <stdio.h> #inc...

oh. downvoting costs reputation?
1 point for an answer, none for a question
@Zak BTW a regression bug was identified in RD 1.4x - the ObsoleteCallStatementInspection somehow borked, so that's one less thing that RD code inspections are going to complain about with your code ;-)
obsolete call statement inspection?#
a code inspection that finds explicit Call statements and a quick-fix that replaces them with the implicit call syntax ;-)
right :)
will be fixed for the 2.0 release, rest assured :)
is there an ETA for 2.0?
Zombie down.
not really, there's still a lot of work to be done, and we're working on it in our free time. I'm not releasing 2.0 without SmartIndenter, and there's pretty much zero work done on that part.
A: Sieve31, my sieve of Eratosthenes returning IEnumerable<int>

EBrownAbout the only huge, performance-impacting change I can see that would be necessary is replacing the BitArray for a literal bool array. This actually has a huge speed impact. So, making that change, and inverting the related conditions causes us to have the following method: public static IEnu...

That's the zombie if anyone wants to take a peek.
(Over two months old, as well. How did you let that happen @Mat'sMug?)
@EBrown worked on Rubberduck instead ;-)
Just got [badge:revival] from that. ;)
night people
@Won't you're not running IE6. .... ....right? — Mat's Mug 39 secs ago
@Zak it's 1 year and 9 months for me... that's a long time ago...
A: Need advice of refactoring views.py

San4ez1.Using render shortcut function is more preferable than render_to_response. The difference is explained on SO def index(request): intentions = Intention.objects.all(); return render('intentions/templates/index.html', {'intentions': intentions}) 2.Then django has another shortcut get_...

Q: Prompt user for input then create an acronym from it

DuckMy program is complete and working, but I would like second opinions on it. The program prompts the user to enter something like a phrase or some words. Then it will create an acronym of what was entered. What are some adjustments I can make to my program to make it more efficient? #include <io...

@CaptainObvious Wow...
> using namespace std;
there's 1 single thing I know of , is.. not to do using namespace std;
free flags anyone?
A: Function to toggle between two values of an enum

KevinIf your enum only has two values, you don't have an enum, you have a bool.

My comment was on the user and not on the content of the question, which didn't seemed that bad
@Mat'sMug What's wrong with it? It's almost good
Lets make it good then!
it does make a good comment though
my answer already states it:
It could be a good answer
> If there's not going to be a need to ever add more values, then I'd question the use of an enum type here, because you're really toggling between true and false states of some _isSeeking Boolean, which you already know how to toggle.
Then flag
Low quality?
Low quality
what the...
Q: basic game with moving objects in Swing

Alex RedsThis is a simulation attempt of an "old-style game", where a "car" (nothing more than a red rectangle) must dodge some "obstacles" (blue squares) falling from the upper edge of the frame. If an obstacle hits the car, the game stops. The app works fine, but since this is my first project involvin...

@CaptainObvious needs additional indentation... for each code block
@Mat'sMug Which makes it sad how little they emphasize that fact in college classes where you learn the language. I'm pretty sure I was the only one not using it in the class simply because I had prior knowledge.
@CaptainObvious damn you @Jamal you were faster again
they we don't call 'em The Jamalizer for no reason!
Oh, I just saw it pop up on the front page. I was away for a while, too.
Yea I was basically finished indenting and separating the blocks and then got the notification banner...
@moarboilerplate aren't you just a little bit over-complicating this? ;-) — Mat's Mug ♦ 24 secs ago
never used automapper
@Vogel612 ?
I do feel the same way for when an OP makes a minor change when I'm trying to make big changes.
@IsmaelMiguel flags...
Was it about me?
no no..
I didn't knew
And that confused the heck out of me
You'd think so, but the things I've seen, man. — moarboilerplate 41 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel I found out with a little research....
But I'm not going to tell you because it's irrelevant
? You found what?
why the flags...
@Mat'sMug chatflags.. somewhere .. else
oh, there was one.. I approved it, then okayed a dialog that said "since you're a mod, your vote is binding"
and if someone said that in this chatroom, I'd ban them without a second thought.
oh so it was your fault that my approval only reached a deleted message??..
I think no mod is present
interestingly the chatroom over there's dead now since both involved have got validated flags.
they flag-shot each other?
am I missing anything?
@Mat'sMug Said what?
@SimonAndréForsberg nothing relevant for here
just general network banter
good, then it sounds like I'm not really missing anything...
@IsmaelMiguel nothing of interest that's worth repeating
anyway, TTQW
Was it something I said?
@SimonAndréForsberg depending on whether the 30 min cooldown works you may want to intervene in a few minnutes
@IsmaelMiguel no it wasn't
and the message is deleted. Get 10 k and you can also see what junk people post sometimes
Here on StackOverflow?
at least until the flags are validated and the message is auto-deleted
here in the Chat
@IsmaelMiguel "Here" != Stack Overflow
10k users (meaning 10k accumulated) can handle chatflags
@SimonAndréForsberg Here is subjective. Since we are on chat.stackexchange.com
Well, there must be plenty of them then
And for Stack Overflow there is a separate chat.stackoverflow.com, so again: Here != Stack Overflow.
as well as MSE, they also have a separate domain
Sorry for asking a stupid question
eh, it's not a stupid question
it took ages until I discovered that
It took me 3 beat-ups to get it
lol then you probably remember it from now :)
I'll forget it tomorrow
Or in a few hours
Off-topic: Do you know any decent PS2 emulator?
I have postgres_ext-serializers's code reviewed and, seems, it has no special case for the has_one relation, unlike has_many and belongs_to. It looks like inconsistency with active_model_serializers gem, open an issue on GitHub and see, what the creator thinks about it. Currently, I suggest you to add user_id field to attributes list. At least, you will be able to restore relations between User and Address models from resulting JSON. — Featalion 8 secs ago
I think I just crashed CodeAcademy...
They launched a command-line tutorial recently and I decided to take a look. You never know what you may learn.
Seems it isn't fool proof ^^
Somebody should review their code...
It would be closed as broken code
Cross-posted on Code Review. — Mast 1 min ago
I bet you it's JS.
Sorry about that!

