Alternatively, learn everything on the job but do it in a way that makes your coworkers always think you know everything about everything.
Just because I don't know a particular platform or language doesn't mean I can't teach coworkers who write code for that platform or language a thing or two.
This is stripped down from a project I'm working on:
let userFields = {
id: {
dbFields: 'id',
email: {
dbFields: 'email',
first_name: {
dbFields: 'first_name',
last_name: {
dbFields: 'last_name',
name: {
but don't go into a job not knowing absolutely nothing about a platform when then job spec says it under the presumption that "I'll just learn it on the job". It sucks for everyone involved, including coworkers
i.e, don't know nothing about Angular if your job spec says you're doing Angular just because you know a bit of javascript :P
He gets the job done, but it's done horrifically and it's awful to work with. In addition, a lot of my resource is taken off of my work instructing him on how to do it.
I have this HTML down below that creates a list with two columns, the left one containing profile information, and the right one containing checkboxes of the user feedback in a horizontal list.
The list behaves so that when the element of the questionAnswer array is true, there is a font-awesome...
He would've been good enough to manage to do work for our clients, but given how long he had been programming, and having only known Objective-C, HTML, and CSS, plus signs from the interview, it was pretty clear he wasn't a learner.
I wrote a tokenizer/lexer (difference?) for Python in Haskell: this is my code on GitHub.
I already tested it out with some of CPython's standard library scripts, and it doesn't fail. However, it probably outputs non-conforming output. But I don't care about this right now.
What I'm looking for...
@Legato thanks. I've gone on before, but - without being some kind of -ist - it appears to be filled with people who do it full time and can do it cheaply and offshore so its dififcult to get my foot in the door.
@DanPantry Yes, I think it's a mistake. If you are a master of some domain areas, your resume should reflect that. If you also are familiar with several areas (that are relevant to your field), your resume should also reflect that.
Adding that you are familiar with like 10 programming languages demonstrates your ability to learn new tools, and hopefully your willingness to use the right tool for the job rather than just the tool you're most comfortable with.
At my last interview (for my current company), I explained how I learned Powershell.
On the subject of resumes, this is BY FAR the best professional advice I've ever found on resumes (as well as just about everything else, somewhere on that site):
Often times employers are willing to hire people who are excellent in one area, but also have novice experience in another. My employer hired me because I was adequate in C# and VB.NET, but also moderately experienced in SQL Servers and general Microsoft tools.
@Zak Wanting to learn more is an important part, but you also have to be capable of learning more... and you have to actually be learning more. And you have to be capable of doing a lot of it on your own.
For example, recently one of our interns who is currently on a JavaScript project was talking to me. He said he didn't really care for web programming and was interested in getting into mobile development. So... I showed him a handful of Swift tutorials. He's been working through them and teaching himself Swift. He's not in a college class. And even though I told him he was more than welcome to ask me if he needed any help, he hasn't so far.
Because I'd argue that having a discussion about why you don't like C# and don't want to work with it during an interview will increase your chances of finding the right job.
Because either the interviewer agrees with all the points you make about C#, and sees you'll get along perfectly, and you'll be a better fit (not just qualified, but actually a good fit)...
OR... the interviewer disagrees with all the points you make, and doesn't want to hire you.
@nhgrif I feel a lot like this in my current job. They hired me because they knew I was intelligent, creative and highly self-sufficient. They give me tings they would like to have and (more or less) leave me alone to figure out how to make it happen. I only started with VBA because I googled how to automate spreadsheets and that was what I found :)
1. When a client is going to be in... don't come in with ratty tore up clothes or offensive clothes. 2. When the CEO is in, no open-toed shoes. Roller blades are okay though.
I have the luxury right now of a two month notice period, being on a decent chunk of money, and being able to look where to find a job. Unfortunately, my CV looks patchy due to the 1 - 1/2 year jobs i've had so I don't want to switch
And even the open-toed rule isn't even a rule. It's just that the CEO complains about seeing people's toes... but no one has gotten in trouble for it..
@DanPantry I'm only 21 so what do I know, BUT: I feel like part of your professional responsibility is to look professional. And what looks professional for your company is up to your company.
If people are so interested in what I wear I would direct them to the nearest catwalk. I'm a programmer. I don't have to be in suit and tie because if I'm doing my job correctly, 99% of the organisation aren't going to even notice I'm there.
@nhgrif That's how this place works as well. We (IT) tell the CEO when we'll be done with it, and if we hit a delay we inform him and the deadline is moved back.
I see the point of view @RubberDuck. I think having shirt and tie provides a clear disconnect between work and home, and for some people that makes you focus more
Making a distinction between work & home is important, and I can see how dressing differently can help you make that. I don't find that necessary though.
I'm mildly autistic. One of the most effective changes I've made in the last few years is understanding that even if the rules governing human behaviour don't seem to make logical sense, they exist whether I like them or not, and they are at least well-documented, so I may as well just learn what they are and act accordingly
@JeroenVannevel... Yeah. So was I man. My kids will never know man. For them it's just some date in a history book and the reason you have to take your shoes off at the airport.
Y2K is one of my earliest memories, and I remember 9/11, but I only knew that something bad had happened - I didn't know what the WTC was, and my parents didn't give us details.
My dad was in the USAF at the time, and he had to stay on base for almost a week (straight, no going home) after 9/11 and then was deployed shortly afterwards.
@RubberDuck yeah. I'm still learning a lot, but I've got to the point where people will typically peg me as bit geeky/eccentric but nothing more than that
Before Y2K, I remember my dad playing Oregon Trail and crashing the computer. My mom says it was XP, but based on the timeframe, I'm pretty sure it was ME.
My first computer was Windows 3.1, and some of the games were for Windows, but for half or more of the games, I had to boot into DOS... is this what your mom means by "dual boot"?