There are a lot of people taking this course right now! It might be unavailable until the crowd clears.

Until then, how about taking one of our other courses?
Well, time to finish my Racetrack I guess.
Cross site pimping. 6 away from rep capping on OS.
A: What can I assume if a publicly published project has no license?

RubberDuckIf a repository has no license, then all rights are reserved and it is not Open Source or Free. You cannot modify or redistribute this code without explicit permission from the copyright holder. I'm unsure of the legal implications of actually pulling the source local and building/using the so...

working code you want to work 'better' is bes posted on codereview — Dagon just now
legacy code fun: int Id = GetId(service);
what type would you expect GetId to return?
(hint: not int)
Greetings everyone.
@DanLyons Char or String?
@Legato Greetings
it compiles just fine, since it gets implicitly cast to int
That's not fun...
I was expecting something worst
the fun was that the method was called in several places in nearby code, and it flipped between short and int :|
for no reason
Lol. @DanLyons that sounds oddly familiar. Only everything is a string.
The guy before me, at work, decided that every single value, in a database, was a varchar(45)
except when it was nvarchar, at least?
And it wasn't on a single database
It's MySQL
I've seen 50, 100, & 255, but never 45
45 is the default on MySQL Workbench
Ahh. That explains it. But that's still a really weird default.
sounds like a bunch of HTML we had which was originally written in frontpage :P
Just to scare you a little, one of the websites is extremelly busy
Never used Frontpage
it had all kinds of gems like a CSS element which called an ActiveX control to create a gradient
Yuck. Front page was an awful html generator.
@DanLyons Sounds like regular CSS for IE
Know what else was bad at generating html? Asp.Net 2
anyone have some Good video links for learning about Entity Framework?
@RubberDuck Never used Asp
Video links? Microsoft's tutorials come to mind.
know what really sucks, trying to maintain ASP.NET 2.0 when you have ASP.NET 4.5
And MVC 5...
I feel ya.
YES ▲▲▲
I don't get it, since I use Notepad++ to write HTML + PHP + CSS + Javascript
And Pascal
I really think Microsoft should just stop trying to make it easy for idiots to write (awful) code.
You probably want to move this question over to codereview.stackexchange.comCory Danielson 56 secs ago
is an Entity basically a class that pulls in data from an RDBMS into objects and then you use LINQ to run through them? is that kind of what ORM ?
Microsoft makes easy to write awful code because the tools to write good code are paid
@IsmaelMiguel it's all because MS encourages their "visual" programming stuff. It makes it so you can design a GUI without writing any code.
or am I mixing a bunch of stuff I don't understand?
The entity can also be used to create the database in the first place
via code-first migrations
@RubberDuck That seems accurate
@Malachi Entity Framework is an ORM. But yeah. You've more or less got it.
oh. well that is pretty simple. :)
It is and it ain't. I still haven't quite figured out the migrations piece.
where would I use Entity Framework over other methods?
Q: AngularJS - Is my controller doing too much?

TriodeI am new to Angular. Am I following best practices here? I understand controllers should not do too much. My controller seems to have a lot of logic here. Can I do anything to improve it? It is just a basic ToDo App. var app = angular.module('app', []); app.controller('FirstCtrl', function($sco...

you would use it instead of ADO.NET objects or another ORM like nHibernate
but especially ADO.NET objects
Good question. Give me a minute. Let me see if I can find the link I'm thinking of.
ADO.Net isn't bad so long as you put it in a DAL instead of your code...
It's better for reporting where you're aggregating data.
true, but even then, it's more verbose than an ORM would be
Yes. It is.
> Is my title doing too much?
@Malachi There was a link about such earlier in chat. Not a video, but a good web page.
@Malachi, are you thinking of using this for a new project, or one which already exists and has a database defined?
@Malachi the whole article is pretty good, but I think you'll be particularly interested in the "technology considerations" section. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Ee658127.aspx
If you're doing this for an established database and don't plan on doing the code-first migrations, F# type providers with DBML could save you time over raw EF. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh361033.aspx
@DanLyons job description I am interviewing for mentioned it, and figure I would make sure I know a little bit about it before the interview. I think I know enough to BS my way through it, but I am going to research a little bit more to make sure
ahh, OK
I spent so much time bandaging old .net 1.1 and .net 2.0 applications that I never got any experience with newer technologies.
one of the reasons I want to leave my current job
FSharp.Data.SqlClient is also pretty neat:
1.1?! Ouch
1.1 that I forced into 2.0 and then made it work on 4.0 so they could upgrade the server it was on
ouch doesn't even describe the mess I have....lol
now I have to Band-aid my fence though, and maybe get something to eat.
our .NET side is 4.5, but I still have to touch VB6 from time to time :|
thank you guys for the input, it is appreciated I have all the links open
Q: Finding multiples of 3 or 5 with MIPS assembly (Project Euler #1)

coustyxI just started learning MIPS assembly at my university and I would like some feedback on this code. It works but I am interested to hear what I could do to improve it (best practice, efficiency, etc). The program is Project Euler Problem #1, finding the sum of multiples of 3 or 5 less than 1000. ...

Q: Can I ask the same question with a different language?

James_ParsonsI am wondering if it would be bad to ask for the same code review, just under a different language. For example: Hypothetically I post a question asking for a code review of my Ruby "Hello World" program, but then, I create a C# "Hello World" program, and would like insight as well. Since they ...

I'm in the process of moving all the 2.0 stuff to 3.5.
This answer could be improved with a link to this, but maybe I'm biased. ;) — nhgrif 2 mins ago
Any Python people around?
Writing data to a file is easy with Python. Writing and reading in such a manner that the function requiring the data has it in exactly the right format, turned out to be a bit more difficult.
@Mast Yeah, what's up
@RubberDuck I have two questions in the same language even.
@Quill This about sums it up:
Q: Writing numpy.random.get_state() to file

Mastnumpy.random.get_state() returns a tuple. I want to write this to a file so I can use the same state later if required. I got it down to the following, but csv throws an error: import csv import numpy as np def write_state(): with open("state_file", "w") as file: csv.register_diale...

How do you filter down to just questions in a search? Like this:
is: q
I'm writing a tuple to a file, but just parsing it to a string doesn't cut it. So I have to pull some formatting magic, probably CSV style.
@Mast Ah, I may not be able to help, but hopefully my ^ can
@nhgrif is:question
@Quill Thanks for taking a look anyway.
And upvotes are always welcome of-course.
@nhgrif You wrote 4 times?
Is the ultimate one basically an improved version of the older Swift question?
It's amazing.
no fence fixing tonight
Go look at it.
Basically the first is a very straight-forward solution where the second is generic.
I did something like that in C++ once.
The second allows you to define any rule you want
You provide it with closures which take the integer as an input and return a string
@nhgrif @mast is:q works too.
@RubberDuck I default all our varchar and nvarchar columns to the next highest power of two that satisfies our length requirements.
I.e. required length is 30: varchar(32).
Verging on code review..? — voidHead 43 secs ago
That ^. Why?
Not sure, just feels "right".
Mostly because we don't have a lot of varchar columns.
Many of ours are char and nchar because it's literally fixed input.
That's not really an answer...
It should be whatever the maximum allowable length is, and not a character longer.
Most of the data I get handed is always a fixed input (most common being char(10), char(12), char(15) and char(30)).
@nhgrif Except the business rules always change.
Because when it is longer, the database isn't enforcing the length rule.
Historically, every time this company gives me a length requirement, it's wrong.
I.e. they gave me varchar(220) as a field a week or so ago, and then it turned into varchar(240) and then varchar(256).
So I always pad just a little bit.
You can resize the column
@nhgrif It's easier to do it in the beginning.
Resizing the column is only a problem if it was 240 and now it's 220 and you have data in there that's longer than 220.
Because almost every time they give me a length, it ends up resized to the next-highest power of two.

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